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Who Is Right?     
看英语,读故事,画漫画,欢迎来这里一展才能!看着妙趣横生的画儿,别忘了也要动  相似文献   

Who Is Right?     
1 Sam has a piece of chalk.He draws aboy on the wall.2 Tom comes.He changes the boy into  相似文献   

Who Is Right?     
以下是第四季度(10-12月)的配图内容,现在征集小朋友的配图作品!拿起你的小画笔,根据情节,展开想像,快快把故事变成图画呀!  相似文献   

A model illustrating the relationship between mentoring and job competency was developed and tested in a sample of 82 members of a local chapter of a national association for training and development professionals. Human capital was conceptualized in terms of job competency attainment and social capital in terms of mentoring and protégé relationships. A series of hierarchical regression analyses were run to test the path model. Although a positive relationship was found between acting as a protégé and job satisfaction, acting as a mentor had a negative relationship with income. The results showed a strong relationship between career competence and income, promotion, job satisfaction and career choice satisfaction. For training and development professionals, job competency is the key factor in their career success.  相似文献   

Some peoPle like bedrooms beeause they like sleePing.Some PeoPlelike living一rooms beeause they like watehing TV and doing other thingsthere.1 like the dining一room ve叮mueh beeause 1 like eating.We haveabig dining一room.There 15 a round table and four ehairs in it.We oftenhave meals and drink tea there.My mother often eooks for us.She eooksniee dishes.Sometimes my dad does the eooking.He likes eooking,buthe eannot eook well.After dinner,1 wash the dishes.1 don,t like doingthat,but what e…  相似文献   

前一讲,我们谈了“你是否天天读报”这个话题的几种回答的方式。其实,在实际谈话时,这个问题只是一个很通常的开头语,似投石问路。回答完这个问题之后,人们会很自然地将话题引向渎报的具体内容,如你所爱读的报纸和版面,构成一个完整的对话。由于所爱读的报纸和爱读的版面两者之间有许多相近之处,  相似文献   

Which would you like to have? At the Lake Hotel where I worked in downtown Chicago,the officialmaxim(行为准则)was“Give the customers what they want.”Our abilityto meet that goal was tested one day when a large tour group overwhelmed(占满)the registration area.  相似文献   

WhichWouldYouLiketoHave?AttheLakeHotelwhereIworkedindowntown(商业区)Chicago,theofficialmaxim(准则)was“Givethecustomerswhattheywant.”Ourabilitytomeetthatgoal(目标)wastestedonedaywhenalargetourgroupoverwhelmedtheregistrationarea.Oneimpatientmanbulliedhiswaythroughthecrowd,bangedhisfistonthefrontdeskanddemanded,“Iwantaroomthatfacestheocean!”Inavoicethatallcouldhear,ayoungclerkanswered,“Certainly,sir.Atlantic(大西洋)orPacific(太平洋)?”Which Would You Like to Hav…  相似文献   

Teacher:Which is farther away,A ustralia or the moon?Bobby:A ustralia.Teacher:W hy do you say that? Bobby:Because we can see the m oon,we can tsee A ustralia.Which Is Farther Away?  相似文献   

Onedayapoormanwascuttingabigpieceofwood(木头)nearariver.Suddenlyhisoldaxe(斧子)fellintothewater.Hefeltverysadbe鄄causehelosthisonlyaxe.Thenallatonceabeautifulfairy(仙女)cameoutandaskedthemanwhatwasthematter.“Ihavelostmyaxe,”hesaid.“ItfellintothewaterwhenIwascut鄄tingthewood.”Thefairyshowedhimagold(金)axeandasked,“Isthisyours?”“No,”saidtheman.Thefairythenshowedhimasilver(银)axeandaskedagain熏“Isthisyours芽”“No熏”againansweredtheman.Thensheshowedhimtheoldaxe.“Yes,thatismine,”ca…  相似文献   

说一说奥运会就要到来了,小魔女、中音兔、小飞象和高音狗正在一起讨论自己最想看的比赛项目呢!高音狗:Oh,My dear friends,the Beijing Olympics is coming!  相似文献   

If you have to miss one meal a day, which meal will cause the fewest health problems if you don't eat it? If they have to make a decision of that type,most people will choose to skip breakfast.However,many experts in the field of health consider breakfast is the  相似文献   

Mr Cook had a big shop in the centre of the city. Hewas 1____ at managing (管理) it. He made 2_____money and was one of the richest men there. Bad 3_____!One day a truck hit his car on a bridge and it fell into theriver. He lost his life in the accident. He left a lot of mon-ey to his 4____. The old woman lived in the beautifulhouse and had many valuable (值钱的) things. She 5______did any housework and 6____ an easy life.Several years later Mrs Cook died. And there was abig funeral(葬礼). All her relatives(亲戚) and 7____were told about it. They 8____ from far and near to the  相似文献   

Several years ago,an Italian,an American and a Chinese Satin a bar and talked about the beer from their own countries.Theyall said that the heer of their own countries was the best.Just then.there were three mice under the table.Then they wanted the mice  相似文献   

Teacher: Are you right?You are sleeping in theclass.Pupil:No.I'm not right.Teacher:What?Pupil:It's worse thasleeping in the bed.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Over the last 25 years, both research literature and practice-oriented reports have claimed the need for improving the quality of undergraduate science...  相似文献   

以评价理论的子系统介入为理论框架,分析Why Digital Culture Is Good for You中介入的修辞效果,以期对大学英语议论文的人际功能的系统研究有所启示。  相似文献   

张保 《英语辅导》2001,(2):11-11
Once upon a time an elephant anda monkey had a quarrel(争吵). Theelephant was proud because he was sostrong. “Look, how big and strong Iam! ”he said. “I can pull a tree down,can you?”  相似文献   

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