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运动焦虑与运动成绩关系的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对运动焦虑与运动成绩关系的理论研究与实践应用进行回顾和总结,为更好推动我国运动心理学工作者开展相关研究提供参考,也为教练员、运动员进行相关的心理训练提供借鉴。  相似文献   

运动成绩构成系统是一个复杂的、多因素的、动态发展的随机变化的巨大系统。运动成绩发展规律具有发展过程的无限性、发展速度的衰减性、发展阶段的不均衡性的特征。预测运动成绩简单地采用趋势外推方法是不够妥善的,必须在研究其历史过程、当前发展、潜在倾向的基础上,建立动态的、随机过程的数学模型,才能比较客观地反映运动成绩发展规律,提高预测的准确性。  相似文献   

本文根据国际田径竞赛规则精神,对田径场结构,跑道和助跑道的倾斜度与运动成绩的关系进行研究和探索。  相似文献   

用来提高人们生活质量的磁疗法理论早在16世纪就已经形成,从那时起,人们就提出了磁疗法在治疗疾病,如骨折、创伤、慢性疼痛、甚至精神紊乱等方面有很大的帮助作用。但目前关于磁疗法对运动成绩的影响的报道还不是很多。在训练和比赛中,肌肉容易发生两种可能:一种是肌肉的撕裂和损伤。如果肌肉得不到休息,那么较大范围的肌肉创伤就会发生,从而导致训练停止,训练时间白白浪费,活动能力降低。另一种是副产物导致肌肉组织中的氧气和营养物供给降低,这也会导致训练和比赛的崩溃。据报道,对机体持续进行磁脉冲刺激,提高血液循环,有助于伤口的愈合…  相似文献   

运动焦虑的产生及其与运动成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了焦虑与运动成绩关系的理论假说,分析运动员焦虑产生的原因与特点,从而通过问卷或量表评估、生理变化评估以及行为表现评估对运动员的运动焦虑进行恰当的评价,以此在赛前、赛中及赛后对运动员的焦虑进行调节,使其焦虑水平达到最佳的水平。  相似文献   

田珊 《体育与科学》1995,(6):22-23,31
1 前言 我们明白这样一个事实,评判任何顶尖级的事相时,会认为激动人心的主要因素是某种形式的美存在。“完美”这个词的含义,在体育运动中不仅仅意味着实用价值、力量、结构,还意味着美。美的问题关系到概念、形式和最终的结果,这贯穿于体育运动的方方面面。可以说,以科学手段导致身体运动规格化的过程,其所形成的各项动作的  相似文献   

羽毛球的教学和比赛中,把女运动员技战术水平的体现及比赛成绩与其身体素质状况结合起来思考.可发现它们之间存在一定的内在联系,业内人士越来越重视身体素质训练的重要性、本文旨在找寻一些规律性的东西.重视与实践身体素质方面的训练.更好地指导女子羽毛球训练和比赛:  相似文献   

运动依赖已成为运动心理学研究领域中备受关注的议题,国内对运动依赖的研究相对较少,特别是缺乏相应的测量量表.编制一份适合中国文化背景下的运动依赖量表,为我国运动依赖的诊断提供可靠依据.在参考国、内外相关文献的基础上,初步形成31个条目的初始问卷,经过项目分析后形成了最终的运动依赖量表,该量表包含5个维度,其中戒断症状6个条目、过度运动3个条目、耐受性3个条目、失控5个条目、减少其他活动3个条目,共20个条目.并对量表的重测信度、内部一致性、内容效度、结构效度、效标效度进行检验及ROC分析,结果显示:本次编制的运动依赖量表具有较高的信、效度,可以在我国范围内使用.  相似文献   

俞忠友  杜景强 《体育科学研究》2003,7(3):110-112,116
通过对第八届和第九届全运会总成绩前六名的优秀男女运动员的成功率与运动成绩的统计及其分析,探讨举重试举成功率对提高举重运动技术水平与充分发挥竞赛竞技水平的关系。  相似文献   

张彬 《中华武术》2007,(3):51-53
短跑是田径运动的基础项目,多年以来,教练员们一直都在追求和探讨通过怎样的训练方法来提高短跑成绩。笔者结合自身多年参加中学业余短跑训练实践,介绍几种提高短跑运动员成绩的方法。  相似文献   


