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生态危机和环境恶化使代际伦理的建构引起了人们的普遍关注.作为反映代与代之间伦理关系的伦理形态,代际伦理的理解可以从两个向度把握,即代内公平和代际公平.其中代内公平是现实性问题,代际公平是理想性问题,二者在理论上实践中都有优先选择性问题.本文从代内公平优先于代际公平的角度论述了代际伦理的建构以及公平伦理诉求的路径.  相似文献   

代际关系变迁是当下中国一个重要的社会、家庭研究议题。对于代的对象来说,广义的青年一代与老年一代的研究对象显得宽泛。聚焦"90后"大学生群体和"70后"的父母,探讨"90后"群体与"70后"父母的家庭代际关系新变化,认为当代代际关系呈现新的良性变化,代隔阂和代冲突呈现弥合的趋势。  相似文献   

In light of the Danish government's goal of 95% of every cohort achieving higher education by 2015, we investigate educational mobility in Denmark. Following 800,000 Danes and their parents, we found that children of parents with only basic education had a three-times-higher risk of achieving only basic education, compared with the children of well-educated parents. These social differences in educational achievements were found despite free education and generous governmental grants and loans. We found general upgrading of a population's educational level to be a tardy process which implies breaking the bonds of negative social inheritance to increase intergenerational social mobility in the society; thus, the government's 95% goal is unlikely to be achieved by 2015.  相似文献   

The revolution in communication technology has resulted in more age-segregated conversation among adolescents. In a similar way, older adults have increased online conversations with their peers. This article explores some obstacles that prevent the intergenerational connections needed for mutual understanding and care. Several research emphases are described that together define the complexity of intergenerational dialogue. The concerns provided for consideration include (a) age-segregated communication practices of adolescents and older adults, (b) willingness of older people to disclose personal opinions and feelings to younger people, (c) need for general adoption of the reciprocal learning concept to support harmony, (d) amount of time spent with adolescents as a predictor of parent and grandparent success, (e) learning expectations for later life that contribute to productive aging, and (f) recognition of the leadership role that adolescents should assume to reconnect the generations. Attitude and behavior change are recommended for older adults, adolescents, parents, educators, and school stakeholders.  相似文献   

The world population pyramid has changed shape. However, this does not mean that societies have changed their negative concept of old age. Our study proposes an intergenerational service-learning program with 179 university students and 101 slightly depressed elderly people. The results show that the elderly people who interacted improved in well-being. Those interacting with the young people tended to lower their stereotyped perception of themselves, while the others tended to augment it. The young people tended to moderate their stereotypes of the elderly with or without interaction.  相似文献   

车向清 《职教通讯》2012,(13):40-42
代际和谐需要各代之间的沟通和交流,即代际互动,而代际互动呼吁前喻式成人教育。代际距离的拉近、各代观念的转变等都需要这种由下而上的知识传递方式。前喻式成人教育作为顺应时代需要而产生的创新型教育模式,是代际互动的桥梁和纽带。前喻式成人教育为人们思想观念的转变创造条件,为代际互动构建平台,为代际沟通提供方便渠道,从而有效促进代际互动。  相似文献   

In comparing the intergenerational relationships of counselor trainees and a nonclinical sample, counselor trainees reported healthier relationships with their parents and spouses concerning intergenerational triangulation, intergenerational intimidation, and spousal fusion and less healthy relationships with spouses and children on nuclear family triangulation.  相似文献   

A study of parents' and their children's means of paying for college was conducted to determine if the use of parent contributions, work earnings, or student financial aid shows influence across generations. This study used data from the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study of 1990 in a path model with controls for the child's academic ability, gender, declared major, institutional selectivity, tuition cost, and distance from home. Indirect effects are indicated that increase parental cash gifts and loans to the child, mediated by parents' measures of socioeconomic status, the timing of college savings, and the child's degree aspirations. The child's financial aid is also indirectly affected by measures of the parents' socioeconomic status (higher status resulting in less aid). The direct effect of the parent receiving student financial aid is in larger amounts of student aid for the child. No intergenerational effects occur between the parents' use of work earnings to finance college and the amount of work earnings in college for the child.  相似文献   

石慧 《唐山师范学院学报》2010,32(4):118-119,125
代际问题是当代诸多领域的理论兴奋点之一,也是当前我国面临的重大理论问题和实践问题。道德教育在本质上就是代际关系问题。因此在现代道德教育过程中,注重代际的维度显得必要而紧迫。阐述了现代道德教育代际之维宏观、中观、微观的三大存在依据,并通过对双向的代际路径进行分析,试图寻求现代道德教育主体闻性代际模式的新建构。  相似文献   

