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1.问:1)I don蒺t know what蒺s English for this?A.an B.in C.the D./答案是C,但B为什么不可以呢?2)He walked slowly he had been expecting me and he bent downhis head and said,“May I get in?”A.when B.as if C.even if D.just as答案为B,但我觉得C好像更恰当。(安徽舒城中学方武刚)答:1)选C。这是我们常听到的表达法。句中English 意为“英语中的对应词语”“英语译名”,如:What is the English for the Chinese“ding-hao”?汉语的“顶好”英语怎么说?Tell me the English for“民主”.告诉我…  相似文献   

1.The children are——. A.in the pa出 B.in the school2.Betty is——. A.100king and smiling C.I_eading a b00k3. feels hot.C.in the lake D.in a hotelB.making a planeD.eating and“nking A.DaVid B..Lily c.Mary D·Sam4.David feels——.. A.tried B.hot C.happy D.hungry and tllirsty5.Lily is——. . A.嘲ndil唔 B.出1wing C.雌Lking a pb【ne D.e撕ng and商nl(ing (答案本期找)≮看图选择填空》答案:、I.1lI lI.看图选择填空(英文)@刘世一…  相似文献   

1.—Exeuse me.Can 1 borrow,our ruler?BD.Excuse me..D0n,t mention it..of eourse..What shal!1 do?AC2,Ma印15 an脚e”ng a telePhone,first shesa夕s,“A .Who ism夕friend?C .Who are卯u?B .Who’5 that?D .What haPPened?3.几et me help夕ou幼th Vour luggage(行李). —No,1 can manage,but—. A .thank you all the same B.thank Vou all C .thank夕ou the same D.thank夕ou,too4.—C己n 1 help vo口 —_to have a look at thed犯550姆r there. A .1,d like B.I,d better C.介s,l,m going DHelp me5,一一WoLdd夕ou h…  相似文献   

〔原句」 1 .1’m Gina.Nlee七0 meet you. 〔解析]Njee七0 meet you.或How do you do?(意为“你好,,,回答也为How do you do?)是英美等国人们初次相识时常用的问候语。 〔考题」 一How do you do?一 A,I’m fine,thank you.B.How do you do? C .How are you?D.I’m OK. (哈尔滨) 〔原句〕 己。L。。k。t the ID eard and。nswer thequestions. 讨hat,5 herf己mily name?讨hat,5 her firstn日me? 〔解析〕 西方国家人们的姓名排列是先名后姓,这和中国人先姓后名的排列习惯是不同的。 〔考题〕 一Are you Mr Thomas Green? 一Yes,b…  相似文献   

正请同学们先看两道中考题:1.-Excuse me.Could you tell me__get to the nearest post office?-Sorry,I am new here.(2013年山东省威海市)A.how can I B.how I could C.how to D.what I can2.Students should learn how__problems.(2013年四川省雅安市)A.solve B.solving C.can solve D.to solve分析:上面的两道中考题均是考查同学们对连接代/副词后接动词不定式用法的掌握情况,答案分别是1.C;2.D。英语中,"连接代/副词+动词不定式"是一种常用的结构,其中的连  相似文献   

PART ONE1.语法、词汇。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择一个正确答案,并在答题纸上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)5 1 .leami嗯eonditions they provided for us were exeellent. A .Such…as B.So…as C .As…50 D.As…such62 .Noh妇y answeo the phone eve可time 1 ring Mr.S而th up.There isn,t出lyone at home, ? A .isn,t there B .15 there7 C .15 it D.isn,t it3 .In 18如the比were 11诩1,All℃rican cities田ld t~wherel〕art of ad即,5 seh仪〕1 instruction ~Conducted in languages_E叼ish…  相似文献   

