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爆发力能够决定青少年运动员的短跑成绩。爆发力训练属于融合力量和速度的训练方式之一,它也是青少年运动员短跑训练的重点。文章对青少年短跑运动员的训练特点进行了简要分析,明确了爆发力训练的重点,并详细论述了具体训练方法,希望有助于增强运动员的爆发力。  相似文献   

爆发力是运动员在单位时间内肌肉输出功率的大小,从外观上看就是运动员在单位时间内表现出来的跑、跳的速度和幅度。这一能力取决于运动员肌肉的力量、肌肉的收缩速度,肌肉功率输出能力以及身体协调运动的具体表现。这里所说的肌肉力量主要包括肌肉的最大抗负荷能力、肌肉力量的最大输出速率等;速度是指运动员快速完成动作的速度;而动作速度的配合则需要身体协调运动,身体协调运动指  相似文献   

通过教学实验法,对运用30m单足跳和60m跨步跳等多种跳跃练习来发展青少年短跑运动员快速力量,其结果表明跳跃练习可促进女子青少年短跑运动员快速力量素质的提高,并能直接提高专项运动成绩。  相似文献   

钮厚金 《中华武术》2023,(1):58-59+53
对于体育生来说,体育水平测试的重要性并不亚于文化水平测试,甚至比文化水平测试更为关键。因此对于不同的学生,不同的体育水平测试就存在着不一样的训练方法。老师需要结合学生的水平、身体特点、体能差异等方面,进行针对性的训练。  相似文献   

短跑属于体能主导速度项目。高中田径特长生要想在短时间内提升短跑成绩,需要提高身体基础能力,强化肌肉力量训练,确保髋关节、核心力量、小腿肌肉、大腿肌肉、腰腹部力量都得到针对性的锻炼和提升。为此,高中体育教师要更新训练理念,探索训练规律,增强肌肉负荷承受,提升核心力量能力,发展绝对速度、提升绝对力量、探索训练新模式,为快速提升短跑爆发力提供理论基石,探索方法路径。  相似文献   

张慧斌 《体育博览》2011,(7X):175-175
柔韧性在短跑中是决定动作幅度的关键因素,加强柔韧性练习可以减少运动损伤的发生;可以提高青少年动员的速度、速度耐力和速度力量能力;可以增大青少年运动员的步幅。  相似文献   

力量训练在短跑训练中很重要,是决定运动员成绩提高的重要因素之一。青少年运动员正处在身体成长阶段,他们的骨骼系统还未完全发育好,肌肉纤维较细长,肌肉的发育又落后于骨骼发育,因此他们的力量训练不能成人化,要结合专项特点优先发展小肌群、肌健和较弱的肌肉力量,并注意各肌群的协调发展。  相似文献   

将16名青少年网球运动员随机分为实验组和对照组,测试训练干预前后下肢最大力量、垂直纵跳、立定跳远成绩,以及马格利亚-卡拉门测试数值。结果显示:高翻练习对运动员下肢最大力量的提高没有显著影响,对下肢垂直爆发力、水平爆发力及短时间内输出最大功率能力提高效果显著。结论:高翻练习对提高青少年网球运动员下肢爆发力有较好的效果。  相似文献   

1.对短跑运动员下肢力量训练方法的新设计 加强运动员的下肢力量是提高短跑成绩最主要的手段之一。长期以来,杠铃负重练习是短跑运动员下肢力量最主要的方法,但是人们根据肌电学,人体解剖学的最新研究成果已发现,以礼铃负重为主的力量练习中,有某些手段在方法和要求上与短跑技术和能力的发展脱节。实际上,短跑的主要动力来源是下肢肌群协调作用的结果,并具有专门的动作结构。因此,从提高训练效率的角度来看,选择短跑需要的肌群进行训练是最合理的。同时,短跑的下肢力量练习,应根据下肢的动作结构来设计进行。  相似文献   

短跑运动员专项力量训练新途径   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
设计与选择使用专项力量训练的手段,首先取决于教练员对专项技术和专项力量本质认识的准确性和深刻性.现代短跑运动员技术的本质特征应视以髋为轴的高速摆动-平动运动.现代短跑运动员的力量训练应摆脱以垂直用力为主的大负荷杠铃练习,重视上下肢的摆动力量和支撑运动器官的退让与超等长收缩能力的提高.  相似文献   

The primary roles for nutrition in sprints are for recovery from training and competition and influencing training adaptations. Sprint success is determined largely by the power-to-mass ratio, so sprinters aim to increase muscle mass and power. However, extra mass that does not increase power may be detrimental. Energy and protein intake are important for increasing muscle mass. If energy balance is maintained, increased mass and strength are possible on a wide range of protein intakes, so energy intake is crucial. Most sprinters likely consume ample protein. The quantity of energy and protein intake necessary for optimal training adaptations depends on the individual athlete and training demands; specific recommendations for all sprinters are, at best, useless, and are potentially harmful. However, if carbohydrate and fat intake are sufficient to maintain energy levels, then increased protein intake is unlikely to be detrimental. The type and timing of protein intake and nutrients ingested concurrently must be considered when designing optimal nutritional strategies for increasing muscle mass and power. On race day, athletes should avoid foods that result in gastrointestinal discomfort, dehydration or sluggishness. Several supplements potentially influence sprint training or performance. Beta-alanine and bicarbonate may be useful as buffering agents in longer sprints. Creatine may be efficacious for increasing muscle mass and strength and perhaps increasing intensity of repeat sprint performance during training.  相似文献   

