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U nit11Ⅰ.语音知识(10分) A )从 A、B、C、D 中找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项。 1.A.like B.nice C.find D.with 2.A.com e B.lock C.m other D.colour 3.A.black B.take C.have D.cap 4.A.help B.guess C.she D.get 5.A.there B.chair C.pear D.near B)注出各单词划线部分的读音。 6.m any[ ] 7.purse[ ] 8.sm all[ ] 9.thing[ ] 10.m ouse[ ] Ⅱ.词汇(15分) A )根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。 11.There s som e m in the purse. 12.Letm e h you find yourpen. 13.You m usto the doorand take the b…  相似文献   

U nit 13 Ⅰ.语音(5分)从 A 、B 、C 、D 中找出划线部分读音与众不同的选项。 1.A .know B.yellow C .brow n D .window 2.A .duty B.but C .student D .excuse 3.A .sweater B.teacher C .m eat D .please 4.A .sky B.why C .m y D .any 5.A .about B.England C .nam e D .banana Ⅱ.词汇(20分) A )用括号内所给词的反义词或对应词填空。 6.Is (that)a (w hite)car? 7. (those)are m y (new )friends. 8.Please (go) (there). 9.The (old)girlcan (ask)you. 10.“Is the ball (under)the bed?”“ (no),itis.” B )根据句意,…  相似文献   

U nit19Ⅰ.语音(10分)从A,B,C,D中找出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。1.A.eat B.bread C.m eat D.tea2.A.food B.noodle C.good D.school3.A.drink B.rice C.m ilk D.fish4.A.hungry B.dum pling C.full D.but5.A.coffee B.cream C.piece D.seeⅡ.词汇(15分)A.根据句子的意思及所给的首字母,写出空白处所缺的单词。1.I蒺m very h.I蒺d like som ething to eat.2.W hataboutsom e p chips forlunch?3.Could Ihave two g ofm ilk,please?4.Please give m e som e cups off juice and ice cream.5.Tom and M ary have pork,…  相似文献   

U nit5 Ⅰ.语音(10分)从 A ,B ,C ,D 中找出划线部分的字母读音与其他三个 不同的选项。 1.A .she B .ten C.egg D .spell 2.A .pen B .seven C.desk D .eleven 3.A .am B .cake C.hat D .m an 4.A .life B .five C.think D .bike 5.A .not B .hom e C.box D .clock 6.A .m y B .you C.year D .yes 7.A .nice B .sit C.fine D .bike 8.A .English B .this C.kite D .in 9.A .please B .teacher C.clean D .bread 10.A .cup B .num ber C.bus D .ruler Ⅱ.词汇(15分)根据句意,在空白处填入所缺的单词。 1.This is a boy.…  相似文献   

『廉旬习数形式。英语和汉语有所区8l.…、,蕊票黑者黑舞卿晌…一嘿西方国家人恤和名在排列顺序上和中文名有所差别:中文名是先姓后鸿,而西文名是先名后姓。如:中文名Li‘i中…嘎篡篱粟默词没有人称和数的区别,的主语是第三人称单数时人称单数形式(姨常在动试成)o这项知识同学们将会在初一英语卞册牛具休学习。匡曝旬卫戒It’samaPofchina.(L.4.立『解折习一amapof China意为‘婚后就改随夫姓了二如:例句中是她婚后改随丈夫姓“Goen”不一定姓Green。-“Helen Green,,,婚前她本人并图”b“介词of 名词”用来表示燕公…:…所有格。又如:t…  相似文献   

U nit11一、单项选择1.2001,9,1can be read as.A.Two thousand and one,Septem ber oneB.Septem ber one,tw o thousand and oneC.Septem ber the one,tw o thousand and oneD.Septem ber the first,two thousand and one2.Itrains today than it yesterday.A.m uch heavily;had B.m ore heavily;wasC.m uch heavily;w as D.m ore heavily;did3.Last night itsnowed heavily and the ground now.A.is all white B.are allw hiteC.is all the white D.are all the white4.—I think you com e from G uangdong.—?—From the w ay…  相似文献   

Unit8SportsⅠ.单项填空1.Full preparations for the2008Olympic should high among allthe projects.A.jump B.list C.rank D.rise2.—Shall we go skating or stay at home?—Which do?A.do you rather B.would you ratherC.will you rather D.should you rather3.Mr Smith  相似文献   

.从A,B,C,D中选出你所听到的句子中含有的那个单词。(5分).A.IslandB.SideC.InsideD.Beside.A.riceB.priceC.railwayD.bikes.A.intentionB.liberationC.informationD.dictation.A.doctorB.teacherC.workerD.inventor.A.bikeB.wineC.kindD.mindⅡ.根据你所听到的问题,从A,B,C,D中选择正确答语。(5分)6.A.Certainly.Comethisway,please.B.Sure.Hereyouare.C.Ithinkso.D.Yes,itis.7.A.Yes,theyare.B.Nextweek.C.Idon蒺tthinkso.D.No,Ihaven蒺t.8.A.Becausehewantedtodosomethingtokeephimselfbusy.B.Becausehewasateache…  相似文献   

