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When developing motor skills there are several outcomes available to an athlete depending on their skill status and needs. Whereas the skill acquisition and performance literature is abundant, an under-researched outcome relates to the refinement of already acquired and well-established skills. Contrary to current recommendations for athletes to employ an external focus of attention and a representative practice design, Carson and Collins' (2011) [Refining and regaining skills in fixation/diversification stage performers: The Five-A Model. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4, 146–167. doi:10.1080/1750984x.2011.613682] Five-A Model requires an initial narrowed internal focus on the technical aspect needing refinement: the implication being that environments which limit external sources of information would be beneficial to achieving this task. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to (1) provide a literature-based explanation for why techniques counter to current recommendations may be (temporarily) appropriate within the skill refinement process and (2) provide empirical evidence for such efficacy. Kinematic data and self-perception reports are provided from high-level golfers attempting to consciously initiate technical refinements while executing shots onto a driving range and into a close proximity net (i.e. with limited knowledge of results). It was hypothesised that greater control over intended refinements would occur when environmental stimuli were reduced in the most unrepresentative practice condition (i.e. hitting into a net). Results confirmed this, as evidenced by reduced intra-individual movement variability for all participants’ individual refinements, despite little or no difference in mental effort reported. This research offers coaches guidance when working with performers who may find conscious recall difficult during the skill refinement process.  相似文献   


Despite a growing body of evidence on the positive impact of sports science for golf, there is still a paucity of research investigating the “perceptions” and “practices” of high-skilled golfers. Professional Golfers’ Association Assistant Professionals (future-qualified coaches; n = 430) were surveyed on their “perceptions” and “practices” of “sports science”, “warm-ups”, “cool-downs” and “strength and conditioning” for golf. Participants perceived the discipline of sports science as beneficial to golfers but lacked implementation in coaching settings. Warm-up protocols were also perceived to be beneficial to all aspects of golf performance; however, the duration of tournament-based (37.84 ± 20.05 min), warm-ups was significantly greater (p < 0.001) than practice rounds (26.26 ± 18.63 min) and range sessions (13.00 ± 13.38 min). Education continues to be required to raise the understanding of warm-ups for golf. There were mixed perceptions regarding the benefits of a cool-down, with 62.1% of the high-skilled golfers omitting a cool-down following tournament play and practice. Strength and conditioning was perceived as beneficial, with 78.51% engaging in some form of training throughout the year. Results confirm, however, that certain misconceptions around surveyed sports science practices still exist and it is imperative that education disseminates research findings and validated applied practices to coaches and golfers alike.  相似文献   

The displacement of the golf ball struck by a driving club is affected by several player characteristics and equipment parameters and their interrelationships. Some modelling and simulation studies have shown a relationship between shaft length and clubhead speed, supported by a few experimental studies. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between driver length and ball launch conditions in an indoor test facility using a ball launch monitor. Nine males considered to be skilled golfers participated in the study. Four driving clubs of total length 117, 119, 124, and 132 cm were assembled from commercially available components and were used to strike golf shots while initial ball velocity, backspin rate, and launch angles were measured. Statistical analysis identified a significant difference in initial launch speed due to club length, a significant difference between participants, but no difference between the trials for a given golfer. A positive trend was noted between backspin and launch angle for all four clubs, and significant inverse associations between initial launch speed and backspin rate and launch angle. However, the combined launch conditions associated with increasing length were not considered optimal, with uncontrolled swingweight and moment of inertia effects considered to be limiting factors.  相似文献   


