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错题是小学数学教学中常见的现象,而且错题作为一种教学资源,不仅能够暴露学生在学习过程中的不足,还是学生正确掌握基础知识、提升基本数学素养最有价值的反馈信息之一。但实际教学中,不少教师只关注错题改正的结果是否正确,而没有充分发挥错题改正的教育价值。事实上,错题改正的过程是培养学生自主探究、自我反思能力,培养学生创造性思维,重拾学生学习自信心的过程。因此,我们要充分发挥错题改正的巨大效应,让错题改正成为培养学生数学素养的重要契机。只有这样,错题改正的价值才能得到真正体现,学生的数学学习才能事半功倍,数学素养才能快速提升。  相似文献   

在化学教学的实践中,教师要顺学而导,培养学生科学的世界观,引导学生探寻属于自己的学习方法,学会学习。一、培养学生严谨的态度。严谨治学的态度是学生学习品质提升的前提和保证。在化学概念的教学中,教师要引导学生准确地表达化学术语,培养学生良好的思维习惯,科学的学习方法。化学概念是抽象的。教师在教学中要充分运用直观的教具和实验,通过对物质变化现象的分析、比较、抽象、概括等认识过程,突出概念的本质特征,提高学生灵活运用基本概念的能力。  相似文献   

基础教育阶段的英语教学不仅要重视学生的语言知识和语言技能,还要注重培养学生积极向上的情感态度价值观。与其他学科相比,英语教学进行情感教育更容易一些,因为情感态度在很大程度上需要通过语言来表达和传递,而英语作为一门语言学科,正好具备这一优势。当前,越来越多的英语教师开始思考和探讨教学中的情感缺失问题,并把情感教育作为了一项重要工作。  相似文献   

唐霞 《考试周刊》2014,(14):107-108
基础教育课程改革把培养学生的情感作为课程教学目标。情感态度对学生的学习起着极其重要的作用。教师在课堂教学中不仅要发展学生的语言知识和技能,而且要创设和谐的教学情境,唤起学生对情感教学的领悟,把创新教学与情感培养结合起来,培养学生积极的情感态度。本文从三方面探寻如何寓情于教,激活英语课堂教学,从而有效培养学生积极的情感态度。  相似文献   

教学工作是高等学校的中心工作,是高校教师的基本职责。对待教学工作的态度集中体现着教师的觉悟和品德,并且是能否搞好教学的关键。高校教师应当积极搞科研,但绝不可因此而忽视教学的重要性。作为教师必须忠于自己的职责,要重视教学,研究教学,努力提高教学的质量。 教学工作是教育事业的基本环节,是培养又红又专四化建设人才的方式和手段。教学工作的任务不单纯是传授知识和技能,更重要的还要在教学中教会学生掌握学习的方法,培养他们独立工作的能力和主动钻研的精神。与此同时,教师还应当言传身教、以身作则,帮助培养学生的好思想、好品德和好作风。  相似文献   

创造力的培养与教师的态度□徐丽芝作为教育者与受教育者,教师与学生之间存在着种种密切而又微妙的关系,而教师对学生的态度,又是其中最主要的一种关系,它直接影响着教师的教育教学成果,也直接影响着学生自身潜力的激发,尤其影响着并非单纯由知识与技能形成的创造力...  相似文献   

爱无处不在,爱像春风一样暖人心田,爱也是一种教育,是一名教师师德的高尚体现。教师工作是一项复杂、细致的工作,它更需要爱的呵护。作为教师要培养学生的优秀品质,要使学生学会做人,不仅仅需要教师的言传身教,更需要师生双方在态度、情感方面的影响。爱是教育的基础,没有爱就没有教育。教师作为学生学习进步的组织者、引导者和教育者,学生健康成长  相似文献   

随着教育体制改革的不断深化,素质教育已经成为当今教育必须关注的一个重要的命题。物理课程作为初中阶段教育的一门必修课程,在素质教育方面具有极其重要的作用。笔者结合自己多年的教学实践从初中物理教师在物理教学中要培养学生科学的态度、初中物理教师在物理教学中要培养学生的合作意识、初中物理教师在教学中要培养学生科学的思维方式、初中物理教师在教学中要引导学生积累研究问题的方法、初中物理教师在教学中要培养学生的爱国热情几个方面消息阐述了如何在物理教学中展开素质教育。  相似文献   

