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农民工培训与就业中心是劳务输入城市的政府专门为失业或无业农民工提供住宿、教育、培训和安排就业等服务的机构,它具有收容安置、职业教育与培训、就业推荐、业余进修、职业生涯指导等功能。作为具有社会系统工程和社会福利性工程性质的农民工培训与就业中心,是由政府主导、企业和培训机构参与,并以农民工自身为主体的,因此,它的成功推行和实施必须依靠政府、企业和培训机构以及农民工的共同努力。面对当前激烈的劳动力市场竞争和庞大的失业队伍,农民工培训与就业中心应成为提高农民工市场竞争力和就业机会的有效策略选择。  相似文献   

近日,新疆自治区人力资源和社会保障厅出台了旨在推动创业培训三年行动计划,提出要建立培训促进创业,以创业带动就业的就业促进机制,实现培训促创业,创业促就业的倍增效应。计划要求,从2010年起至2012年的三年时间时,自治区的实施创业培训要实现68039的工作目标。即实现创业培训6万人,建立创业培训定点机构80个,帮助成功创业3万人,创业带动就业9万人。  相似文献   

沈阳市再就业劳务中心成立于1998年3月6日,两年来,建立了4个再就业培训安置基地,开办培训班8期103个班次,培训下岗职工近3000人,其中有2000余人实现了再就业。此外,我们还开办了近60个家政社区服务项目,建立家政社区服务队30余支,再就业劳务组织20余家。在中心的带动下,全市的社区服务已形成网络,截止目前,共安置4万多名下岗职工。两年来,实践使我们认识到:抓培训不抓安置,培训没有意义,抓安置不抓培训,安置没有岗位;在培训与社区服务结合的过程中,培训内容丰富了,抓实了,安置渠道变宽了,搞…  相似文献   

<正>山东各级工会积极适应就业形势需要,以"工友创业"为主题,以就业培训、扶持创业为重点积极开展职业技能培训工作,取得扎实成效。据统计,自2010年以来,全省各级工会实际投入培训资金5710余万元,开展各类职业技能培训25.5万人次,12.7万人次获得劳动部门颁发的职业技能证书。规范培训工作秩序山东各级工会不断加强实训基地软硬件建设和工作协作,并从组织机构、建档立制、招生宣传、培训鉴定、就业安置等方面加以规范。实训基地由工会统一标识、  相似文献   

澳大利亚建国(1788年)仅200多年的时间,但其大学的历史却有近150年。本世纪80年代以前,澳大利亚的高等教育实行的是双轨制,即高等教育学院和大学并存。1987年底澳大利亚政府改组了教育管理行政部门,成立了教育、培训和就业一体化的统一协调机构——联邦就业、教育与培训部。与  相似文献   

本刊讯记者近日从劳动和社会保障部培训就业司获悉,8月17日至21日,培训就业司在吉林省长春市召开了“就业服务研讨会”,这次会议是劳动和社会保障部成立之后,直接面对就业服务机构负责同志的第一次会议。来自全国26个省、自治区、直辖市和12个项目城市负责就...  相似文献   

广州市白云区就业训练中心紧紧抓住招生、教学、推荐安置就业三个环节,使培训工作始终与就业紧密结合。 一、抓好宣传,多渠道吸引生源。一方面深入乡镇、街道调查了解失业人员的状况,召开各种不同类型座谈会,掌握就业意向,对失业人员、富余  相似文献   

三、新南威尔士州中小学校长培训体制 根据新南威尔士州和昆士兰州的考察见闻,澳大利亚在联邦和州政府两个层面都没有对中小学校长培训作出硬性政策要求和培训规划.但是,各级教育行政部门对校长业务培训却非常重视,通过多种途径、形式为校长提升专业能力提供支持和服务.联邦政府成立专业组织,拨付专项经费;州政府设立多种培训项目;高等学校的教育学院等教育机构以及中小学校长协会、学校管理协会等学术团体,也为校长培训提供了有针对性帮助.  相似文献   

