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我国名牌大学离世界一流有多远   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
我国名牌大学离世界一流大学的差距很大 ,最突出地表现在诺贝尔奖、年均在Nature和 Science发表的论文数、科研经费、博士教师比例、研究生中留学生比例等方面。预计到 2 0 2 5年左右 ,北京大学和清华大学有可能进入世界大学体系的前 1 0 0名 ,成为世界一流大学 ;其他若干所名牌大学可能进入前 2 0 0名 ,成为世界知名大学  相似文献   

对高校科技发展战略问题的探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高等学校肩负着知识生产、传播和应用的历史使命,是国家创新体系中原始创新成果的重要来源,是知识经济发展的中坚力量。近年来,我国高校科技发展迅速,科技实力不断增强,已成为我国科技发展的重要力量和国家科技创新体系的重要组成部分。但是,无庸讳言,我国高校科技工作在取得上述成绩的同时,也存在着一些不容忽视的问题。一是与发达国家相比,我国高校在基础研究与高技术前沿领域原始性创新研究成果方面还有较大差距。据统计,国际著名学术期刊《自然》和《科学》所发表的原创性高水平研究论文总数的2/3由大学发表;诺贝尔奖授奖总数的3/4由大…  相似文献   

在科学技术迅猛发展的今天,创新日益成为一个国家在全球背景下保持竞争优势的核心。大学是科技进步和人才培养的结合点,在建设创新型国家中承担着重要的使命,肩负着不可替代的历史责任。2006年7月12-19日在上海举办的第三届中外大学校长论坛上,中外大学校长们围绕21世纪创新型人才培养的模式与经验,以及大学科技创新、理论创新如何服务于经济建设和社会发展等问题展开了深入的交流探讨。一、提高大学的创新能力是世界各国发展面临的共同问题创新与大学关系密切,从世界范围来看,在国际顶尖学术期刊Nature、Science上每年发表的论文约2/3是以…  相似文献   

中国科学院的重点实验室体系是我院知识创新工程体系的重要组成部分,是开展高水平基础研究、战略高技术研究和公益性研究的基地,该体系包括国家实验室、国家重点实验室和院级重点实验室。为了解该体系所发表论文SCI收录现状和学科分布特点,给科研管理部门的科学管理提供参考依据,本文对2008~2012年中科院重点实验室体系的SCI论文产出情况进行了统计和分析。  相似文献   

今年3月,美国高中生的诺贝尔奖“英特尔科学奖”(Intel Science Talent Search)公布了本年度的获奖名单。10位美国高中生不仅获得最高10万美元的奖金.还应邀走进白宫享受总统接见的殊荣。“英特尔科学奖”是美国历史最悠久,也最具权威的高中生科学竞赛奖项,前身是始于1942年的“西屋科学奖”。迄今为止,  相似文献   

诺贝尔科学奖在每年的10月份陆续揭晓,12月10日正式颁奖。毋庸置疑,诺贝尔科学奖代表了世界学术殿堂的最高水平。诺贝尔科学奖设立100多年来,已有30多个国家和地区的科学家榜上有名。中国有13亿人口,居世界第一,国土面积960万平方公里,居世界第三,至今中国本土科学家仍没有一位榜上有名,这一事实也导致中国民众有很强的"诺贝尔情结"。诺贝尔科学奖反映出的是一个国家的科学综合实力,科技落后就要挨打,中国屈辱的近代史就是一个铁证。每年的此时此刻,关于中国距离诺贝尔科学奖究竟有多远之类的话题成为媒体竞相追逐的热点,许多科学家也在探讨中国获奖的可能性、已具备的条件和某些方面的劣势。就此问题,本刊编辑部特约了王绶琯院士的《诺贝尔科学奖离我们有多近?》一文,王院士从分析青年天文学家获得诺贝尔奖的过程入手,提出了人才培养的模式,回答了中国人距离诺贝尔科学奖远近的问题。  相似文献   

