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卓越教师培养是当代我国教师教育的新主题,实践取向是我国教师教育改革的核心理念。教育实践是培养未来卓越教师的重要环节。教育实践具有主体性、情景性、智慧性、反思性、本体性等品性。教育实践以教育理论为前提,教育理论指导教育实践,教育实践与教育理论深度融合。构建职前教师教育实践模式,需要创新教育实践机制,建设教师教育协同创新体;完善教育实践内容,构建实践导向的教师教育课程体系;统筹教育实践时间,使教育实践贯穿大学教育的始终;拓展教育实践空间,建立多种类型的教育实践基地;创新实践教学方法,提升实践教学质量。  相似文献   

采用问誊调查方法,对河北北方学院职前数学教师职业认同状况进行了调查,剖析其认同度不高的主要原因,一是对教师职业缺乏必要的了解,二是教师对教育类课程认同度不高。建议高师院校严把学生入学关,不断改革教学内容与教学方法,加强相关教师与中小学的沟通,增加职前教师教学实践机会。  相似文献   

教育技术能力是教师专业素质的重要组成部分,职前教师教育中一般通过开设《现代教育技术》课程来培养师范生的教育技术能力,但文献调研、问卷调查、实地考察与访谈都显示:师范生的教育技术能力养成状况欠佳.在终身学习视野下,教师职前教育应依据基础教育的实际需求、师范生成长的规律以及高校人才培养的特点,建构教师教育技术能力体系,培养师范生的教育技术能力.职前教师教育中教育技术能力体系由信息技术基础能力、教学软件制作能力、教学软件运用能力、技术与课程整合能力、技术支持专业发展能力递进式构成.教育技术能力体系可以通过系列课程平台和系列课外学习活动来建构,针对这些课程和学习活动还需提供配套技术平台支持.  相似文献   

通过实证研究和调查发现,开展各类专业教学实践活动,融师范教育和师范生专业技能训练于专业基础英语课程,给学生提供大量上台展示、反思和成长的机会,对职前英语教师的师范技能培养会产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

近五年我国小学教师职前培养模式研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小学教师培养模式的研究是全世界小学教师教育的焦点,它直接影响到小学教师培养质量。对近五年我国小学教师职前培养模式研究的文献进行梳理总结,可以继续完善和深入研究培养模式内部各要素。  相似文献   

It is expected that that pre-service teachers are adequately equipped to meet the needs of diverse students. This article discusses the choices that teacher educators must make in designing inclusive education courses. The first choice is whether inclusive education will be infused into the curriculum or presented as a stand-alone course. If the latter, the second decision is what determines the content of courses – teacher need, policy directives or the authority of the field where knowledge is produced. If teacher educators look to the field of knowledge production, they might choose among inclusive education as an issue of student diversity; teaching competence; and schools and societies. We animate these choices as we describe an inclusive education course taught in a South African university. Our conclusion suggests that pre-service teacher education for inclusive education would be strengthened by more critical appraisal of the assumptions and orientations informing the design of courses.  相似文献   

在教育信息化2.0背景下,提升教师整合技术的学科教学知识(Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge,TPACK)水平显得尤为重要。为了探究职前教师个人知识管理(Personal Knowledge Management,PKM)与TPACK水平的关系,文章采用基于问卷调查数据的定量分析和基于深度访谈数据的定性分析相结合的方法,以S大学化学专业30名职前教师为研究对象,就其PKM与TPACK水平的相关性进行了多方面分析,发现:职前教师的TPACK水平与PKM能力显著相关,基于PKM的TPACK课程培训可提升职前教师的TPACK水平。此结论为发展职前教师的TPACK水平提供了一个新的思路,有利于推动信息技术与课程的深度融合。  相似文献   

教师职前教育入学标准是教师教育机构选拔学生进入教育计划学习的具体要求,对保障教师职前教育质量和规范专业发展具有重要作用。当前我国教师职前教育入学标准还不够科学,影响了我国未来教师质量。可以借鉴美国经验,进一步规范教师职前教育入学标准,将对我国教师教育改革具有重要意义。  相似文献   

职前国际汉语教师的教学信念在经过一个学期的课程学习之后,绝大部分都有了转变,转变的结果呈现出人本主义倾向,转变的过程蕴涵了丰富的情感。教学隐喻视角的研究对职前国际汉语教师培养的启示在于:隐喻是促进职前国际汉语教师批判性反思的有效途径;要充分重视并有效利用职前国际汉语教师的先前经验;在职前国际汉语教师的培养中要探究有深度的学习内容和方式。  相似文献   

本文从新制度主义对制度的理解出发,基于跨学科学术组织的规范性要素和文化-认知性要素进行探讨。大学跨学科学术组织的学科文化冲突主要表现在学科文化信念和价值观方面,如学者价值观的异质、学科文化认同度迥异、学科话语权的争夺等。其形成与学科规训所形成的学科文化积淀、学术部落所构成的行动情境、以及学者思维和地位产生影响的行动选择有关。要消弭学科文化冲突需要重构行动者的学科文化信念、行动情境、规整学者行动。  相似文献   

