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外语教材在我国外语教学中具有举足轻重的地位。而教材评估对教材的优化与改进具有很大的促进作用。虽然教材评估在国外已有三十余年的发展,但在我国对教材评价和研究起步较晚。其中对已被广泛使用的《牛津高中英语》[1]的评价的研究较少,而其口语教材的分析与评价更是屈指可数。本文对该教材的口语材料进行评估,综合分析了其优势与不足,提出了改进意见及对口语教学的启示。  相似文献   


Engaging students in completing assigned reading material, particularly textbooks, is a challenge faced by many college professors. Further, research has demonstrated student compliance is typically low with reading course textbooks. This study explores the impact of assigning content-specific books written for popular audiences and having students participate in an associated “book club” in an undergraduate class. Survey findings indicate that most students experienced reading a book written for popular audiences as more engaging and enjoyable than textbook reading. An analysis of student reflection papers provides further evidence that this assignment and associated activities successfully engaged students with content-specific readings.  相似文献   

教师在正常讲授中国现代文学的同时,还应该时常抱有一种问题意识,并将这种意识适当地渗透给学生。首先要求师生都要细读作品,在此过程中对作品应该有所质疑;其次,只把教材当作讲授和学习的参考即可,切不可迷信它;第三,对与教材相关的史料问题要追根寻源,力求真知。  相似文献   

周钧 《教育学报》2006,2(2):91-96
文章对美国社会学者大卫·拉伯雷的《教育学院之困境》进行了评价。该书采用历史社会学的方法分析了教育学院特别是教师教育处于美国高等教育学术科层结构底层的原因,探讨了当今美国大学教育学院的结构性特征和教育学院教授的地位,认为教育学院既不会给美国教育带来危害,也没有给美国教育带来帮助。  相似文献   

This study extended through three academic semesters and involved 710 subjects. It compared the performance of college students taught precalculus using a graphing calculator and a textbook written to be used with a graphing utility, to the performance of students using the traditional approach, a regular textbook, and a scientific calculator. On a comprehensive common final exam, students who were taught precalculus using the graphing calculator had significantly higher scores than those taught by traditional methods.PosthumousPreliminary partial results of this experiment were presented at the Fourth Annual International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Portland, Oregon, November 15–17,1991.  相似文献   


In this study, criminal justice classes were team taught by six pairs of one faculty member and one student teacher. The professor-student teaching teams met together before class to plan and after class to problem solve. The student teachers were charged with helping the professors introduce active learning exercises into their classes. This article reports on survey data from these professors, student teachers and the students they taught, including their views on both the benefits and problems. The article shows professors how to team teach with a student and helps professors who want to try the approach to anticipate and minimize the problems while capitalizing on the benefits.  相似文献   

略论商务印书馆对近代中国教科书出版的贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商务印书馆作为近代最负盛名的民营书局,其出版的《最新教科书》使“教科书之形式方备”。商务印书馆在教科书出版中注意不断创新,领导着近代中国教科书出版的潮流,并长期处于教科书出版市场的“执牛耳”地位。同时,商务印书馆还为其他书局培养了大批教科书出版人才,为中国近现代出版业留下了宝贵的精神财富,堪称近代中国教科书出版的“母机”。  相似文献   

The impact of the Guided Problem Based Learning (Guided PBL) approach on Critical Thinking (CT) skills in a core business analysis course was examined. The implementation of this approach included using a textbook created for this purpose, which presents problems first, with blank spaces for students to work them out. Discussion of the concepts and theory needed to understand and solve the problems, as well as the solutions, come later in the book. This book is referred to as the Reversed Textbook. Students attempt to answer questions or solve problems in class with instructor guidance as needed, before discussion of theory. Student learning in sections taught prior to implementing the Guided PBL method was compared with student learning in sections taught with the method. Results indicate that the approach motivated learning and improved student performance on a departmental final exam by an average of 9%. When measured on CT questions alone, the improvement was on average 24%. Finally, the Guided PBL approach also improved group task performance by 6%. All the improvements were statistically significant.  相似文献   

高质量的教材是培养高质量人才的基本保证,高职院校加强《应用文写作》教材建设对提高人才培养质量具有十分重要的意义。高职《应用文写作》教材建设要突出职业教育的特点,强化学生写作能力的培养,要符合培养高素质劳动者和技术技能人才的要求。教材的编写体例要科学合理,教学内容要力求最新,例文的编写格式要规范,并可展现公文格式的嬗变。  相似文献   

近年来随着我国培智学校教育对象的变化,各地区培智学校着手编写校本教材。本文对1993年人教版的全国培智二年级语文教材与2004年浙教版的培智二年级语文教材从整体结构和各部分具体内容两方面进行了较全面深入的分析,并总结出导致二者差异的主要原因,文章最后为培智学校校本教材的编写提出了三点建议。  相似文献   

Dana Encheff 《TechTrends》2013,57(6):61-72
This article explains how one teacher used iBooks Author, a free digital textbook creation tool that makes iBooks for iPads, in an upper elementary classroom to improve students’ expository writing skills and understanding of science content. The classroom teacher taught students pre-requisite writing and technology skills for two weeks, and then helped these students design, develop, and publish their own iBook. Students planned and developed content using Thinking Maps, storyboards, Google Docs, iMovie and other technology tools to create their iBook. A comparison of students’ work in the iBook to previous written work revealed an improvement in expository writing in multiple ways: better organization and connection of ideas; increased use of academic vocabulary; and an increased use of clarifying details and analogies. Students also gained a deeper understanding of science concepts as reported through their comments after the project was finished. Students became more proficient users of the technology, and also reported an increased sense of self-efficacy and confidence because they published a book in the iBookstore  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to describe the development and implementation of a co‐teaching model at a small state university in the northeast. In addition, this article will share lessons learned from this experience by two professors, as well as describe the impact on the beliefs and teaching behaviors of their students. One of the professors is a member of the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation, and the second is from the Department of Professional and Secondary Education. The co‐teaching initiative began in 1996 and continues until the present, with a graduate course on inclusionary practices taught collaboratively each fall. The impetus for the initiative came from an identified need for general education and special education teachers to co‐teach in classrooms where students with disabilities are included. Given that co‐teaching is an expected teacher behavior, the practice must be taught with intent and modeled by professors to increase the likelihood that it will be implemented successfully in P‐12 classrooms.  相似文献   