正1869年,《Nature》(自然)杂志在英国创刊。这是世界上最早的国际性、综合性科学技术期刊,比1880年美国《Science》(科学)杂志还早了10多年。一个半世纪过去了,世界各国科研精英都以在这两本杂志上发表论文而感到无尚荣耀。甚至,西方学术界有句谚语"Publish or Perish"(要么发表,要么死亡)。在我国,国家科技计划项目、国家科技创新基地、中央级科研事业单位、国家科技奖励、创新人才推进计划等科技评价中,要看"论文"的这项硬性指标——论文发表了多少篇,影响因子是多少,被引次数如何。  相似文献   

在对河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院科研群体在2001年至2010年发表的SCI收录论文检索的基础上,对其发表和引用文章来源期刊与学校图书馆数字期刊馆藏进行了多维度的比较分析,得到了该群体高频次发表论文的58种期刊和高频次引用的119种期刊,揭示了数字期刊的支撑情况以及不同期刊数据库的使用情况。该群体利用数据库高度集中在Elsevier Science Direct(SD)、美国化学学会电子期刊(ACS)、英国皇家化学学会电子期刊(RSC)和Wiley Online Library电子期刊等数据库,学校图书馆对该群体的发表论文和引用论文的数字期刊保障率分别为74.14%和78.15%。今后,学校图书馆可以通过增加一定数量的性价比较高的数字资源如Science和Nature,同时加强文献传递以及数字资源的使用宣传与辅导等工作,进一步为各学科的科研提供支撑。  相似文献   

诺贝尔科学奖是世界科学界“奥运会”的桂冠.就国别而论,美国是世界上获得这一桂冠人数最多的国家;而就大学而言,剑桥无疑是世界上造就诺贝尔科学奖获得者最多的大学.这所具有八百多年历史的古老大学何以长盛不衰,何以造就出如此多的科学精英.从教育生态平衡的视角考察,源自英国历史与文化的自由、理性所形成的大学与社会相对稳定、持久的制衡关系为大学自治提供了良好的生态环境,为科学家群体的成长提供了丰腴的沃土;学院制的形成与完善,使得大学与学院在组织机构及相应的权力方面达到平衡,二者的功能相得益彰,为科学家的创新活动提供了自由空间和宽松的环境;而体现在细微的教学及课余生活中的知性与感性、学习与社交的相互支持与平衡更是极大地刺激了师生的创造力,使科学大师们脱颖而出.  相似文献   

采集5397篇引用Hirsch J E(2005)的文献,数据来源于Web Of Science核心合集数据库。从文献的时间、空间、作者、主题及关联文献的协同扩散剖析。发现(1)论文知识得到不断扩散,扩散范围有美国、中国、西班牙、英国和德国等国家;(2)机构有格拉纳达大学、智利大学、鲁汶大学、安特卫普大学和中国科学院等学术机构;(3)论文引用者包含Xia,Feng、Ding,Ying、Radicchi,Filippo、Bu,Yi及Waltman,Ludo等;(4)近期扩散到的主题有替代计量学、知识图谱和研究趋势等知识可视化的应用。  相似文献   

通识教育在国家精英大学体系的建构中具有重要的符号象征意义。美国高等教育体系中,以通识教育为主的小型精英文理学院和作为一流研究型大学核心的文理学院是美国精英大学的象征性符号,是典型案例;法国高等专科学校建构国家精英大学身份的过程看上去最不需要通识教育的象征性资源,但实际上却存在明显的对后者的接纳与汲取,是最小可能的关键案例。而中国研究型大学是深受欧陆影响的以专业教育和专业院系为主导制度逻辑的精英大学体系,但改革者对于通识教育的基本认知与共同想象却是由美国通识教育与文理学院模式所塑造的,这一符号植入与专业逻辑之间的不断冲突与反复调试,成为中国研究型大学通识教育改革的独特面相。  相似文献   

One of the core competencies in the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to “communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience.” The Education Division of IFT sponsors a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. It has been shown that employees/entry‐level scientists who can communicate technical and nontechnical concepts succinctly will be in a better position to achieve management status after entering the work force. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top three papers. A revised version of the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education for dissemination to a world‐wide audience.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the core competencies in the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to “communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience.” The Education Division of IFT sponsors a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. It has been shown that employees/entry‐level scientists who can communicate technical and nontechnical concepts succinctly will be in a better position to achieve management status after entering the work force. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top three papers. A revised version of the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education for dissemination to a world‐wide audience.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the core competencies in the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to ``communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience.'' The Education Division of IFT sponsors a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. It has been shown that employees/entry‐level scientists who can communicate technical and nontechnical concepts succinctly will be in a better position to achieve management status after entering the work force. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top three papers. A revised version of the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education for dissemination to a world‐wide audience.  相似文献   

