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摩登舞技巧中最重要的环节是控制身体重心的不断转换,整个形体在惯性中移动,形成移动惯性流量。形体移动惯性流量的形成,关键在于身体躯干在中枢神经系统的控制下,由肌肉收缩牵引骨骼来带动腿脚移动实现重心移动到位。在此过程中,身体躯干主导着重心转移,腰胯稳固形成移动的枢纽,脚底联动实现重心的平衡转移。  相似文献   

应用力学原理剖析摩登舞训练技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
摩登舞是运动中的舞蹈,当舞者开始滚动支撑腿的膝关节,随着膝关节的滚动,带动重心的移动,当重心与地板产生夹角后,根据力学原理,就产生了水平分力,这个水平分力就是摩登舞的动力来源;同时产生的垂直分力的反作用力,通过支撑腿、脊柱、贯穿头顶,支撑舞者在运动中依然能够保持挺拔,即:脚下生根,有立地顶天的感觉。由此,这个合力是跳好摩登舞的美键,也是摩登舞所有技巧的根本。  相似文献   

周晨 《精武》2013,(24):52-53
舞者的表演中对技术技巧的掌握决定了舞蹈的质量。摩登舞的主要特点是舞步要靠动作连接来完成,动作连接是否规范,能否保证连接的质量主要依靠舞者的技术技巧。它通过脚步动作的变换以及身体重心转换的技巧表现在舞蹈中,利用骨骼,关节,肌肉的重心转移.升降,反身,摆药和倾斜,使初始动作和结束动作闻完成衔接。摩登舞技术的运用使舞蹈更加连贯轻盈,赏心悦目。掌握技巧中的规律,应用到实际摩登舞练习中,将理论与实践的有机结合,融会贯通,使摩登舞的艺术表现不断提升。  相似文献   

通过对体育舞蹈教学的实践探索,总结出初学者学习体育舞蹈入门的教学程序和教法,使学生较快的掌握了摩登舞的一些基本动作,提高了教学效果。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、访谈法、录像分析法和比较法对摩登舞者的音乐表现技法进行了深入研究,对摩登舞者的音乐表现特征和技术要素,以及快慢强弱的处理、情感的引导等进行了较为深入地分析,希望能为国际标准舞的教学、训练和比赛提供一定的理论参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

戈俊 《体育世界》2013,(8):90-91
本文就摩登舞教学环节中不同教学内容对大学生素质教育的促进作用展开讨论。事实证明,摩登舞多元化实用性教学包括:音乐鉴赏陶冶情操提高个人修为及价值品位;着装配饰讲究得体大方不失风度;技术动作教学注重规范强调原则;配合意识提升默契程度懂得自我检讨;礼节礼数体现人际交往相互尊重。通过摩登舞教学让大学生明确端庄的外表、优雅的举止、真诚的语言、热情的态度能反映出一个人的思想修养,文明程度和精神面貌;优质素养的大学生,才有可能得到社会的认可,获取更大的成功。  相似文献   

高校体育教育重心的转移,是21世纪我国高校体育教育研究的重要课题。从几个层面概述了作者的某些观点,以期与同行专家共同探讨。  相似文献   

本文应用力学原理,对舞蹈过程中的力,进行了探讨,明确了舞伴间的合力,是摩登舞流畅、优美的基础,研究了舞蹈中的动力来源和相互转换,丰富了摩登舞教学理论。  相似文献   

战略是一个胜败攸关的大问题,战略正确,才能在本世纪末和下世纪初保持我区传统项目的优势,并在此基础上有所突破。因此,制订好发展战略是重要的一环,选择重心更是其中关键。近年来我区有关人士对体育发展战略的重心有几种提法,本文对这些提法作了比较和分析,并提出了一个新的观点"双重心"论,即一个重心是中小学,一个重心是体工队,此外还有平衡两个重心的杠杆,这就是高校。  相似文献   