The purpose of three related studies was to develop a social dance instrument that had logical validity and generalizable performance ratings. Three social dance experts critiqued the instrument and concluded the items described the characteristics of good social dance performance. Twelve couples from a social dance class were videotaped for 5 min while performing the fox trot. Their performances were evaluated by a different set of coders in each of the three generalizability (G-) studies conducted (Subjects × Coders × Days ANOVA design). Dance performances were held constant across coding occasions so the day facet represents degree of consistency in coding, not stability of subjects' performances. Decision (D-) studies were also conducted for various measurement conditions. Results of the G-studies indicated that coders with several years of experience teaching and evaluating dance had less systematic coder bias and less systematic coder bias for a subset of dancers than coders who had little or no experience evaluating movement of any form. The performance ratings given by novice coders could be generalized for any randomly selected coder evaluating on any given day (G = .79). It was concluded the social dance test was valid and coders could be trained to obtain generalizable performance ratings.  相似文献   


Item response theory (IRT) has been the focus of intense research and development activity in educational and psychological measurement during the past decade. Because this theory can provide more precise information about test items than other theories usually used in measuring motor behavior, the application of IRT in physical education and exercise science merits investigation. In IRT, the difficulty level of each item (e.g., trial or task) can be estimated and placed on the same scale as the ability of the examinee. Using this information, the test developer can determine the ability levels at which the test functions best. Equating the scores of individuals on two or more items or tests can be handled efficiently by applying IRT. The precision of the identification of performance standards in a mastery test context can be enhanced, as can adaptive testing procedures. In this tutorial, several potential benefits of applying IRT to the measurement of motor behavior were described. An example is provided using bowling data and applying the graded-response form of the Rasch IRT model. The data were calibrated and the goodness of fit was examined. This analysis is described in a step-by-step approach. Limitations to using an IRT model with a test consisting of repeated measures were noted.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of three ventilation conditions (i.e., normal, regimented, and no-ventilation) on the reproducibility of bioimpedance scores in humans for the forearm and trunk segments. One hundred able-bodied North American men and women, from 18 to 71 years of age, volunteered as participants. The experimenters used a Xitron Bio-Impedance Analyzer System model 4200 instrument with Hydra software (Xitron Technologies, San Diego, California, USA) to collect bioimpedance data on extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid scores. The experimenters analyzed the data using the generalizability theory,with persons as the facet of differentiation and time as the facet of generalization. The major findings were (a) ventilation conditions did not have a significant impact on the reproducibility of the test scores, (b) the forearm segment produced consistently higher intracellular fluid generalizability coefficients across three ventilation conditions for both gender groups when compared to the trunk segment, (c) the trunk segment produced intracellular fluid generalizability coefficients that were higher for the male group, and (d) the measurement error affected extracellular fluid scores less than segmental intracellular fluid scores.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the use of generalizability theory, a flexible intraclass approach, for estimating the reliability of a motor performance task. The generalizability technique provides variance component estimates for each factor of an analysis of variance design. These variance estimates can be utilized to define a number of reliability coefficients which are dependent upon the logical or theoretical rationale for assigning variance component estimates as true score or error score variance. The second section of this paper presents a study illustrating the use of generalizability theory in estimating the reliability of a motor performance task. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of first-ball scores for beginning college bowlers. The facets of the generalizability study were identified as sex of the bowler, trials, and days. Three reliability coefficients, R 1 (.93), R 2 (.92), and R 3 (.84), were computed by assigning the different factors to either true score or error score variance. The performance of beginning college bowlers as measured by first-ball scores is reliable. While the information might be useful for the teacher or researcher who is interested in detecting between-subject differences in coeducational bowling classes, the primary purpose of this paper was to demonstrate the use of generalizability theory to estimate reliability coefficients for a set of motor performance test scores.  相似文献   


