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林东明 《广西教育》2014,(24):45-47
正课堂讨论是指课堂上学生与学生之间、学生与教师之间就教学内容通过说、听以及非言语的方式,互相交流,以期达到教学目的的过程。作为合作学习的一种重要方式,课堂讨论是否有效在很大程度上取决于教师组织的讨论行为是否有效。研究显示,当前有较多教师在课堂上并不经常采用课堂讨论,即便开展课堂讨论,也未达到经常有效。本文结合中学化学教学实践和观课思考,探讨提高课堂讨论行为有效性的策略。  相似文献   

课堂讨论是实现学生中心、尊重学生话语权、培养学生能力的有效方法。目前高中思想政治课堂讨论存在的主要问题在于:除少数优秀学生外,大多数学生保持沉默;课堂秩序混乱,学生讨论与课题无关的东西;教师对课堂讨论的问题草草结束,没有进行有效评价;课堂讨论成了公开课上教师“做秀”,少数优秀学生表演的舞审.改进课堂讨论应致力于:正确认识课堂讨论;精心设计课堂讨论的话题;精心组织课堂讨论;给学生创造一个舒适、宽松的课堂讨论环境。  相似文献   

课堂讨论是指师生在课堂上围绕一定的问题,相互交流、相互启发、相互学习,以实现教学目标的一种教学方法。课堂讨论组织实施的好坏,直接影响着课堂教学的有效性。本文就自己针对课堂讨论的问题设计、组织展开及课后反思方面,结合教学的实际谈谈如何有效实施初中数学课堂讨论。  相似文献   

课堂讨论是学生在课堂上进行互动学习的有效方式之一。讨论内容、讨论形式与讨论时机是课堂讨论的三大要素。在小学数学课堂教学中,教师要精挑细选,把握讨论内容的"精度";"掌握火候",把握讨论时机的"准度";精心组织,把握讨论形式的"效度",这样,才能让学生的课堂讨论更高效。  相似文献   

课堂讨论在调动主体参与、激活主体思维、加深主体体验、培养合作意识和合作能力等方面发挥着重要作用,于是,讨论这种方式在课堂上悄然升温。在各种公开课中,我们看到教师不再站到讲台上,而是穿梭于学生中间,不时地参与学生的讨论之中,课堂也一直处于讨论状态。然而,只要我们细细观察、思考,就会发现这样的课堂讨论普遍存在,但其讨论的效果却并不那么令人乐观。  相似文献   

一、课堂模式流于形式。新课程不是提倡学生参与讨论吗?有的课堂就出现了不该讨论的也讨论,为讨论而讨论,教师不对讨论对象、方式做指导,讨论完后不作总结,课堂上看起来气氛热烈,但流于空泛,学生没有掌握讨论的要领,没有从讨论中学到新知和技能。二、重视课堂,忽视课外。很多学生认为什么课就是什么课上的事情,课本一关,再不相干。这都与平时教师的引导有关。实际上,教师应为学生提供生活中的与学科相关的话题、素材,学生若能参与其中,必能乐在其中。三、教师在课堂上不敢讲太多的话,否则就会被贴上“满堂灌”的标签。实际上有些陈述客观存…  相似文献   

浅谈优质的课堂提问与课堂讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代化教育教学教学理论以及技术的发展与课程改革的深入对教师在课堂上的表现与对课堂的把握提出了更高的要求。优质的课堂提问与科学的课堂讨论可以充分发挥出学生的能动性,同时使课堂气氛活跃,从而达到提高教学质量的目的。但是当前许多教师对课堂提问与课堂讨论缺乏必要的重视,对课堂提问以及在课堂上发起讨论的技巧掌控不足,导致课堂提问与课堂讨论走进一些误区,难以达到预期的教学效果。本文从优质的课堂提问与课堂讨论的重要性入手,对当前课堂中存在的一些误区作出分析,并针对如何实现优质的课堂提问与课堂讨论提出一些见解与对策。  相似文献   

"课堂讨论"因其具备适合充分发挥学生的自主性、合作性、探究性的特点,被大量引入课堂,成为素质教育教学的有效方法之一.笔者认为"课堂讨论"教学设计的方法上应从四个方面进行反思与研究:①"课堂讨论"的可行性分析;②"课堂讨论"主题选择分析;③"课堂讨论"的策略分析;④讨论与评价.  相似文献   

众所周知,课堂讨论是学生课堂表达和交流的重要方式之一。高质量的课堂讨论在发挥学生主体地位,凸现学生能力,彰显学生个性,达成课堂教学目标,提高课堂教学实效等方面起着重要作用。然而在平时的思想品德教学中尤其是各种公开课、各类赛课活动中,由于许多教师理解上的偏差、操作中的不当,致使课堂讨论出现浮于表面、流于形式的伪讨论和过多、随意地利用课堂讨论的现象,这样做显然收不到讨论应有的实效,造成课堂讨论质低量不当的局面。下面结合一个课例,谈谈我对课堂讨论的看法。  相似文献   

"课堂讨论"因其具备适合充分发挥学生的自主性、合作性、探究性的特点,被大量引入课堂,成为素质教育教学的有效方法之一。笔者认为"课堂讨论"教学设计的方法上应从四个方面进行反思与研究:①"课堂讨论"的可行性分析;②"课堂讨论"主题选择分析;③"课堂讨论"的策略分析;④讨论与评价。  相似文献   

