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学生解决问题的过程是“探索——研讨——创造”的过程,注重培养学生的问题意识,才能激发学生探索新知的欲望。只有提供广阔的问题解决活动的空间,才能使学生真正成为学习的主人;只有教会学生解决问题的策略,才能使学生主动地发现问题、解决问题,从而使学生实现“再创造”,升华他们的实践能力和创新精神。  相似文献   

学生解决问题的过程是“探索——研讨——创造”的过程,注重培养学生的问题意识,才能激发学生探索新知的欲望。只有提供广阔的问题解决活动的空间,才能使学生真正成为学习的主人;只有教会学生解决问题的策略,才能使学生主动地发现问题、解决问题,从而使学生实现“再创造”,升华他们的实践能力和创新精神。  相似文献   

如果你不知道怎样游泳,我给你讲两个小时关于游泳的技术,你就会变成一个好的游泳者吗?不大可能。你必须得跳进游泳池练习多次才有可能,你还可能需要更多的指导。孩子们的学习也是一样。我们的语言有助于孩子的学习过程,但提供信息并不总是足够的。有时在他们完全掌握我们力图教  相似文献   

一、别让座位问题成为家长关注的焦点 现在每个家庭孩子不多,孩子是父母的宝贝,很多家长为孩子挑学校、挑班主任之后,挑座位已经成为他们入学“三挑”的最后一个关键内容。座位安排不好,班主任工作就很被动。我亲眼看见好些家长为座位问题冲到学校闹事,甚至还上告到教育行政管理部门。  相似文献   

教会学生解决问题的方法是一种科学的学习方法,不仅能更快地掌握知识要点,还能学到更多的思维方式。  相似文献   

目前,低年级识字教学的一般程序,不外乎这么几步;老师出示带拼音的汉字,带领学生看拼音认字;指导分析字形、书空或一笔一笔指导书写;讲解字义、学生组词造句;让学生逐个反复认读,以帮助记忆;默写生字(多为隔天进行)。应该说,这个过程是符合学习汉字规律的。问题在于:整个识字过程都以教师的教为主,学生不论基础好坏,能力大小,都得跟着老师按部就班地学习,不能从各人的实际出发,确定学习的重点和分配各个环节的学习时间。这种以教师的教为主而又全班步调一致的教学方法,使  相似文献   

算式谜是小学课外教学中的一朵奇葩。它以其新颖的形式、独特的构思吸引着无数的小学数学爱好者。但由于其数量关系比较隐蔽,如果靠猜或凑有时虽然也能算出结果,但毕竟要花费大量的时间。  相似文献   

“交往是人们之间为了协调、联合力量去获取某种共同成果而进行的相互作用”,随着儿童越来越早地进入学前教育机构,儿童与同伴的交往已成为儿童社会化的主要途径。同伴关系是发展社会能力的重要背景,是满足社交需要,获得社会支持和安全感的重要源泉,并且有利于儿童自我概念和人格的发展,因而儿童与同伴之间的良好交往显得愈发重要。然  相似文献   

著名的意大利教育家詹尼·罗达里在通过文艺性创作发展儿童的语言上进行了十分成功的实验。他的名著《创造性想象的逻辑》非常有趣地介绍了引导儿童进行语言创作的各种方法。该专著一共记叙了22个写独创性文章的例子,写这些独创性的文章能够从童年起就发展人的创造因素,并且掌握表达这些创造因素的手段。本刊将分两期刊登夏人青同志从该书选择的部分内容。  相似文献   

儿童认知策略是指儿童在其认知过程中,对认知行为有控制作用的、指向认知目标的心理过程.即是儿童用来控制自己的注意、学习、记忆和思维的过程。教会儿童使用认知策略对全面提高教学效率及在创新教育和学会学习中显得非常重要。  相似文献   

