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This article reports United States salary data from the April 2003 survey of Society for Technical Communication members who identify themselves as educators. It provides analysis of salary data based on type of institution, rank, tenure status, experience, education level, sex, and age. It also reports on benefits, administrative responsibilities, job satisfaction, and program size.  相似文献   

本文对美国高校教师的薪酬收入水平进行了细致的研究,运用通货膨胀率对教师收入的实际水平进行了还原,然后对不同级别高校教师收入的变化、不同类型院校间教师收入变化、其他专业人士与教师之间收入变化进行了深入的比较研究,同时分析了高校教师收入水平负增长的原因,特别指出高校教师收入贬值的原因不能归咎于学校的收入下降,而恰恰是不恰当的不均衡分配导致高校教师收入增长不力。文章还对薪酬的重要组成部分美国高校教师福利和兼职教师的收入状况进行了分析。  相似文献   

This article reports on the solutions of a group of 22 students, aged 15/16 years old, when facing a statistical modelling activity. They were given the salary lists of 5 companies and were asked what could be said about their salary structure; no hint was given. The results show that students not only used a wide range of data concepts and procedures but also developed their own criteria to measure dispersion.  相似文献   

工资管理工作是一项重要而繁杂的日常性工作 ,各单位工资录入、计算、合计等需要通过大量的手工完成 ,数据量多 ,处理速度慢 ,耗费劳动力大 ,而且极易出错 目前有工资管理系统 ,但许多系统不具有通用性 ,特别不能适应工资结构的变化 ,在现行工资管理制度的基础上 ,我们设计和实现了一个通用动态的工资管理系统(GDSMS) ,用计算机管理代替以往大量的手工工资管理 GDSMS包括表结构、固定工资等 7个数据表单 ,实现了公式设置、动态设置表格、科学的报表打印等多项功能 ,并将信息分为固定项和变动项来减少数据输入 GDSMS实现了工资电算化 ,能减轻工作人员的劳动量 ,提高工作效率 ,促进办公自动化  相似文献   

Using 1996 surveyed data of 1023 employees in Shenzhen, China, this study estimated the effects of three forms of human capital on employee salary, namely formal education, on-the-job training provided by employers, and adult education pursued by employees. Using a hierarchical linear model, the analysis estimated employee monthly salary growth over a maximum of six years due to (a) such temporal factors as work experience and improved performance, (b) individual-level characteristics, and (c) firm-level characteristics. This study found that (a) pre-work formal education was positively associated with salary only at hiring, (b) employees' experience in changing production technology as well as on-the-job training were positively associated with salary increases through improved technical proficiency, formal education was not; (c) manufacturing firms introduced more new production technology than the service sector and provided more on-the-job training, thus improving workers' performance and increasing their salary.  相似文献   

基于36所美国世界一流大学18年间的校际面板数据,研究发现科研产出数量、影响力和综合表现分数分别呈“先降后升”“先平后降”与“持续下降”趋势,校均总工资绝对规模逐年增长,占校均总支出50%左右,师均工资呈增长趋势,校均工资结构多元且稳定。工资规模、结构与科研产出关系的OLS、随机效应和固定效应模型结果表明:在工资规模上,增加大学总工资支出、提高全职教师师均工资均可显著提升大学科研产出数量、影响力和综合表现,但总工资规模对科研产出数量的正向影响更明显,而师均工资则对科研产出影响力的正向影响更突出;在工资结构上,增加工资结构中的研究工资、支持类与服务类工资规模亦可显著提升科研产出数量、影响力和综合表现,其中,研究工资对科研产出数量和综合表现的正向影响更为突出,而支持类和服务类工资对科研产出影响力的正向影响更为显著;教学工资的增加能够提升科研产出数量与影响力,但全职教师工资规模的增加却仅有助于提升科研产出数量,对科研产出影响力和综合表现有明显抑制作用。基于研究发现,我国政府和世界一流大学建设高校需要继续优化大学经费支出结构,大幅提高教师的总工资和研究工资规模;变革工资制度,提升教师工资水平等...  相似文献   

