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This article encourages the increased attention to issues of reception in rhetoric of science, according with the sentiment but not the argument of Paul, Charney, and Kendall's “Moving beyond the Moment.” In particular, it offers two works as exemplary of the disciplinary maturity that has occasioned this focus on reception, Ceccarelli's monograph, Shaping Science with Rhetoric, and Harris's collection, Rhetoric and Incommensurability.  相似文献   

The author discusses how pursuing a rhetoric of science has consequences for both our understanding of science and our practice of rhetorical analysis. From a rhetorical perspective, science becomes a persuasive enterprise continuous with other persuasive practices in a culture. And rhetoric itself requires enrichment in three areas to become a better instrument of analysis for scientific texts; it needs to incorporate early modern dialectic, a more flexible stylistics, and an appreciation of the role of visualization in scientific argument.  相似文献   

The author discusses how pursuing a rhetoric of science has consequences for both our understanding of science and our practice of rhetorical analysis. From a rhetorical perspective, science becomes a persuasive enterprise continuous with other persuasive practices in a culture. And rhetoric itself requires enrichment in three areas to become a better instrument of analysis for scientific texts; it needs to incorporate early modern dialectic, a more flexible stylistics, and an appreciation of the role of visualization in scientific argument.  相似文献   

本文以大学生网络行为调查问卷结果为切口,分析了网络传播中垃圾信息的特点及其产生的原因,并试图揭示垃圾信息的危害性,提出从技术、法律法规、社会控制三个方面控制管理,从而对网络传播进行趋利避害的运用。  相似文献   

在承认认知科学和修辞学存在不同的学科假定和研究目标的基础之上,文章认为现代认知科学的一些最新研究成果同古典修辞学对辞格的关注有较强的关联性,通过排比示例来证实认知科学对修辞学中的某些认定,提出认知科学将极大地丰富修辞学,而后者也会为前者提供更为丰富的实验语料。  相似文献   

修辞学和认知科学都是人类社会中十分重要的基本学科,对人类其他学科的发展作出了功不可没的建设性作用.尽管二者历史渊源差别很大,但大量资料证明它们是相互联系、相互渗透和相互促进的.修辞活动必须遵循认知规律、借助认知能力才能为人们接受并发挥效用;修辞反过来又影响人的认知,参与认知的构建过程.因此应从二者的关联性和契合点两个方面来论证修辞学与认知科学的跨学科特点.  相似文献   

时下全社会都在提倡保护环境,不乱丢垃圾,太空环境也是如此。在人类几十年的太空探索中,所制造的太空垃圾也正阻碍着人类的进一步太空探索。保护“环境”,环境的范围也应该扩展到我们人类共享的太空环境。  相似文献   

Discussion: Principles and Types. By A. Graig Baird. New York and London: McGraw‐Hill Book Company. 1943; pp. x + 348. $2.50.

The Anatomy of Drama. By Alan Reynolds Thompson. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1943; pp. xx + 414. $3.00.

Selected Writings and Speeches of Abraham Lincoln. Edited by T. Harry Williams. University Classics. Chicago: Packard and Company, 1943; pp. 269. $.95.

The Latin Key to Better English. By Archibald Hart and F. Arnold Lejeune. New York: E. P. Dutton &; Co., 1942; pp. 226. $2.00.

Speech for the Military. By Cole S. Brem‐beck and Albert A. Rights. Harrisburg, Pa.: Stackpole Sons, 1943; pp. 210. $1.20.

Speech for Military Service. By William Norwood Brigance and Ray Keeslar Immel. New York: F. S. Crofts &; Co., 1943; pp. x + 150. $1.00.

Essentials of Oral Communication. By Donald C. Bryant. St. Louis: John S. Swift Co., 1943; pp. 50. $.50.

Direct Communication. By Robert Gorham Davis, F. G. Fassett, Jr., William C. Greene, Frederick C. Packard, Jr., and Mark Schorer. New York: D. C. Heath, 1943; pp. 247. $1.25.

Speaking and Listening. By Bert Emsley, Frances E. Jones, and William M. Tim‐mons. New York: American Book Company, 1943; pp. v + 138.11.00.

Principles of Speech. Military edition. By Alan H. Monroe. Chicago: Scott, Fores‐man and Company, 1943; pp. v + 182. $1.00.

