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膳食营养是保证运动员营养素的需要和维持体能的最重要的物质基础,对训练起重要的保证作用,它长期影响训练的效果和训练后的恢复。通过调查男子赛艇运动员的膳食状况,对其做出评估,为平衡膳食提供依据。男子赛艇运动员晚餐的能量摄入较高,早餐不足。三大营养素的摄入比例不合理,碳水化合物不足,蛋白质超过推荐标准。运动员各种矿物质摄入达到推荐值,运动员的维生素摄入相对不足,VA、VB1、VB2不同程度地缺乏。  相似文献   

江苏省摔跤队膳食营养状况的调查与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱晓梅  曹佩江  陆鹏 《体育与科学》2006,27(6):90-92,84
研究目的:膳食营养是保证运动员营养素的需要和维持体能的最重要的物质基础,对训练起重要的保证作用,与膳食营养在竞技体育中重要位置不相适应的是运动员膳食的不平衡现象普遍存在,它长期影响训练的效果和训练后的恢复。本研究通过调查备战十运会的江苏省摔跤队的膳食状况,对其做出评估,为平衡膳食提供依据。研究方法:采用食物称重法,称量并记录每个运动员所吃主副食的熟重、剩余重量,计算出所吃食物生重。记录运动员饮水量及营养品服用量,用软件计算出各种营养素摄入量及食物构成。将计算结果与运动员每日膳食营养供给标准,食物摄入供给标准进行比较做出合理评价。研究结果:江苏省摔跤运动员三大营养素的摄入比例多不合理,碳水化合物78%不足,56%的运动员脂肪和蛋白质超过推荐标准。中餐、晚餐的能量摄入比例超标比例较高,早餐不足。运动员各种矿物质摄入都超过推荐值,运动员的维生素摄入相对不足,VA、VC、VB1、VPP不同程度地缺乏。运动员每日的摄入量变化很大,最大幅度可达到83%。运动员进食的多少与运动量、运动强度、饭菜的内容以及个人的喜好有很大的关系。  相似文献   

研究背景:关于自行车运动员的能量摄入和能量消耗早有报道,但未做过对自行车运动员长时间训练和比赛期的跟踪。本研究进行为期26天比赛、训练期的跟踪研究。目 标:本研究意在发现优秀自行车运动员在比赛、训练、恢复期的能量摄入和能量消耗之间的关系及能量摄入与身体成分之间的关系。研究设计:实验室研究方 法:对澳大利亚国家自行车队的8名女运动员进行为期26天比赛、训练期能量摄入和能量消耗的评估。运动员的平均年龄为25.1±4.0岁;体重为59.2±4.4公斤;体脂为13.6±4.5%。  26天比赛、训练安排是:9天的恢复期;9天的训练期;8天比…  相似文献   

对湖北省女子摔跤运动员赛前训练期的血红蛋白(HB)、血尿素氮(BUN)、血清肌酸激酶(CK)、血睾酮(T)及皮质醇(C)生化指标进行了测试和分析,同时对赛前运动员正常期与控重期的膳食能量摄入进行追踪记录,并在控重期对运动员的饮食结构和习惯进行为期两周的干预监督,旨在了解女子摔跤运动员赛前训练期机能变化规律和身体营养状况。研究结果显示:1)赛前的运动量增加对女子摔跤运动员机体刺激较显著,机体出现反应,运动员尿素氮会明显升高,血睾酮与皮质醇比值会显著下降。2)控重期运动员的总能量摄入显著低于正常期摄入,在三大能源物质摄入中,降控体重期糖的摄入显著高于正常期,与膳食干预监督密切相关。在三餐摄入比例上,两个时期运动员的摄入比例都不是十分合理,早餐始终低于推荐值,午餐、晚餐高于推荐值。  相似文献   

<正>天气渐冷,各种冬季运动会日益临近。广大运动员和教练员都希望通过比赛前高效的训练大幅度提升体能水平和竞技能力,将身体和精神调整至最理想状态。合理的膳食和运动营养补充不但能够加快训练后疲劳的恢复,为下一次训练做好充分的准备,而且能帮助身体实现超量恢复,进一步提高体能和运动能力。运动员日常膳食应做到均衡、多样和适度。均衡膳食包括谷物、蔬菜、水果、肉类以及乳制品五大类食物,专家建议运动员每餐都要摄入一份主食、一份蔬菜、一份水  相似文献   

采用测试方法,对少儿体操运动员专项训练中的生理负荷和能量消耗特点进行分析。结果表明,少儿体操运动员运动时的生理负荷和能量消耗,与训练水平、动作难度、机能状态等因素相关;认为,训练中应控制训练次数、间隙时间,同时应采用合理的膳食结构,保证运动员机体的热量供给。  相似文献   