中国银行业高管超高薪酬和过度在职消费问题,加重了社会收入分配不平等程度。通过选取16家商业银行2007—2014年的平衡面板数据,分析两种不同形式的高管薪酬激励契约对我国上市商业银行经营绩效的实际影响。研究结果表明:上市银行高管货币薪酬和在职消费占比与银行绩效都显著正相关,合理的高管薪酬激励契约对商业银行绩效提高起到积极作用。从优化公司治理结构角度出发,银行应充分发挥高管薪酬激励制度本身的机能作用,解决委托代理矛盾。从政府管理角度出发,应对银行高管采取适当的薪酬管制,这对调整收入分配、实现社会公平有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业与所学专业的匹配情况是影响就业质量的重要因素。基于2015年全国高校毕业生就业调查数据,本文考察了毕业生就业与所学专业的匹配情况,以及专业匹配对毕业生工资起薪的影响,并使用倾向得分匹配方法(PSM)对内生性问题进行了纠正。研究发现:有56.1%的毕业生所学专业与工作匹配,有11.7%毫不相关;OLS方法得出专业匹配情况下的工资起薪比专业不匹配高3.4%,使用PSM方法得出专业匹配的工资效应为5%,传统的OLS模型低估了专业匹配的工资效应。进一步的研究显示,相较于“211工程”高校和高职高专院校,专业匹配对非“211工程”本科高校毕业生存在显著的收入效应;与专科和硕士以上学历的毕业生相比,专业匹配对本科学历毕业生具有显著的正向影响,专业匹配比专业不匹配工资高7%左右;经济学类毕业生专业匹配对工资起薪具有更加显著的正向影响,专业匹配比专业不匹配的起薪高15%左右。基于此,高校的专业学科结构设置和人才培养模式应该在专业匹配上做出更加精准的判断,以有效提高大学生的就业质量。  相似文献   

This paper examines the flow of teachers between schools of different socio‐economic statuses. New Zealand Ministry of Education data is examined with regard to teacher age and salary structures in schools from high and low socio‐economic intakes. Teacher mobility data is examined and a model of the mobility life cycle of a ‘typical’ teacher reveals causes of the staffing discrepancies between schools with differing socio‐economic intakes. The model accounts for the tendency for low socio‐economic intake schools to have staff who are older and at lower salary levels than those from high socio‐economic intake schools A theoretical interpretation of the situation in New Zealand is provided. It is argued that there is competition between schools for teachers’ labour, and this has had the effect of exacerbating the social stratification flowing from market oriented reforms promoting consumer choice in New Zealand education.  相似文献   

This paper presents measures of faculty salary compression for 1993 and 1999 based on national, rather than institutional-level, data. Using a recently developed technique and two national faculty surveys, actual junior to senior salary ratios are derived as well as predicted salary ratios that represent what the salary ratios would be if junior and senior faculty were similarly compensated for their productive traits. The analysis, which considers three alternative definitions of junior faculty and stratifies results by institutional type, produces an overall finding of no salary compression. A limited number of disciplines, including business and economics, however, do exhibit signs of salary compression.  相似文献   

论现代企业薪酬制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国加入WTO,企业竞争越来越激烈,合理的薪酬制度将决定企业在竞争中的胜败。现代薪酬制度包括物质和精神薪酬两部分,它要求在充分考虑社会薪酬水平和其他因素的基础上,公平合理地给以制定,并且随着企业的发展而随时调整,达到激励员工的作用。  相似文献   


This article reports the results of a nationwide survey of ASC and ACJS members conducted in spring 1991. The respondents first were asked to describe their current academic position, their department, and the nature of their teaching, research, and administrative responsibilities in the course of a typical academic year. Respondents then were asked about various salary and compensation issues. ANOVA was used to explore the impact of various structural and demographic factors (e.g., type of appointment, academic rank, gender, region, department, and university size) on salary levels.  相似文献   