1.Some people like to stay at home,but________like to go to the cine-ma.A.another B.otherC.others D.other one答案:C.(选择B的同学要牢记:some…,others…)2.——Is this your shoe?——Yes,but where is_________?A.the other one B.other oneC.another one D.the others答案:A.(选择C的同学要注意鞋是两只,another指的是三者或者三者以上。)3.—When shall we meet again next week?—_______day is possible.It’s no problem with me.A.Either B.NeitherC.Every D.Any答案:D(.选择C的同学要注意every指的是每一天都…  相似文献   

一、单词辨音:选择正确的读音.将其编号字母填人题前括号内。(本题共9分,每小题l分) 例:(C)smooth A.〔smu己〕B.〔smu:0〕C.〔sn、u:己〕D.〔srnu6〕 ()1 .moleeule A.〔’molikju:l〕B.〔,m。:lik」ul〕C.〔,molikjul〕D.〔m。:11:kjul〕 ()2 .break A.〔bri:k〕B.〔brek〕C.〔brik〕D.〔b】、ik〕 ()3 .effeet A.〔i’fikt〕B.〔i’fekt〕C.〔e,fekt〕D.〔,ifikt〕 ()4 .journey A.〔,d3。:ni〕B.〔,d3oni〕C.〔,d3a:ni:〕D.〔’d3u:ni〕 ()5 .breath A.〔brio〕B.〔bri:己〕C.〔bre己〕D.〔breo〕 ()6 .eompare A.〔kom,p£a…  相似文献   

一、考查正确选择关系代词和关系副词关系代词(下划线为答案) 1.The famous basketball star,____ tried to make a comeback,attracted a lot of attention.[2002北京春] A.where B.when C.which D.who 2.Look out! Don’t get too close to the house ____ roof is under repair.[2006福建] A.whose B.which C.of which D.that 3.Can you tell me who’s the man over there ____ is selling the books?The ugly-looking man and his books ____ I saw at the school gate impresses me a lot.  相似文献   

2007高考英语全国卷n中出现了考查动名词复合结构的试题: 12.At the beginning ofelass,thenoiseofdesks一eould be heard ou匕ide the elassn泊m. A .opened and elosed B,to beo伴ned and elosed C、being oPened and elosed D.to叩en and elose正确答案为e。desk,玩ing叩  相似文献   

1.——Excuse me.________is the nearest book-shop?(2003北京海淀) ——Go down the street and turn left at thesecond corner. A.how B.what C.where D.who 提示:根据上面总结的句型,询问某地的位置我们用疑问副词“where”,所以答案是C。  相似文献   

、、’7一01 .A.You’rea邵od girl.B.Yes,1 can. C .Yes,Please.D.Good一bye2 .A.Ve万well,thank you. B .1’m waiting for the bus. C .1’m’going to sehool. D .Thank you.3 .A.Wllere aml?B.Do you know me? C .Exeuse me.Where 15 the toilet? D .Exeuse me.15 it a toilet?4 .A.15 thereany water? B .Can 1 have some water,Please? C.Where 15 the water,Ann? D.What do you want,Ann?5 .A.Me.B.No.C.Some.D.Yes.6 .A.Are there any earmts?口 B.May 1 have some br七ad? C .15 there any bread? D .Do you wantsome bread?__7 .A.Thank you.B.Excuseme. C...  相似文献   

1.单项选择 1,Sending 玩cause e一mads 15 quite_writing 山e 肠皿er ean 加m 吕ave lime and A.d迁飞rent B. C.the叫山刃e朋D.山e 2.1’maf]俪d of a eolour叨ake.11皿at I’m ofaeoloursnake. lette比 吕pace. 1t硒th .e公习m d迁re沈ni 日刊旧e 刃Oea萝18 A.w。币ed B.nervous C.te比击ed D.加找刁 3.He use to like baskethall. A.do吧.n’t B.don’t C.卜朗n’t D.山dn’t 4.The En萝sh PaPer_卜即。parts. A.makes uP of B.15 made uPof C.makes叩D.15 made加m 5.Exeuse me.Can you ten me when—? A.does the plane le…  相似文献   

