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The notion of academic disciplines being characterized as high- or low-paradigm technologies was developed by Lodahl and Gordon from Kuhn's concept of a paradigm. Using this concept, the voting pattern of high-paradigm faculty (chemistry, physics, mathematics, and engineering) was compared to low-paradigm faculty (sociology, political science, history, and education) concerning a controversial campus issue to liberalize curriculum choices for students. It was found that high-paradigm faculty were not willing to grant students more latitude to select courses for degree requirements, while low-paradigm faculty members were in favor of giving students more latitude to select academic courses for degree requirements. The unique aspect of this study is that faculty behavior, as described in an actual case study, corresponds to theoretical positions supported by questionnaire data.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study reviewing an institution's faculty evaluation process, we found support for the judgmental aspects of appraisal, but a desire for greater focus upon development. The institutional culture supports a combined approach to the evaluations. Although this diminishes the focus of both forms of evaluation, it serves both the faculty and the institution.  相似文献   

An emerging debate among criminal justice (CJ) educators concerns awarding academic credit for professional training experiences. The key point of contention within this debate is whether such training is analogous to learning experiences obtained in the college classroom. Using survey data from the state of Illinois, the authors explore how CJ educators view this issue in the context of police training. Findings suggest that the strongest factor predicting respondents’ views of awarding college credit for professional training experiences was their orientation toward the “vocational” model of criminal justice education (CJE). Respondents who believe CJE should focus on imparting technical skills and preparing students for an entry‐level position in CJ were more supportive of awarding academic credit to students who completed professional training than were respondents who endorsed alternative models of CJE. After controlling for respondent orientation toward the vocation model, neither highest degree earned nor CJ experience significantly affect preferences for the awarding of college credit. Consideration is given to the pedagogical implications of these findings within the broader debate over the structure and content of CJE.

The quality of police service will not significantly improve until higher educational requirements are established for its personnel. Due to the nature of the police task and its effect on our society, there is need to elevate educational requirements to the level of a college degree from an accredited institution for all future personnel selected to perform the functions of a police agent. The demands on the police should preclude a lower requirement for persons responsible for confronting major crime and social problems. (President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice 1967 President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice. 1967 Task Force Report: The Police Washington DC U.S. Government Printing Office  [Google Scholar]:126)  相似文献   

世界性因素的研究命题是针对当前中外文学关系研究中存在的不足而提出的,作为研究中新的学术增长点,其活力在于其开放性,需要在实践过程中不断地校验.本文围绕命题与影响研究及世界性因素与民族文学之间的关系等问题.力图探索世界性因素研究命题在中外文学关系研究中可能会产生的广阔前景.  相似文献   

Portfolios are used for a variety of purposes in higher education. Two such purposes are the documentation of one's professional development for others and the improvement of one's own performance over time. This article discusses the concept of the faculty development portfolio and, in doing so, outlines the work of faculty development professionals. It also identifies characteristics of effective faculty development professionals and defines the steps involved in creating a faculty development portfolio. These steps include how to conceptualize, gather, and present evidence of items that can be used as a framework for faculty developers to consider when documenting their professional development for summative and formative purposes.  相似文献   

Facing a future of static or declining funding available for faculty salaries, higher education management must evolve strategies to enable their institutions to avoid stagnation of their most prominent and essential resource—the institution's faculty. This task is especially complex in the health sciences because of the existence of two distinct faculty cohorts each with unique organizational characteristics. A simulation model designed to embody this duality is used to assess a variety of policies both individually and in combination. The authors propose guidelines for health-science school administrators in formulating policies to help maintain faculty vitality given severe resource constraints.Presented at the Twentieth Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Atlanta, April 1980.  相似文献   

中国的教育改革需要大量教师参与,这种参与不仅是对教育改革的理解,而且要有相应的教育行为投入与教育行为改变。伴随教育改革的发展,脱颖而出一大批名师,并由此可能生成一种责任群体,且可能具备相应的责任表达。作为教师群体中的一部分,他们对教育改革的作用不容忽略,解读这类群体,或许对认识教师群体的诸多复杂有所裨益。  相似文献   

We report on a series of pilot programs that we developed and carried out to support the success and satisfaction of new faculty, particularly faculty of color. We hope that others committed to retaining and supporting underrepresented faculty can apply our learning from this pilot project, as a whole or in part.Fred P. Piercy, Ph.D. (University of Florida), M.Ed. (University of South Carolina), B.A. (Wake Forest University) is the Department Head of the Department of Human Development at Virginia Tech. His professional interests include family therapy education, HIV social science research and prevention, and family intervention for adolescent drug abusers. Valerie Giddings, Ph.D., M.S. (Virginia Tech), B.S. (Bennett College) is the Associate Vice Chancellor for Lifelong Learning at Winston-Salem State University. Her professional interests include anthropometry and apparel fit, cultural aesthetics for apparel, and diversity issues in higher education. Katherine R. Allen, Ph.D., M.A. (Syracuse University), B.S. (University of Connecticut) is a Professor in Human Development at Virginia Tech. Her interests include family diversity over the life course, adult sibling ties in transition, and persistence of women and minorities in IT majors. Benjamin Dixon, Ed.D. (University of Massachusetts), M.A.T. (Harvard University), B.Mus.Ed. (Howard University) is the Vice President for Multicultural Affairs at Virginia Tech. His interests include diversity, multicultural education, ethical pluralism, and equity and inclusion issues related to organizational management and development. Peggy S. Meszaros, Ph.D. (University of Maryland), M.S. (University of Kentucky), B.S. (Austin Peay State University) is the William E. Lavery Professor of Human Development and the Director of the Center for Information Technology Impacts on Children, Youth, and Families at Virginia Tech. Her interests include positive youth development, leadership issues, female career transitions, and mother/daughter communication. Karen Joest, Ph.D. (Virginia Tech), M.S. (Chaminade University), B.S. (Indiana State University) is an Assistant Professor of Child and Family Studies at the State University of New York, College at Oneonta. Her interests include adolescents exposed to domestic violence, use of qualitative research, and use of technology and feminist pedagogy  相似文献   