The displacement of the golf ball struck by a driving club is affected by several player characteristics and equipment parameters and their interrelationships. Some modelling and simulation studies have shown a relationship between shaft length and clubhead speed, supported by a few experimental studies. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between driver length and ball launch conditions in an indoor test facility using a ball launch monitor. Nine males considered to be skilled golfers participated in the study. Four driving clubs of total length 117, 119, 124, and 132 cm were assembled from commercially available components and were used to strike golf shots while initial ball velocity, backspin rate, and launch angles were measured. Statistical analysis identified a significant difference in initial launch speed due to club length, a significant difference between participants, but no difference between the trials for a given golfer. A positive trend was noted between backspin and launch angle for all four clubs, and significant inverse associations between initial launch speed and backspin rate and launch angle. However, the combined launch conditions associated with increasing length were not considered optimal, with uncontrolled swingweight and moment of inertia effects considered to be limiting factors.  相似文献   

The yips is considered a task-specific movement disorder. Its estimated prevalence, however, is high compared to similar neurological movement disorders, possibly resulting from previous studies’ restriction of samples based on skill level, and self-report bias. Alternatively, this high prevalence might be an indication of additional aetiologies, for example the influence of previously played racket sports. We estimated the prevalence of the putting yips across the skill range, using self-reports in one study and a screening test in a second study. We explored if previously played sports matter for the development of the yips. In study 1, yips prevalence (N = 1,306) and golfers’ sports biographies (n = 264) were examined via two online surveys, in which golfers indicated if they were yips-affected. In study 2, golfers (N = 186) putted in a standardised putting test while kinematic and performance measures were recorded. Prevalence was estimated via a kinematic threshold. Sports biographies (n = 119) were obtained via an online survey. Prevalence of currently yips-affected golfers was 22.4% in study 1 and 16.7% in study 2. In both studies, more yips-affected than unaffected golfers had experience in playing racket sports. Yips prevalence remained higher than previously estimated prevalence of other movement disorders but decreased when the whole skill range including professionals and novices was considered. Future studies should use the kinematic screening test instead of self-reports to detect the yips and further investigate the influence of previously played racket sports.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the kinematics of the golf swing have mainly focused on group analysis of male golfers of a wide ability range. In the present study, we investigated gross body kinematics using a novel method of analysis for golf research for a group of low handicap female golfers to provide an understanding of their swing mechanics in relation to performance. Data were collected for the drive swings of 16 golfers using a 12-camera three-dimensional motion capture system and a stereoscopic launch monitor. Analysis of covariance identified three covariates (increased pelvis-thorax differential at the top of the backswing, increased pelvis translation during the backswing, and a decrease in absolute backswing time) as determinants of the variance in clubhead speed (adjusted r (2) = 0.965, P < 0.05). A significant correlation was found between left-hand grip strength and clubhead speed (r = 0.54, P < 0.05) and between handicap and clubhead speed (r = -0.612, P < 0.05). Flexibility measures showed some correlation with clubhead speed; both sitting flexibility tests gave positive correlations (clockwise: r = 0.522, P < 0.05; counterclockwise: r = 0.711, P < 0.01). The results suggest that there is no common driver swing technique for optimal performance in low handicap female golfers, and therefore consideration should be given to individual swing characteristics in future studies.  相似文献   

This article examines a Swedish Sport for All Programme (SAP) in school. We use a case study to discuss girls’ debut in alternative sports programme organized in collaboration between school and the sports movement. The empirical data are derived from repeated focus group interviews with one group of seven 10-year-old girls participating in one SAP. The analyses focus on their subjective experiences and how broader gender structures influence these experiences. Drawing on the results of this study, we argue that certain sports can be interpreted as oppressive activities that produce asymmetric power relationships between different groups of children. Simultaneously, the girls see the idea of sports as joyful activities, without male abuse and oppression or hierarchical gender relationships. Based on the girls’ accounts, we claim that both the leaders and the children actively reproduce gender stereotypes in the SAP.  相似文献   