Histories of the female tradition in physical education in England tend to celebrate the unique early twentieth-century achievements of dedicated women successfully creating their own profession to train the female body in healthful gymnastics and games through the establishment of specialist training colleges. Yet, the female tradition has also been painted as a ‘time-limited achievement’ where female physical educators erroneously tied their fortunes to particular movement practices and modes of training. Their perceived inability to change with the times has been blamed for their loss of power in determining the direction of post-WW2 physical education. Yet, the so-called ‘demise’ of the female tradition was not so straightforward. Female physical educators had already moved well beyond obedience to Ling's gymnastic regulations or Laban's notions of effort and flow by mid-century and were increasingly alert to emergent movement philosophies. Once interest in a variety of somatic practices along with the promise of modern dance had seeped into the worldview of forward-thinking female physical educators their authority to direct their profession may have been diminished, but it was also enhanced and diverted into important transnational streams of dance and therapeutic movement-related professional opportunities which have been less acknowledged.  相似文献   

教育现代化的重要标志是教学手段的现代化。而体育作为融知识传授、技能培养、身体锻炼为一体的学科,无论是理论课还是技术课的教学,信息技术的作用都愈发不可忽视。因此,文章通过对现代教育技术在高校舞龙技术教学训练中运用的研究,旨在为传统的舞龙运动和现代的教育技术之间搭建一架和谐的桥梁,从而为舞龙运动深入高校提供可行的教学训练参考。  相似文献   

体育舞蹈摩登舞选手身体素质训练探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育舞蹈摩登舞是国际流行的一项时尚体育运动,它有丰富的娱乐内涵和强烈的体育竞赛特征。随着摩登舞的发展,其对选手的身体素质要求越来越高。本文借助体育运动训练原理和其他相关学科的研究成果,结合训练经验,就摩登舞选手的身体素质训练进行了较深入的研究,为摩登舞选手的训练提供理论参考。  相似文献   

运动技能的迁移问题是心理学中的一个重要课题。文章根据自由体操和街舞运动之间许多动作相似性的关系,以迁移原理为依据,对自由体操和街舞在运功技能上存在的各种因素进行分析比较,只有充分了解运动项目的本质特点,运用运动技能的正迁移,才能更好地提高训练效果。  相似文献   

浅谈现代教育技术在武术教学中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
随着时代的进步,计算机多媒体技术已渗透到社会的各行各业,章结合现代教育技术的基本特征和武术教学的特殊性浅析现代教育技术在武术教学中的应用。  相似文献   

随着时代的进步,现代信息技术已渗透到社会的各行各业,使社会发生了前所未有的变化,就教学而言,现代信息技术的出现打破了原有的教学模式。文章通过结合武术教学的特殊性来浅析现代信息技术在武术教学中的应用。  相似文献   


Twenty right-handed male golfers participated as subjects in an investigation of the two-dimensional weight transfer pattern produced during the golf swing. Ten subjects possessed handicaps of less than 10 strokes while the remaining 10 subjects had handicaps greater than 20. Center of vertical force locations were sampled during the swing with a computerized forceplate at a rate of 350 Hz. The occurrence of the initiation of the downswing (TOS) was monitored by a vacuum transducer in the club grip while ball contact (CON) was monitored by a laser/photocell system. Variables analyzed consisted of minimum/maximum force distribution ratios from heel to toe and from back foot to target foot as well as distribution ratios at TOS and CON. Intraclass correlation coefficients showed all variables to be reliable for both groups (r > 0.8). A subsequent discriminant function analysis produced one significant function (p < .05) which served to distinguish between the low and high handicap groups. The accuracy of group membership predicted from weight transfer patterns was 85%.  相似文献   


To determine the energy cost of low impact aerobic dance while varying arm movement height and the use of hand weights, 10 adults volunteered to participate in four choreographed trials. All trials consisted of identical leg movements. Arm movements, however, were performed above shoulder level both with and without 0.9-kg hand weights and below shoulder level both with and without 0.9-kg hand weights. Open circuit spirometry was employed throughout the 10-min videotape guided trials, and heart rate was measured by telemetry. Neither the use of hand weights nor the change in arm position height significantly altered the energy cost of low impact aerobic dance. However, heart rate responses were significantly different. Caution should be observed by aerobics instructors and participants as to the use of heart rate as an indicator of intensity for low impact aerobic dance.  相似文献   

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