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心情复杂的Sabrina和同样孤单的Lily一起坐火车去西藏,想在那圣洁的地方好好净化一下心灵。孰料竟阴差阳错地碰到了Paul。Lily把Sabrina怀孕的事情告诉了Paul,惊慌失措的Sabrina从布达拉宫的阶梯上摔了下来……  相似文献   

艾米莉·狄拿森,是美国最富传奇性的女诗人。她生前默默无闻,死后名声大作。艾米莉·狄金森终身未嫁,其爱情生活的失意,带给她巨大的痛苦,但诗人追求爱的永恒信念始终不渝,对爱的专注与真诚在其诗作中处处可见。艾米莉·狄金森的爱情诗描绘各种爱情生活体验,细致入微,蕴涵丰富,激情澎湃。  相似文献   

一位年轻的母亲认为,世界上还有许多受饥饿的人,浪费食物真不应该。有天晚上,在安排幼小的女儿睡觉之前,她给女儿喂夜宵。她先给她一片新鲜的黑面包和黄油,但孩子说她不喜欢这样吃。她要一些果酱涂在面包上。  相似文献   

卡尔  佚名译 《高中生》2012,(11):63-63
琳达是一个好女孩,但她上学经常迟到。 一天.琳达又迟到了。她的老师克拉克先生生气地说:“如果你再迟到,我就通知你爸爸。”琳达不想他那么做,因为她爸爸对她要求很严格。  相似文献   

萧红的乡土小说十分尊重自己内心的本真感悟。她凭着对家园故土、东北黑土地文化及家乡“子民们”生存困境的本真描绘和在创造中自由自在的艺术追求,在众多乡土作家中独树一帜。可以说,故土情结玉成了萧红小说的成就,而她的成就又构建于她写家乡人的生存状态与生命挣扎。她自觉秉承鲁迅的现实主义创作风格,但与鲁迅又不尽相同。  相似文献   

大二学生小辛,女,20周岁。因为思维“神游”,无法集中注意力学习。真实的自己和现实的自己完全不同,无法统一,怀疑自己人格分裂,特别痛苦,抱着最后的希望来求助。通过访谈了解到,小辛的情绪情感长期压抑,有很强的完美主义倾向,始终在追求认可,其思维模式中存在不合理信念。通过三次心理分析和认知治疗。让小辛明白自己性格、认知中的偏颇是其问题的核心原因所在,从而调整认识,促其心理行为的改善。  相似文献   

I don't think that the late Dr Ruth Wong has really left us. Physically, yes. But, in spirit, she is very much with us, in the sense that many of us are still guided by some of her seminal ideas. Unfortunately, many of her ideas could not be implemented during her lifetime, for she was too far ahead of her time, but, with patience and perseverance, it might yet be possible to advance some of her valuable ideas.  相似文献   

何丹丽 《海外英语》2011,(8):295-296,303
Although Katherine Mansfield never claimed that she was a radical feminist, she showed her concerns and pondered on females through her life of pursuing freedom and independence, her creative writing skills and her short stories. She had her own feminism consciousness and viewpoints. She believed that man and woman were different and living in a different world, and it’s very hard to understand and communicate with the other sex. Man dominated the society in the economical and political areas in tradition that they had the speech right and ranked above woman. However, Mansfield saw the hope of the awakening of the feminism awareness.  相似文献   

上官婉儿是初唐武后中宗朝活跃于政坛文 坛才情获得了武后和中宗李显的宠幸,却因陷入宫廷内斗而死于非命.一代才女的身世命运令人叹惋,也颇堪玩味.本文即对此加以研究,并进而探讨上官婉儿在当时政坛文坛的地位及影响.  相似文献   

从后殖民视角看《庭院中的女人》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赛珍珠虽然出生在美国,但自小就随父母来到中国。作为一个在中国前后度过了40年时光的作家,以其在中国的亲身经历为素材创作的作品必定能在一定程度上真实地反映中国的境况,在以西方为中心的世界中为中国打开了一扇窗。但同时,由于赛珍珠对其所属的美国及西方文化矢志不移,她以中国为题材的小说难免打上后殖民的烙印。试从后殖民的角度分析、解读她的作品:《庭院中的女人》。  相似文献   