Unit15Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及首字母,在空白处写出所缺的单词。1.Atomatoisakindofv.2.Jimisntastudent.Mikeisntastudent,e.3.Itsarstory.Weliketolistentoit.4.Chocolateisgoodforyourh.5.Everycountryhasitsffood.B.用句中括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6.(Italia)liketoeatpizza.7.Lindaisoneof(tall)girlsinmyclass.8.Thechild(real)likeshisnewbook.9.TheGreensenjoy(live)inChinaverymuch.10.Itsabouthalfan(hour)walktogetthere.C.用句中括号内所给动词的正确形式填空。11.Dontsing,please.Imbusy(get)readyfortheEnglishex…  相似文献   

Unit8Ⅰ.词汇(25分)A)从A,B,C,D中选出不属于同一类型的选项。(5分)1.A.relaxing B.boring C.difficult D.w atch2.A.under B.he C.in D.on3.A.soccer B.basketball C.table D.tennis4.A.sofa B.bed C.keys D.chair5.A.pen B.bookcase C.pencil D.rulerB)按括号内要求写出相应的单词。(10分)1.this(复数形式)2.it is(缩略形式)3.know(同音词)4.yes(反义词)5.hi(同义词)6.book(复数形式)7.boy(对应词)8.are not(缩略形式)9.too(同音词)10.black(反义词)C)翻译下列短语。(5分)1.两张床2.她姐姐3.在椅子下面4.数学书5.打排球D)写出…  相似文献   

Unit 8 Sports Ⅰ. 单项填空 1. Following the success in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, China won another great competition in 2001 which was not for a medal. A. history-making B. history-made C. making-history D. made-history2. —We want to sit at the tabl  相似文献   

听力部分(20分)1.听句子。从下列四个选项中,选出你在句子中听到 的单词。(5分) 1 .A.name B.game C .some D.same 2 .A.sit B.seat C .see D.it 3 .A.Ameriean B.Ameriea C .Amerieans D.students 4.A.dear B.there C .here D.meet 5 .A.think B.thinks C .thank D.thanksn.听问句。根据你听到的问句,选择适当答语。(5分) 1 .AJ am. B .Yes,1 am. C .Yes,he 15. D.No,he isn,t.2 .A.We,re in Row Six. B .They,re in Row Six. C .We,re in the same row. D .They,re in the same row.3 .A.No,thank you. B .OK,here yo…  相似文献   

写出下列各缩略词的汉语意思。P·m.2.IOCPLA 4.VIPCCTV 6.ITWTO 8.EMSIQ 10,CCP、,夕BII“3气︶7术C)根据句意和首字母提示,拼写单词。一H old一I’m eleven.一Are you inC一Yes,I翻.一E me.are you? one?Are you Miss Wang? 2内、︺‘︾爪从.1.语音。A)找出每组含有相同音素的字母。1 .A.AHKJ B.AFGN C.BCJG D.CEGK2 .A.FHJN B.NKMI C.MNLF D.NFKJ3 .A.AKFG B.LFAN C.BEGD D.BKGJ4 .A.khlj B.bedg C.eaeg D.khjl5 .A.cdgi B.zxls C. mrlfkD·ackjB)找出下列每组字母中不含元音字母的一组。6…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.重点词汇检测  A 雪根据句意或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词。  1. is the fourth day of a week.  2.There are seven in a week.    3.C an you m ake a m bus芽  4.I also w ant to watch the football gam e熏do   you have two t 芽  5.Please b your hom ew ork here tom orrow .  B雪用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。  1.I have two 熏one is sm all and the …  相似文献   

●单元知识点拨Ⅰ.“There be...”句式(上)“There be...”句式表示“某地/某时有某人或某物”,一般形式为“There is/are+某物/人+地点/时间”。该句式中的there是引导词,本身没有实际意义,其主语是动词be后的名词或名词短语。“Therebe...”句式中的动词be的单、复数形式通常取决于后面的名词或名词短语的单、复数形式,即句子的主语是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,动词be用单数形式is;句子的主语是可数名词复数时,动词be则要K ey:Ⅰ.1-5CBBDBⅡ.1.a2.an3.a4.the5.a6.the7.The8.×9.the10.×11.×12.×13.×14.The15.the16.×17.The1…  相似文献   

第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用第一节:单项填空题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.The city was badly destroyed by an earthquake,and it took years to.A.take everything back to liveB.take everything back to lifeC.bring everything back to liveD.bring everything back to life22.—H urry up,you on the phone.—O h,I’m com ing.Thank you.A.wantB.are wantedC.are being wantedD.are wanting23.Thousands of works of art,the m ostfam ous paintings,were during the war.A.included;m issedB.including;m issingC.included;m issingD.including;m issed24.Y...  相似文献   

I.重点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1.The boy can’t find his money.He is  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇:按要求写出下列各词的相应形式。1.heavy(反义词)_______ 2.empty(反义词)______3.break(形容词)_______ 4.meat(同音词)_______5.dad(同义词)_______ 6.knife(复数)______7.her(主格)_______ 8.good(名词)_______9.they(宾格)_______10.we(形容词性物主代词)_______  相似文献   

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