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取消农业税后的农村义务教育经费分担问题研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
取消农业税就应该取消搭在农业税上的其他一切收费。如果不解决农村义务教育经费投入问题,这将使经费本已困难的农村义务教育更加困难。解决农村义务教育经费困难的有效途径,就是多级财政共同分担农村义务教育经费。农村义务教育经费应主要由中央和省级财政分担,有其深刻的经济学原因。  相似文献   

中国农村义务教育财政体制的实证分析   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
通过对中国农村义务教育财政体制的实证分析发现,自2001年开始实行的以县级政府作为投资筹措主体的财政体制,使政府投资主体的重心有所提升,中、西部地区获得了较之以前更多的中央财政转移支付资金,但是,由于县级政府大多缺乏足够的财政支撑能力,而县以上各级政府的财政支持力度还不能满足实际需要,因而农村义务教育经费仍然缺乏稳定的保障,经费供给总量依然严重不足,各级政府投资结构不合理,以及公共资源配置不公平的问题没有得到根本解决。因此,国家财政体制应加快向公共财政体制的转型,强化政府的公共服务职能,尽快使捉村义务教育成为国家财政向农村提供公共服务的一个重点。农村义务教育财政体制的改革,要以国家财政体制改革为背景,加大中央和省级政府对农村义务教育的投资责任,建立起中央和地方各级政府分工合理、职责明确、运行规范、稳定长效的农村义务教育经费保障机制。  相似文献   

当前我国的农村义务教育财政体制面临诸多困境,为了保证农村义务教育的普及进程和地区间均衡发展,应在农村地区推行免费义务教育,由政府承担所有的义务教育经费。同时,各级政府应明确划分财政责任:中央政府承担义务教育教师工资,地市和县级政府分别承担基建经费和公用经费,省级政府通过专项转移支付资助贫困地区和贫困学生。  相似文献   

农村义务教育财政体制分析及改进思路   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国目前义务教育中存在的问题有总量投入不足、经费负担结构不合理和经费投入地区、城乡差别大等。问题的原因在于未能明确义务教育的投资责枉以及现有财政体制的不合理导致的各级政府事权与财权不对称。义务教育应由政府提供且应由中央和省级政府承担资金投入的主要责任。应通过以下几种办法来消除现行财政体制对义务教育的不利影响:1.以法律形式明确规定中央和省级政府对义务教育资金投入负主要责任;2.借鉴西方发达国家的经验,科学合理地设计义务教育财政转移支付制度,使其真正起到缩小地区间义务教育财政能力差异的作用;3.积极探索和完善各种形式的义务教育资助制度。  相似文献   

重构中国农村义务教育财政体制的政策建议   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
中国农村义务教育财政体制的改革,应以农村义务教育是农村的一项十分重要的公共产品作为基本理念,以国家财政为公共财政作为制度背景,在公共财政框架下,区分地区差异,明确各级政府的财政责任,建立东部、中部、西部分地区分级负担的政府农村义务教育经费分担机制。在东部地区的7省、直辖市,建议实行以县级和省级、直辖市级政府作为投资主体的农村义务教育财政体制;在中部地区的12省,建议实行以中央和省级政府作为投资主体的农村义务教育财政体制;在西部地区的12省、自治区,建议实施以中央政府作为投资主体的农村义务教育财政体制。  相似文献   

关于农村义务教育财政投资体制改革的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
义务教育是关系国民素质的奠基工程,建立完善规范的义务教育财政投资体制是义务教育健康快速发展的基本保障。当前农村义务教育财政投资体制存在许多问题,有效地解决这些问题应采取如下措施:加强中央及省级政府承担义务教育实施的责任;合理确定中央、省、地市和县四级政府义务教育投资分担的比例;加大中央及省级政府财政转移支付力度;减免一切形式的学杂费。  相似文献   