高校教师发展运动肇始于美国,历经了四十多年的发展与演进,进程中呈现诸多的多元化特征:即"多因素"——美国高校教师发展的动因、"多向度"——美国高校教师发展的目标、"多类型"——美国高校教师发展的对象、"多形式"——美国高校教师发展的模式、"多渠道"——美国高校教师发展的资助。上述诸"多"赋予了美国高校教师发展持续的、异彩纷呈的强劲生命力。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the evolution of faculty development in medicine. Of note, improving teaching in medical education is not a new concept. At a minimum, it was seriously discussed by pioneers like George Miller and Steve Abrahamson as early as the 1950s [Simpson & Bland (2002). Stephen Abrahamson, PhD, ScD, educationist: A stranger in a kind of paradise. Advances in Health Science Education Theory Practice, 7, 223–234]. By 2005, significant numbers of medical school faculty have participated in teaching improvement methods [Clark et al. (2004). Teaching the teachers: National survey of faculty development in departments of medicine of US teaching hospitals. Journal General Internal Medicine, 19, 205–14]. Yet, views of the importance and value of faculty development have evolved slowly. Fortunately, we are now in a more receptive era for program developers to assist faculty in their difficult roles.  相似文献   

Professors from across the academic disciplines at Council for Christian College & Universities (CCCU) institutions have traditionally excelled in their teaching. In recent years, CCCU faculty have also increasingly been expected to conduct research and to publish scholarly work. As CCCU institutions expand research and scholarship expectations for faculty, we must also provide the requisite support for professors to be effective in this work. In this article, we highlight institutional practices to encourage, support, and celebrate scholarly writing and research by faculty. Drawing upon findings from Zuidema's 2016 survey of CCCU chief academic officers, we offer benchmark practices for communicating expectations, offering tangible supports and resources, augmenting accountability measures with formative feedback, and recognizing and celebrating scholarship. Against this backdrop, we highlight practical, affordable strategies used at Point Loma Nazarene University (PLNU) in California and Dordt College in Iowa, two CCCU institutions that have increased expectations for scholarship in recent years. Through these illustrations, we aim to inspire new and creative strategies for supporting scholarship by showing how these practices are an outgrowth of a developmental philosophy of leadership that seeks to invest in the core resource of CCCU institutions: the faculty.  相似文献   


The landscape of higher education is more competitive now than ever before. Colleges and universities are changing and refocusing their identity, missions, and strategic visions to better serve students, prospective students, partners, and other external constituencies. As a result, many colleges and universities have changed their name to distinguish and differentiate themselves in this growing and evolving marketplace. This study takes a closer look into the phenomenon of a university strategic name change process and faculty involvement. It addresses the following questions: How much faculty involvement is needed to facilitate a successful university strategic name process? What is the impact of faculty involvement on a university strategic name event? What are the drivers of a university strategic name change? What are the roles of faculty members in fulfilling the desired outcome(s) of university strategic name change events. This paper proposes that faculty involvement is pertinent to the process and outcomes of a strategic university name change.  相似文献   

通过对知识经济形势下高等教育发展规律的分析,指出了高校教师自我发展的重要性。根据我国高等教育实际,结合教师自身发展阶段的分析,提出了高校教师的自我发展存在着"螺旋效应",绝大多数教师的自我发展是不断向前的,处于良性循环之中,这是"螺旋正效应";有部分教师的自我发展则会出现逆向变化,甚至陷入恶性循环之中,这是"螺旋负效应"。结合实际阐述了高校教师自我发展的途径。  相似文献   

In a modern context of constrained resources and high demands, faculty exert agency to strategically navigate their careers (Baez 2000a; Neumann et al. 2006). Guided by the O’Meara et al. (2011) framework on agency in faculty professional lives, this study used Structural Equation Modeling to investigate which departmental factors (perceptions of tenure and promotion process, work-life climate, transparency, person-department fit, professional development resources, and collegiality) influenced faculty agentic perspective and agentic action. Results showed that faculty perceptions of certain departmental contexts do matter in faculty career agency, such as work-life climate, person-department fit, and professional development resources. These contexts have a particular influence on faculty agentic perspective. Results also showed a large effect of agentic perspective on agentic action. The study has important implications for administrators regarding departmental role in faculty agency and contributes to the growing body of literature on faculty sense of agency in academe.  相似文献   

人文教育与科学教育的分野:概念、问题与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科学教育与人文教育及其形成的文化对垒与分歧一直都是学术界的热点话题。由于历史上两种文化的分裂导致了科学教育的主宰和人文精神的流失,进而对教育实践产生着深刻的影响。从科学教育与人文精神融会和整合的角度,对此进行评述和探讨,能为我国教育实践提供某些方面的启示。  相似文献   

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