Previous studies on the kinematics of the golf swing have mainly focused on group analysis of male golfers of a wide ability range. In the present study, we investigated gross body kinematics using a novel method of analysis for golf research for a group of low handicap female golfers to provide an understanding of their swing mechanics in relation to performance. Data were collected for the drive swings of 16 golfers using a 12-camera three-dimensional motion capture system and a stereoscopic launch monitor. Analysis of covariance identified three covariates (increased pelvis–thorax differential at the top of the backswing, increased pelvis translation during the backswing, and a decrease in absolute backswing time) as determinants of the variance in clubhead speed (adjusted r 2 = 0.965, P < 0.05). A significant correlation was found between left-hand grip strength and clubhead speed (r = 0.54, P < 0.05) and between handicap and clubhead speed (r = ?0.612, P < 0.05). Flexibility measures showed some correlation with clubhead speed; both sitting flexibility tests gave positive correlations (clockwise: r = 0.522, P < 0.05; counterclockwise: r = 0.711, P < 0.01). The results suggest that there is no common driver swing technique for optimal performance in low handicap female golfers, and therefore consideration should be given to individual swing characteristics in future studies.  相似文献   

从分析健美操时尚特征入手,探讨大众健美操成套动作的编排、音乐的选择和练习者的配饰。研究发现,近年来,随着社会的发展,健美操尤其是大众健美操越来越流行化、时尚化和潮流化。分析认为,大众健美操时尚化现象是在社会发展、传播交流以及市场运作等作用下产生的,而健美操中时尚化的“人、物、事”将使得健美操成为人们现代生活的内容。  相似文献   

Background and purpose: The research literature in physical education (PE) is placing a growing focus on the need for research that can illuminate not only the challenges PE faces but also how we can develop PE to meet the needs of all students. The activist approach aims to study future possibilities in PE, and the goal is for all young people to learn to value a physically active life. The purpose of this article is to study how the activist research approach to PE can influence students’ meaningful PE experiences.

The study: The project was conducted in co-ed PE among 15-year-old students (10th graders) in Norway in collaboration with teachers and students at their high school. The research group followed one class of 27 students during one semester of PE. The researchers planned, taught and evaluated the process according to the critical elements of activist research in PE. Data from diverse sources (observations, interviews, student logs, reports, etc.) were collected before, during and after the project.

Findings: The study demonstrates that students’ sense of meaningfulness can be developed by the activist approach. Female students in all groups found PE to be more meaningful during the project than previously. The students who disliked PE prior to the teaching period displayed the greatest improvement in terms of meaningfulness. The study shows how different aspects of the activist approach influence students’ sense of meaningfulness in PE. Creating a safer class environment had an impact on students’ feelings of social inclusion in PE. Broadening students’ perspectives about what is possible for them by introducing new activities had a great impact on students’ mastery, and co-creating the curriculum was important for their feelings of personal relevant learning.

Conclusions: It is our conclusion that involving students in the curriculum-making process is of great importance to their experiences of meaningfulness in PE. Our study shows that to listen to students and broaden students’ understanding of what PE can be has the potential to empower students, and to contribute to meaningful experiences in PE. In contrast to the majority of activist research, our study was conducted in co-ed PE. The need to co-construct the learning environment and question male dominance in PE is urgent in co-ed settings. We believe that co-ed PE can be an important arena for working with gender equality in schools. However, it should not be underestimated how important PE teachers’ roles are. If the teachers are passive, co-ed PE can seriously undermine girls’ experiences of meaningfulness in PE.  相似文献   

上海市社区群众性体育健身团队的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料、实地调查和数理统计等方法对上海市社区群众性体育健身团队的现状进行了深入的调查研究和分析.结果显示:健身团队主要以中老年人为主,女性多于男性;不同区(县)的社区健身团队发展不平衡,分布不合理;绝大多数团队的活动仅能满足于日常锻炼,缺乏场地设施和展示平台,活动规模和水平不高.提出了发展和建设社区健身团队的相应对策和建议.  相似文献   

全民健身运动十大问题   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
运用文献资料的方法,从社会学的高度上,针对国民开展全民健身运动的实际,提出“十大问题”(生育、体质、心理、观念、时间、场地、保健、生活、饮食、消费),并对此进行了分析,以求为全民健身计划的实施顺利进入第二期工程提供参考.  相似文献   