建立规范的义务教育财政转移支付制度   总被引:68,自引:0,他引:68  
我国现行义务教育财政体制有三个突出特点 :受教育者和政府共同负担经费 ,政府经费以地方负担为主 ,居民义务教育负担城乡有别。我国义务教育财政体制存在着义务教育经费严重短缺 ,教育资源配置效率不高 ,地区、城乡、学校之间资源分配差距拉大等问题。造成这些问题的主要原因是现行体制下各级政府间财力资源与义务教育责任的不对称 :中央和省级政府掌握了主要财力 ,但不承担义务教育的财政责任 ;县、乡政府财力薄弱 ,却承担着举办义务教育的筹资重任。建立规范的中央和省级政府承担更大财政责任的义务教育财政转移支付制度 ,是解决在贫困地区表现最为突出的义务教育经费问题的根本保证  相似文献   

论税费改革后的农村义务教育经费投入机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现行的农村义务教育实行“地方负责 ,分级管理”。地方政府尤其是地方基层政府是实施义务教育的主体 ,其中乡镇财政和农民承担了农村义务教育经费投入的 60 %以上 ,有的达到 80 %左右。1994年我国实行分税制财政体制 ,地方财政收入的 80 %~ 90 %上交给中央和省级财政。县乡两级财政可用财力大幅度下降 ,尤其是乡镇财力十分薄弱。乡镇财政无力承担农村义务教育的责任 ,很多地方开始拖欠教师工资 ,教育负债日益严重。农村办学体制与农村财税体制的矛盾越发显露。税费改革后 ,由于取消了农村教育附加费和教育集资 ,农村义务教育经费投入机…  相似文献   

构建我国农村教育财政体制的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘惠林 《教育探索》2006,(12):54-55
构建我国农村教育财政体制的基本思路是:中央财政和省级财政应是农村教育的投资主体,在全国确定国务院领导、各级人民政府统筹规划,以县为主的农村教育管理体制,建立将义务教育纳入国家财政保证,国务院和各级人民政府分担,实行省统筹的经费保障体制,从而,在农村实行真正的免费义务教育,把加大对农村高中和农村职业中学的财政投入落到实处。  相似文献   

农村学校要走出“贫困”.需要从学校内部与外部两方面着手。从学校内部而言。首先.在发展农村义务教育方面.中央和省级政府应承担更多的责任。中央除负责制定农村义务教育的方针政策和发展规划、指导开展教师培训工作之外,还要加大对困难地区财政的转移支付力度.促进各地区农村义务教育协调发展。省级政府要通过调整财政支出结构.加大省级转移支付力度,合理使用中央财政的转移支付资金等措施.重点支持财政困难县发展农村义务教育。  相似文献   

The traditional evaluation model used in accrediting professional-education programs is discussed and the field of psychology is used as an example. The evaluation model followed in the recently implemented accreditation mechanism for rehabilitation-counselor education (RCE) programs is also discussed. The evaluation model makes some significant departures from the traditional model. A survey-research approach is used to substitute in part for the traditional site visit, and more comprehensive program-evaluation data, going beyond the traditional reliance on faculty and students, are collected. Further, data on the competence of graduates are employed in the evaluation process. Possible implications of the RCE model are discussed as they relate to the currently evolving accreditation procedure for counselor-education programs, as well as the accreditation procedures in other professions.  相似文献   

The Okayama Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Project is an ongoing initiative in Okayama City, Japan, established in 2005 by the Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) Okayama and the Okayama Municipal Government with the aim “to create a community where people learn, think and act together towards realising a sustainable society”. With a diverse participant base of over 240 organisations – including community learning centres (kominkans), schools, universities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) – this initiative has administered numerous programmes. It has engaged a large and diverse group of citizens from Okayama City in exploring sustainability issues through collective discussion, envisioning and practice with the aim of living more sustainable lives. The decade-long experience of the Okayama ESD Project has gained international attention, and the “Okayama Model” is considered an inspiring example of community-based ESD due to the positive changes it has supported. In this article, the Okayama ESD Project is presented as a case study on effective social learning for sustainability. In particular, the practical efforts made are examined to provide insights into how various elements of a social learning process were strengthened and linked to create active learning cycles among community members. In addition, the conditions for creating an effective learning community are investigated, while the practical actions taken are examined in relation to creating an effective social learning process. Finally, this article presents the important role which social learning has played in Okayama City’s transition to sustainability and identifies the key efforts made to address and link each of these elements of social learning into a dynamic cycle.  相似文献   