一、单项选择1.His father died and him a totof money.A gave B offered C sent D left2.I think Jack is one of the bestswimmers in his class.Do you me?A agree with B catch up withC laugh at D go on with3.The teacher told the class totheir books and have a res  相似文献   

1.听力(略)11.单项填空(共20分,每小题1分) 根据句意,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填人空白处的最佳答案。21.Jaek,good boy!Please Pass_the glasses.1 want to rea己the newspaPer· A·youB‘me C.him D.her22.This morninglhad_egg and a bottle of milk formy breakfast. A.an B.aC.the D.不填23.一How many__ean you seein the fi)llowing pietures? 一Three.2829A .NO SMOKINGB.NO PARKINGC .NO PHOTOS D.NO FOOD一Can you Play football?一Yes,1 ean,_1 ean’t Pl叮it ve砂 well.A .or B.and C.50 D.…  相似文献   

151.Dad,let us,________,go to the cinema,_______?A.Jack and I,shall we B.Jack and me,shall weC.Jack and I,will you D.Jack and me,will you152.He______his father for a new bicycle on his twelfth birthday.A.demanded B.required C.requested D.asked153.As well as________all his homework,he helped his mother with a good cleaningaround the house.A.finishing B.finished C finishes D.to finish154.—If you want to be in time,you'd better get________.—All right.A.to go B.to going C.going D.moving…  相似文献   

1. —How about John? —My uncle John a good student. A. believes B. suggests C. considers D. knows 2. —Is dinner ready? —No. Mother is it ready now. A. doing B. cooking C. getting D. preparing 3. —What happened?—As you know, my schoolmates never their clothes well. A. hanging B. hanged C. hung D. hang 4. What size shoes do you ? A. wear B. dress C. put on D. have on 5. What he said me and I got angry. A. broke B. hurt C. wounded D. damaged 6. The bad cold me awake the whole nig…  相似文献   

WOrld LA又 凡中乡 ;谕黝黔蓦 3{助arch钟渗二止: A 落梦c. Wo呻件D好 B .Wbmen Day 、少.巍彝 狱黔A.和i数趁荃 milks Pa,s B.D. ofof 竺 L、、0 Plece Plece Pal〕er Pal〕ers 竺- dP七r Pal〕ers 一Can 1 hdP you,sir? 〕场。 teas,Please cup of teas Ple:Lse B.D.usC. 5. A. C.6.A. C .Tw。 7 .J七e teaeher A.books .B. 8 .There isa has glVen adviee teas .击ctionary 叹〕n the desk. A·newsB卫叩er C.newsp叩er D.bread gMymother杭11 buy mea new_of ohoes. A.pairB.pairs C. piece D.pieces 10.Luey tried…  相似文献   

1.单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中()1 .The boy was seen,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 in the examination and was。ritieized by the teaeher. A .having eheated B.eheated C.eheating D.eheat()2 .He opened the envelope,_the letter and began to read it. A .unfolding B.folding C.unfolded D.folded()3 .He told me he had been offered a ve叮well一paid_abroad. A .serviee B.business C.Position D.work()4一Did you get a tiek旦t for the football mateh? 一No,I_,but there wasn,t any left. A .had to B.at…  相似文献   

(PrePositions) [问r]一Can 1 borrow some money from you? 一You‘re already in debr me for sixty dollars. A .to 13.for C.from D.by 解答:You are in debt bo me“对我负债” 答案:A 【问21一where 15 your hometown? 一It‘5 about twenty miles_the east of Chieago. A .inB,on C.to D.by 解答:twenty miles to…“距离二20英里” 答案:C [问3】一How’5 your homework eoming? 一1 haven‘t gotten very far_it. A .about B.on C.for D.of 解答:get far on…“…进展快” 答案:B [问4】一why 15 Keith 50 embarrassed(…  相似文献   

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