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王军伟 《中国科教博览》2004,(11):97-97,100
本文从力学角度而非天气系统作用的角度,对影响雾的各种要素进行考虑,得出雾的生成、变化、消散是水汽在适当的动力,热力和地形作用下产生的天气现象,在对雾的预报思路上更具简洁性。  相似文献   

我国科技成果转化率低,一直是人们普遍关注的问题。大力发展技术经纪业,建立高素质的技术经纪人队伍,是解决这一问题的有效途径。技术经纪业是以技术优势和智力资源为基础的新兴知识产业,作为科技与经济相结合的桥梁和纽带,为它技术市场提供全方位的中介服务,对加速科技成果的转化,促进科技与经济的结合,发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

根据宪法作用的不同对象,其作用可分为规范作用和社会作用。宪法的规范作用,从其普遍共性而言,可分为教育、预测、引导、评价监督和最高强制效力五方面;宪法的社会作用,从其本质、目的和任务而言,可分为巩固政权、调整国家机关之间的关系、巩固经济基础、保障公民权利、促进精神文明建设和推进依法治国等六方面。  相似文献   

教育不同于人类生理极限的体育竞技,教育应以人为本,关注学生的身心发展,关注学生的素质提升,以达到解放思想,全面发展,完善人格的目的。教育的任务在于挖掘学生的潜能,发展学生的个性,让学生的个性由依附走向独立,由封闭走向开放,由内敛走向凸显,使他们成为一个不可替代的,立于天地之间的大写的人。如何实施这种教育,仁者见仁,智者见智。笔者认为,有时用故事进行教育不失为一种简便易行而又能奏效的好方法。  相似文献   

情感是文艺活动中最积极、最活跃的因素。情感有促动作用,是文艺创作最初的动力源泉;情感有选择作用,作家在创作中运用什么样的意象构成作品是受情感制约的;情感有变形作用,作品中的意象是经过作家情感熔铸变形了的物象;情感有编码作用,创作者是按着自己情感流动的轨迹来排列组合各种意象,实现传情达意的目的的,情感有感染作用,创作者的情感通过艺术形象作用于欣赏者的内心世界,引起欣赏者相似的情感体验和情感共鸣。  相似文献   

舆论监督是我国新闻媒体的重要职能和神圣使命。它具有批评、疏导和揭露作用。要确保其正确实施,必须坚持党性原则,坚持准确性原则,强化责任意识,强化素质,讲究策略。  相似文献   

通过对高校管理中思想政治工作的分析,提出在高校管理中思想政治工作的作用,主要强调先导作用中思想观念的转变,激励作用中优化高校人文环境,促进教学科研水平的提高,实践作用中把坚持改革开放,服务经济建设和高校思想政治工作紧密结合,使高校管理收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

国产减水剂性能及其作用机理的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了国内几种水泥混凝土减水剂的主要性能,以及它们用于工程的实际使用效果,对其发生减水作用的基本原理和内部机制进行了研究。  相似文献   

借代不仅仅是一种修辞手段,还是普遍的语言现象,更是基本的思维方式。说话者以借代传递信息,进行交际,正吻合了语言学家所说的“省力原则”,其正面作用已被众多认知语言学家所关注。然而,本文注意到,如果借代语用过程中,忽略诸如选择、礼貌、文化、价值观等社会需要因素,势必会造成交际负面影响,此类现象也应得到应有的重视和研究。  相似文献   

中国传统语言学注重从结构来看待语音,把声调当作与声母,韵母并列的成分,即声母、韵母、声调共同组成音节。而现代音系学则注重从语言功能的角度来看待语音,声调也就被看成为与元音音位、辅音音位在同一层面的成分,即与音重、音长一同被称作非音质音位。而随着语音学研究的深入发展,人们发现声调除了具有区别意义的作用外,还具有修辞作用和构形作用。  相似文献   

