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<正>未来若干年,灾难性气候会不会出现?地球会进入《后天》那样的冰期吗? 在今天下午举行的中国科协2004年学术年会特邀报告会上,世界环境科学最高奖"泰勒奖"和国家最高科学技术奖得主刘东生院士指出,在这些问题上,作为地质营力的人类负有重大的责任。他同  相似文献   

<正>20日下午,中国科学院院士、中国科协副主席杨福家在学术年会主会场作《从2004年诺贝尔奖看一流大学》,从一位曾当过国内名牌大学校长,又当过国外大学校长的视角,剖析了一流大学必须具备的条件。  相似文献   

丁云春  卓玛措 《西藏科技》2007,(11):37-37,52
教育质量的提高,除了深化教育和管理机制外,与教学方法及教师自身素质也有很大的关联,本文从三方面作了具体化的阐述,说明了教师在教育质量提高方面的关键作用。  相似文献   

<正>著名科学家、中国科协主席周光召20日在中国科协2004年学术年会开幕式上直言科技界时弊时说,当前我国科技管理重科技立项和研究基地的硬件建设,轻学风、科学道德和科学精神的倡导,开放流动和学科交叉不易实行,部门分割、行业分割、条块分割仍然严重,造成了资源浪费和低水平重复。  相似文献   

<正>"21世纪,是科技和理性的世纪,也是创新发展的世纪。面对科技发展新趋势,我们要充分利用全球创新资源,广泛参与双边、多边和全球竞争与合作,大幅度地提升我国科技创新与产业化能力。"中国科学院常务副院长、中国科协副主席、中科院院士白春礼今天在中国科协2004年学术年会上纵谈科教兴国。  相似文献   

Asp.net中运用存储过程实现Web数据分页查询   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着网络的发展,利用asp.net进行Web程序的开发已越来越广泛.如何提高Web数据访问性能也一直是开发人员研究的重要问题,本文针对Web数据库记录的显示问题,讨论了在Aspnet框架下使用存储过程的方法,并用具体实例给出了用存储过程实现Web查询分页的技术。  相似文献   

This study examines the facets and patterns of multiple Web query reformulations with a focus on reformulation sequences. Based on IR interaction models, it was presumed that query reformulation is the product of the interaction between the user and the IR system. Query reformulation also reflects the interplay between the surface and deeper levels of user interaction. Query logs were collected from a Web search engine through the selection of search sessions in which users submitted six or more unique queries per session. The final data set was composed of 313 search sessions. Three facets of query reformulation (content, format, and resource) as well as nine sub-facets were derived from the data. In addition, analysis of modification sequences identified eight distinct patterns: specified, generalized, parallel, building-block, dynamic, multitasking, recurrent, and format reformulation. Adapting Saracevic’s stratified model, the authors develop a model of Web query reformulation based on the results of the study. The implications for Web search engine design are finally discussed and the functions of an interactive reformulation tool are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper analyses urban waste systems to explore how local authorities can resolve challenges related to climate change, urbanization and resource depletion. The paper investigates how different public governance regimes affect local authorities’ ability to move upwards in the waste hierarchy. It identifies three different governance regimes – traditional bureaucracy, new public management and networked governance – and uses the insights from innovation in urban waste in three Norwegian city regions – Oslo, Drammen and Bergen – to illuminate how these regimes possess both strengths and weaknesses in how they affect system optimization and system change. The observed working practices signal that the issue of urban waste systems is perceived as a challenge of system optimization rather than system change. Viewing this as a challenge requiring system change would probably have ensured a stronger directionality and a broader anchoring of actors. Such an approach is likely to have arrived at a waste prevention mode earlier than the step-by-step-solutions implemented so far. The paper concludes that there is not one best governance regime, but a need to acknowledge their co-existence and carefully consider the characteristics of the respective regimes in order to arrange urban waste systems for long-term dynamic and sustainable city regions.  相似文献   

企业薪酬制度发展新方向——绿色薪酬制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从研究宽带薪酬和自助式薪酬出发,分别列出了它们的不足之处,并创新性的提出了一种全新的薪酬制度:“绿色薪酬”制度,进一步分析其优点,最后列出了其具体实施步骤。  相似文献   

本文立足西藏实际,从大力推进经济体制改革加快转变政府职能,努力建设服务型政府,加强行政区划体制改革等方面着探讨西藏经济跨越式发展。  相似文献   

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