This study investigated the ability of students in a pre-service teacher education course to deploy pattern language (or professional lexicon) related to specific inclusive teaching strategies. The study sought to determine whether there were differential effects of two approaches to learning, one based on a field-based placement (Applied Experience) and the other employing an embedded course design approach (Embedded Design). The results indicate that pattern language frequency and sophistication increased significantly over time. Results also indicate that pre-service teachers’ use and sophistication of pattern language differed according to the structure of the university learning approach employed. The findings are discussed within the context of Embedded Design theory and the role of Applied Experience in pre-service inclusive education, as well as within the context of building more rigorous teacher preparation programmes.  相似文献   

This paper presents how students reshaped the idea of an international university offered to them. The findings derive from participant observation ethnographic fieldwork carried out at Fudan University in China. The analysis proves that the idea of an “international university” offered to Fudan University students was double-edged in the sense that it both cultivated and screened international talent. Students reshaped their university by manipulating or “twisting” the screening process when applying for short-term study abroad programs, on the one hand, and creating cultivating “devices” within the university, namely student-initiated associations on the other hand. The findings of this paper add a new aspect to the idea of the “international university” from students’ perspective and turn the spotlight on students as active builders of their university.  相似文献   

This paper explores student identity construction through the narrative life history of one non-traditional student, engaged in teacher education in a non-traditional way – a fully online university degree course. The students within this course are all mature-aged. Most are female, and have already developed personal identities as partners, friends and mothers, as well as professional identities such as teacher aides. Adding the new identity of “student” to these already established roles has an impact on these participants’ actions, beliefs, experiences and hence on their identities. Further, the notion that they are now “pre-service teachers” forces students to consider their professional identity in new and sometimes uncomfortable ways. This paper explores the challenges for one student created by the need to negotiate this complexity. Through this exploration using narrative life history methods, the paper considers the implications of the experience of becoming a student and a teacher.  相似文献   

高校教师失序流动的理性分析及制度规范 ——基于多维评价背景下理性选择制度主义的视角  相似文献   

基础教育英语课程标准改革已经10余年,但新的课程理念仍旧无法为教师所接受,课堂上仍旧难以实施真正的以学习者为中心。以一名中国新入职教师和一名澳大利亚在中国任教的新入职教师为案例,通过课堂观察和访谈的方式,分析其课堂管理、教学方法、儿童教育观背后的文化成因可以发现,一个民族的文化因素是影响教师教育教学观念和教学行为的主要因素,因此,职前教师教育和在职培训应该专注价值观的教育,而相应的教师教育课程改革也势在必行。  相似文献   

Legitimate teacher authority is fundamental to effective teaching, but is often a thorny issue that teachers need to grapple with when teaching in cross-cultural teaching contexts. By interviewing 18 pre-service Chinese language teachers on their understanding of legitimate teacher authority throughout teaching practicum at international schools in Hong Kong, this study revealed that the teachers changed their perception about the essentiality and the nature of the pedagogical and interpersonal components of legitimate teacher authority. They developed a more nuanced and balanced understanding about legitimate teacher authority over time. However, their abilities in reaching the balance were constrained by their cultural knowledge and skills in achieving positive interpersonal dynamics when implementing student-centred pedagogies.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初至今,我国大学教师文化研究取得了一些成果,主要内容包括大学教师文化的内涵、特征、类型、存在问题及产生原因、重构策略等。但相关研究仍存在诸多问题,如实证研究缺乏,研究视角狭隘,研究内容不全面,缺乏本土化探索等。今后需要在反思的基础上,从多视角多学科出发,更加重视实证研究,关注作用、功能及关系研究,加强本土化探索,不断提高大学教师文化研究质量,建构更具新时代特色的大学教师文化。  相似文献   

李政 《江苏高教》2021,(5):103-109
通过历史制度主义的视角检视中国高等职业教育项目制治理模式的变迁逻辑发现:高职教育项目制治理模式是在财税制度改革与高等教育的新自由主义风潮下形成的;人才需求变迁、职业教育区域均衡发展、职业教育发展定位、意识形态建设等因素深度影响项目制的内容与实施;在项目制的形塑下,政府与学校之间以“委托—代理”关系互动,进而形成了高职院校独特的行动模式。项目制在其演化过程中存在着自我强化的路径依赖,但同时职业教育类型地位的确立,也成为该制度在内容和实施层面演变的一个“关键节点”。  相似文献   

For many students, impairments such as chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, epilepsy, or diabetes have the potential to vary in intensity, and thus impact, on participation in learning activities and on self-perception/identity. This article considers some of the factors that may be of influence on the ways in which students with such fluctuating or recurring impairments enact identity within higher education in the United Kingdom. In particular, the article highlights the potential role of higher education discourses based on notions of consistency and conformity in constructing disablement in finite ways. It also reviews the potential for reflexive use of communication technologies in offering students ways of promoting or masking selected aspects of identity. The article concludes with some insights into possibilities for the use of online communication modes in offering flexibility and autonomy in managing student identity and challenging institutional discourses of disability as fixed or finite.  相似文献   

二十世纪八、九十年代中师毕业生占到目前中小学教师队伍的较大比重,他们的职业生涯与专业成长,关乎基础教育的改革和发展。本文考察了浙江省金华地区中师学历背景的教师成长状况,在总结这一群体成长特点与影响因素的基础上,提出了促进他们进一步发展的若干建议。  相似文献   

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