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师斌  李凯  严建援 《科研管理》2018,39(4):64-73
随着LBS在全球范围内的快速发展,LBS用户使用意向的影响因素及用户认知过程引发了相关领域学者的广泛重视。然而,以往研究缺乏对其中个人隐私问题的有效关注。本研究以公平理论和价值接受模型为理论基础,从个人隐私信息视角出发,探索LBS特性对用户使用意向的作用机制,构建LBS用户使用意向的认知过程模型,并利用264份有效问卷对研究模型进行实证检验。研究发现,首先,LBS平台的个性化和互动促进特征对用户的感知有用性和感知娱乐性都有正向提升作用;其次,互动促进会增加用户的隐私关注,而隐私政策会减少用户的隐私关注;最后,用户的感知有用性和感知娱乐性正向提升其感知价值,进而增加LBS使用意向,而用户的隐私关注会降低其感知价值,进而降低用户的使用意向。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]信息隐私关注和信任是影响智能手机用户的个人信息安全行为的重要因素,对智能手机用户的信息隐私关注和信任与其个人信息安全行为意向关系的探讨有助于更好地理解智能手机用户的信息安全行为。[方法/过程]本文引入以往经验变量,构建了智能手机用户信息隐私关注、信任与其信息安全行为意向之间的作用模型,通过调查问卷收集数据,并利用SmartPLS2.0进行验证。[结果/结论]研究发现:智能手机用户的信息隐私关注对其信息安全行为意向具有正向作用;用户对智能手机生产商和服务商的信任在信息隐私关注和信息安全行为意向之间起到中介作用;智能手机用户信息安全方面的以往经验对其信息隐私关注、信任和信息安全行为意向起正向作用。  相似文献   

泄露他人隐私行为意向的影响要素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
吴娜  李文立  吕欣  柯育龙 《科研管理》2015,36(11):139-147
互联网的发展为人们的生活带来巨大便利,但也带来了隐私安全隐患,通过互联网渠道泄露他人隐私的现象已经引起社会的高度关注。基于犯罪学领域的中和技术理论,分析了否认责任、否认伤害、否认受害者、更高层次效忠、避免更多的伤害和隐私意识对泄露他人隐私行为发生意向的影响,构建了互联网环境下泄露他人隐私意向的研究模型。以人肉搜索这一典型例子进行场景设计,通过问卷调查,收集759份有效问卷,采用Smart PLS2.0软件进行结构方程检验。实证结果表明否认责任、否认受害者和避免更多伤害三类中和技术正向影响泄露他人隐私行为的意向,否认伤害和更高层次效忠技术对泄露他人隐私意向没有显著影响。另外,增强个人隐私意识能有效削弱泄露他人隐私行为的意向。本研究结果有助于了解隐私泄露者的行为动机,为规范互联网用户上网行径和制定隐私保护政策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]健康信息风险和用户隐私保护是健康大数据和移动健康时代的重要议题,从信息隐私和隐私计算视角,探究移动健康管理服务使用意愿的影响因素具有重要意义。[方法/过程]本文在分析移动健康管理服务特殊性和回顾相关研究的基础上,从信息隐私和隐私计算的视角,通过模型构建、问卷调查和假设验证等实证分析过程,重点探究信息隐私等相关因素对移动健康管理服务用户行为意向的影响。[结果/结论]研究表明:显著影响移动健康管理服务使用意愿的因素有感知收益和信任;隐私顾虑对使用意愿的影响并不显著,但并不意味着用户隐私保护不重要;此外,感知隐私控制是重要的心理要素,正向影响感知收益,负向影响隐私顾虑。对移动健康管理服务商来说,应该从信息隐私保护、感知收益提升、个人隐私控制强化以及用户信任建设等方面着手,从而促进移动健康管理服务的用户使用。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]智能腕带在给人们日常生活提供便利的同时,也产生了更加隐蔽且难以感知的隐私问题,本文旨在研究各种因素如何影响智能腕带用户的隐私披露意愿。[方法/过程]采用量化研究方法,依据隐私计算理论构建理论模型,围绕智能腕带用户的隐私决策过程,对影响其隐私披露意愿的因素进行探讨。通过对超过300名智能腕带用户进行问卷调查,再基于回收的304份有效问卷进行数据分析。[结果/结论]隐私计算理论在智能腕带场景下同样适用,复杂的情景收益导致非理性的隐私披露;主观规范和设备信任正向影响感知隐私决策收益,感知被动性正向影响感知隐私决策风险。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]用户的微信使用行为,涉及使用动机、隐私关注和隐私行为三个问题,研究目的在于探讨三者之间的关系。[方法/过程]以隐私关注为中介变量,使用动机为前因变量,隐私行为为结果变量,构建用户使用微信的APCO模型,设计量表,测度微信用户对这三个变量的认知,进行相关性分析与回归分析,探讨三者之间的联系。[结果/结论]结果表明,使用动机与隐私关注整体上相关性较弱,但其中的关系保持和信息搜寻动机对隐私关注存在正向影响;隐私关注对隐私行为中的隐私保护存在正向影响,但在使用动机与自我披露之间的中介作用并不显著;使用动机中的关系建立对隐私行为中的自我披露具有显著正向作用。  相似文献   