Rutter, Michael and Smith, David J. (eds) Psychosocial Disorders in Young People: Time Trends and their Causes
Sigston, A.; Curran, P.; Labram, A. and Wolfendale, S. (eds) Psychology in Practice with Young People, Families and Friends
McClelland, V. Alan and Varma, Ved (eds) The Needs of Teachers
Mehan, Hugh; Villanueva, Irene; Hubbard, Lea and Lintz, Angela Constructing School Success: the Consequences of Untracking Low-Achieving Students
Gates, Brian (ed.) Freedom and Authority in Religions and Religious Education
Kearney, Mary-Louise and Holden Ronning, Anne (eds) Women and the University Curriculum: Towards Equality, Democracy and Peace
Chawla-Duggan, Rita and Pole, Christopher J. (eds) Reshaping Education in the 1990s: Perspectives on Primary Schooling
Chawla-Duggan, Rita and Pole, Christopher J. (eds) Reshaping Education in the 1990s: Perspectives on Secondary Schooling
Britton, E. D. and Raizen, S. A. (eds) Examining the Examinations
Apple, Michael W. Cultural Politics and Education
Phillips, Melanie All Must Have Prizes
Hutchinson, Francis P. Educating Beyond Violent Futures
Chapman, Judith; Boyd, William; Lander, Rolf and Reynolds, David (eds) The Reconstruction of Education. Quality, Equality and Control
McNiff, Jean; Lomax, Pamela and Whitehead, Jack You and Your Action Research Project
Pring, Richard Closing the Gap: Liberal Education and Vocational Preparation
Tuijnman, Albert C. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Adult Education and Training
McKernan, James Curriculum Action Research: A handbook of methods and resources for the reflective practitioner  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
S. Power, T. Edwards, G. Whitty and V. Wigfall, Education and the Middle Class
Peter Blatchford, with Paul Bassett, Harvey Goldstein and Claire Martin, also Gemma Catchpole, Suzanne Edmonds and Viv Moriarty, The Class Size Debate: is small better?
L. Cruddas and L. Haddock, Girls' Voices: Supporting girls' learning and emotional development
Jagdish S. Gundara, Interculturalism, Education and Inclusion
J. Satterwaite, E. Atkinson and K. Gale (eds), Discourse, Resistance and Power: Challenging the rhetoric of contemporary education
Walter McMahon, Education and Development: Measuring the social benefits
G.A. Valverde, L.J. Bianchi, R.G. Wolfe, W.H. Schmidt and R.T. Houng, According to the Book: Using TIMSS to investigate the translation of policy into practice through the world of textbooks
Martyn Hammersley, Educational Research, Policymaking and Practice
José Antonio, Ibaňez-Martin and Gonzale Jovar, Education and Europe: Policies and Politics
Maggie MacLure, Discourse in Educational and Social Research
Jill Williams, Promoting Independent Learning in the Primary Classroom
Pat Thomson, Schooling the Rustbelt Kids
Bob Jeffrey and Peter Woods, The Creative School: A framework for success, quality and effectiveness
Gill Evans, Academics and the Real World  相似文献   

理查德·罗蒂立足后现代主义、解构主义、文化自由主义、相对主义和后哲学文化论,建立的协同性实用主义,批判分析哲学、现象学、传统的认识论、反映论、符合论和真理观,肯定解释学的功能与教化作用,否定客观性、绝对性、永恒性和不变性,反对理性主义、科学主义和实在论,主张解构形而上学,创立无冕哲学,提倡工具主义、约定主义、实用主义、多元主义,以及心灵与社会的协同性作用。  相似文献   

教学中几对矛盾的对峙与融通   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教学中存在知识与文化、理论与应用、预设与生成、结果与过程、演绎与推理、证实与证伪、论证与实验等多对矛盾,这些矛盾源于各自的认识论基础不同。在教学中要正视和正确处理这些矛盾。教学应当是以知识为核心的文化教育,是以理论、预设、结果、演绎、证实、论证为主,以应用、生成、过程、证伪、实验为辅的结构系统。  相似文献   


Two hundred eighty-five twelve-year-old children were asked to list all things that thrill, delight, and make them happy. The material was arranged in separate tests for boys and girls and provided for five degrees of feelings: like much, like, don't mind, don't like, hate. The tests were given to 285 other children of the same age and background. The results were tabulated and arranged according to frequency for "like much," The items were then classified under social interests, hobbies and interests, games and amusements, home and family, dreams and ambitions, school, foods, desire to possess, health and appearance. This paper reports the children's reactions to home and family, dreams and ambitions, school, foods, desire to possess, health and appearance, and to significant sex differences. The findings indicate attitudes toward home and school.  相似文献   