新课程标准强调指出,在教学过程中要关注学生学习中的情感态度,培养和发展学生学习语文的积极情感态度。阅读作为语文学习的一个重要部分,也应渗透情感教育。在语文阅读教学中渗透情感教育有助于学生获得一定以及良好的情感体验;陶冶学生的精神世界、促进学生全面发展。因此,教师在教学中不仅要传授知识,还需要培养学生的情感。一、充分发挥教师作为情感主要调控者的作用,营造良好的情感氛围新目标明确指出要重视以学生为  相似文献   

人的一生是由一次次的生命活动组合而成的,生命活动的质量直接影响人生的质量。生命是教育的根本,学生正确的生命意识的培养极其重要,一些学生对生命教育的认识与态度值得教师深思。而小学阶段是学生思想意识培养和形成的关键期,语文学科作为重要学科,如何在语文教学中渗透生命教育至关重要。教师要在语文教学中全方位渗透生命教育,让学生形成正确的生命意识和生命价值观。  相似文献   

文化回应教学作为一种教学取向以及一种行动方案,有其提出的理论背景、思想脉络和实践意向。教学忽视了学生的文化差异,没有关注他们的生活经历和文化背景,仍是以主流文化的标准及方式要求他们,因而造成少数民族学生学业低落。教师应该理解学生成长的母文化、学生文化行为所暗示的文化意蕴以及学生之间的文化差异,将学生的母文化作为学习的桥梁,而不是学习的障碍,学校教育应适度反应学生的母文化,使学生的学习经验更具脉络意义。教师需要关怀学生、与学生建立多种沟通方式、开发多元文化课程以及保持教学与文化一致性的教学架构。  相似文献   

This research examined the context in urban high school physical education classes that influenced 10 teachers' conceptualizations of realistic educational goals for their students. Ethnographic data in the form of field notes and interviews were analyzed using constant comparison. Teachers reported that many students were unwilling to participate and were becoming progressively more difficult to teach. Teachers actively sought explanations for this behavior both in the students' backgrounds and their lack of interest in school. They identified inconsistencies between the school's educational mission and the students' aspirations for the future. Teachers reported substantial changes in their programs over their careers. Although they had begun their careers teaching skills and other knowledge-based curricula, the diversity and difficulties associated with teaching urban students had forced them to move from a curriculum of skills to a “curriculum” of motivation and order. Many of these programs exhibited characteristics of an elitist, discriminatory, and decontextual approach to curriculum.  相似文献   

学生的理想学生观念反映了学生作为学习者的自我认识,并对其受教育动机和愿望有重要影响,而教师的理想学生观念与教室内主流的教育教学模式紧密相关。研究采用半结构式问卷的方法,让教师和学生罗列出他们认为理想学生应具备的最重要的五项特征。研究结果表明,小学教师和学生的理想学生观念主要体现在学习、道德、行为和身心发展四个类别上,其中学生的理想学生观念中成绩好非常重要,但对学习动机、学习能力和学习习惯的重视程度不高;而教师的理想学生观念中最重要的是学生的品德,教师对学习成绩、学习动机和学习能力的重视程度较高,对学习习惯的重视程度较低。教师与学生的理想学生观念存在差异,且他们的观念与国家课程改革提出的教育目标也存在差异。  相似文献   


This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the “I Found a Solution” computer‐assisted social skills intervention program on students with mild mental retardation. Teachers randomly divided students from two Israeli special schools (58 males, 29 females; aged 10.6 to 17.11 years) into an experimental and a control group. Teachers trained the experimental group using a social skills package including computerized social conflict scenarios and adventure games, group discussions, and homework tasks. Within the same time frame, teachers trained the control group to use various academic computer software programs. Following the intervention process, the research team collected information on students' self‐reported social skills and teachers' ratings of the students' adaptive classroom behavior. The experimental group performed significantly better than controls on posttest criteria. Teachers rated trained students as demonstrating better task orientation and less aggression and behavior difficulties. On subjective self‐reports, trained students reported more cooperation and assertion than the control group, but self‐control and empathy measures did not differentiate between groups. The use of a naturalistic mini‐environment for experimenting and rehearsing effective social strategies appears promising but requires further exploration.  相似文献   

