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1.唐朝时,有一位外国商人来到长安,他可能①遇见波斯商人②与西域商人谈丝绸生意的经营③参与引进玉米、甘薯等高产作物的贸易活动④看到来自波斯的乐师和舞者深受人们的欢迎  相似文献   

公元前5世纪,波斯帝国对希腊诸城邦主要采取武力征服策略,但因遭到希腊诸城邦的强烈抵抗而失败,希波战争最终以波斯退出希腊本土而告终.波斯从战争的惨败中吸取经验教训,及时调整了对希腊城邦的政策,由武力征服转为扶持希腊各邦争霸,借以维持希腊世界的均势,得以从中谋利.这一政策的演变不仅使波斯摆脱了战败的阴影,而且利用希腊城邦间的混战来削弱希腊城邦的力量,展示了波斯帝国高超的外交技巧.  相似文献   

青闰 《海外英语》2008,(3):49-49
一个国王和一个波斯商人同坐一船。那个波斯商人从来没有见过大海,也没有尝过坐船的苦,所以一路上总是哭哭啼啼的。大家百般安慰他,他仍然继续哭闹。国王被他扰得不得安宁,心里很烦。大家始终想不出办法让商人停止哭闹。  相似文献   

杨瑾 《家教指南》2021,(5):9-17
学界研究揭示的敦煌与波斯关系表现在艺术、器物、人物、服饰、医药、饮食、宗教、天文等诸多方面,既有萨珊波斯至后萨珊波斯长时段迁移传播的线性脉络,也有极为复杂的广泛横向联系.萨珊波斯构建的人神秩序图像化表现形式依稀见于敦煌多元文化形态中,包括后萨珊波斯与粟特等.  相似文献   

公元前538年,波斯帝国居鲁士皇帝释放犹太"巴比伦之囚",由此拉开了波斯人和犹太人交往的帷幕,并且奠定了双方关系发展的良好基础.即使在漫长的犹太人流散时期,波斯统治者对其辖下犹太人也基本采取宽容政策.1948年以色列成立后,伊朗和以色列分别成为波斯人和犹太人占主体的唯一国家.巴列维国王时期伊以之间建立了较为默契的双边关系.但是随着1979年宗教色彩浓厚的伊朗伊斯兰共和国成立,伊以国家关系和波斯-犹太民族关系均陷入严重对峙,并一直持续至今.  相似文献   

从前有一位伟大的波斯国王——居鲁士。他不断向外征战,直到波斯统治了世界上大部分地区,除了希腊和意大利。  相似文献   

龟兹作为丝绸之路上的重要驿站,波斯的织锦、银盘、金银币等工艺品,以及波斯的信仰和习俗,都曾在这里汇集。龟兹石窟中的人物形象、场景构图、装饰纹样、器皿造型、乐器形制及祆教题材,包含着典型的波斯艺术元素。追溯波斯艺术元素传入龟兹的历史、路线、方式及中介,可以还原波斯与龟兹文化交流的历史,明确图像移植背后的历史成因,探寻波斯艺术对佛教文化的构建作用。任何一个民族的文化能够繁盛和传承,都必然大量吸收其他民族的文化元素。尊重不同文化的价值,寻求理解与和谐共处,是面对多元文化时应有的心态。  相似文献   

希腊城邦与波斯帝国的交往,是东方文化与西方文化的对峙,是大陆文明与海洋文明的碰撞,是帝国政体与城邦政体的较量。波斯帝国无限征服的欲望是其与希腊交往的内在动因,希腊城邦的殖民化运动是希腊与波斯矛盾的导火线。两者为各自的国家利益展开了斗智斗勇的博弈,也使得两者的交往在各方面都颇具特色,对以后的大国交往与大国关系提供了各方面的经验和借鉴。  相似文献   

神奇的古希腊世界,城邦林立,为争夺势力,攻占城池,各大城邦组成联盟,以相互抗衡.本文试从世人熟知的马拉松战役入手,从雅典、波斯双方战术布局,兵种相克,地形利用,心理揣测等方面剖析马拉松战役中雅典胜而波斯败深层的原因.  相似文献   

曾万泉 《考试周刊》2015,(26):19-20
波斯史诗《列王记》讲述了罗斯坦等英雄人物的故事,对波斯地区产生了深远影响。美籍阿富汗作家卡勒德·胡塞尼深受波斯文化的影响,其处女作《追风筝的人》中人物塑造和故事情节发展与波斯传统英雄人物罗斯坦、索拉博有明显互文关系。小说通过爸爸、哈桑和阿米尔身上具有及缺失的英雄特征,重现并改写了《列王记》中的波斯英雄人物,在文化层面产生了积极影响。  相似文献   

The main objective of the present study was to examine the contribution of phonological and orthographic skills to Persian reading and spelling. The Persian language is of interest because it has very consistent grapheme-to-phoneme correspondences, but somewhat inconsistent phoneme-to-grapheme correspondences. Reading, spelling, phonological, and orthographic skills were tested in a sample of 109 monolingual Persian students (mean age = 8;1, SD = 4 mo) attending Grade 2 in Iran. The results showed that although monolingual Persian children relied both on phonological and orthographic skills, phonological skills were a strong predictor for both reading and spelling. Another objective of the study was to compare children’s spelling performance in terms of phoneme-to-grapheme (PG) consistencies. As expected, children spelled PG-consistent words more accurately than PG-inconsistent words. Moreover, they relied more on orthographic skills for spelling PG-inconsistent words than for spelling PG-consistent words. The results are discussed in terms of the differential effect of orthographic consistency on reading and spelling.  相似文献   