研究目的:膳食营养是保证青少年营养索的需要和维持体能的最重要的物质基础,对训练起重要的保证作用。本研究通过调查福建省少体校的膳食状况,探讨青少年运动员对营养知识的掌握、饮食习惯的现状和膳食营养状况,为指导运动员合理膳食营养及开展营养知识宣传教育提供依据。研究方法:以福建省少体校运动员为对象,共268人。采用膳食调查和营养知识和饮食习惯的问卷调查;采用食物称重法,称量并记录每个运动员所吃主副食的熟重、剩余重量.计算出所吃食物生重。用软件计算出各种营养素摄入量及食物构成。将计算结果与运动员每日膳食营养供给标准。食物摄入供给标准进行比较做出一合理评价。研究结果:男、女青少年运动员的能量摄入量均不足,且三欠能源物质比例摄取不合理,碳水化合物不足,中餐、晚餐的能量摄入比例超标比例较高,早餐不足。运动员各种矿物质、维生素摄入相对不足,Ca.Fe、VA,VC幂阿程度地缺乏。始论与建议:1、加强碳水化合物-谷类食物的摄入;2、加强高钙食物的摄入;3、多吃蔬菜和水果,补充维生素。  相似文献   

梁鸿 《辽宁体育科技》2011,33(3):59-60,65
为促进我国短道速滑队优秀运动员膳食营养水平,并为运动员提供合理、平衡膳食的指导依据,对备战第21届温哥华冬奥会的6名优秀短道速滑运动员进行了膳食营养调查和分析,结果表明:全体运动员均摄入低热能高脂肪食物以利于高原训练,三餐配比符合运动项目的特点,膳食营养基本能满足运动员的日常训练消耗。存在问题主要是运动员维生素A、B1摄入不足,锌摄入量普遍低于推荐值。不足的营养可通过加餐和营养补剂强化。  相似文献   

青少年速滑运动员的营养需求高于普通青少年,也有别于其他项目运动员。从碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、无机盐、膳食纤维等方面加以分析,应用饮食营养干预和运动营养补剂全面调整其营养水平,保证其生长发育和日常训练需要。日常饮食供应充足碳水化合物,增加优质蛋白质摄入,限制脂肪供应比例,均衡适量补充维生素和无机盐,及时充分补水,适度摄入膳食纤维;应用运动营养补剂弥补饮食摄入不足,供应运动饮料满足训练需求,补充优质蛋白质促进疲劳恢复,按需补充钙和铁等补剂;同时加强运动营养知识的宣传教育,加强相关工作人员培训,建立完善的膳食营养管理体系。提升青少年速滑运动员营养水平,夯实其体能基础,进一步提高运动成绩。  相似文献   

黑龙江省速滑运动员膳食营养调查报告   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
运用24小时回顾法和食物称重法对黑龙江省速滑运动员的膳食现状进行调查和分析,发现其膳食结构存在以下问题:总能量摄入不足,脂类摄入过多,部分维生素和无机盐摄入不足,三餐能量分配不合理等,这些膳食不合理的状况影响其训练效果。为了高效率地提高运动员的训练成绩,对运动员的膳食结构和营养配比提出具体改进措施和建议。  相似文献   

This research, which was conducted with crew members of an America's Cup team, had the following objectives: (a) to assess energy expenditure and intake during training; (b) to evaluate the sailors' diet, and (c) to identify any dietary flaws to determine the appropriate intake of nutrients, correct possible dietary mistakes, and improve their food habits. Energy expenditure was estimated on 15 sailors using direct measurements (oxygen consumption) and a 3-day activity questionnaire. Oxygen consumption was measured on sailors during both on-water America's Cup sailing training and dry-land fitness training. Composition of the diet was estimated using a 3-day food record. Average daily energy expenditure of the sailors ranged from 14.95 to 24.4 MJ, depending on body mass and boat role, with the highest values found in grinders and mastmen. Daily energy intake ranged from 15.7 to 23.3 MJ (from +6% to -18% of energy expenditure). The contributions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat to total energy intake were 43%, 18%, and 39% respectively, values that are not in accord with the recommended guidelines for athletes. Our results show the importance of assessing energy balance and food habits for America's Cup sailors performing different roles. The practical outcome of this study was that the sailors were given dietary advice and prescribed a Mediterranean diet, explained in specific nutrition lectures.  相似文献   

