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学术职业是社会职业分工的一种,在日益专业化的学术制度中,大学成为学术职业的主要工作领地。学术自由是学术发展本身的需要,是学术职业的核心价值。中国大学由于行政权力泛化侵害了学术活动的自主领域,使学术权力在大学权力结构中黯然隐失,大学教师权益弱化。为此,必须坚持学术至上,从学术职业的视角来探求现代大学制度下高校教师权益保障机制。  相似文献   

论学术职业阶梯与大学教师发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学术职业是大学教师的工作领地,学术职业阶梯是人们根据学术职业特性为从业者所设计的一套个人发展阶段的共同标识和职业规制,对大学教师的发展及其生存方式有着重要影响。学术职业阶梯又是大学教师的学术价值的形象化表现,也是一套大学教师的劳动分工制度与激励机制。不同国家的学术职业阶梯在结构、层次和跨度等几个方面表现出明显的差异性。随着大众化高等教育的逐步实现,各国学术职业阶梯的变化越来越频繁,且受市场力量、国家权力和学术权力的影响越来越突出。我国学术职业阶梯是一个全国统一的体系,阶梯跨度相对较大,且阶梯间的异动以院校为基础封闭运行。  相似文献   

新一轮地方本科高校转型发展,是在大学再学术化背景下,为实现大学学术功能、形态的多元化和多样性要求而进行的一次关于大学学术研究功能、形态和实践范式的再分工和再调整;其最终目的是要通过一部分地方本科高校转型发展的探索实践,在我国高等教育内部建立起学术性与应用性两种相对分立的教育实践体系;它对地方高校教师学术职业理念和形态的转变提出了现实要求,同时也进一步加剧了大学教师学术职业分化。坚持对大学学术研究分化现象的肯定性和批判性双重价值评价,以及坚持大学学术的根本价值和保持大学学术形态多样性的统一,应该成为地方本科高校转型发展背景下应对大学教师学术职业分化的两项基本原则。  相似文献   

1575年建立的荷兰莱顿大学是欧洲著名大学之一。17世纪莱顿大学的学术职业获得繁荣发展,主要呈现以下特点:从外部保障条件来说,该校学术职业不仅拥有崇高的社会地位,获得世界知名学者的加盟,还享有优越的职业待遇;从内部的学术尊重来讲,该校学术职业不但获得先进科研、教学发展条件,还享受自由的学术氛围。本文在具体分析近代莱顿大学学术职业繁荣的相关特点基础上,对我国高校与教师的互动关系、学术职业的自由性和纯粹性等问题进行思考,以期能为我国高校学术职业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

时伟 《江苏高教》2012,(4):16-18
大学学术职业是历史发展的产物,其发展过程受到了学术、政治与市场多种因素的影响,其中学术因素是大学学术职业发展的根基。大学的多元性决定了大学学术职业的多样性。受世界一流大学学术职业标准的暗示,大学学术职业呈现出理想与现实的矛盾。大学学术职业需要转变观念,从理想与现实两种维度,调适学术、政治与市场多种力量,提升大学学术职业发展的切合度与适应性。  相似文献   

李志峰  沈红 《教师教育研究》2007,19(1):72-75,80
学术职业是社会劳动分工的产物,欧洲中世纪后期社会的变迁为学术职业的形成提供了基础,以思想和传授思想的学术职业成了当时的一种新的职业类型,并促进了欧洲中世纪大学的兴起。大学作为学术职业的工作平台和组织为其提供发展和保护。在近千年的历史变迁过程中,学术职业的发展和各国社会变迁相伴相随,呈现出各自不同的形态。现代学术职业秉承现代大学的使命,发生了重要的历史转型。这种现代转型继承了欧洲中世纪学术职业的精神内核,在外在表现上又呈现出不同的特征。  相似文献   

高校学术职业和其他社会职业一样,因为不断专业化的职业分工而形成不同的层级.美国高校学术职业在历史的变迁过程中初步形成了现在普遍采用的分层模式,即高校学术职业分为讲师、助理教授、副教授和教授四个层级的职业阶梯.不同层级的学术职位有相应的学术评价标准,包括学历、教学科研能力、工作经验、管理能力等几个部分.依据卡内基分类法(2005版)的分类标准,其中对我国高校学术职业分层和教师岗位设置管理制度最具借鉴意义的当属博士学位授予大学、硕士学位授予大学、学士学位授予大学和社区学院的学术职业分层.因此,本文分别从美国这几类高校各选取一所有代表性的学校,对它们在学术职业分层管理的制度安排及特色进行考察,试图发现不同类型美国高校学术职业的分层聘任、晋升考核及福利待遇等方面的共性和差异,以期对我国当前正在进行的高校教师岗位设置制度提供启示.  相似文献   