城镇化安置是现行水电移民安置中正在探索的一种方式,我国第二、第三大水电工程向家坝、溪洛渡电站建设后,一些移民集中安置点采用了城镇化安置方式。城镇化安置具有许多优势,但也存在许多困境,特别是移民就业问题.坝尾槽、盐丰、邵女坪和金江等四个城镇化移民安置小区针对移民就业问题作了较成功的探索,值得认真研究和借鉴.  相似文献   

满足送培单位及被培训者的培训需求是培训项目取得成功的关键,培训方案设计对于培训项目的成功起着关键作用,培训方案设计基于培训需求调研的结果,需要在培训需求调研的基础上,将问题清单转化为培训目标、培训目标转化为培训内容、培训内容转化为培训课程,即"三个转化",以提高培训的针对性、有效性,从而促进培训项目水平的提高。  相似文献   

This quasi-experimental study aimed to examine the impact of anonymity and training (an alternative strategy when anonymity was unattainable) on students’ performance and perceptions in formative peer assessment. The training in this study focused on educating students to understand and appreciate formative peer assessment. A sample of 77 students participated in a peer assessment activity in three conditions: a group with participants’ identities revealed (Identity Group), a group with anonymity provided (Anonymity Group) and a group with identities revealed but training provided (Training Group). Data analysis indicated that both the Anonymity Group and Training Group outperformed the Identity Group on projects. In terms of perceptions, however, the Training Group appreciated the value of peer assessment more and experienced less pressure in the process than the other two groups.  相似文献   

中国残疾人扶贫政策的演变与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国从20世纪80年代中期开始对贫困残疾人制定专门的政策规划,目前已初步建立比较规范的扶贫政策体系,但在实施过程中也存在一些问题,主要表现为重“积极性的“扶贫开发建设,轻“消极性的“安全网建设;重东部,轻西部;重工程建设,轻人力资本开发;重实物扶贫,轻精神扶贫;重新制度建设,轻现有制度整合。为此,需要建立三个层次的扶贫政策。  相似文献   

During the years 1994‐1996 the Federal Government of Australia conducted the National Professional Development Program (NPDP) for teachers. This paper reports on a project concerned with investigating the views of significant stakeholders about the issue of accreditation of teacher learning in NPDP projects and developing a means by which such accreditation could take place. The project was carried out in the final year of the NPDP and sought to provide a vehicle for teachers to gain university credit for their workplace learning in many of the projects conducted during the three years of the NPDP.  相似文献   

2003年澳大利亚首次颁布了《国家教师专业标准》,用于指导全国的教师专业发展工作。基于教育改革的发展和变化,2009年联邦教育部着手修订标准,旨在为每个儿童接受优质的教育提供保障。新标准最终由澳大利亚教育、就业和青年事务部认证通过后于2010年颁布。新标准顺应了时代的要求,更多地关注了教师专业发展。  相似文献   

In West Germany, women have traditionally worked in a very restricted range of jobs, with skilled women workers being concentrated in administrative and service sector employment. The article reviews the reasons for this situation and the initiatives which have been taken to increase the proportion of women in jobs traditionally undertaken by men, including technical jobs at all levels. The Federal Government supported by the Lander (West German States) has introduced a number of projects across the country to train more young women in non-traditional vocational areas, especially in the mechanical and electronic/electrical engineering fields with a view to producing skilled craft workers and technicians. The difficulties faced by young women who have taken up such training, both during the training period and when seeking work subsequently are discussed

The situation for women engineers at the professional level is also outlined and a number of strategies which may be helpful in improving the position of women in engineering in the Federal Republic is outlined. Recently, computer courses organised by women's groups have proved successful in attracting women students from a wide variety of backgrounds and age ranges with little or no previous technical or scientific training.  相似文献   