This study reports findings from a 10‐day professional development institute on curricular trends involving 19 secondary mathematics and science teachers and administrators from Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, Philippines, the United States, and People's Republic of China. Participants explored the roles of culture, place, and personal experience in science education through writings and group discussions. Initially, Asian participants tended to view indigenous knowledge and practices more negatively than U.S. peers. After a presentation on indigenous Hawaiian practices related to place and sustainability, they evaluated indigenous practices more positively and critiqued the absence of locally relevant science and indigenous knowledge in their national curricula. They identified local issues of traffic, air, and water quality they would like to address, and developed lessons addressing prior knowledge, place, and to a lesser extent, culture. These findings suggested critical professional development employing decolonizing methodologies articulated by indigenous researchers Abbott and Smith has the potential to raise teachers' awareness of the connections among personal and place‐based experiences, cultural practices and values, and teaching and learning. An implication was the development of a framework for professional development able to shift science instruction toward meaningful, culture, place, and problem‐based learning relevant to environmental literacy and sustainability. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 1247–1268, 2007  相似文献   

Book reviewed:
K. Field, P. Holden and H. Lawlor Effective Subject Leadership
C. Paechter, Changing School Subjects: power, gender and curriculum
E. Margolis (ed.), The Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education
G. Nicholls, Professional Development in Higher Education
R. Andrews, Teaching and Learning English: A Guide to Recent Research and its Application
P. T. Knight and P. R. Trowler, Departmental Leadership in Higher Education
R. Daugherty, R. Phillips and G. Rees (eds), Education Policy-making in Wales
G. Crozier, Parents and Schools – partners or protagonists?
H. Brighouse, School Choice and Social Justice
G. McCulloch and W. Richardson, Historical Research in Educational Settings
J. F. Donnelly and E. W. Jenkins, Science Education: Policy, Professionalism and Change
D. Warner and D. Palfreyman (eds), The State of UK Higher Education: Managing Change and Diversity
G. Mac Naughton, S. Rolfe and I. Siraj-Blatchford (eds), Doing Early Childhood Research – International Perspectives On Theory and Practice
G. Thomas and A. Loxley, Deconstructing Special Education and Constructing Inclusion
S. Tomlinson, Education in a Post-welfare Society  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has been touted as the next ‘industrial revolution’ of our modern age. In order for successful research, development, and social discourses to take place in this field, education research is needed to inform the development of standards, course development, and workforce preparation. In addition, there is a growing need to educate citizens and students about risks, benefits, and social and ethical issues related to nanotechnology. This position paper describes the advancements that have been made in nanoscale science and nanotechnology, and the challenges that exist to educate students and the public about critical nanoscience concepts. This paper reviews the current research on nanotechnology education including curricula, educational programs, informal education, and teacher education. Furthermore, the unique risks, benefits and ethics of these unusual technological applications are described in relation to nanoeducation goals. Finally, we outline needed future research in the areas of nanoscience content, standards and curricula, nanoscience pedagogy, teacher education, and the risks, benefits, and social and ethical dimensions for education in this emerging field.  相似文献   

本文从八个方面探讨书信、日记魅力之所在 :一、缘事而发 ,言之有物 ,有一定的目的、追求和意义。二、晓之以理 ,动之以情 ,有较强的感染力和说服力。三、巧用事实 ,铺陈有序 ,论证有力。四、结构严谨、跌宕多姿、形散而神不散。五、叙述、描写、议论与抒情的完美结合。六、富于哲理和思想意义 ,给人以启迪和教育。七、富于知识性、趣味性 ,给人以美的艺术享受。八、语言生动形象、声调谐和、参差错落、铿锵有声  相似文献   

蒙古族那达慕是蒙古族文化中最具包容量的景观,它凝聚并规范着蒙古族的文化心理、宗教信仰、伦理道德、价值观念、生产活动以及各种文化习俗等,从物质文化的衣食住行、婚恋嫁娶、歌舞娱乐到精神文化的民族意识与民族性格的形成。改革开放为蒙古族那达慕的发展,创造了坚实的物质基础和良好的政治、文化环境。时代精神的注入和外来文化的影响,使"那达慕"发生了深刻的历时性变化。在新的历史时期,那达慕所面临的是文化的保护与传承、研究与开发、创新与发展的问题。  相似文献   

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