目的:探讨现代五项和击剑项目运动员非蛋白能量消耗和能量摄入的特点。方法 选取上海现代五项、击剑优秀运动员,共17人。第1天和第3天清晨空腹测定静息能量代谢 (resting energy expenditure,REE),并进行身体形态检查(身高、体重、体成分)。连续3天填写饮食记录表(dietary record,DR),采用食物称重法计算膳食能量摄入(energy intake,EI)。结果:(1)上海现代五项和击剑项目运动员每天的饮食摄入低于实际能量消耗。(2)现代五项和击剑运动员的非蛋白能量物质摄入量均低于推荐值。(3)在静息状态下,现代五项和击剑运动员的静息能量代谢无明显差异(P=0.935),糖脂供能比均接近1.1:1。(4)现代五项和击剑运动员的日均能量摄入无明显差异(P=0.929),但与推荐糖脂比例相比,现代五项的碳水化合物摄入不足,而击剑运动员的碳水化合物和脂肪摄入比例相对合理。结论:(1)上海现代五项和击剑项目运动员每日的非蛋白能量物质碳水化合物摄入明显不足,需要在饮食中进一步加强补充。(2)现代五项运动员的碳水化合物与脂肪摄入比例需要进一步优化。  相似文献   

Energy balance and body composition in sports and exercise   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many athletes, especially female athletes and participants in endurance and aesthetic sports and sports with weight classes, are chronically energy deficient. This energy deficiency impairs performance, growth and health. Reproductive disorders in female athletes are caused by low energy availability (defined as dietary energy intake minus exercise energy expenditure), perhaps specifically by low carbohydrate availability, and not by the stress of exercise. These reproductive disorders can be prevented or reversed by dietary supplementation in compensation for exercise energy expenditure without any moderation of the exercise regimen. Energy balance is not the objective of athletic training. To maximize performance, athletes strive to achieve an optimum sport-specific body size, body composition and mix of energy stores. To pursue these objectives, athletes need to manage fat, protein and carbohydrate balances separately, but it is impractical for athletes to monitor these balances directly, and appetite is not a reliable indicator of their energy and macronutrient needs. To guide their progress, athletes need to eat by discipline and to monitor specific, reliable and practical biomarkers of their objectives. Skinfolds and urinary ketones may be the best biomarkers of fat stores and carbohydrate deficiency, respectively. Research is needed to identify and validate these and other markers.  相似文献   

介绍了运动员食物和营养素摄入的评价方法,主要包括4个方面:(1)食物摄入量的评价方法,(2)膳食评价中的常见问题,(3)运动员食物摄入量评价的特殊问题,(4)膳食分析。膳食评价的方法有很多,如:膳食记录法、24 h膳食回顾法和食物频率问卷调查法。在膳食评价过程中,误报、零食、报告的坦率性以及评价的时间范围,都是需要注意的问题。另外,还要考虑运动员不同训练周期阶段的特殊问题、液体摄入、营养补充品和体重管理的问题。为了更有效地进行膳食评价分析,需选择恰当的食物成分数据库和营养分析软件。准确和全面的营养评价对客观地了解运动员的营养状况并提出膳食建议非常重要。  相似文献   


In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated the body composition and dietary intake of 44 adolescent tennis players. After being divided into two groups (age 10–13 years and age 14–18), the players had their weight, height, and sexual maturation assessed. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to assess body composition. Food intake was obtained from a non-consecutive 4-day food record. The data were analysed using the Virtual Nutri v.1.0 software and compared with the present recommendations for adolescent athletes or dietary reference intakes. Body mass index and body fat for tennis practice were adequate for 89% and 71% of the tennis players respectively, regardless of age group. A calorie deficit greater than 10% of energy expenditure was observed in 32% of the sample. Fifty percent of the athletes consumed carbohydrates in accordance with recommended values. Protein and lipid intakes were above recommended values, while fibre, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and folic acid intakes were below recommendation for 98%, 80%, 100%, 100%, and 98% of the tennis players respectively. The observed nutritional deficiencies represent an additional barrier for adolescents engaged in competitive sports to achieve an optimum nutrition to maintain growth, health, and performance.  相似文献   

To determine the daily energy requirements of professional soccer players during a competitive season, we measured total energy expenditure in seven players (age 22.1 - 1.9 years, height 1.75 - 0.05 m, mass 69.8 - 4.7 kg; mean - s ) using the doubly labelled water method. Energy intake was simultaneously estimated from 7 day self-report dietary records. Mean total energy expenditure and energy intake were 14.8 - 1.7 MJ · day -1 (3532 - 408 kcal· day -1 ) and 13.0 - 2.4 MJ · day -1 (3113 - 581 kcal· day -1 ), respectively. Although there was a significant difference between total energy expenditure and energy intake ( P ? 0.01), there was a strong relationship between the two ( r = 0.893, P ? 0.01). Basal metabolic rate and recommended energy allowance calculated from the Recommended Dietary Allowances for the Japanese were 7.0 - 0.3 MJ ·day -1 (1683 - 81 kcal· day -1 ) and 15.6 - 0.8 MJ · day -1 (3739 - 180 kcal· day -1 ), respectively. A physical activity level (total energy expenditure/ basal metabolic rate) of 2.11 - 0.30 indicated that, during the competitive season, professional soccer players undertake much routine physical activity, similar to that of competitive athletes during moderate training. Energy intake estimated using dietary records was under-reported, suggesting that its calculation from these data does not predict energy expenditure in soccer players.  相似文献   