在对上海制造业日资企业薪酬管理的调查基础上,首次对该类企业薪酬结构现状进行了全面呈现,分析薪酬结构中存在的问题,并进行了解决探讨,旨在为在华日资企业的薪酬管理提供依据及可参考性思路.  相似文献   

本文采用麦可思研究院连续三年对中国应届大学毕业生求职与工作能力的调查数据,从本科、高职高专专业大类和主要专业小类着眼分析专业对毕业生毕业半年后就业率和薪资的影响。本文认为,就业率和薪资的影响差距并不是专业之问的教育水平差异造成的,而是受市场供求关系的影响。通过专业的结构性调整即减少失业严重的专业的招生数量,可以有效地提高大学毕业生的就业率。  相似文献   

薪酬激励是被广泛采用的一种基本的激励手段,也是企业员工乃至整个社会最为关注的问题之一;目前我国大多数企业普通采用了以“差异性”为主要特征的新型薪酬激励机制,强调在差异中求得薪酬资源与员工贡献的最佳配置,以期克服过去“平均主义”薪酬制度所带来的劳酬不对等、激励效能低下等弊端,达到薪酬分配的公开、公正、公平,从而顺利实现薪酬激励的根本目的;但能否真正建立起科学、完善、适度、长效的激励机制,相对我国现阶段大多数企业来讲,仍有很长的路要走;归纳总结了薪酬激励方面普遍存在的问题与不足,列举了显失公平且具有代表性的几个现象,分析了其形成原因,并着重就寻求薪酬激励公开公正公平的途径进行了思索和探讨。  相似文献   

以2013~2014美职篮球员年薪及反映球员业绩的各项统计数据为基础,试图构建模型来揭示美职篮球员业绩的指标与球员年薪之间的定量关系。通过对美职篮球员年薪的回归分析,计算出球员各指标对其年薪的影响程度。研究发现,年薪取对数后与得分的对数、球员篮板数、球员失误数、球员犯规数、球员上场时间和球员年龄具有线性关系。其中,球员得分、球员失误数和球员犯规数对球员的年薪影响较大。由此得出,职业运动员的年薪不能只考虑得分等正向贡献,还应考虑包括负面"贡献"在内的多方面因素后而综合确定。  相似文献   

关于高校工资结构及工资关系的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
探讨了当前高等学校的工资结构失衡、工资关系不合理问题,认为进一步调整工资结构、理顺工资关系,逐步建立体现高校自身特点的岗位绩效工资制度,形成有利于吸引人才、稳定人才、用好人才、灵活多样和科学规范的收入分配激励机制。  相似文献   

双因素理论强调了精神薪酬的激励效果而弱化了物质薪酬的激励作用,但在现代企业管理中,物质薪酬是被普遍强化的激励方式。显然,薪酬管理需要物质薪酬和精神薪酬的相辅相成,在一定程度上,非货币性质的“无薪”的精神薪酬更能满足员工高层次的精神需求,从而对企业产生归属感,激发员工的奉献精神。本文探讨了精神薪酬激励的各种形式以及能取得的效果,提出了在运用精神薪酬激励时需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

2006年,芬兰政府决定在高等教育系统内实施一种新的薪资制度,这一制度改变了传统的以工作年限为基础的工资支付制度,而将大学职员的工资与职业等级和个人业绩表现紧密联系。新的薪资制度在教育部、工会以及其他各方代表间历经漫长的谈判,最终付诸实施,成为21世纪提升芬兰高等教育系统竞争力的主要工具。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an investigation of the consultation practices of school psychologists. It was found that consultation is one of the school psychologist's major professional functions, and that psychologists feel that other school personnel want them to spend more of their professional time consulting than they do at present. Client-centered consultation is the dominant variety practiced by the respondents, and they tend to conceptualize their consultation efforts in a humanistic (Rogerian) or behavioristic framework. Age and salary are factors in the amount and type of consultation done. Most of the respondents had little formal training in consultation and have learned what they know on the job.  相似文献   

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