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With an exogenous public subsidy and a break-even restriction on university net revenue, tuition discrimination supports a quasi-efficient departure from marginal-cost pricing. In contrast, when the legislature and university interact in their subsidy and tuition decisions, the public subsidy becomes endogenous. With an endogenous public subsidy, support by legislatures is affected by the same factors that influence tuition; this leads to a situation where higher tuition revenue is accompanied by a lower public subsidy. The welfare of students declines when this “low-subsidy” case develops. The university's ability to address this issue depends on its being able to commit to a tuition policy, and credible commitment appears consistent with existing institutional conditions.  相似文献   

城市化与高等教育发展相互关系研究述评   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
首先指出城市化与高等教育发展具有双向推动关系;其次,从城市化与高等教育发展之间互动关系、城市化与高等教育发展的相关性和高等教育对城市化素质与竞争力的提升三个方面对城市化与高等教育发展相互关系的研究情况进行了述评;最后指出,从理论层面上看,关于城市化与高等教育之间的关系还没有系统的理论模型和体系,从经验实证研究的层面上看,主要研究成果集中在GDP、大学入学率和城市化水平之间的数量相关性上,而对结构、质量等内在相关性研究成果较少。  相似文献   

The first university-based degree programme in public relations in the Russian Federation was organized at the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University. It is currently in the process of developing increased curriculum emphasis on integrated communications. To meet the requirements of the Twenty-First Century, public relations educators and practitioners must be prepared to teach and practice integrated communications. The primary mission of universities and colleges is the teaching of students, but there are other equally important tasks to be integrated into public relations education, such as the preparation of students for careers in a profession. Ongoing contact and involvement with professional practitioners and organizations is a vital for university programmes that prepare public relations specialists.  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty has been an important issue. However, only few researches had been done in Asian countries, especially a nationwide study. A sample of 2,068 college students throughout Taiwan was selected and surveyed on four domains of academic dishonesty, including: cheating on test, cheating on assignment, plagiarism, and falsifying documents. The major findings of this study were: (1) the prevalence rate for all types of dishonesty behaviors among college students in Taiwan was 61.72%; (2) the top five most practiced academic dishonesty behaviors in Taiwan are provided paper or assignment for another student, gave prohibited help to others on their assignment, copied others’ assignments, passed answers to other students, and copied from other students; (3) students’ attitudes correlated with behaviors in all four domains of academic dishonesty; (4) females reported less acceptable to and behaved less academic dishonesty behaviors than males; and (5) freshmen had more dishonest practices than other class ranks.  相似文献   

分析高校公共体育教学的培养目标和存在的问题,提出了要以“终身体育”作为高校公共体育教学改革发展的方向以及进行高校公共体育教育改革的具体措施。  相似文献   

Taiwan had been ruled by Japan for fifty-one years before the end of World War II. The island's higher education was established during that period, mainly to support Japan's policies of colonization and expansion. When Taiwan was restored to China in 1945, the Japanese system of education was replaced by that of modern China, which followed the American prototype after 1922. American impact on the island's higher education has been substantial since then. However, there are some unique features in Taiwan's higher education. Centralized administration and college entrance examinations are two examples.  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯教育是我国快速实现高等教育大众化过程中应运而生的教育新理念,也是借鉴西方发达国家经验积极化解大学生就业困难以及提高人才培养质量所主动进行的实践探索。在我国高等教育大众化的发展进程中,大学生职业生涯教育的影响因素主要有:社会经济发展方面的动力因素、政府推动方面的主导因素、高校自身发展方面的关键因素和学生成才就业方面的主体因素。  相似文献   

高职院校学生安全教育问题是大学生在校学习、生活和全面发展的根本前提,更是高职院校稳定和发展的基础。笔者从自己工作经历中总结心得,对高职院校学生安全问题的影响因素如学生心理素质、防范意识、校园管理组织制度等进行探讨,并针对高职院校学生安全问题提出自己的看法和对策。  相似文献   

变革中国高等教育“生产关系”:理性思考与战略选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前变革中国高等教育“生产关系”的目的,在于改变高等教育所有权代理者的管理方式,以及经营者开展经营活动所根据的结构和机制。变革的模式,应该是适度强制下的诱致性制度变迁。在宏观上,可以考虑实行“抓大放小,分层管理,政策调控”政策。在微观治理中,政府应坚持“五管”原则———管方向、管政策、管指导、管协调、管服务。对教师应实行“分期聘任制”。绩效评价必须考虑高等教育组织绩效周期长、无形态、难量化的特点。实行有差别的薪酬福利制度。  相似文献   

The financing of education has emerged as a major topic of discussion among policy makers in recent years. There is evidence that in many developing countries, governments can no longer continue to increase spending on education at the high rates characteristic in the 1960s and 1970s. The macroeconomic environment has worsened, and there is keen intersectoral competition for public funds. Thus unless educational development moves away from its present heavy dependence on public funds, the expansion of education would be frustrated. One policy option is to increase the private financing of education. In this paper, we evaluate the potential effectiveness of loans schemes as a cost recovery instrument in higher education. Essentially, loans permit students to finance the cost of their education from future income. So the effectiveness of loans would depend on the relation between costs and students' future income. It also depends on the incidence of repetition, dropout, and default, as well as on whether or not a grace period is incorporated in the loan scheme. Our simulations show that in Asia and Latin America, the potential rate of cost recovery is substantial under what appears to be bearable terms of repayment. In Francophone Africa and Anglophone Africa, however, loans schemes are unlikely to perform as well, but they would still permit a shift toward greater private financing of higher education.  相似文献   

