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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 31 毫秒
一 Teacher:We all know that beat causes an object to expand(膨胀) and cold causes it to contract(收缩,缩小). Now,can anyone give me a good example(例子)? 老师:我们都知道热胀冷缩的道理。现在, 谁给我举个例子? John:Well,in the summer the days are long,and in the winter the days are short. 约翰:嗯,在夏天天都长,在冬天天都短。 二 Mother: Did you eat all the cookies, Tom? 妈妈:汤姆,你把饼干都吃光了? Tom: Oh, mum, I didn't touch one. 汤姆:哦,妈妈,我一个没碰过。 Mother: That's strange. There's only…  相似文献   

Jack wanted to buy a hat, so he went into a hat shop and said to the assistant, "I 1 a hat, please."he said. "Can I try on 2 ?"Of course, sir,"the assistant answered and he 3 several hats for Jack.Jack 4 one by one but he didn't like__5of them. "This one is too big and this one doesn't 6 very nice and this one must be too cheap.  相似文献   

大竹 《初中生学习》2014,(12):10-11
链接一:英语对话和短文(一)对话Mother:Good morning,Jack!Jack:Good morning,mum!Mother(kindly):Jack,what are you doing?Jack:I am watching TV.You also want to watch TV?Mother:I don’t think I’d like to watch TV.It’s bad for eyes and study.Jack:But TV brings us happiness!TV can also bring us the learning program!Mother:No,I think TV is bad.Father:Jack,what are you doing?Mother:He is watching TV so much.Father:Is watching TV harmful?  相似文献   

Mother:Why are you home from school so early? Son: I was the only one who could answer a question. Mother: Oh ,really? What was the question ? Son: Who threw the rubber at the headmaster?The only one who knows the answer  相似文献   

Mother:I left two pieces of cake on the table this morning,but there is only one pieceleft.Can you explain[解释]that?Son:Well,I think it was so dark that I didn’t notice the other.  相似文献   

Mrs Smith has three sons:John,Jack and James.Every year they wouldsend their mother expensive(1)to show how richthey were.John wasthe richest.Andhe thought,“I mustgivehersomethingvery(2),and it should be the only one in the world.”So he advertised in the newspaper:Wanted—the(3)gift for the woman who has everything.Many people from all over the world phoned him.They wanted to sell him“the perfectgift”.But none was the only one in the world.AThen,aweek(4)a man cametohis office.He was c…  相似文献   

Mothering Sunday     
It is the day of all the year,Of all the year the one day,And here come I,my Mother dear,To bring you cheer,A-mothering on Sunday.E辞典:Mothering Sunday:母亲节(注:5月11日为母亲节。这首儿  相似文献   

Marie:Oh,where’s Nutcracker? 噢,胡桃夹子在哪里?Mother:You’d do better to worry about yourself than the Nutcracker,young lady. 多关心关心自己吧,别老想着胡桃夹子,小淑女。Mother:Why on earth did you stay up so late last night? 为什么昨晚你那么晚才睡?Marie: I had to,Mother. 没办法,妈妈!Marie:Nutcracker was in danger. 胡桃夹子当时有危险。Mother:The only one who was in danger was you.  相似文献   

Son:Mother,what would you do if someone broke the vase (花瓶) in the dining room? Mother:I would whip (鞭打) him. Son :Then you'd better get ready. Father's broken it. Son:Mother,what would you do if someone broke the vase (花瓶) in the dining room? Mother:I would whip (鞭打) him. Son :Then you'd better get ready. Father's broken it.  相似文献   

Mother’s Day is coming.I write the followings for my respected mother,for I once misunderstood and even hated her for a very long time.When I was very young,Mother had only one child and she loved me very much.I was always spoiled(被宠爱)byher.ButthingsbegantochangewhenIwasoldenoughtogotoschool.Motherbecameseriousandstrictwithme.WhenIdidsomethingwrong,shescoldedmeseriously.Astimewenton,thingswentfrombadtoworse.WhenIwastenyearsold,myyoungerbrothercametotheworld.ItbroughthappinesstoMother,andIfeltgladtoo.ButIcam...  相似文献   

