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吕本中和吕祖谦二人皆撰有《春秋集解》。汪克宽《春秋胡传附录纂疏》引“东莱吕氏曰”凡七条,其中六条能够确定是引自吕祖谦的《春秋集解》,但这六条论说全不见于今传《春秋集解》,这充分证明宋元诸儒援以为据的吕祖谦《春秋集解》与今传《春秋集解》不是一书,吕祖谦《春秋集解》已经失传。今传《春秋集解》曾经后人的增补,加入了吕本中《春秋解》的论说,并析十二卷之书为三十卷,但这两种本子就其原作者而言都应该说是吕本中。又今传《春秋集解》所引数条“东莱吕氏日”来历有问题。  相似文献   

《春秋左传》,简称《左传》,是编年体春秋史,相传为鲁国史官左丘明所撰.《左传》是对鲁国官修史书《春秋》的解释,记自鲁隐公元年(公元前722年)至鲁悼公十四年(公元前454年)间二百七十年史事,也保存了一些古史传说.  相似文献   

耿仲琳 《中国档案》2006,(10):62-63
朱彝尊曰:“此亦西昆诸公之祖也。以句求之,字字可解;以篇求之,字字不可解。后之人赏其工丽,以为艳词而争效之,亦想当然耳,原未必晓其所以然也。”  相似文献   

张美 《出版广角》2022,(15):90-93
隋唐、宋代时期,儒家经典出版仍以手抄为主。金泽文库手抄卷子本《春秋经传集解》由日本音博士以隋唐旧抄卷子本《春秋经传集解》为底本授于北条氏者抄写而成,是继敦煌残卷本后目前发现的保存最完整、时间最古老的本子,在出版和版本上有其独特的价值。  相似文献   

清乾隆年间编纂的《四库提要》200卷,是古典目录的集大成者,继承吸收了前人大量的目录学成果。清初学者朱彝尊的大量学术观点及考据成果即为《提要》所借鉴,此已有学者作过探讨,而《提要》明确援引朱彝尊序跋达42处之多,对于此学者罕有研究。本文着力讨论了《提要》对朱彝尊序跋的借鉴吸收情况。  相似文献   

明代汪瑗撰写《楚辞集解》作为重要的《楚辞》注本之一,对后世楚辞学研究产生很大的影响。考察汪瑗撰写《楚辞集解》主要有四个方面的原因:一是因《楚辞集注》之不满;二是无失扶抑邪正之意;三是悼念不得志者;四是发前人之所未发。本文试阐述之。  相似文献   

《春秋》学在北宋时期为显学。欧阳修作为北宋理学思潮的先驱,对《春秋》有一定研读。对《春秋》经与传的关系,欧阳修表示尊经,但不尽废三传,并提出"求情责实"的解经方法。  相似文献   

唐前所撰十六国旧史均已散佚,清人汤球辑有《三十国春秋辑本》,最近吴振清先生为《三十国春秋辑本》作校注,并补汤氏失辑佚文36则,但仍有不少失辑,此补汤氏、吴氏失辑52则。  相似文献   

赵晔是一个很有才华的儒家学者,撰写的记述吴越争霸的《吴越春秋》,虽大部分抄自古代史书,但也有不少内容是作者搜集的民间传说与遗闻逸事,能补正史记载之不足。  相似文献   

裴骃《史记集解》保存了数目可观的汉魏古注,具有极高的文献价值.值得注意的是,它最早大规模引用了《左传》杜预注,因此,《史记集解》对于研究早期杜注的接受乃至杜注的校勘都有重要的意义.经过考校可知,裴骃所引杜预注既有《春秋经传集解》,又包括杜氏的《春秋释例》,这些内容对于校勘中古史书亦有裨益.  相似文献   

The many facets of Herman Boerhaave's life are presented. He was a renowned teacher, physician, author, and editor. Discussed here are his activities as cataloger of the Vossius Collection, author of books on chemistry, botany, and medicine, and as editor of works by Vesalius and early Greek medical writers. Printing and bookselling in Leiden during Boerhaave's era are described.  相似文献   

文献流通、文献流通率与文献流通周转率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文在学者提出书刊流通率的基础上,提出并定义文献流通率和文献流通周转率.  相似文献   

全面介绍了解放军医学图书馆最新研发的《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》机构知识版的新功能。《中国生物医学期刊引文数据库》机构知识版以 RDF 语义对机构、作者、基金、期刊和文献进行了统一描述,以机构库、作者库、基金库、期刊库和文献库为核心,基于文献标注信息对文献内容进行深入挖掘与分析,实现了对生物医学领域的信息资源关联;具备发表文献查询、引文查询、快速出具引证报告等功能,强化了文献计量可视化分析功能,发布各类 TOP 排行统计,推送关联信息,还增加了机构文献管理模块,可为各个机构提供个性化的文献管理和评价服务。  相似文献   

This article discusses the changing relationships of authors and publishers, the current trends and challenges they face, and the direction of these relationships in the future. As the STM publishing industry finds itself in the midst of significant technological and economic changes, this article provides background to these changes and looks at the key elements, including open access business development, institutional repository trends, and emerging public financing policies in the future.  相似文献   

清代中期顾禄所著《清嘉录》,是记录当时江苏岁时习俗的重要书籍。论文作者通过参阅大量文献考证了《清嘉录》的著述年代及顾禄的生年。  相似文献   

Present day programs of computerized information retrieval overvalue the importance of retrieving "facts" without either attaching a scale of importance to the material with which they deal or ordering information in any way which corresponds to the order of human thought. The limitations of classification by subject heading become especially apparent when a body of information becomes, through new insight, pertinent to a new area of thought. That body of information thereby acquires new subject headings: thus one sees that the system of retrieval by subject heading can never serve to aid fundamental discovery. The dangers of the present approach lie in their devaluation of traditional methods. Critical reviews are devalued, personal knowledge of the literature is devalued, and a false impression is created that knowledge is the same thing as retrievable information. This diminishes respect for that sort of personal organization of knowledge which alone can serve creative insight.  相似文献   

The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), part of Thompson Scientific, produces the Web of Science database as part of its Web of Knowledge. Recently, ISI introduced some new features, among them a new Author Finder feature, which allows users to zero in on a specific author in a very guided way. In addition, search results may be analyzed and reports created by users, both at the click of a button. This column focuses on these recently introduced features.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simple, flexible, axiom-based mechanism for facilitating the comparison between a scholar's citation count and the visibility of the journals wherein the scholar's articles were published. The goal is to help research review bodies easily grasp the distinction these two forms of scholarly accomplishment and to provide a transparent way to articulate expectations about them to scholars. The approach is demonstrated using a widely applied and cooperative functional form that can reflect, via different parameter values, a wide range of possible beliefs about the relative merits of citation counts and journal visibility.  相似文献   

F.I.L.L.S. is a library-specific software package developed by librarians for library staff with little or no computer experience. MacNeal Hospital's Health Science Resource Center designed F.I.L.L.S. to allow libraries to save 60 percent of the time devoted to the interlibrary loan function while improving service to users. As a management tool, F.I.L.L.S. creates a dozen (12) preprogrammed reports that provide invaluable information such as Number of Requests for Periodicals, including copyright information; which libraries are borrowed from frequently; and which libraries provide the fastest or slowest service in filling loan requests. The article describes F.I.L.L.S., its capabilities and its limitations in greater detail.  相似文献   

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