In this cross-sectional study, we evaluated the body composition and dietary intake of 44 adolescent tennis players. After being divided into two groups (age 10-13 years and age 14-18), the players had their weight, height, and sexual maturation assessed. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to assess body composition. Food intake was obtained from a non-consecutive 4-day food record. The data were analysed using the Virtual Nutri v.1.0 software and compared with the present recommendations for adolescent athletes or dietary reference intakes. Body mass index and body fat for tennis practice were adequate for 89% and 71% of the tennis players respectively, regardless of age group. A calorie deficit greater than 10% of energy expenditure was observed in 32% of the sample. Fifty percent of the athletes consumed carbohydrates in accordance with recommended values. Protein and lipid intakes were above recommended values, while fibre, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and folic acid intakes were below recommendation for 98%, 80%, 100%, 100%, and 98% of the tennis players respectively. The observed nutritional deficiencies represent an additional barrier for adolescents engaged in competitive sports to achieve an optimum nutrition to maintain growth, health, and performance.  相似文献   

To determine the daily energy requirements of professional soccer players during a competitive season, we measured total energy expenditure in seven players (age 22.1+/-1.9 years, height 1.75+/-0.05 m, mass 69.8+/-4.7 kg; mean +/- s) using the doubly labelled water method. Energy intake was simultaneously estimated from 7 day self-report dietary records. Mean total energy expenditure and energy intake were 14.8+/-1.7 MJ x day(-1) (3532+/-408 kcal x day(-1)) and 13.0+/-2.4 MJ x day(-1) (3113+/-581 kcal x day(-1)), respectively. Although there was a significant difference between total energy expenditure and energy intake (P < 0.01), there was a strong relationship between the two (r= 0.893, P< 0.01). Basal metabolic rate and recommended energy allowance calculated from the Recommended Dietary Allowances for the Japanese were 7.0+/-0.3 MJ x day(-1) (1683+/-81 kcal x day(-1)) and 15.6+/-0.8 MJ x day(-1) (3739+/-180 kcal x day(-1)), respectively. A physical activity level (total energy expenditure/ basal metabolic rate) of 2.11+/-0.30 indicated that, during the competitive season, professional soccer players undertake much routine physical activity, similar to that of competitive athletes during moderate training. Energy intake estimated using dietary records was under-reported, suggesting that its calculation from these data does not predict energy expenditure in soccer players.  相似文献   

The assessment of nutrition and activity in athletes requires accurate and precise methods. The aim of this study was to validate a protocol for parallel assessment of diet and exercise against doubly labelled water, 24-h urea excretion, and respiratory gas exchange. The participants were 14 male triathletes under normal training conditions. Energy intake and doubly labelled water were weakly associated with each other (r = 0.69, standard error of estimate [SEE] = 304 kcal x day(-1)). Protein intake was strongly correlated with 24-h urea (r = 0.89) but showed considerable individual variation (SEE = 0.34 g kg(-1) x day(-1)). Total energy expenditure based on recorded activities was highly correlated with doubly labelled water (r = 0.95, SEE = 195 kcal x day(-1)) but was proportionally biased. During running and cycling, estimated exercise energy expenditure was highly correlated with gas exchange (running: r = 0.89, SEE = 1.6 kcal x min(-1); cycling: r = 0.95, SEE = 1.4 kcal x min(-1)). High exercise energy expenditure was slightly underestimated during running. For nutrition data, variations appear too large for precise measurements in individual athletes, which is a common problem of dietary assessment methods. Despite the high correlations of total energy expenditure and exercise energy expenditure with reference methods, a correction for systematic errors is necessary for the valid estimation of energetic requirements in individual athletes.  相似文献   

高强度的训练和日益紧张的竞技比赛易造成女运动员运动性月经周期紊乱(EAMD)。而运动性月经周期紊乱不仅与运动训练有关,更与女运动员的饮食摄入相关。能量摄入不足可直接影响女运动员的可利用能量,并损害生殖系统的功能。利用文献法就国内外学者采用饮食干预运动性月经周期紊乱的研究结果进行整合分析,得出饮食干预能增加女子运动员的可利用能量,并改善能量负平衡,其对运动性月经周期紊乱的防治具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

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