Some time ago I discovered that one of the chairs in my front hall had a broken leg. I didn't foresee any great difficulty in getting it mended, as there are a whole lot of antique shops in the Pimlico Road which is three minutes' walk from my flat, so I set forth one morning carrying the chair with me. I went into the first shop confidently expecting a friendly reception, with a kindly man saying, "What a charming  相似文献   

一、指人 every man Jack或every Jack one是“每个人”、“人人”的意思。eg: All the workers want a pay increase, every man Jack of them. 全体工人无一例外地要求增加工资。  相似文献   

郎咸军 《考试》2004,(1):35-35
请先看下面两道高考题:1.-Alice,you feed the bird today,? -But I fed it yesterday. A.do you B.will you C.didn't you D.Don't you 2.-Sorry,Joe.I didn't mean to…-Don't call me“Joe”.I'm Mr Parker to you,and you forget it! A.do B.didn't C.did D.don't  相似文献   

小歌 《英语沙龙》2013,(6):48-49
Some time ago, really, let me be more precise, many years ago, I went for a job interview. Halfway through the interview, one of the interviewers asked me a question,“lf someone robs his victim using a gun with a bullet in it, should he be punished more severely than if he uses a gun that does not have a bullet in it? "What's the difference?"I got a quick response for that one. lsn't it true that if a person robs a victim with a gun, only the robber knows whether or not the gun is loaded, but the victim has no way of knowing it?The gun is used to threaten the victim into submission, and a crime is committed. Why should there be a difference between the sen-tence of a person committing robbery with a gun that has an empty chamber and a person robbing while holding a gun with a bullet in it? Of course I didn't get the job - I guess I didn't need a job then anyway.  相似文献   

“Everything happens for the best,”mymother said whenever I faced disappointment.“If you can carry on,one day somethinggood will happen.And you’ll realize that itwouldn’t have happened if not for thatprevious disappointment.”每当我遇到挫折时,母亲就会说“:一切都会好的。如果你坚持下去,总有一天会有好事发生。你会认识到,如果没有之前的挫折,这好事就不会发生了。”Mother was right,as I discovered aftergraduating from college in1932.I had decidedto try for a job in radio,then work my wayup to spor…  相似文献   

Turn off the TV     
Xiao Pang is crying out of his room.Mother asks:“What!s the matter now?”“I saw on TV a grandpa died, ”says Xiao Pang. “ That!s not so serious. Why didn!t you just turn off the TV?”says his mother.Turn off the TV~~  相似文献   

“I must go now,”said Mrs.Hall.“I’ll come back as soon as I can.”Betty said,“We will be all right,Mother.I’ll look after things.”“Yes,”said Mrs.Hall.“I knowyou will,and the other children canhelp you.See that the goats don’t getout of the barn(牛棚),Betty.A manis coming for them Saturday.”  相似文献   

I.A Picnic 0n a holiday,Henry and Jack had a picnic ina park.On the ground they spread what they hadprepared for their meal.In the plate were two loavesof beef,salted eggs and some pieces of bread. Henry grabbed the larger loaf of beef.Jacksaid tO him angrily,“What bad manners youhave!Y_0U took the larger one!” Henry answered,“If you had been in my place,which 10af would you have taken?’’ “The small one.of course.” ‘‘Then what are you complaining about?’’ 野餐 在假日的一天,亨利…  相似文献   

一、用来指人All the workers want a pay increase,every man jack of them全体工人无一例外地要求增加工资.every man Jack或every Jack one是“每个人”、“人人”的意思。Jackofalltradesandmasterofnone.万事皆通而一无所长的人aJackonbothsides模棱两可,两面派  相似文献   

Jack went to school to study history, but when he finished his first year, he didn't pass the exam and the teacher said to him, "You have to leave school." When the boy's father heard the news, he was worried. He came to the school to see the teacher. He found the teacher in the office and asked the teacher to let Jack study in the school the next year.  相似文献   

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