A kindergarten teacher's practice was investigated in order to understand her knowledge of her children's mathematical thinking, the ways in which she acquired that knowledge, and the uses she made of that knowledge in making instructional decisions. The focus of the investigation was the teacher's knowledge of her children's thinking about numbers, including counting and addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The teacher had attended Cognitively Guided Instruction workshops at which she had the opportunity to learn about research on children's mathematical thinking. She gathered information on her own children's thinking by posing word problems, listening to children as the described their strategies for solving the problems, and talking to other adults about her children. She used that information to select problems to pose in subsequent lessons.  相似文献   

实验教学是高等教育教学的两大主要传授知识的形式之一,责任意识对实验教学效果有决定性的影响,现以对单片机数字I/O实验中出现的软、硬件问题的分析解决过程为例说明这一问题.  相似文献   


Problem solving is perhaps the key characteristic that makes us human. Given the kinds of problems that we face in a competitive economy and society, the new generation of learners is ever more required to have problem-solving abilities. By drawing from the literature on technological pedagogical content knowledge, design thinking, general and specific methods of problem solving, and role of technologies for solving problems, this article highlights the importance of problem solving for future teachers and discusses strategies that can help them become good problem solvers and understand the requirements of teaching their students problem solving in technology-rich contexts. This article consists of two main parts. Part 1 focuses on strategies required to help preservice teachers to be better problem solvers, and Part 2 summarizes approaches to introduce preservice teachers to the methods of teaching problem solving. The strategies reviewed provide a tangible guidance for teacher education programs regarding how to promote future teachers’ problem-solving skills.  相似文献   

Two computer simulations were developed and used to investigate systems thinking and environmental problem solving in children. Ninety-two primary school children (aged 8 years and 11 years) interacted with computer simulation of either a deforestation problem or a water depletion problem. The children's task was to manipulate the simulation thereby enabling it to run for as long as possible before resources—water or trees—were exhausted. This could be achieved via a number of strategies and their use by the two groups of children was compared. Through efficient use of resources and recycling strategies, the older children outperformed the younger children. Magical thinking was more prevalent among the 8-year-olds. The results also suggest that seemingly isomorphic environmental problems may not be interpreted as such.  相似文献   

圆是中学数学中最基本、最重要的概念之一,也是各类考试中的热点内容之一.解题时,若能充分利用题设条件,构造圆的方程,运用圆的圆心、直径(或半径)的几何意义,或点与圆的位置关系等性质,常可简化直线与曲线相交问题的求解过程,达到化繁为简,化难为易之目的.下面分类举例说明.  相似文献   

Are schools sufficiently aware of their own ethos and its potential influence on pupil behaviour and progress? This is the first example in this journal of a residential special school which is tackling difficult behaviour through a multidisciplinary problem-solving group and, in the process, becoming more conscious of its ethos. Robert Stratford, senior tutor, M.Sc course in educational psychology, Southampton University, describes a one-day workshop which has encouraged a continuing, problem-solving approach among staff.  相似文献   

高中数学第二册(下B)给出了向量a^→与b^→的夹角公式:  相似文献   

教学就在于运用已知,探索未知,创造新知。教学方法是师生为达到一定的教学目标而取得相互关联的动作体系,教师在选择教学方法时要注意学科特点、教材特点、学生特点。符合教学大纲对提高学生全面素质的总要求。重、难点教学不可拘泥于一种模式。关键是建构的教学模式要适合学生自主学习的需要,有利于实施教学目标。只有创设丰富生动的学习情境,充分调动学生自主学习的积极性,才能使学生在掌握知识的同时又提高了学习能力。  相似文献   

合理地利用丰富的网络资源可以解决计算机专业英语教学上的一些的问题,改善教学效果。结合计算机专业英语课程的性质,从若干个方面提出了利用网络来解决这些问题的策略。  相似文献   

电磁学实验课是物理系学生掌握实验知识、实验方法及实验技能的必修课,能够培养学生理论联系实际、实事求是的科学作风和良好的实验素质、动手能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力.然而,目前电磁学实验教学中仍存在一些问题,影响了实验教学效果.在强调素质教育、呼唤加强创新人才培  相似文献   

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