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照应是衔接英语语篇的方式之一。它通过一些起信号作用的照应词汇对语篇内某些词语做出语义上的解释。这些信号词汇连接着上下文,起着衔接语篇的作用。对照应关系与语篇衔接的分析研究有助于理解照应词项在语篇中的具体指称意义。  相似文献   

照应是英语语篇的衔接手段之一,它通过照应词汇兑语篇内部某些词语作出语义上的解释,包括语篇中所涉及的实体、概念、事态等。这些照应词联系上下文,衔接英语篇章。研究英语体育新闻语篇,特别是对其照应性的研究有助于译者从语篇衔接的特征入手,理解照应词语的具体指称意义,从而得出正确的译文;也利于英语学习者了解体育新闻语篇的部分语体特征。  相似文献   

照应是英语语篇衔接的重要手段之一。篇章结构中,照应涉及两个语言项目:照应项和被照应项。照应项和被照应项构成照应链,形成一种粘合结,有效地连接语篇,使语篇更具粘合力。照应包括人称照应、批示照应和比较照应。然而,照应如使用不严密,可导致歧义现象,对英语学习造成很大障碍。  相似文献   

衔接手段是语篇分析的一个重要组成部分,包括词汇衔接和语法衔接两大内容。本文以英语歌为实例分别从词汇衔接的重述,同义反义和搭配以及语法衔接的照应、替代和连接方面分析了的语篇特点。  相似文献   

本文试从应用角度探讨了英语语篇衔接与阅读理解的关系。重点分析了几种常见的语篇衔接方式,并进一步说明了如何利用衔接方式来提高语篇的解读能力。笔者认为,明确代词照应对于顺利理解上下文有十分重要作用;不同词汇问的衔接,则直接为猜测词义提供了理据。  相似文献   

试论广告语篇中的衔接机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广告英语语篇与其他的语篇一样,具有构成语篇的衔接机制。但作为一种实用性十分强的文体,广告英语语篇的构成机制又不同于其他语篇的构成机制,作者通过对6期Reader's Digest中28篇广告的分析,认为广告语篇的衔接机制主要有:语法层次上的照应手段、连接手段、省略手段以及词汇层次上的重复手段。  相似文献   

本文主要以韩礼德和哈桑的语篇衔接理论为依据,全面而充分地对英语语篇中的照应衔接手段进行分析,同时又具体地阐述了其在英语阅读教学中的运用,旨在提高学生的阅读理解能力和语言运用能力。  相似文献   

照应是语篇分析中的一个重要概念。本文在韩礼德的照应理论基础上,对文学文本中的英语名词性照应的语言形式和语篇功能做初步探讨,以小说《傲慢与偏见》作为文本分析的语料,证明文学文本中的名词性照应具有丰富的语言表现形式,对语篇的衔接和连贯起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

英语语篇是通过各种衔接手段,把意义相关的句子有机地结合起来。照应,替代,省略等语法衔接是语篇特征的重要内容,体现在语篇的表层结构上,是语篇有形的网络。  相似文献   

运用翻译模式理论的语篇分析法,对老舍短篇小说《马裤先生》及其译文进行案例分析,旨在探索分析汉英文学语篇翻译中衔接照应语的迁移问题。从中得出如下结论:汉英衔接照应语系统无论从语法角度还是从衔接照应语的选择上都存在较大差异,集中体现在汉语零代词的普遍使用以及英语代词的广泛使用;尤为重要的是,文学翻译中衔接照应语的迁移从根本上造成了篇章衔接外显性的差异。  相似文献   

指称是所指与被指之间的关系.它分为篇章性和情景性指称两种,也就是说,指称对象存在于语篇内或语篇外.从而,指称被分为内指和外指.内指所指对象的确定是对语篇内指称的语义理解,而外指所指对象的确定是对语篇预期意义的语用推导.Halliday和Hasan认为内指可将语篇连接在一起,衔接是作为一个语言学概念来说明这种语义关系.全文通过分析广告语篇中的人称外指阐述了衔接是语句中语言成分间的语义关系,连贯则依靠读者对语篇中语句间语用关系的假设或理解.就外指而言,连贯是通过情境中对外指的理解和其他假设的语境效果的加强来实现的.  相似文献   

Although multiple choice examinations are often used to test anatomical knowledge, these often forgo the use of images in favor of text‐based questions and answers. Because anatomy is reliant on visual resources, examinations using images should be used when appropriate. This study was a retrospective analysis of examination items that were text based compared to the same questions when a reference image was included with the question stem. Item difficulty and discrimination were analyzed for 15 multiple choice items given across two different examinations in two sections of an undergraduate anatomy course. Results showed that there were some differences item difficulty but these were not consistent to either text items or items with reference images. Differences in difficulty were mainly attributable to one group of students performing better overall on the examinations. There were no significant differences for item discrimination for any of the analyzed items. This implies that reference images do not significantly alter the item statistics, however this does not indicate if these images were helpful to the students when answering the questions. Care should be taken by question writers to analyze item statistics when making changes to multiple choice questions, including ones that are included for the perceived benefit of the students. Anat Sci Educ 10: 68–78. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