我国法学本科教育长期采用讲授式教学法,忽视调动学生学习的积极性和主动性.与此不同的是.讨论式教学法要求学生通过讨论的方式积极参与教学,较好地处理教师是教的主体,学生是学的主体两者之间的关系.达到教学相长。本文以《刑事诉讼法》课程大学本科教学为例.总结出法学讨论式教学中的一些具体运作程序.强调教学中教师和学生只有做好充分准备而不是盲目地参与教学.才能提高讨论式教学的质量和效率。而要使讨论式教学达到预期效果.关键在于教学中教师必须扮演好组织者、指导者、倾听者等角色。  相似文献   


A recent issue of The Educational Forum contained eight articles theming the preparation of teachers for linguistically-diverse classrooms. This article extends that discussion, and in it this scholar introduces practicalities for mathematics teachers in linguistically-diverse classrooms, and provides suggestions for teacher educators whose target audience is prospective mathematics teachers. The author’s intention is to contribute to the discussion of supporting ELLs in mathematics classrooms, and to advance the praxis for teachers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

Reading is fundamental to science and not an adjunct to its practice. In other words, understanding the meaning of the various forms of written discourse employed in the creation, discussion, and communication of scientific knowledge is inherent to how science works. The language used in science, however, sets up a barrier, that in order to be overcome requires all students to have a clear understanding of the features of the multimodal informational texts employed in science and the strategies they can use to decode the scientific concepts communicated in informational texts. We argue that all teachers of science must develop a functional understanding of reading comprehension as part of their professional knowledge and skill. After describing our rationale for including knowledge about reading as a professional knowledge base every teacher of science should have, we outline the knowledge about language teachers must develop, the knowledge about the challenges that reading comprehension of science texts poses for students, and the knowledge about instructional strategies science teachers should know to support their students’ reading comprehension of science texts. Implications regarding the essential role that knowledge about reading should play in the preparation of science teachers are also discussed here.  相似文献   

探讨并分析了教师绩效结构的五个维度,即师德、学科素养、课堂教学、学生学习和班主任工作。提出教师绩效评价必然将教师的专业发展与学生的全面发展相联系;必须基于教育教学改善、专业思考和协商参与,增进教师对教育教学的理解并改善实践;必须促使教师从个体竞争走向团体竞争。  相似文献   

Indiana recently passed legislation requiring teacher preparation programs to educate future teachers on how to identify and refer struggling readers, including students with learning needs related to dyslexia. The purpose of this study was to examine whether a university course that covers content in response to legislation was effective in improving preservice teachers’ knowledge about the topic of dyslexia. Participants included 62 undergraduate students enrolled in general education teacher preparation programs. One group of 23 participants had taken a required course with content regarding reading challenges and targeted instruction; the remaining 39 participants had not yet taken the required course. Preservice teachers who took the course had more accurate knowledge about dyslexia than those who had not taken the course. There were no differences between groups for confidence in ability to help students struggling with dyslexia. Additional implications regarding legislation and teacher preparation will be included in the discussion.  相似文献   

"研讨式"教学之管见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
搞好“研讨式”教学,要处理好管理与教学、教师与学生、课前与课上的关系,发挥好教师和学生两方面的积极性,在教学全过程中实现师生互动,不断提高教学质量和教学效果。  相似文献   

This article discusses the lingering problem of poor and inappropriate preparation of professional teachers of reading and learning disabilities – why it exists and what we can do about it. Because most students classified as having learning disabilities experience primary difficulties with language-based learning, teachers must know how to teach the forms and processes of language on which literacy depends, but most teacher preparation programs fail to teach this content at a level that supports teachers' implementation of effective instruction. The evidence suggests that teachers may cling to unproductive philosophies of teaching not only because science-based instruction is neglected in many teacher training programs, but also because the requisite insights are elusive and the content is difficult for many to grasp, even with some exposure. While ideologies can be blamed for much resistance to explicit, systematic methodologies, we must ask why they develop in the first place. Although there is a substantial body of research on the relationship between teacher knowledge, practice, and student outcomes in reading on which to build reform in teacher training and mentoring, more thought should be given to how prospective teachers are taught. First, the disciplinary knowledge base required to teach students with reading and related difficulties must be unambiguously explained in the standards by which teachers are educated and evaluated, and then programs must be set up to build teachers' insight as well as their knowledge of basic reading psychology, language structure, and pedagogy. Those who teach teachers in university settings or who provide professional development must be included in a supportive educational process, as wars of ideology are having only limited positive effects.  相似文献   

健美操公开课的开设有利于检验健美操专项教师的教学水平。成功的公开课必须有充足的准备。文章从教学内容、业务水平、多媒体、教师个性、心理等五方面阐述高职院校健美操公开课的准备过程,为公开课的准备提供实践依据。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study on the use of the target language (TL) in foreign language classrooms, drawing on the perspectives of student teachers and practising teachers. Observational and group discussion data showed that TL use was not extensive. While student teachers and practising teachers shared a commitment to using the TL, this was undermined by several factors, notably inconsistencies between university and school positions on TL use, challenging classes, external inspection and examinations. Lack of coherence between student teachers' experiences at university and in schools has implications not only for languages but also other subjects in teacher preparation.  相似文献   

The disparity between the ethnic and cultural makeup of our teaching force and the ethnic and cultural makeup of the student population demands initiatives on the part of teacher preparation programs. Preservice teachers need to learn about the various cultures of their students in order to increase communication and understanding. As preservice teachers learn about and come to understand culturally diverse students, they move toward becoming culturally responsive teachers. Through the use of ethnic children's literature and focused discussion in field experience seminars, preservice teachers increased their background knowledge about Latino children's lives and began to make connections with the students themselves.  相似文献   

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