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In this study, the author has designed new verifiable (t,n) threshold untraceable signature schemes. The proposed schemes have the following properties:(1) Verification: The shadows of the secret distributed by the trusted center can be verified by all of the participants;(2) Security: Even if the number of the dishonest member is over the value of the threshold, they cannot get the system secret parameters ,such as the group secret key, and forge other member's individual signature;(3) Efficient verification: The verifier can verify the group signature easily and the verification time of the group signature is equivalent to that of an individual signature; (4) Untraceability: The signers of the group signature cannot be traced.  相似文献   

Verifiable threshold signature schemes against conspiracy attack   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
INTRODUCTIONDigitalsignaturesplayanimportantroleinourmodernelectronicsocietyduetotheirprop ertiesofintegrityandauthentication .Theinteg ritypropertyensuresthatthereceivedmessageisnotmodified ,andtheauthenticationpropertyensuresthatthesenderisnotimpersonated .Inwell knownthatinconventionaldigitalsigna tures,suchasRSAandDSA ,asinglesignerissufficienttoproduceavalidsignature;andthatanyonecanverifythevalidityofanygivensigna ture.However,onmanyoccasions,weneedtosharetheresponsibilityofsignin…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The concept of group signature,first introduced by Chaum and van Heyst(1992),allows each group member(and only the group member)to sign mes-sages on behalf of the group,and requires that the receiver can use a group public key to verify the group signature,but cannot reveal the signer.The group signature should be traceable,i.e.the group authority can open the group signature and identify the signer.The outsider cannot identify all previous group sig-natures generated by the …  相似文献   

A new attack is proposed to show that a specified group of verifiers can cooperate to forge the signature for any message by secret key substitution due to the leaked secret key or by the group public key adjustment because of the renewed members. This paper presents the improvement scheme which overcomes the security weakness of Laih and Yen's scheme.  相似文献   

A new attack is proposed to show that a specified group of verifiers can cooperate to forge the signature for any message by secret key substitution due to the leaked secret key or by the group public key adjustment because of the renewed members. This paper presents the improvement scheme which overcomes the security weakness of Laih and Yen's scheme.  相似文献   

基于LRSW问题,以双线性映射为工具,提出一个新的群签名方案.方案由两个可信机构分别担当群主管GM和撤消主管RM.群主管GM负责为欲加入本群的用户颁发证书,使其成为合法的群成员;撤消主管RM可以打开群签名以识别签名人的身份.群成员的证书生成是基于LRSW困难问题,具有防伪造性.群签名是一个被盲化了的成员证书关于消息m的非交互式的零知识证明,因此,本方案在安全性方面满足群签名方案的安全特性.  相似文献   

Secret sharing and digital signature is an important research area in information security and has wide applications in such fields as safeguarding and legal use of confidential information, secure multiparty computation and electronic commerce. But up to now, study of signature based on general vector space secret sharing is very weak. Aiming at this drawback, the authors did some research on vector space secret sharing against cheaters, and proposed an efficient but secure vector space se…  相似文献   

A (t, n) threshold signature scheme distributes the secret key and hence the signing ability to n players in a way that any set of t+ 1 or more honest players can collaborate to sign, while any set of t players cannot. In this paper we propose an identity-based threshold signature (IBTHS) scheme from bilinear pairings. The signing phase of our scheme is non-interactive, meaning that the signing players do not need to talk to each other. We prove our scheme secure (i.e., unforgeable and robust) in the standard model (i.e., without random oracles). No earlier proposed IBTHS scheme achieved even one of the features of being non-interactive (in the signing phase) and secure in the standard model.  相似文献   

对一个改进的基于中国剩余定理的群签名方案进行安全性分析,指出方案不可抵御伪造攻击,群中心或群中成员即使不知道其他成员的签名密钥也可伪造其签名;同时指出验证者在验证签名有效性的同时也可以判断出签名者,不满足群签名的性质,因此不是一个真正意义上的群签名.  相似文献   

在使用RSA进行数字签名的基础上,引入门限方案的秘密共享思想,提出一种改进的防欺诈数字签名方案,通过对数字签名中安全性要求极高的签名密钥进行处理,保证了电子档案数据的安全性。  相似文献   

