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Presently, most Higher Education policy issues that are debated in Chilean society revolve around the question of the type of relations that should connect the Higher Education system with the state and society.During the 1980–1990 period, Chilean Higher Education underwent drastic changes under a Military Government, directed to the achieving of three main goals: to open-up the Higher Education system, to differentiate its institutional structures, and to partially transfer the cost of state-financed institutions to the students and/or their families (cost recovery) thus forcing these institutions to diversify their funding sources.As a result of the 1980 reforms, both the institutional composition and the financing of Higher Education experienced dramatic changes. New establishments mushroomed. In turn, the rapid increase in the number of institutions resulted in three major effects:first, Higher Education became private-dominant in the non-university levels and has now a dual public/private nature at the university level;second, establishments grew more regionally dispersed but overall enrolment distribution changed in the direction of a still higher concentration in the capital city;third, creation of new entrance opportunities shows an increasing over-extension with respect to enrolment demand. Also funding of Higher Education was drastically altered by the 1980 reforms. Incremental funding was replaced by a diversified funding system which contemplates the employment of four different mechanisms: public institutional core funding, competitive public allocations rewarding institutions that enrol the best students, a Government financed student-loan scheme, and competitive financing of research projects.A new, democratically elected Government was established in 1990. Its Higher Education policies include three major objectives: to fully restore institutional autonomy cancelling all measures of governmental intervention and reinstating the right of faculty members to freely choose their authorities and provide for the self-government of public universities; to increase public spending without changing the diversified-funding approach adopted by the former Government, and to change the legal framework of Higher Education with the aim of introducing more stringent accreditation and evaluation procedures and institutional accountability.  相似文献   

农村信用社省联合社(简称省联社)的存在改变了农村商业银行的公司治理结构,呈现了省联社、大小股东和高级管理人员共同参与的公司治理模式,但鲜有研究对此进行精准刻画并分析其影响。由省联社通过省政府的行政授权获得了原属于农村商业银行股东部分控制权的现象,提炼为农村商业银行股权和控制权非对称配置理论,并通过农村商业银行董事会中省联社委派董事的数量占比,精确衡量非对称配置程度,实证检验股权和控制权非对称配置对农村商业银行开展普惠金融的影响,发现:股权和控制权非对称配置会增强农村商业银行的普惠金融效应,促进涉农贷款和小微贷款的发放。利用农村商业银行IPO引发的股权和控制权非对称配置程度变化这一外生事件,检验其对普惠金融的影响,结果仍然稳健。进一步研究表明,相比于民营企业,当第一大股东为同业农村商业银行时,会强化非对称配置下的普惠金融效应;省联社委派董事是否持股不会影响股权和控制权非对称配置下的普惠金融水平。不同于以往对省联社的批判性研究,结果表明省联社模式对助力农村商业银行开展普惠金融服务具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

Higher education in developing nations is typically viewed from a dependency perspective – institutions are seen as merely recipients of Western knowledge, aid and reform efforts. Nevertheless, universities in both the centre and the periphery are dealing with tensions between protecting the public good and embracing neoliberal values based on a market approach to higher education. In the USA and Europe these competing interests are typically cast as mutually exclusive. Our study on the market approach to higher education in Kenya, however, suggests that public and private interests can be complementary, contributing to a re-envisioning of the traditional mission of higher education. This article seeks to examine more fully the nature of reform efforts at two universities in Kenya, to elucidate lessons for universities undergoing market-oriented reform in the West and to suggest a reciprocal relationship between institutions in Africa and Europe, upending the centre-periphery paradigm.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):225-237
Chile's higher education system has moved a long way from state and professional towards market coordination. Presently, market oriented policies predominate across the system, based on a loosely regulated private provision of higher education and the use of a set of “para market” mechanisms designed to enhance competition between state supported universities. The effects of these policies on the number and differentiation of higher education institutions, on enrollment, on the evolution of professional careers and academic degree programs, and particularly on the funding of the higher education system are here analyzed. A balance is drawn, specifically with respect to the nature and quality of private institutions and their public regulation, and to the competition for funding between state supported universities.  相似文献   