井兰香  刘宇 《体育学刊》2012,(5):140-144
为测试超等长阻力训练前后原地垂直纵跳动作下肢各关节角速度及角加速度,计算下肢各关节角刚度,观察超等长阻力训练对下肢各关节角动力学的影响。将16名青年男子篮球运动员随机分成超等长阻力训练组和常规训练对照组。采用VICON和三维测力台采集每个动作的运动学和动力学数据,计算下肢各关节角速度及角加速度,并经逆动力学方法计算下肢净关节力矩。结果可见,超等长阻力训练组髋、踝关节角速度和角刚度明显高于对照组,膝关节角速度及角刚度两组没有明显差异;超等长阻力训练组髋、膝、踝关节角加速度均显著高于对照组。结果说明超等长阻力训练可降低拉长-缩短周期支撑时间、缩短摊还期、增强肌肉-肌腱复合体能量转换能力、提高下肢肌肉爆发力。适于需要关节角速度、角加速度及爆发力的项目。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实验法、数理统计法等,研究负重超等长训练对篮球运动员下肢力量的影响,包括下肢最大肌力(MVC)、起跳速度、下肢爆发力、发力率(RFD)、纵跳高度等.结果显示:负重超等长训练能有效发展篮球运动员的下肢爆发力,提高起跳速度及腾空高度,改善运动员的力量素质,提升运动表现.  相似文献   

从武术散打运动员上肢、下肢有氧、无氧能力的特征入手进行分析探讨,为散打运动的有氧、无氧能力训练提供科学依据。研究表明,散打运动员不仅应具备爆发力较强的无氧代谢能力,也要求运动员有很好的有氧能力,在日常训练中应重视有氧代谢能力的训练。对传统训练方法的改进与完善,使其理论内涵得到极大的丰富,操作方式得到深刻的改进,应用功能得到充分的发挥,应用领域得到广泛的拓展。  相似文献   

从力量、速度、耐力、灵敏和柔韧等素质训练方面,探讨青少年羽毛球运动员体能训练方法及应注意的问题.认为:青少年羽毛球运动员处在体能训练和储备的最佳时期,需抓住各项素质发展的窗口期着力提升综合能力.  相似文献   

采用一定的运动训练方法对短道速滑青年运动员下肢小肌群的训练进行实践性干预,寻找出小肌群训练在整体短道速滑专项力量训练中的权重地位。研究认为:一般专项训练方法往往忽视小肌群的专门性训练,然而在青年期时,肌肉迅速发达起来,肌肉中的蛋白质含量不断增加,通过传统的专项训练会导致大肌肉群发展速度过快,这个时期根据运动员的自身需要,注意安排小肌群的力量练习是很有必要的。  相似文献   

The functional asymmetry of the lower limbs has been regarded as a relevant factor of the performance of football players. We purposed to ascertain whether a specific technical training programme for the non-preferred foot has implications in the increasing utilisation rate of the respective member during the game. Young football players (n = 71) were randomly divided into experimental group (N = 35; 14.37 ± 1.94 years) and control group (N = 36; 14.50 ± 1.81 years). The study was developed into three stages: first, assessment of the index utilisation of both limbs during the game; second, application of a technical training programme that includes the drilling of specific motor skills exclusively directed to the non-preferred foot; and third, assessment of the new rate of both limbs’ utilisation after the predefined six months. The main findings were: (1) the use of the non-preferred foot increased significantly with the technical training programme in the experimental group and remained constant in the control group; (2) the use of the preferred foot decreased significantly in the experimental group and remained similar in control group. We concluded that a systematic and specific technical training for the non-preferred foot increases its use and reduces functional asymmetry in game situation, consequently improving the player’s performance.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the power produced by the flutter-kick action at different swimming velocities. Eighteen high-level male swimmers completed a maximal 15-m flutter-kicking sprint and underwent two tests (one passive and one with maximal flutter-kicking) in which they were towed at six velocities ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 m/s. Power values were computed for each velocity, and selected kinematic indices were evaluated at 1.2 and 2.0 m/s. The highest power (54 ± 8 W) was observed at the velocity at which the drag equaled the propulsive force (1.27 ± 0.08 m/s), which was similar to that recorded in the flutter-kicking sprint (1.26 ± 0.09 m/s). Thereafter, power decreased significantly with increasing velocity, up to 17 ± 10 W (at 2.0 m/s). The angle between the horizontal and the line connecting the highest and lowest points of the malleolus trajectory was significantly wider at 1.2 m/s than at 2.0 m/s (75 ± 4° vs. 63 ± 6°). This could explain the change of power with velocity because all the other kinematic indices considered were similar at the two velocities. These results suggest that the propulsive role of the flutter-kick increases as the swimming velocity decreases.  相似文献   

在少儿速滑训练中运用快速弹跳增加腿部力量的方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在少儿速滑训练中,根据少儿的生理特点和发育规律,运用快速弹跳训练方法增加腿部力量,为获得快速的蹬伸频率打下基础.  相似文献   

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