张茜  谢卫红  王忠 《情报杂志》2023,(5):175-183+199
[研究目的]为揭示用户隐私披露的本质,该研究从应对视角出发,剖析量化自我的隐私悖论现象,试图为量化自我相关企业获取用户信息、促进用户隐私披露提供理论指导。[研究方法]基于应对理论,以可穿戴设备用户为研究对象,通过问卷调查法,构建结构方程模型,探究用户如何应对可穿戴设备技术可供性带来的使用收益与隐私顾虑及其对隐私披露决策的影响。[研究结论]研究发现:第一,可穿戴设备的技术可供性正向影响隐私披露意愿。第二,可穿戴设备的技术可供性与隐私披露意愿之间的关系,通过感知收益、隐私顾虑起中介作用。相较于隐私顾虑,感知收益的正向中介效应更强。第三,用户在面临量化自我带来的风险时,认知评估(风险偏好和感知隐私控制)对隐私顾虑的形成有着重要的影响;而形成隐私顾虑后,隐私脱离的应对方式对隐私顾虑和隐私披露意愿之间的关系有正向调节作用。  相似文献   

朱侯  李佳纯 《现代情报》2009,40(3):169-177
[目的/意义] 为研究中国情境下社交媒体用户隐私设置行为的影响机制,为隐私设置功能的设计与开发提供参考依据。[方法/过程] 本文以微信活跃用户为研究对象,基于计划行为理论和技术接受模型,构建了隐私设置行为影响因素理论模型。[结果/结论] 研究结果表明:隐私设置行为主要受到隐私设置意愿和感知控制影响;隐私关注、感知有用性、感知易用性正向影响隐私设置意愿;感知易用性、信任、交互公平正向影响感知控制;隐私关注和感知易用性都正向影响感知有用性。  相似文献   

刘百灵  李洁 《现代情报》2023,(4):137-149+164
[目的/意义]移动应用程序的隐私权限请求没有引起用户足够的重视,反而使其对隐私问题产生了倦怠,不愿意在保护个人信息上付出努力。探究用户隐私疲劳的影响因素,并设计新的隐私权限请求界面,对于缓解用户的消极心理状态,促使其采取隐私保护措施具有重要意义。[方法/过程]借助多维发展理论,从技术特征(界面设计感知、权限合理性)和个体差异(隐私保护自我效能、隐私知识)双重视角,构建信息隐私行为(信息披露意愿和隐私保护脱离意向)的影响机理模型,运用结构方程模型进行验证。[结果/结论]相比于现有的隐私权限请求界面,用户对本研究设计的隐私权限请求界面的整体满意度更高。高水平的界面设计感知、隐私保护自我效能和隐私知识是缓解用户隐私疲劳的重要因素。隐私疲劳正向影响用户的信息披露意愿和隐私保护脱离意向,隐私担忧负向影响用户的信息披露意愿和隐私保护脱离意向。隐私疲劳为“隐私悖论”现象提供了一种新的解释视角。  相似文献   

网络环境和信息技术的发展使个人隐私面临巨大挑战。本文从组织内部员工信息隐私关注的角度,研究其对组织信任、组织公民行为和员工满意度的影响。结构方程模型分析的结果表明,员工信息隐私关注对其组织信任有显著的负向影响;信息隐私关注通过组织信任对组织公民行为有一定的影响;信息隐私关注不仅对员工满意度有直接的影响,也通过组织信任对其有间接的影响。  相似文献   

Requesting personal information in frontline service encounters raises privacy concerns among customers. The proximity contact tracing that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic provides an intriguing context of information requests. Hospitality venues required contact tracing details from customers, and customer cooperation varied with concerns about privacy. Drawing on gossip theory, we investigate the roles of businesses’ data privacy practices and government support in driving customers’ responses to contact tracing. Our findings show that perceived transparency of a business’s privacy practices has a positive effect on customers’ commitment to the business, while perceived control exerts a negative effect on commitment. These effects are mediated by customers’ information falsification rather than disclosure, because the former is a sensitive behavioral indicator of privacy concerns. The results also reveal the moderating roles of government support. This research contributes to the customer data privacy literature by demonstrating the distinct effects of perceived transparency and control on commitment and revealing the underlying mechanism. Moreover, the research extends the conceptual understanding of privacy practices from online contexts to face-to-face contexts of frontline service. The findings offer implications for the management of customer data privacy.  相似文献   