The contribution of the e‐textbooks can be enormous considering their additional supporting features, but adoption has not crystallized yet. This study examines the relevant experiences of college students in terms of how the use of e‐textbooks may enhance their learning. A survey study was conducted to measure the perceptions of each student on how helpful an e‐textbook is for facilitating learning (i.e., E‐book Helpfulness), how well it promotes his/her involvement in learning (i.e., Student Involvement), and how much improvement it makes on learning outcome (i.e., Learning Outcome). Results indicate that e‐textbooks are perceived as enhancers of student learning experiences in two complementing routes: (1) E‐textbook Helpfulness enhances students’ learning outcomes directly and (2) Student Involvement plays an important mediating role between E‐textbook Helpfulness and Learning Outcome if students use e‐textbooks in class. These findings suggest that the successful adoption of e‐textbooks requires schools to provide necessary resources (e.g., computer labs) and instructors to actively engage students in using e‐textbooks.  相似文献   

探索提高地方高师院校师范学生技术素养的人才培养模式,在校本教学改革实践的基础上,提出为普通高中培养合格通用技术课程师资的教学设计方案。  相似文献   

Based on a 5-year naturalistic evaluation of an urban university-school collaborative that focused on preparing teachers for urban schools, this analysis was initiated to determine to what extent inequalities between the university and school personnel mitigated the attainment of intended outcomes. Results indicated that some positive change occurred, such as professors and teachers learning to speak the same language on instructional teams, which led to improved field experiences for students. However, cultural differences with concomitant inequities between school and university personnel prevented more permanent change. Inequities of power were inadvertently written into the proposal and were exacerbated at two levels: (1) the collaborative policy board, in which districts, due to larger representation, wielded greater power over budget and hiring in the collaborative; and (2) instructional teams where professors wielded power over several teachers with resistance from teachers. By the end of 5 years, the funded portion of the urban teacher education program that included a collaborative policy board and instructional teams had fallen mostly by the wayside. Cooperation between professors and teachers reverted to precollaborative levels with only loose coupling remaining. Preservice students continue to do field experiences in the professional development schools under supervision. The university education unit recognized the benefits, but continues to struggle with how to revive the level of cooperation that began with the urban program and to create long term partnerships that go beyond mere placement of students into the field.  相似文献   

教材是学生学习的资源,是促进学生发展,实现课程目标的工具。以学科为基础的综合化分科教材设计是高中化学教材处理好综合性内容与化学学科内容的关系,体现自然学科知识与社会学科知识之间的内在联系及化学与社会和学生和谐发展的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

The article utilizes a decolonizing theoretical lens to advocate for the need to engage in a more nuanced approach to conceptualizing local/global aspect of social justice discussions within social studies education. The article engages with questions of social justice by utilizing Noddings’s (2006) argument that “educational malpractice” (p. 250) is a daily occurrence in US classrooms because students are expected to reproduce textbook answers, rather than generate their own questions and reasoned research and deliberation. Kumashiro’s (2004) writings on antioppressive education speak of how the repetition of mainstream narratives normalize what ought to be taught and learned in schools. We propose that educators cannot avoid questions of racism and Islamophobia as critically important issues within social studies classrooms. Therefore, through engaging in critical inquiry on the prevalence of racism and Islamophobia, educators can disrupt the continued educational malpractice within the social studies.  相似文献   

Textbooks can play a very important role in ESL/EFL ‘s success of learning.They provide the objectives of language learning.This essay evaluates a textbook named"Fundamentals of English Grammar" by Betty Schrampfer Azar and points out its strengths and shortcomings.This paper is intended to emphasize that teaching grammar is the art of helping students make sense,rather than lecturing on grammatical patterns and terminologies.  相似文献   

对学生健康发展和社会进步而言,中小学课本及文化品质的重要性不言而喻。课本是教、学的重要依据,也是文化的代表、标示与档案。因此,课本必需文字无瑕、细节完善、质量上佳。全面提高学生的素能,课本的影响力、作用力颇大。所以,编写、生产课本须用心、用力地反复审读、打磨。让课本的字、词、句和标点符号无恙是保证课本文化水平之本、之需。有效保证文科、理科课本的品质,要聚焦、完备文字、细部。编、审课本者当切实承担责任,生产课本的所有环节都应当严谨、苛刻与认真。  相似文献   

程少云 《海外英语》2014,(12):123-124,126
This essay aims to analyze my translation of ForensicChemistryHandbook which is a scientific book published in 2012. I am commissioned to translate the book by China Maritime Police Academy, a university in Ningbo. The translated version will be used as a textbook for university, thus the potential readers will be students in this university. As to features of the textbook, it belongs to informative text, which can be characterized as conciseness, correctness and objectiveness. Guided by typical functional translationtheoriessuchasHanJ.Vermeer'sskoposruleandPeterNewmark'stexttypology,thiscommentarywilldealwithhowI use collaborative strategy and simplification to translate the book to ensure the quality and efficiency, especially when encountering technicaltermsandcomplicatedsentences.FourexamplesareshowninthefollowingpapertoillustratehowItranslatethebook.  相似文献   

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