English, Communication. By Kendall B. Taft, John Francis McDermott, Dana O. Jensen, and W. Hayes Yeager. New York: Farrar and Rinehart, 1943; pp. x + 435. $1,40.

English for the Armed Forces. By A. D. G. Wiles, Arlin M. Cook, and Jack Trevithick. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1943: pp. xii + 262. $1.50.  相似文献   

宏哲 《南平师专学报》2006,25(3):68-70,59
郑颐寿先后在福州师院、南平师范、福十二中、福州师专、福建师大、台湾东吴大学从教,结合学术研究,独著与主编五十多本,一千多万言。每书都有特色,国内外书、报、刊发表两百多篇(段)评介文章,给予高度评价。今择其要者,写成本文,以供研究者参考。  相似文献   

人们对修辞的研究历史可以追溯到古希腊罗马时期,可见人们对人类语言修辞现象的关注.直至今天,人们对修辞学研究的兴趣仍然没有减少,因为人类看到了语言在社会交往中的重要作用,看到了文化发展使人类的语言表达需要有更多的层次,并且人类的思维内容随着社会的发展而更加发展.无论是网络语言、文学语言、戏剧语言、政治演讲都需要一个最佳的表达形式即语言来进行表达.所以,现代人类更加注重对修辞的研究,以期待利用修辞这一人类语言强有力的表达手段来实现满足自己思想表达的需求.从修辞的目的中我们也能够窥见语言的非工具性质.  相似文献   

本文从交际修辞观的视角着眼,建立了新的旨在描写和解释言语交际活动的调控修辞理论,认为修辞是言语交际活动中的话语效果调控行为,即发话人有效调控言语交际的进程和交际的参与因素,运用针对性的话语策略,最大限度地促使发话人所期望的话语效果的成功实现,并对修辞的本质与性质、修辞调控的过程、修辞策略的构成等进行了新的探索.  相似文献   

This essay argues that to an unprecedented degree the practices of contemporary science and technology are embedded within complex institutional systems. This embeddedness problematizes received views of rhetorical action and agency, which must be reformulated to locate these principles within larger systems of power/ knowledge. Three sets of resources are identified for this reformulation: theories of organizational rhetoric, Foucauldian studies of knowledge-intensive organizations, and Foucauldian approaches to the philosophy of science.  相似文献   

一些人自称同情劳动阶级却如此鄙视劳动阶级的饮食习惯,我常为此感到沮丧。今年夏天我看到一家麦当劳门口的一个抗议活动似乎完全基于这样一个事实:这些食物“令人恶心”。受够了从美学角度针对垃圾食品的争论很多人喜欢垃圾食品,如果因此认为他们愚蠢或庸俗实属冒犯。  相似文献   

译文:吃过晚饭彼得和妈妈去购物。他们买了一些黄瓜和矿泉水。彼得想吃一个热狗和一个汉堡包。但妈妈说:“不要吃垃圾食品,不然你得去看医生了。”  相似文献   

修辞是指编码,随意改变其含义将会产生多米诺骨牌效应,导致修辞学丧失自身特征。修辞学以揭示编码规律为己任,但不等于无需研究解码,研究任务和研究范围是两码事,后者覆盖面总是大于前者覆盖面。接受修辞学概念可以成立,但是作为修辞学的下位学科,应当把落脚点放在编码上。  相似文献   

The culture of modern science continues to establish its public identity by appealing to values and historical conceptions that reflect its appropriation of various religious ideals during its formative period, most especially in the rhetoric of Francis Bacon. These elements have persisted because they continue to achieve similar goals, but the scientific culture's growing need for autonomy has required their secularization. The Darwin fish emblem manifests this secular reshaping. This essay shows this by tracing out the lineaments of this older Baconian world view in the scientistic ideology of those whose identity is compressed into this symbol.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present findings from a study assessing the impact of reforms on mathematics and science instruction to illustrate the multiple levels at which educational change must occur to promote student achievement and close achievement gaps. We undertake an analysis of the extent to which the rhetoric of national policy, in this case, the National Science Foundation's Urban Systemic Initiative, matches the realities of the day-to-day classroom practices we evaluated in our study. Addressed here is the problem of how applied anthropologists can broaden the scope of research and research findings from the edges of the societal mainstream to address larger policy issues. More globally, we discuss the influence of contemporary applied anthropologists and their colleagues who study marginalized groups on educational research.  相似文献   

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