Schmidt's (1975) schema theory was tested with subjects who had to emit a rapid aiming response while wearing prism glasses. The glasses enabled them to view the target, but not their responding limb or the outcome of the movement. The problem was to determine the effect of (a) training with variable target practice, and (b) experiencing visual displacement information of the target, prior to training, on performance in transfer to a novel target distance. A 2 × 2 (type of practice × displacement information) factorial design was used, in which four groups of 15 male college subjects performed 60 training trials with verbal knowledge of results. The groups with variable target practice had less error on initial transfer to the novel target and throughout transfer than the groups with nonvariable target practice. No evidence was found to indicate that rate of learning for a novel target distance during transfer in the absence of KR is a positive function of the variability of target practice in training. Nor was any effect found for experiencing visual displacement information on performance in transfer.  相似文献   

运动技能是体育教学中的一个重要概念,获得良好和稳固的运动技能是体育教学和训练的一个基本目标.从生理学、心理学以及自然辩证法的视角探讨运动技能概念的非统一性,指出运动技能在田径技术表现上的动态性,为体育运动技术教学与训练提供一种新的思路.  相似文献   


This study determined the effectiveness of a global learning strategy on the skill level attained in one closed primary task and two related ones. Eighty subjects were randomly assigned to five groups equal in number and sex: a content-dependent strategy group (CDS), a content-dependent strategy plus reminders group (CDSR), a content-independent strategy group (CIS), a content-independent strategy plus reminders group (CISR), or a control group. A content dependent strategy is one learned in reference to a specific task; in this case, the primary one. A content independent strategy is learned in the context of many example tasks. Subjects performed underhanded dart throwing as the primary task, jart throwing (similar in nature to dart throwing) as the directly related task, and soccer foul shooting as the slightly related task. The strategy used to test the hypotheses generated was the Singer 5-Step Strategy. ANOVAs indicated that all of the strategy learning conditions were significantly more effective than the control condition for each task. Furthermore, the CIS learning situation was more beneficial for the learning of the task most related to the primary task than the CDS learning situation. The CISR group outperformed the other strategy groups in the less-related task.  相似文献   


A test of motor stage theory was conducted to screen cross-sectionally for the existence of “horizontal structure” among motor sequences within four movement components of overarm throwing and overarm striking for force. A total of 58 male subjects were filmed performing five trials of each task. Comparisons were made between movement component sequence levels as assessed by Roberton's Component Category Checklist for the Overarm Throw and Langendorfer's Component Category Checklist for Overarm Striking. Results indicated that longitudinal study of sequences within the components of trunk, humerus, forearm-racquet actions was warranted and that intertask comparisons of motor sequences were best represented by combinations of stage models proposed by Wohlwill (1973). The observed movement commonalities in the present data were consistent with constructs in both Piagetian developmental stage theory and Schmidt's schema theory in motor control and learning.  相似文献   


This study examined the relationship of age and sex to the performance of 3, 4, 5, and 6 year olds on seven motor performance test items. Although significant age and sex differences were found on most of the motor tests, it appears that age generally was related more to performance than was gender. Overall, change with age was fairly linear except perhaps for balancing and a general tapering in improvement in the 5 to 6 year old category. On the tests of throwing and balancing, gender was as important as age, or more so, in its relationship to performance. Boys were superior to girls at all ages on the throwing tests; girls were superior to boys at age 6 on the Balance test. Gender differences of a lesser magnitude were found on the Speed Run and Standing Long Jump tests with the performance of boys generally being superior to the performance of girls. Thus, it appears that gender differences in motor performance occur as early as the preschool years. Interestingly, except for the Balance test, on all the tests the 3 and 4 year old boys performed similarly and the 5 and 6 year old boys performed similarly. For the girls there were more significant differences from year to year in performance, with the data generally indicating at least three distinct skill groups for girls from age 3 to 6.  相似文献   


The purposes of this study were to assess the TRITRAC® and CSA® for: (a) interaccelerometer agreement; (b) agreement in detecting patterns of moderate-intensity physical activity; and (c) agreement in detecting walking patterns recorded in a diary. Thirty-one women wore both the TRITRAC® and CSA® accelerometers for three consecutive days. Interaccelerometer agreement (measured with generalizability coefficients) ranged from .88 to .99. In total, 71.3% of the accelerometers' patterns agreed in length, with CSA® patterns being on average significantly longer. Interaccelerometer agreement in detecting patterns of brisk walking, as recorded in a diary, was comparable (69.4%). Interaccelerometer discrepancies may be related in part to the threshold employed by each instrument for classifying moderate intensity patterns.  相似文献   

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