旅游网站顾客信任感影响因素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论影响旅游电子商务网站顾客信任感的主要因素。在文献研究和访谈调查的基础上,笔者进行了问卷调查。通过对所得的有效数据进行因子分析和多元回归分析,结果表明:(1)顾客对旅游电子商务网站的信任感主要受到网站的服务质量(其中包括网站设计、服务可靠性、隐私和安全、客户服务)、顾客对网站的熟悉程度、网站的声誉等6个因子的影响。(2)这6个因子对顾客网上信任感的影响程度从大到小依次为:网站的声誉、隐私和安全、熟悉程度、服务可靠性、客户服务、网站设计。  相似文献   

杨宏玲  缪小明 《软科学》2009,23(7):21-25
通过对中国银行产品消费者调查收集的数据来验证影响消费者对银行信息行为信任的因素。结果发现,消费者的信任信念和隐私声明信任会显著地影响其对银行信息行为的信任;而消费者的整体隐私关注越强,其对银行信息行为的信任越弱,但是消费者的整体隐私关注对其隐私声明信任的影响不显著,表明消费者的整体隐私关注直接影响消费者对银行信息行为的信任。  相似文献   

Mobile food ordering apps (MFOAs) have been widely considered in the restaurant sector as innovative channels to reach customers and provide them with high-quality services. However, there are important questions regarding the impact of implementing MFOAs on customer satisfaction and on customers’ intention to reuse such apps. Several studies have examined the outcomes of using MFOAs from the customer’s perspective. The fundamental purpose of this study is to identify and empirically examine the main factors predicting the e-satisfaction with MFOAs and customers’ intention to reuse such apps in Jordan. This research proposes an integrated model based on the extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and the features of MFOAs: online review, online rating, and online tracking. The data was collected from a convenience sample of Jordanian customers who have used MFOAs. The main results are based on structural equation modelling and support the role of online review, online rating, online tracking, performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, and price value on e-satisfaction and continued intention to reuse. This study provides a theoretical contribution and presents practical implications relevant to academics and practitioners working in areas related to MFOAs.  相似文献   

网络隐私的概念、研究进展及趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾了网络隐私的相关概念,并对其进行了界定;对消费者网络隐私关注、网络隐私行为意向、网络隐私关注和行为的影响因素这三个优先领域的研究进展进行了总结;最后讨论了网络隐私的研究趋势和前景。  相似文献   

Social commerce (s-commerce) has become increasingly impactful to e-commerce and has generated potential economic benefits. With the rise of online privacy concerns, we have seen the need to explain how concerns about privacy affect consumers’ social interaction behavior and purchase decision-making on s-commerce sites. Synthesizing the privacy-trust-behavioral intention (PTB) and consumer decision-making models, this study proposes a comprehensive model by specifically refining its privacy and trust from an institutional perspective and investigating the influences of social interaction on purchase intention and actual purchase behaviors. Our results found that institutional privacy assurance positively influences institutional-based trust, which, in turn, affects online social interactions, and consequently increases the likelihood of product purchases on s-commerce sites. Theoretical development of this research contributes to both marketing and information systems disciplines in the social media era.  相似文献   

Although there is near consensus on the need for privacy, the reality is that people's attitude toward their personal information privacy is complex. For instance, even when people claim that they value their information privacy, they often trade their personal information for tangible or intangible benefits. In this article, the research on different ways in which people respond to risks to privacy is examined. They include information seeking to reduce uncertainty, the withholding of information, and the provision of fabricated information. The impact of trust and inducements on Internet users’ willingness to share personal information is also examined. Thereafter, important postulates from theories in communication, social psychology, and sociology are synthesized into a comprehensive theoretical framework for personal information-related behaviors in the online environment.  相似文献   

While there is no question that the commercial development of the World Wide Web is still in its infancy and growing rapidly, this development faces a serious barrier to ultimate commercialization. In this article we develop the argument that the primary barrier to the successful commercial development of the Web is the current lack of consumer trust in this new commercial medium. This lack of trust is engendered primarily by the industry's documented failure to respond satisfactorily to mounting consumer concerns over information privacy in electronic, networked environments. We examine how such concerns are affecting the growth and development of consumer-oriented commercial activity on the World Wide Web and investigate the implications of these concerns for potential industry response. In the short run, the commercial development of the Web depends on giving consumers the opportunity to be anonymous when engaging in information exchanges and online transactions. Ultimately, however, commercial Web providers must come to realize that the Internet dramatically shifts the balance of power between a business and its customers, and therefore, radical new business strategies will be required for long-term success. Because the Web offers unprecedented opportunities for interacting with customers, strategies that take advantage of the medium's unique features are likely to reap important rewards in customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention. Therefore, in the long run, the most effective way for commercial Web providers to develop profitable exchange relationships with online customers is to gain consumer trust by allowing the balance of power to shift toward more cooperative interactions between firms and their customers.  相似文献   

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