Within the field of education management studies, recent reforms promoting devolution and choice are often seen to provide exciting new opportunities. It is claimed that the 'new'education management, with its emphasis on site-based decision-making and consumer accountability, will enable headteachers and principals to 'take control' of their schools and make them more productive environments in which to work and study. However, our review of research findings from five different countries that are putting in place devolution and choice policies suggests that these new opportunities are more illusory than real. Positioned between the competing demands of the state and the market, school managers are becoming increasingly isolated from colleagues and classrooms — leading to a growing divergence between the managers and the managed. The paper considers the implication of recent developments for managers in general and for women managers in particular and concludes by discussing the relationship between the personalisation of responsibility and the legitimation of crises within the state and public education.  相似文献   

以公司治理和内部审计的关系分析为切入点,通过研究公司治理结构理论基础,分析不同模式的公司治理结构与内部审计特点,提出内部审计是完善公司治理的有效手段之一,并对如何加强内部审计以完善公司治理进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Based on the conceptualframework of Pierre Bourdieu, this studycompares the impact of pressure to develop tieswith non-academic organisations on two fieldsof research, namely: sociology and economics.The study highlights the dynamics particular toeach discipline and shows that a soundunderstanding of transformations affectinguniversity research cannot exclude analysis ofthe specificity of each one. Two cohorts ofprofessors were studied in two Quebecuniversities: the first cohort was made up ofprofessors who received tenure between 1974 and1983, and the second between 1989 and 1998. Theresults suggest that pressures in favor ofpartnership with non-academic organisationshave not had the same impact in sociology andeconomics. While research practices haveundergone transformations in each discipline,the nature of these transformations differs inan important way. The results also contradicttwo popular models in knowledge productionstudies, which are the Entrepreneurial Science,and Mode 1/Mode 2 models. Although these modelsclaim that academic research orientation hasbecome geared towards problem-solving, ourresults indicate, however, that the oppositetrend has been taking place in sociology andeconomics.  相似文献   


A dominant discourse in western higher education circles is currently concerned— even obsessed—with the marketisation of knowledge as a commodity to be purchased and traded [Healy (1998); Poole (1998); Richardson (1998)]. These developments are broadly allied with managerial changes that some have called ‘steering at a distance’ [Kickert (1991); Marceav (1993)] whereby the control by the state of individual higher education workers is maintained and intensified at the same time that pressure is applied to 'wean' universities from government funding. This paper explores a different kind of 'steering', the kind that is being engaged by Australian teacher educators confronted by developing competitiveness in higher education. We argue that these changes compel teacher educators to (re)negotiate their professionalisms; to re-examine their attitudes towards, and values within, education and its practices as they (individually and collectively) steer new courses through the state and the market. We illustrate our argument by referring to three critical incidents in the professional lives of teacher educators located within a globalised, multi-campus and provincial Australian university, yet with important implications also for teacher educators outside Australia. We posit the (re)negotiated professionalisms manifested in those incidents as a few among several potential kinds of steering by Australian teacher educators.  相似文献   

高校的市场化趋势以及直接促进产业技术进步的作用在世界范围内近年日益彰显。由于历史和制度条件影响,中国出现了高校科技企业这一联系高校与市场的独特方式。本文从国家创新系统层面,通过动力机制、制度特征、现实作用等方面对高校科技企业进行分析,并针对高校企业市场化、公众化、规范化的观点提出新的看法和政策建议。  相似文献   

师范大学综合化与综合大学办师范的历次纷争共同构成了我国教师教育体系的发展进程。在教师教育体系由封闭逐步转向开放的过程中,师范大学与综合大学出现了不同程度的纷争,从而影响我国教师教育改革的步伐。但二者之间的纷争不是不可调和的,通过均衡教师教育资源配置可以不断缓解二者因利益冲突带来的消极影响,着力推进师范大学"回归"师范性和综合大学"重启"教师教育,在不断提升其自身实力的基础上增强服务新时代教师队伍建设改革的能力,进而推进我国教师教育体系的完善。  相似文献   

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