词汇衔接是语篇衔接机制的一种,它体现了语篇内诸词项间在语义上的各种联系,对英汉语篇建构起着至关重要的作用。衔接有助于语篇连贯,连贯是语篇的重要特征。通过具体英汉文学语篇个案对比分析,探讨了词汇衔接对于英汉语篇建构、尤其是语篇连贯的作用。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with 151 primary school children from three year levels, in a suburban primary school, set in a moderately high socio-economic area. The object of the investigation was to test the understanding of twelve anaphoric pronouns, which were embedded in passages of continuous text. The relationship between the perception of the cohesive items, and general reading comprehension was studied, as was the difference between the performance of girls and boys. A further question related to the understanding of anaphoric items set within direct speech. Results showed a significant relationship between the comprehension of the selected anaphoric personal items and ability in reading, as measured by a standardised test. In the early school years, girls were superior to boys in their perception of the items, but no difference was found at the upper level of the school. Children of all levels found the items set within quoted speech more difficult to comprehend than the items in the rest of the text. Some practical teaching strategies are discussed, and attention is drawn to areas where teachers' awareness of cohesion could prove useful.  相似文献   

衔接是个语义概念,指的是存在于语篇内部的意义关系。衔接提供篇章的主线;由衔接表示的连续性能使篇章具有感染力;衔接能使读者为解释篇章去补全必须的缺失项;由衔接表示的连续性构建语境,而语境又是阅读中作预测的基础。英语阅读课的主要任务是培养高效读者,其中一个方法就是教会学生如何运用衔接机制去辨认不同类型的衔接链,因为这些衔接链构成了不同类篇章的骨架、标示出不同篇章的构型。  相似文献   

词汇衔接体现了语篇内各相关词项之间的语义联系,对语篇的连贯和发展具有重要作用。词汇衔接在英汉语篇中表现有相似性也有差异,本文通过具体文学语篇个案分析,比较了词汇衔接在英汉语篇建构、尤其是语篇连贯的异同,认为在英汉文学语篇翻译中词汇衔接的转换有助于实现从原语到目的语的语篇等效翻译。  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the limited facilitative effect of typographical signals. Subjects were presented with a text that had parts of the microstructure (i.e., details within the text) underlined or not underlined. In addition, subjects were informed about a subsequent task that was designed to set up a specific expectation (i.e., receiving questions about the microstructure of the text, or being asked questions about the macrostructure or general nature of the text). After reading, all subjects were asked questions about the text's microstructure. In both experiments, it was found that the mere presence of signals did not lead to better performance on the questions. Instead, there was a facilitative effect only for those subjects who received signals and who received questions about the microstructure. Additionally, Experiment 2 found that in the same text the signaled information was recalled better than the nonsignaled information. These results argue against a general facilitative effect of typographical signals, and indicate that the use of these signals can vary as a function of strategic processing.  相似文献   

语篇是功能语言学研究的一个主要内容,词汇衔接是语篇研究的一个重要组成部分,主要通过同义、反义、上下义、搭配等手段实现。以往的研究主要集中在同一认知域内词汇成分间的衔接关系上,不涉及不同认知域内词汇成分的衔接问题及衔接机制的探讨。认知语言学认为,人的思维方式从本质上说是隐喻性的,人们对事物的认识依赖于客观的经验,并将源域概念映射到目标域概念,从而实现对抽象事物的认知和理解。将隐喻引入衔接理论,可以解释词汇衔接问题,尤其适用于解释不同认知域内词汇的衔接及工作机制。这一方面是对衔接理论的发展和完善,另一方面也是对隐喻理论在实用性方面的检验。  相似文献   

This was a study of differential item functioning (DIF) for grades 4, 7, and 10 reading and mathematics items from state criterion-referenced tests. The tests were composed of multiple-choice and constructed-response items. Gender DIF was investigated using POLYSIBTEST and a Rasch procedure. The Rasch procedure flagged more items for DIF than did the simultaneous item bias procedure—particularly multiple-choice items. For both reading and mathematics tests, multiple-choice items generally favored males while constructed-response items generally favored females. Content analyses showed that flagged reading items typically measured text interpretations or implied meanings; males tended to benefit from items that asked them to identify reasonable interpretations and analyses of informational text. Most items that favored females asked students to make their own interpretations and analyses, of both literary and informational text, supported by text-based evidence. Content analysis of mathematics items showed that items favoring males measured geometry, probability, and algebra. Mathematics items favoring females measured statistical interpretations, multistep problem solving, and mathematical reasoning.  相似文献   

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