论罗尔斯代际分配的正义设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代际分配正义是对有限的社会资源在在场的当代人与不在场的后代人之间做出合理分配的设置。罗尔斯从原初状态的假设出发,从契约论的角度论证了代际正义的可能性,通过在代际之间设置公平的储存率,使各代能够承担实现和维持社会正义所需负担的公平的份额。这一思想对当前中国社会发展有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

While society's level of education increases in a modernization process, the knowledge monopoly is taken over by the young. Increasing demand on knowledge attained through organized education leads to increasing power by the young. In the modernizing society of Turkey, this kind of struggle will occur between intellectual groups. Results of this study reveal a conflict between the elder generations granted institutional authority and the young population having the capability of seizing this authority. Obtained results demonstrate that there exist remarkable negative aspects in the attitudes of the university youth towards the institutional authority of the elderly. The importance of the study lies in the fact that it is the first study introducing the concept of “intergenerational conflict” to the sociological society of Turkey and, thus, paving the way to further research.  相似文献   

The Family Transitions Project began in 1989 to see how rural families in Iowa were coping with the severe economic downturn in agriculture at that time. In this report we show that cohort members who were treated harshly by their parents tended to emulate these behaviors with their children. However, if they co-parented with a partner who demonstrated a warm and supportive parenting style, intergenerational continuity was disrupted.  相似文献   

Although the psychological benefits of intergenerational learning environments have been well documented, no study has yet investigated wisdom as an outcome of intergenerational classroom engagement. In this study, Elders between the age 60–89 were recruited to participate in a high-school English classroom. We hypothesized that participating in an intergenerational high-school classroom would benefit both Elders and Students by fostering the conditions for both groups to develop greater psychological wisdom. Our findings indicate that both Elders and Students actively engaged the five dimensions of wisdom identified by Webster (2003 Webster, J. D. (2003). An exploratory analysis of a self-assessed wisdom scale. Journal of Adult Development, 10(1), 1322.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2007 Webster, J. D. (2007). Measuring the character strength of wisdom. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 65(2), 163183.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) during their time in the intergenerational class. Further, we find that while Students and Elders both demonstrated aspects of wisdom, they understood the concept of wisdom in strikingly different ways.  相似文献   

选择和培养好家族企业后继者,是家族企业长远发展的关键。本文分析了家族企业代际传承的层次和意义,从家族成员、非家族成员和职业经理人三方面分析了家族企业代际传承的授予对象,并做出了家族企业代际传承方式与企业绩效、选拔维度、企业发展阶段三个方面的关联分析。  相似文献   

陈苏 《江苏高教》2020,(11):100-103
近年来,基于互联网和移动终端的传播模式变革,已深刻引发了社会关系和结构的变化,不断改造与重塑着中国家庭。文章关注新媒体环境下的代际文化反哺,将人置于媒介技术营建的环境之中,探讨新媒体环境中推动代际文化反哺的因素、特点以及代际反哺对现有的社会关系和文化传承的影响,挖掘高校学生家庭中的代际关系在新媒体环境下如何不断调整。  相似文献   

The ageing of the European population is creating a new demographic mix, increasing the relevance of intergenerational practice (IGP). To date, however, this field lacks an appropriate conceptual framework. This study aims to contribute to such a framework through an integrative review of peer-reviewed papers reporting on IGPs. Fifteen papers were obtained, published over the last 20 years. The main findings suggest that the wealth of IGPs lies in their versatility/diversity. In order to build an appropriate conceptual framework for IGP, it is recommended that IGP be understood as a tool to restructure society: from generations’ segregation to generations’ cooperation.  相似文献   

Bringing together groups of preschoolers with older people is a concept that is gaining in popularity. Commonly referred to asintergenerational, these experiences — when carefully planned — have been shown to provide children with positive experiences. More specifically, the National Council on Aging defines intergenerational programs as planned activities that increase cooperation and exchange between any two generations for their mutual benefit.I never seen my great grandpa — I seen some old people in Minnesota.Brandon, age fourAlfred James is Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education, Department of Education, Washburn University, Topeka, KS. Kathy Leon is Director of Menninger Child Care Center, Menninger, Topeka, KS.  相似文献   

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