以马克思精神生产理论为指导,指出由于教师劳动的精神生产的特点,使得高校实施目标管理存在着管理目标难以制定、目标管理的双向性原则难以保证、目标实施过程难以控制、管理目标难以评价等四大困境。弱化量化评价,强化质化评价;完善同行评议制度,优化评价环境;建设大学文化,减少繁琐规范;实施现代大学制度,充分实现教授治校等,以改善这一现状。  相似文献   

夸张辞格的认知阐释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从认知的角度探讨夸张的定义、成立条件和有效性条件,认为夸张是指故意用话语表述出一种不符合基础认知的虚拟认知,通过形成认知距离而突显对象属性的一种表达手段。夸张成立必须满足两个条件:一是基础认知程度值必须为真,二是认知距离必须大于零。夸张要有效,其言辞传达出的情感值就不能超过人们认知中限定的情感最大值。  相似文献   

The current age is characterised by many as secular, and a source of such a characterisation can be found in the Nietzschean claim that thoughts about there being some ultimate reality have to be jettisoned, and human existence and the world need to be embraced as they are. That claim is renewed by some secular thinkers who insist that education has to be reconceived in ways congenial to the new age. It is argued that central to their logic is the dichotomy between the religious and the secular or the otherworldly and the earthly, and that this dichotomy is simplistic as well as problematic. As an alternative to the ‘two worlds’ view, the ‘two aspects’ view is suggested, with an interpretation of reality that the noumenon––the non‐human––has to be taken in the negative sense. Against secularising the domain of education, it is indicated that there still remains a place for education to occupy between the two poles of religiousness and secularity.  相似文献   

This paper is a contribution to the development of the view that action research should be both personal and political. It is shown that the personal and particular, as expressed in autobiographical research methods, can also be political and critical. This claim is dependent on (1) the view that, to be epistemologically sound, a method needs to be critical and political and (2) the view that to be epistemologically sound, a method needs to be personal, and also to be revisable over time. Arguments are given for these two views, using feminist epistemology. It is recognised that the claim would be hollow if it were not possible to convert abstract requirements into actual methods. This possibility is demonstrated by (3) considering the method of autobiography in general, and ‘critical autobiography’ in particular, and (4) examining my own autobiographical writing in journals made during an action research project, using the criteria developed in (1) and (2).  相似文献   

Abstract:  Though it is being widely argued that expanding young people's capacity to learn is a viable and desirable goal of education, it it not always clear what this means, how it is to be achieved, and how the effectiveness of interventions is to be assessed. It is argued that the capacity to learn should be interpreted as a portmanteau term that comprises a varied set of positive learning dispositions. These are illustrated, and the idea of 'expansion' is glossed in terms of broadening, strengthening and deepening these dispositions.  相似文献   

对福建省某高校2007—2010届全日制本科毕业生初次就业率和专业对口情况进行抽样调查分析,得出专业初次就业率、对口率二者呈正相关关系,大学教育内容与毕业生工作实际岗位要求差距较大,大学生就业指导工作实效性还有待提高等相关结论。在此基础上,提出了注重大学教育的特色发展,改进高校就业评估体系,建立健全就业指导的长效机制等相关对策建议。  相似文献   

阿毛姑娘的悲剧是其成长过程中清新、合理的欲望受到外在现实的挤压和内在情感煎熬的无处排解的生命悲剧,是身为女奴而要成长为女人的悲剧。阿毛的悲剧启示读者:当欲望不能满足的外在客观条件无法改变时,或许可以尝试另一种缓解欲望的途径,给予欲望者一种人文关怀:即了解欲望者的精神本质,体贴欲望者的生命情绪。  相似文献   

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