Students' attitudes towards teaching and learning must be addressed with the same seriousness and effort as we address content. Establishing a personal connection and addressing our students' basic psychological needs will produce positive attitudes towards teaching and learning and develop life‐long learners. It will also promote constructive student‐teacher relationships that have a profound influence on our students' approach towards school. To begin this process, consider the major tenets of the Self‐Determination Theory. The Self‐Determination Theory of human motivation focuses on our students' innate psychological needs and the degree to which an individual's behavior is self‐motivated and self‐determined. Faculty can satisfy the innate psychological needs by addressing our students' desire for relatedness, competence and autonomy. Relatedness refers to our students' need to feel connected to others, to be a member of a group, to have a sense of communion and to develop close relationships with others. Competence is believing our students can succeed, challenging them to do so and imparting that belief in them. Autonomy involves considering the perspectives of the student and providing relevant information and opportunities for student choice and initiating and regulating their own behaviors. Establishing a personal connection and addressing our students' basic psychological needs will improve our teaching, inspire and engage our students and promote positive attitudes towards teaching and learning while reducing competition and increasing compassion. These are important goals because unless students are inspired and motivated and have positive attitudes towards teaching and learning our efforts will fail to meet their full potential. Anat Sci Educ 10: 503–507. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This study was part of a larger research program designed to investigate how effort interacts with strategy use to mediate the academic performance of successful students with learning disabilities (LD) and how teachers' and students' perceptions influence these relationships. The sample consisted of 46 students with LD and 46 matched students without LD and their seven teachers from Grades 6–8. A self‐report survey was used to obtain an index of students' perceptions of their effort, strategy use, academic struggles, and academic competence. Our findings indicated that students with LD with positive academic self‐perceptions were more likely to work hard and to use strategies in their schoolwork than were students with LD who had negative academic self‐perceptions. Teachers viewed students with LD who had positive academic self‐perceptions as working equally hard and attaining similar levels of academic competence as their peers without LD. In marked contrast, students with LD who had negative academic self‐perceptions were judged by their teachers as making limited effort in school and achieving at a below‐average level in comparison with their peers. Findings suggested a cyclical relationship between students' self‐perceptions and their teachers' judgments and supported the notion of a reciprocal strategy‐effort interaction.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in teachers' and students' perceptions of students' effort, strategy use, and academic difficulties when strategy instruction was infused into the classroom curriculum. The sample consisted of 201 students with learning disabilities, 210 average achievers, and 57 teachers from Grades 4–9 in two urban and suburban communities. After six months of classroom‐based strategy instruction, students with learning disabilities reported more consistent use of strategies with their schoolwork and perceived themselves as struggling less in reading, writing, and spelling. Teachers perceived the students with learning disabilities as more strategic and as applying more effort to their schoolwork. Teachers also perceived their students as showing significant improvements in spelling, regardless of whether they had learning disabilities. These findings extended the results of previous investigations and indicated the small, positive impact of classroom‐based strategy instruction. Further investigations are critical to evaluate the generalizability of these findings.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between teachers' self‐reported classroom goal structures, instructional self‐perceptions, teaching efficacy, and perceptions of students' motivation in a developing East Asian nation. This study's participants were 404 teachers, across subject areas, in 14 high schools in an East Asian nation. Similar studies have been conducted in western nations, but these cannot be generalised to the East Asian cultural context without direct research. The following teacher perceptions correlated strongly with perceptions of student motivation: learning goal orientations; student ability; instrumentality of instruction; and high teaching self‐efficacy. Among these related factors, learning goals and ability emerged as the strongest predictors of perceived student motivation. Teachers interviewed reported that their students' motivation is primarily extrinsic and performance‐oriented, influenced by external factors, predominantly exam pressure and social expectations. These findings have important implications for teacher education and practice, and for school policy and educational reform.  相似文献   

Teachers in American study-abroad programs usually receive little, if any, training before the trip, because ‘teaching is teaching’. The cultural differences between Chinese and American university classrooms, however, affect the students' ability to learn and the teacher's ability to teach in profound ways. Foreign teachers in China require at least a basic understanding of the educational, moral and political dimensions of their classrooms if they wish to maximize the learning potential of their Chinese students. Faculty teaching abroad should be prepared for the politics of their new university department, including management styles that can hamper efforts to acclimatize to the new setting.  相似文献   

Teachers commonly criticize teacher education on the grounds that the theoretical and practical components are unrelated, and practice teaching provides an inadequate preparation for classroom management and instruction. To explore sources of these criticisms, and possible solutions, a study was undertaken comparing students' experience of three different approaches to teacher education within one university‐based program. Data were gathered by interviews, at different points in time, with a panel of twenty‐four students distributed between the three approaches.

Findings indicate that teachers' criticisms of teacher education are directed at symptoms. The underlying problem is the approach to teacher education that informs any given program. The approach determines the program structure, and structure mediates between the approach and the students. One approach was found to be successful in generating a structure that met the prevailing criticisms, reflected in the fact most students selecting it did so on the basis of teachers' recommendations.


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