“The fish becomes aware of the water in which it swims” is a metaphor that represents Yuli’s revelatory journey about the hidden power of culture in her personal identity and professional teaching practice. While engaging in a critical auto/ethnographic inquiry into her lived experience as a science teacher in Indonesian and Australian schools, she came to understand the powerful role of culture in shaping her teaching identity. Yuli realised that she is a product of cultural hybridity resulting from interactions of very different cultures—Javanese, Bimanese, Indonesian and Australian. Traditionally, Javanese and Indonesian cultures do not permit direct criticism of others. This influenced strongly the way she had learned to interact with students and caused her to be very sensitive to others. During this inquiry she learned the value of engaging students in open discourse and overt caring, and came to realise that teachers bringing their own cultures to the classroom can be both a source of power and a problem. In this journey, Yuli came to understand the hegemonic power of culture in her teaching identity, and envisioned how to empower herself as a good teacher educator of pre-service science teachers.  相似文献   

萧红无疑是中国现代女性作家中非常独特的一位,其短暂的生命和同样短暂的文学生涯充满坎坷和不被理解(且常常是被误解)的孤独。但可贵的是,她始终坚守自己的信念,从未放弃过思考和写作。在生命的最后阶段,她写下最后一篇小说《小城三月》,通过悲剧主人公翠姨短暂而无望的一生,以其深刻的感受力和敏锐的洞察力审视并揭示出中国女性的悲剧性命运及其根源。  相似文献   

刘淑,是明季江西著名的女子,深知民族大义且文武双全。在其父遇难之后逐渐接触佛教,最终成为一名佛教徒。以往的研究仅停留在刘淑作品的文学性上,而对其生命中颇为重要的宗教色彩不够重视。故文章从清代居士学者彭绍升所作的《善女人传》及刘淑诗文入手,揭示刘淑与佛教的关系,并探讨刘淑最终皈依佛教的深层因缘。  相似文献   

伊丽莎白正在转着这种念头,突然听到门铃响,她以为是费茨威廉来了,心头不由得跳起来,因为他有一天晚上就是来得很晚的,这回可能是特地来问候她。但是她立刻就知道猜错了,出乎她的意料,走进屋来的是达西先生,于是她情绪上又是另一种感觉。他立刻匆匆忙忙问她身体好了没有,又说他是特地来听她复元的好消息的。她客客气气地敷衍了他一下。  相似文献   

Mrs Dalloway,a stream of consciousness novel,which was written by Virginia Woolf in 1925 was one of her representative works.It described one day of Mrs Dalloway,the wife of a conservative MP.She prepared a grand party.In the process of her buying flowers,meeting again with her former boyfriend Peter and some of her old friends,she recalled her past continually.The plot of this novel was not very complicated,but its narrative techniques were quite different from the traditional novels’.Woolf created this novel with the focalization of nonfocalization and internal focalization.Moreover,she reached her goal of hiding the narrator by using the free indirect speech.  相似文献   

小说<儿子与情人>是D.H.劳伦斯的半自传体作品.该书创作于20世纪初,正值女性主义浪潮的兴起."新女性"的出现,逐步"威胁"动摇着维多利亚时代的男权意识.劳伦斯一方面欣赏"新女性的独立、大胆、智慧,另一方面受传统的男性至上意识的影响,又惧怕女性的这种变革会危及男性的地位.本文从小说人物关系的角度入手、剖析劳伦斯在定位女性社会角色时的矛盾与困惑.  相似文献   

<红楼梦>中王熙凤在协理宁国府时,表现了出色的管理才能,短短一个月中使宁国府的管理由乱到治,管理成效显著.文章试从现代管理学的角度审视其管理过程,分析其管理理念、管理措施,看其有否科学性及合理性,以从中得到一些启示和借鉴.  相似文献   

1978年的夏天,人到中年的张洁用孩子气的纯真追求和寻找“不能忘记的爱”,寻找了近30年,终于发现了“爱是不能指望的”。张洁的痛苦与绝望是可想而知的,张洁的绝望与痛苦源于她爱的方式和爱的对象都是过于理想化的。从《爱,是不能忘记的爱》到《无字》,正是张洁生命的感悟和体验,现实一次次无情的打击使她清醒和蜕变,也使她超越与升华,她终于明白了自己应该做什么和怎么做,她将走出自己的情感漩涡。  相似文献   

<正>I have many good teachers. But Miss Li is my favorite teacher. Her English name is Lily.She's a beautiful girl with short black hair and she always wears black and white clothes. All the kids in my class love her very much. She loves us, and she is friendly to us. We all like to have her classes.She speaks good English. She always has a good way to teach us. She tries her best to  相似文献   

林徽因的小说理论文字事寥无几,但全是她创作经验的总结。一方面她在创作中忠实践行,另一方面以此为准则批评编选作品,理论与创作呈现为一种互动和共振的态势。  相似文献   

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