The aim of this qualitative study is to evaluate the role of non-governmental organisations in disabilities services. The study group comprised of nine representatives of each of these NGOs. Data obtained by semi-structured interviews were analysed by using the content analysis method on RQDA qualitative data analysis software. Voice of disabled people is represented through non-profit organisations. In enhancing capacity for development, considering the scope of disability (physical, social barriers), societal attitudes, and religious factors’ impact on society attitudes on persons with disabilities that disabled people are sick and helpless and need to be looked after and medical models that consider disabled people as sick patients trying to recover seem to be important. Content analysis was done to evaluate service capacity of Profession NGOs for the disability. This research study revealed that Profession type of non-governmental organisations need awareness on disability. They need in-service training to understand practices for disabled people. Integration of self-help projects, networking mechanism are essential for the development. The method of Sensitivity Training which is one of the most emphasised organisational development techniques comes forward. Expression of this education with the concept of sensitivity comes from recognising and understanding the behaviour of individuals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Prior to its election to office in 2007, the Australian Labor Party announced a commitment to introduce Trade Training Centres (TTCs) into all Australian secondary schools as an initiative of its Education Revolution. TTCs were proposed as a key element of Federal Labor's education and training policy that aimed to manage future risks to Australia's competitiveness in the emerging global economy and to support school-to-employment transitions for young people. This analysis adopts a governmentality framework to conceptualise the Federal Government's introduction of TTCs alternatively as a key strategy for nationalising social investment politics in Australia. The paper draws on recent Australian policy documents to argue that TTCs are social technologies that work to open up social spaces in and around schools for governing relationships between schools and other community stakeholders, particularly businesses and families. The paper concludes by examining policy implications, including those of social justice, for promoting school community partnerships through TTCs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of the Williams Committee Report on Education and Training on the Australian universities since its publication in February, 1979. In it we discuss the influence of public policy on tertiary education as it has been implemented by the Federal and State Governments of the Commonwealth following the release of the Report.The Federal Government's stated policy in response to the Report was to continue the process of monitoring and adjusting the education system in accord with the Williams Committee proposals for evolutionary change to improve the quality of education. How-ever, because Australian education is experiencing a period of tight economic restraint, it is not surprising that the first tangible reactions to the sections of the Report about universities were to those recommendations about cost, efficiency and availability of tertiary education as well as to those about integration and rationalisation of resources.These outcomes are examined in the context of three Universities, namely, Murdoch University (the Western Australian State Government established a Committee of Inquiry to make recommendations about the future of Murdoch as a result of proposals made by the Williams Committee about it integrating with the University of Western Australia), The University of Tasmania (the Tasmanian State Government took action to follow-up the submission made by the Tasmanian Treasury to the Williams Committee about the rationalisation of resources in tertiary education) and The University of Wollongong (chief executive officers of institutions from the three sectors of higher education in the Illawarra region have reformed an informal advisory group which had operated before the Williams Committee Report was released, into an Advisory Council with a more formal status to explore areas of possible collaboration and cooperation).These reactions have had the aim of broadening the scope of university activities in three of the smallest universities in Australia. In each case, a number of fundamentally important educational and resource issues have been raised and the reactions of the universities have been shaped by public policies. We believe that universities as social institutions should take into account the needs of societies in making decisions about their interests and welfare. It is therefore of paramount importance for universities to be fully aware of relevant public policies and be able and willing to respond constructively.  相似文献   

A common theme in higher education research is the factors that affect university funding. Studies frequently examine how universities cope with funding cuts and the changes that have stemmed from operating in a neoliberal age, a period that now sees institutions commonly functioning on a cost/benefit basis. This paper offers an original contribution by using the Australian Federal Government Department of Education and Training’s document, Finance 2015: Financial Reports of Higher Education Providers, to problematise the financial assistance individual Australian public universities received from the federal government. The paper acknowledges the factors that can account for some institutions receiving more funding than others but nonetheless highlights the substantial discrepancies concerning government financial contributions that exist between Australia’s highest and lowest funded universities. At a time when a performative culture has increasingly become part of higher education, and an institution’s research performance is calculable and rankable, it is crucial to Australia’s long-term research success that all its universities remain competitive in the race for research and government funding.  相似文献   

The Open Learning Initiative (OLI) which resulted in the Australian Federal Government setting up a brokering company now known as Open Learning Australia (OLA), first opened its doors in March 1993. Since that time, educators, administrators, politicians and student groups have followed its development with considerable interest. The need to monitor and evaluate this new initiative was given high priority, hence the studies conducted by the Senate Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training and the University of Melbourne's Centre for the Study of Higher Education. OLA is now into its third year of operation and its final year of Government financial support. By now it is perhaps becoming more apparent just what are its achievements and what are the areas of concern being raised by critics, observers and stakeholders in relation to its impact on Australian higher education.  相似文献   

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