论政治制度对希波战争双方胜败的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于希波战争双方胜败的原因古今中外众说纷纭,本文认为不同的政治制度是导致希腊战胜波斯的最重要因素,即希腊城邦民主政治对波斯君主专制的优势,使希腊能以少胜多、以弱胜强。士气、策略和将领影响冷兵器战争最甚,希波战争双方在这三方面表现殊异,造成这些差别的根本原因是政治制度的不同。  相似文献   

In a word naming experiment, experienced readers of Persian named high frequency transparent Persian words significantly faster than matched low frequency words. There was no such frequency effect for adults who had, during the past decade or more, very little experience in reading materials in Persian due to immigration to the West. Overall, the previously experienced adults named words significantly slower than their experienced counterparts. The implications of this finding in relation to models of visual word recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates some of the differences and similarities between Kurdish-Persian bilinguals and Persian monolinguals with respect to the use of referring expressions in spoken narratives. The narratives were elicited from 36 participants, consisting of 24 bilinguals (Groups l and 2) and 12 monolinguals (Group 3) in the first four grades of primary school using picture narrative book. The results have revealed that Group 1 (bilinguals told the story in Kurdish) used definite noun phrases most frequently followed by zero anaphors, indefinite noun phrases, and pronouns. Group 2 who narrated the story in Persian produced definite nouns most frequently followed by pronouns, zero anaphors, and indefinite noun phrases. Group 3 (Persian monolinguals) employed definite noun phrases most frequently followed by zero anaphors, pronouns, and indefinite noun phrases. The significant difference between Groups 1 and 2 and Groups 2 and 3 has been in indefinite noun phrases and between Groups 1 and 3 in the use of pronouns. One reason is that children universally apply similar strategies regardless of their first language (L l). The conclusion is that some of the differences are due to the difference in the structure between Persian and the dialects of Kurdish.  相似文献   

在伊斯兰教灵知(Irfan)中,人被视为上帝在尘世的代理,这种作用无疑在于他的精神,而非身体。精神的这一方面在东方诸文化(包括波斯文化)的核心与本质中是非常明显的。对一个传统的伊朗人来说,精神首先与神圣生命联系在一起,因此对他来说,文化是在宇宙和人那里表现神圣生命的一个显白的饲子,明确表现在他的文化中的所有方面,包括艺术、音乐、诗歌、散文、建筑、信仰。此外,按照伊朗圣贤的说法,精神与意义和富有意义之世界联系在一起。只有我们身上的精神才能理解事物的意义。神圣精神将意义赋予一切事物。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to examine the contribution of lexical and nonlexical processes to skilled reading and spelling in Persian. Persian is a mixed orthography that allows one to study within one language characteristics typically found in shallow orthographies as well as those found in deeper orthographies. 61 senior high-school students (mean age = 17; 8, SD = 4 months) attending schools in Iran were tested on reading and spelling of words and nonwords. The word stimuli differed in terms of reading transparency (transparent when all phonemes have corresponding letters vs. opaque when short vowels were not marked with a letter) and spelling polygraphy (nonpolygraphic phonemes vs. polygraphic phonemes). The nonwords were transparent and nonpolygraphic. The reading results showed that both transparent and opaque words were read faster than nonwords, and that transparent words were read faster than opaque words. Moreover, both transparent and opaque words were affected by word frequency. These findings suggest that skilled readers of Persian relied on lexical processes to read words. In contrast, the spelling results failed to show a word-advantage effect suggesting that skilled spellers of Persian rely on nonlexical processes to spell words. Moreover, orthographic complexity also affected spelling. Specifically, nonpolygraphic words were spelled faster than polygraphic words for both transparent and opaque words. Taken together, the findings showed that skilled reading and spelling in Persian rely on different underlying processes.  相似文献   

The phonologically transparent Persian orthography is normally transcribed with two distinct spellings; words spelled with vowels (letters) transcribed as a fixed part of the spelling (transparent) and words spelled with vowels (diacritics) omitted (opaque). Three groups of Persian readers, namely developmental dyslexics (n=29, mean age=9.4, SD=1.4), unimpaired readers matched on age (n=49, mean age=9, SD=1.3), and reading age (n=23, mean age=7.2, SD=0.4) with the dyslexics performed on a short-term memory verbal test. The time taken to read aloud lists of words with opaque and transparent spellings, the errors made on reading the words in each list, and the number of correctly recalled words in each list was subjected to statistical analysis. The results showed that transparent words as a whole were read more accurately than opaque words. However, recall of words was best for opaque words for the older group of unimpaired readers compared to the transparent words, while the opposite was true for dyslexics and unimpaired reading age matched participants. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

波斯帝国对希腊城邦政策的演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公元前 5— 4世纪 ,波斯帝国对希腊城邦世界的政策经历了从武力征服到保持城邦均势的演变。波斯从希波战争中的惨败吸取经验教训 ,及时调整了对希腊城邦的政策 ,这一政策的演变不仅使波斯摆脱了战败的阴影 ,改善并提高了帝国的政治地位 ,而且还利用希腊城邦间的混战来削弱希腊城邦的力量。事实证明 ,均势政策不仅使波斯帝国从中受益 ,而且也充分显示了波斯帝国外交政策的成熟  相似文献   

历时近50年之久的希波战争,希腊人最终取胜波斯.雅典城邦逐渐成为希腊世界的主宰.雅典城市在雅典城邦乃至整个希腊世界的中心地位由此得到进一步的提升、加强和巩固.而在伯罗奔尼撒战争中,雅典失利,加剧城邦危机,维护和扩展雅典城市作为城邦政治、经济、文化中心的诸多因素逐渐失去,雅典城市不再是"全希腊人的学校",随雅典城邦的衰落而式微.  相似文献   

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