已有的文献中很少看到有关于群签密的,而被证明安全的群签密则更少了,在已知安全有效的群签名的基础上,构造一个新的基于双线性对的群签密方案。该方案在只改动群签名的签名阶段的基础上,实现群签密。可验证其既不影响群签名的安全性同时又实现加密的功能,而且群签密的长度是一个不随群成员的改变而改变的常数。  相似文献   

门限签名中的合谋攻击问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
门限签名是基于秘密共享基础上的群签名体制,现有的门限签名方案大多是利用Lagrange插值原理构造的,在防止内部成员合谋攻击上存在着安全漏洞。该文结合已有的门限签名方案,分析了易受合谋攻击的几个阶段,并给出了抵抗的方法。  相似文献   

量子密码学是量子力学原理和经典密码学相结合的产物,具有可证明的安全性.量子密码有助于对窃听者的非法侵入进行检测,为通信网安全提供保障,而这是公钥密码体制所不具备的.在BB84协议密钥产生和分配中,通信双方利用初始密钥进行身份认证,既能提高效率,又增强了系统的安全性.  相似文献   

文章提出了能使多个用户共享多个秘密密钥的门限共享体制.在该体制中,每个用户只需保存有关多个秘密密钥的一个片段,如果合作用户的数量大于等于该体制的门限值时,他们可以合作计算出任何一个秘密密钥.该体制具有很强的安全性,其安全性基于离散对数以及特定条件下平方根的难解性.  相似文献   

PKI是基于公钥加密体制的提供公钥加密和数字签名服务的系统或平台,主要由认证中心(CA)、数字证书库、密钥备份及恢复系统、证书撤销处理系统和应用程序接口(API)组成。其中CA是PKI的核心环节,具有证书发放、更新、撤销和验证等功能。PKI技术已在很多领域得到了广泛的应用。  相似文献   

为了提高数字签名方案的安全强度,设计了一个同时基于2个难解问题的数字签名方案.离散对数问题和因式分解问题是密码学中2个著名的难解问题,融合基于离散对数难题的ElGamal数字签名方案和基于因式分解难题的OSS数字签名方案,提出了一种安全性同时基于离散对数问题和因式分解问题的数字签名方案.安全分析得出在一个难题被解的情况下该方案仍然是安全的.与已有的类似方案比较,所提出的签名方案具有更短的签名长度,更低的存储开销和计算开销.  相似文献   

高等院校拥有大量尖端知识产权和高技术成果,承担着国家重要课题研究项目,是开展国际交流和合作的重要窗口,因此,高等院校同时承担着诸多保密管理工作。文章通过各种案例详尽介绍了新形势下高等院校保密工作遇到的新问题,阐述了解决这些新问题的唯一途径是在高等院校建立保密意识文化、保密制度文化、保密技术文化、保密行为文化。  相似文献   

基于DH困难问题,提出一种基于身份的两方密钥交换协议,并对协议的安全性进行了分析。所提出的协议中,会话密钥的生成需要参与方的长期私钥和选取的随机数。安全性分析表明,所提出的协议能满足两方密钥交换协议的安全性要求。  相似文献   

由于自认证签密能同时完成认证和加密两项功能,是实现网络信息安全、快捷传送的理想方式。设计高效、安全的自认证签密方案尤为重要。通过对王之仓等《基于离散对数问题的自认证签密方案》《计算机应用与软件》(第27卷第十期)和俞惠芳等《基于椭圆曲线的自认证签密方案》《微计算机信息》(第26卷第1-3期)的分析研究,发现:这两个签密方案都存在不同程度的安全危害。即:存在已知明文与密文对的伪造攻击,使得第三方均可借助窃取到的明文与密文对假冒发送方伪造任意消息的签名。进而对第一个方案提出改进,通过改变随机数的加入方法,有效克服了原方案的安全隐患,提高了原方案的安全性能。  相似文献   

This paper studies the security of an image encryption scheme based on the Hill cipher (Ismail et al.,2006) and reports its following problems:(1) There is a simple necessary and sufficient condition that makes a number of secret keys invalid;(2) It is insensitive to the change of the secret key;(3) It is insensitive to the change of the plain-image;(4) It can be broken with only one known/chosen plaintext;(5) It has some other minor defects.The proposed cryptanalysis discourages any use of the scheme in practice.  相似文献   

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