论大学教师发展与学术职业专业化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术职业专业化是大学教师发展的价值选择,也是我国高等教育改革的现实需要和努力方向。推进学术职业专业化建设,必须明确大学教师发展对学术职业专业化的影响。培养大学教师的自我发展意识,提高大学教师专业素养,形成创新意识以及创新能力,树立职业道德风范等大学教师发展方式是促进学术职业专业化的必要途径。而学术职业专业化又是保障和提升大学教师社会地位和声望的内在动力,有助于大学教师发展的制度化和规范化建设。  相似文献   

本文从美国研究型大学学术职业的萌芽与初期发展、学术职业的形成和确立、学术职业的巩固与繁荣、学术职业的困境与新发展等几个方面,对其历史沿革进行梳理分析,说明了美国研究型大学学术职业的特点。  相似文献   

西方学术职业的变迁主要经历了中世纪的形成、近代的发展及其现代的转型三个时期。其演变的过程中所形成的学术职业价值理念,即“以学术为生”和“在学术上追求卓越”,已成为西方大学教师学术职业的灵魂和指导大学教师建构自身学术职业生涯的根本原则。西方大学教师学术职业发展的规律性、经验及所面临的挑战,对我国大学教师学术职业的发展具有重要的学习和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高校学术职业分层是按照某种学术标准或者资格将教师区分为高低不同的职位等级序列,并形成一个职位与地位对应的社会结构的过程,具有特定的社会、政治、经济、文化功能。从组织角度来看,学术职业分层是为了更好地实现高校的组织目标,获得社会分工的生产效率;从教师个体来看,满足了教师获得职业地位,实现自我价值的内在需要。影响高校学术职业分层的因素主要包括个体因素、社会因素、组织因素和学科因素。我国学术职业分层是政府主导的产物。因此,形成学校自主分层机制、差异性的分层结构、祛除行政权力的干预,缩小阶层差距是学术职业分层的创新路径。  相似文献   

中国大学教师的职业困境与出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国高等教育大众化导致了高等教育的多元化和质量问题的出现,大学教师职业的失落是重要的表现。大学教育的世俗化和功利化导致大学教师职业发展的困惑,制约着高等教育的发展。所以,提升学术职业的社会声誉和创新活力是高等教育的时代课题。文章对中国大学教师的职业困境作了探讨,从国际比较的视野提出了大学教师职业发展的建议。  相似文献   

技术是一种完成工作的方法体系,职业则强调社会分工。在此基础上对职业技术教育进行概念解析,得出结论:职业与技术具有不同的价值取向;职业说法过于宽泛,并非职业技术教育的本质特征;技术概念不精确,应是一种更为狭义的概念;从人才类型的角度来分,职业技术教育可以分为职业教育和技术教育。  相似文献   

European academic labor markets in transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Even if convergences are to be observed among the orientations adopted by higher education policies in European countries, they still are characterized by strong national features. One of the most striking national patterns of each system is its academic labor market, salaries, status, recruitment procedures, workloads, career patterns, promotion rules, being very different from one country to another. Nevertheless, specific national academic labor markets are experiencing a common evolution that can be summed up by the emergence of more regulated internal labor markets. At the same time, the qualification of the academic production (knowledge) as a public good is questioned and academic activities rely less on individual autonomy than before. Two main transformations can be mentioned: the development of individual assessment and incentive devices in universities and the increasing role of higher education institutions in the issues previously in the domain of the academic profession. The paper relies on a limited number of cases and on empirical studies recently carried out in France and Germany. The evolution engaged in the two countries will be reviewed in order to show that they lead, in different ways, to more regulated ‘‘internal labor markets’’. It will also be argued that this is a general trend. In the last section, the implications linked to this evolution and the questions raised, the role of the academic profession, and the transformation of the status of scientific and pedagogical activities will be discussed.  相似文献   