高职院校从最初的规模扩张转向现在的内涵建设,课程开发便成了内涵建设的关键。基于工作过程系统化的项目课程开发是课程开发的主流,在开发此类课程体系的过程中,要充分考虑影响课程实施的因素,并提出实施的方案和策略。  相似文献   

The HEI-ICI project involves cooperation between the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) and three African partners. The main aim of the project, now in its fourth year, has been to develop education in health sciences and to improve the quality of teaching. The target has been to develop the skills of selected junior faculty from the Public Health departments, library and IT centres at partner universities. The data was collected during the project in 2010–2014. Written and visual material was analysed using deductive content analysis. The main obstacles researchers were faced with while working in the project have been cultural: the project encouraged different cultures – not only European and African but also pan-African – to meet and work together. This novel approach to learning and teaching is based on the concept of cooperation, collaboration and trust between all of the participating partners; its foundation is the full ownership by the less developed Southern partner institutions.  相似文献   

台湾地区高等职业技术教育体系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等职业技术教育是台湾地区高等教育体系中非常重要的组成部分。随着经济发展和科技进步,台湾地区高等职业技术教育已形成了结构完善、层次多样的人才培养体系。了解我国台湾地区高等职业技术教育的发展状况和特点,对于推进祖国大陆高等职业技术教育体制创新具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to highlight the possibilities and challenges that underlie efforts to integrate blogs into teacher-education programs in Taiwan higher education. The participants were 12 pre-service teachers undertaking Master's level study in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. The outcomes of the blogging project were highlighted in terms of pre-teachers' professional development on the blogs, their difficulties encountered, problem-solving strategies employed, and the students' perception of blogging. The results suggested that blogging could encourage pre-service teachers to actively and reflectively engage in knowledge sharing, knowledge transformation, and knowledge generation. Blogging also encouraged the development of numerous strategies to cope with difficulties encountered in the blogging process. Overall, pre-service teachers held positive attitudes toward blogging as a support for their professional development and were conscious of audience considerations, and so tended to select and respond to blog content deemed interesting and useful to their audience.  相似文献   

高等教育的治理:重构政府、高校、社会之间的关系   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
在高等教育领域推行治理 ,已成为许多国家高等教育改革追求的目标。高等教育的治理 ,首先意味着政府的角色或功能将发生重大变化 ,政府不再是高等教育产品的惟一提供者 ,政府对高校的管理由“政府控制模式”向“政府监督模式”转变 ,在资源配置方面 ,将更多地引入市场机制 ,政府、学校和社会之间存在着权力的依赖和互动 ,它们之间的关系将发生重组。高等教育治理的基本特征是非国营化、去中心、自治和市场化  相似文献   

江苏省历来是经济大省、教育大省,更是艺术资源较为丰富的省份,各级各类学校艺术教育取得了长足的发展。高职类公共音乐教育资源相对缺乏系统性的制度规范,高职院校音乐教育发展缓慢,阻碍重重,对高职院校艺术教育工作要求不明确,缺乏对高职院校艺术教育评估的标准,使高职院校在学校艺术教育方面有意无意的不够重视,从而制约了学校艺术教育的发展。本文从多角度分析制约音乐教育发展的诱因,为研究高职院音乐教育的发展贡献一份力量。  相似文献   

The development of assessments that are fit to assess professional competence in higher vocational education requires a reconsideration of assessment methods, quality criteria and (self)evaluation. This article examines the self-evaluations of nine courses of a large higher vocational education institute. Per course, 4–11 teachers and 3–10 students participated. The purpose of this article is to critically examine the quality of assessment in higher vocational education, to identify critical factors influencing assessment quality and to study whether self-evaluation leads to concrete points for improvement. Results show that strong points are fitness for purpose, comparability and fairness. Weak points are reproducibility of decisions and development of self-regulated learning. Critical factors are the translation of competences into assessment criteria to be used in daily lessons and the involvement of the work field. The self-evaluations generated many points for improvement, but not all were translated into actions. Altogether, this article provides a rich picture of assessment quality in higher education and identifies quality aspects that need improvement, (partly) confirming other research on current assessment methods.  相似文献   


Distance education requires an instructional design approach that can lead to educational transformation. This is characterised by advanced flexibility, learner autonomy and extensive use of digital technologies to enhance learning outcomes. The main feature of such methodology is the physical distance between teaching staff, peers and educational institutions. Various technological tools are used to bridge this distance and improve communication and interaction. This article attempts to review the literature in the field, with the aim of highlighting strategies for enhancing communication and interaction in online learning environments. After discussing the theoretical framework for online communication and interaction, the authors outline the factors involved in creating well-structured, interactive and dynamic online courses and programmes for higher education students. The article explores the multi-dimensional aspects of communication in online learning environments and the differing forms of interaction involved. Using qualitative methods, the authors’ aim is to produce a framework to help tutors and instructional designers develop more effective online courses in higher education. In addition, this article may be of value to researchers and scholar-practitioners interested in communication issues, to online learning designers, and to institutional managers recruiting teaching staff for online educational courses.


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