Abstract: One of the core competencies in the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to “communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience.” The Education Division of IFT sponsors a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. It has been shown that employees/entry‐level scientists who can communicate technical and nontechnical concepts succinctly will be in a better position to achieve management status after entering the work force. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top three papers. A revised version of the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education for dissemination to a world‐wide audience.  相似文献   

中美顶尖大学科技产出比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文选取中美各9所顶尖大学作为考察对象,对中美顶尖大学在2006~2009年间科技产出进行了比较分析。结果表明:(1)我国顶尖高校发表SCI论文数逐年增加,与美国顶尖高校差距在逐步缩小;(2)我国顶尖高校发表的SCI论文影响力在逐年提高,但与美国顶尖高校相比差距在扩大;(3)我国顶尖高校严重缺乏重大的原创性基础研究成果;(4)中国顶尖高校国际三大授权专利数逐年增加,与美国顶尖高校的差距在逐步缩小。  相似文献   

The increasing importance of the competition in global university ranking has resulted in a paradigm shift in academic governance in East Asia. Many governments have introduced different strategies for benchmarking their leading universities to facilitate global competitiveness and international visibility. A major trend in the changing university governance is the emergence of a regulatory evaluation scheme for faculty research productivity, reflected by the striking features of the recent changing academic profile of publication norms and forms that go beyond the territories of nation-states in the East and West. With the expansion of the Taiwanese higher education system in the last two decades, the maintenance of quality to meet the requirements for international competitiveness has become a key concern for policy makers. Since 2005, the Ministry of Education has introduced a series of university governance policies to enhance academic excellence in universities and established a formal university evaluation policy to improve the competitiveness and international visibility of Taiwanese universities. In so doing, the government has legalized a clear link between evaluation results and public funding allocation. Research performance is assessed in terms of the number of articles published in journals indexed by the Science Citation Index (SCI), the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index and in terms of citation rates and associated factors. Therefore, evaluation has taken on a highly quantitative dimension. Despite the efforts of concerned parties to encourage academic excellence, the abovementioned quantitative evaluation indicators have resulted in bitter complaints from the humanities and social sciences, whose research accomplishments are devalued and ignored by the current quantitative indicators. In this paper, the authors describe the recent petition for collective action initiated by university faculty to protest the privileging of SSCI and SCI publications as critical indicators for academic performance regardless of faculty discipline and specialization. The article concludes its argument with a group petition calling for more diverse and reliable indicators in recognizing the research of different natures and disciplines while creating culturally responsive evaluation criteria for social sciences and humanities in the Taiwanese academe. The article not only sheds light on academic evaluation literature, especially on the uncertain paradox of globalization and market economy, but also proposes alternatives to the evaluation system for humanities and social sciences in higher education.  相似文献   

3D Food Printing: A Taste of the Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
One of the core competencies in the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) education standards is for students to achieve competency in communication skills (that is, oral and written communication, listening, interviewing, and so on). According to the IFT guidelines, by the time students graduate, they should not only be able to search for and condense information, but also be able to “communicate technical information to a nontechnical audience.” The Education, Extension and Outreach Division of IFT sponsors a writing competition for undergraduate students to bring attention to and promote the development of communication skills. It has been shown that employees/entry‐level scientists who can communicate technical and nontechnical concepts succinctly will be in a better position to achieve management status after entering the work force. Monetary prizes are awarded to the authors of the top 3 papers. A revised version of the winning entry is published in the Journal of Food Science Education for dissemination to a worldwide audience.  相似文献   

This study examines differences in standards of research publications between the physical sciences and the social sciences. The results of the first two hypotheses tested indicate that the predominant form of publication in the physical sciences are articles, whereas books predominate in the social sciences. Furthermore, differences were found in the relevant dimension of publication between faculties in more prestigious departments and faculties in less prestigious departments. The policy implications of these findings to university administration are discussed.  相似文献   

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