本文在回顾学术劳动力市场分割的相关理论与实证研究基础上,运用2007年全国普通高校专任教师工作状况抽样调查数据,对我国学术劳动力市场的分割状况进行实证研究,以期了解中国学术劳动力市场是否存在比较明显的分割特征,如果存在,分割的具体表现形式又有哪些,哪些特征的高校教师群体更有可能归属于主要或是次要学术劳动力市场。  相似文献   

从微观经济学效用论角度出发,建立一个消费者-生产者效用函数,分析了市场经济下的专业化模式,从而解释了分工促进经济增长的机理。并得出市场经济下的不规范经济行为发生费用与分工及专业化程度成反向变动关系,然后简要分析了分工与社会福利的关系。最后提出深化地区分工、完善经济法律制度等一些促进经济增长的建议。  相似文献   

伯顿·克拉克之学术论思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张丽 《高等教育研究》2005,26(7):100-103
克拉克以“矩阵结构”和学术分化理论为起点,通过对学科演进的基础与途径、学术组织模式的演变、教师群体的分化、学科与院校分化的规律等进行探究,论证了多样的、分化的高教系统能够提供大众高等教育和精英高等教育并存的最适宜的运行机制;学术专业化进程不但是学术分化的持久动力,而且是维护学术世界自有特质之源地。  相似文献   

An analysis of the properties of university organization will tell us about important aspects of academic life, but only an analysis of the academic profession will give us the whole story of academic work. External and internal life in academia is a function of the interplay between academic organization and academic man(woman). It is vital to an understanding of academic life to recognize the distinction in perspective between the organization and the individual, because academic organization is mainly passive whereas academic man(woman) is active. The two entities—the university and the academic profession—are fundamentally dissimilar from an action perspective. What academic man(woman) is—rational, evaluative, coordinating, goal oriented—the university cannot be; and what the university as an organization amounts to—satisfying a "garbage-can" model's properties—would spell disaster for academic man(woman). What unites the university and the academic profession is that both entities have to act in an environment that is at the same time dynamic and heterogeneous. Both the university organization and the academic profession face an environment the distinctive trait of which is a constantly shifting heterogeneity. The university may attempt to define and erect stable input and output functions vis-à-vis its environment only to discover that plans have to be remade and decisions adjusted to the ongoing march of events, which the university can neither control nor even adequately predict. What creates a hazardous situation for the university as an organization is what academic man(woman) thrives on; since the perspective of the academic profession is the understanding of the environment and not the accomplishment of organizational goals, adaptation becomes that much easier; a stable and homogeneous environment would mean that the flow of stimuli for new knowledge would slow down and there would not be such a variety of needs for research. What separates the two entities—the university and the academic profession—is the basic difference in the conditions for action.  相似文献   

Through experiencing and reviewing multiple-country endeavors in academic profession study and participating in a new project regarding the academic profession in Asia, the author pinpoints and anticipates the shortcomings of study alone or dominantly questionnaire-based and ignoring the broader social context. The author proposes a new perspective or methodology to mitigate these shortcomings. The traditional approach focuses on commonalities rather than differences of the academic profession in a variety of countries. By comparing identical questionnaires, it is easy to conclude that, according to some indicators, the academic profession in developing countries, a category in which most Asian countries belong, is inferior to that in developed countries by a certain magnitude. This research strategy will devalue the research efforts on the academic profession in Asia. The academic profession is a complicated phenomenon, and it requires a sophisticated research methodology. The characteristics of the academic profession in Asia can be induced by empirically studying its relationship with the institutional environments in which the academic profession is embedded. In addition, all developing countries in Asia are undergoing a process of modernization. This dynamic feature is valuable and deserves exploration. The institutional environments in Asia can be demonstrated and illustrated via cultural and historical lenses. The purpose of this paper is to review international projects and literature regarding the academic profession. This review tries to be both critical and constructive, and shed light on newly initiated projects in the Asian academic profession. Two major research questions are raised by the author: What is the scholarly value of the new project? What strategy can researchers employ for this endeavor? Past research is dominated by the structure-function paradigm and cross-sectional questionnaire method. This approach has both strengths and weaknesses. Historical and cultural perspectives are proposed to overcome the existing limitations and explore the potential value of the new academic effort.  相似文献   

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