对健康促进中大众体育服务体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1问题的提出随着社会的进步、科学技术和经济水平的发展,人民生活水平不断提高,人类的体力劳作逐渐减少,加之营养过剩以及不健康生活方式所导致的各种心脏病、脑血管病、肥胖症和糖尿病等所谓的各种“文明病”逐年上升。这些被称作“文明病”的慢性非传染性疾病已经悄然占据  相似文献   

群众性多元化体育服务体系的支持因素中,政府机制主导是建设基础,市场因素融入是关键环节,社会资源参与是动力源泉,体育事业支持是有力保障,文化服务引导是精神支柱.构建群众性多元化体育服务体系的制约因素主要有:农村体育事业发展缓慢,体育经费筹集能力不强,经济社会发展不均衡,群众体育指导力量缺乏,城市化老龄化现象突显.论述了公共财政理论对于群众性多元化服务体系的作用.  相似文献   

通过中日群众体育发展状况的比较分析,指出中国的群众体育发展无论是数量上还是结构上都与他国有巨大差距,发展群众体育在我国任重道远。而对我国人口结构的分析,指出我国目前正处于"人口红利"阶段,是全面推行群众体育的最佳时机。面对人口转变带来的这一历史性机遇,政府相关部门应该抓住这有利时机,切实推进群众体育建设,把群众体育的各项政策落到实处。最后评估了群众体育发展对我国未来社会发展的可能贡献,并提出相应的政策性建议。  相似文献   


The Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu) have existed for centuries and are generally accepted as being beneficial for health without much empirical data. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the health effects of “hard” Kung Fu styles by performing electronic and manual searches of the literature. The aspects of health and the Kung Fu style examined varied between most studies; in some cases, the martial art group consisted of practitioners of other martial art styles also. Of 2103 references identified, only nine papers were eligible and reviewed. All were observational studies, observing a range of health aspects possibly related to Kung Fu training or performance. Our findings suggest that there is no evidence that Kung Fu practice is associated with the prevention or treatment of any health condition. However, as a moderate- to high-intensity form of aerobic exercise, it may confer benefits similar to those attributed to other aerobic training modalities. However, this hypothesis remains to be tested in clinical trials. Physiological benefits (e.g., aerobic capacity and bone density) may be associated with long-term Kung Fu practice. Future research in this area should adopt experimental designs, clearly identifying eligibility criteria, testing and training protocols, and include health-related outcomes and documentation of adverse events, to advance knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

Health benefits of Kung Fu: a systematic review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu) have existed for centuries and are generally accepted as being beneficial for health without much empirical data. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the health effects of "hard" Kung Fu styles by performing electronic and manual searches of the literature. The aspects of health and the Kung Fu style examined varied between most studies; in some cases, the martial art group consisted of practitioners of other martial art styles also. Of 2103 references identified, only nine papers were eligible and reviewed. All were observational studies, observing a range of health aspects possibly related to Kung Fu training or performance. Our findings suggest that there is no evidence that Kung Fu practice is associated with the prevention or treatment of any health condition. However, as a moderate- to high-intensity form of aerobic exercise, it may confer benefits similar to those attributed to other aerobic training modalities. However, this hypothesis remains to be tested in clinical trials. Physiological benefits (e.g., aerobic capacity and bone density) may be associated with long-term Kung Fu practice. Future research in this area should adopt experimental designs, clearly identifying eligibility criteria, testing and training protocols, and include health-related outcomes and documentation of adverse events, to advance knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

在“社会体育”以法的形式被加以确定后,“群众体育”的概念仍然有较高的使用频率,特别是在政府的重要文件中也是如此.二者是异还是同?以概念的重要性与概念研究引入,从以群众体育到社会体育为主线,论述了群众体育概念的演变及其对二者间关系的三种认识:学术研究视野下的互相替代关系、包容关系、工作视野下的群众体育.  相似文献   

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