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Peers as Paired Reading Tutors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pupils from the peer group can be more effective as reading tutors than the parents of children with reading difficulties suggests Sam Winter, formerly an educational psychologist in Cleveland, now lecturer in educational psychology at Hong Kong University.  相似文献   

Keith Topping, educational psychologist and leader of the Kirklees Paired Reading Project, Gill McKnight, teacher with special responsibility for reading and language at Lydgate School, New Mills, Huddersfield, describe a new reading project  相似文献   

Reading Books     
周末到了,可老编给每个小编发了一本书,规定大家要在周末时间内看完.唉,可怜的小编们,又不能出去玩了.  相似文献   

本文从语境的定义、分类和功能出发 ,说明了如何在阅读教学中运用语境知识提高学生的阅读能力  相似文献   

首先简略地陈述了语境的内涵,然后对影响阅读理解的语境作了分类,并分别详尽地阐述了上下文语境、文化语境及互文语境对阅读理解的作用。  相似文献   

Jane Medwell 《Literacy》1996,30(1):41-46
Developments in technology, particularly in terms of multimedia capability, have begun to make possible innovative educational use of microcomputers. One particular kind of software which has recently begun to be produced is the electronic book. Such “books” can provide reading experience for children which support and lead into reading proficiency. In this article Jane Medwell describes a study in which she evaluated the effects of experiences with disc-based electronic books on infant reading. Some interesting results emerged concerned with the ways in which children interacted with the “books” and the gender differences in the use and effects of such reading support.  相似文献   

Abstract A double‐blind controlled study of the effects of Paired Reading was carried out with 33 failing readers and their parents. The children were aged 8 to 11 and had reading delays of at least 18 months. After a mean time of 7.6 hours of Paired Reading at home, spread over six weeks, the children made gains of 2.43 months for reading accuracy and 4.36 months for reading comprehension compared with a control group which experienced respective gains of 0.81 months and 1.69 months. The differences were statistically significant for accuracy but not for comprehension. The conclusions of previous Paired Reading studies are discussed in the light of these results and suggestions are made for the evaluation of future, similar projects.  相似文献   

A peer tutored Paired Reading (PR) project was organised involving 10 and 11 year old pupils at two primary schools. Outcome was assessed by reading age. Tutor and tutee behaviour during PR was analysed by sessional tape recordings. The study indicates that many of the tutors involved in this project failed to follow PR procedures closely, that all tutors employed reinforcement at very low rates, that many important errors were left uncorrected, and that tutors were consistent in their adherence to (or neglect of) the procedures in which they had been trained.

There appeared to be no influence of tutees’ initial reading age on either tutee or tutor behaviour during PR sessions. No aspect of either tutee or tutor behaviour during PR was associated with size of reading gain.

Mechanisms underlying the apparent effectiveness of PR (and a number of other tutoring techniques for oral reading) are discussed in the context of the apparent absence of any relationship between tutor adherence to PR and tutee reading gains.  相似文献   

在心情十分放松的情况下,和三五位朋友一起聊书,未尝不是一种读书的方式。因为在朋友口中,我会发现一些自己希望读到的书,再有目的地去借、去买、去寻觅,似乎就多了许多渴望的动力。同理,是爱读书的朋友,也可以从我这里获得。我们转着圈地收获。久而久之,从聊“读什么书”,演变成“不要读什么书”。至少“现在不要读什么书”,也是一种读书的方式。因为书籍如云,不懂得放弃就不会得到最佳。慢慢地,在“读什么书”中,又有了“如何读什么书”的话题,这也是一种读书的方式。比如读小说和读论文,决不是一种读法。当然这个“读法”不仅指读书的姿态,重要的是读书的心境。闲适或紧张,轻松或深沉可大不一样。很快,先把书分成几类,又是一种读书方式。分类既不是按题材,也不是按体裁,而是按“读法”。“显读”是一类———这是从“显学”“隐学”之分调侃来的。被显读的是博得洛阳纸贵、媒体热炒的。不要追“显读”,就是不必随社会上一窝蜂地读什么书。但是也不必刻意追求“隐读”,因为有的书大家都不读自有道理。“孤读”和“佐读”是一类———就是读一本书和就一个话题读几本书。在享受读书中,“孤读”是初级阶段,“佐读”才小康。“佐读”可以就一个话题读几本相近的书,也可以读观点...  相似文献   

语境学是一种新兴的学科,它对语言应用的研究起着重要的作用。任何一种交际形式,无论是口头的还是书面的,都存在于语言的环境中。本文拟通过对篇章进行语境分析,说明语境在理解过程中的作用,深化对语境作用的认识,从而进一步使我们在阅读教学中依靠语境分析,教好“活”的语言。  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to examine any significant differences in the use of four types of context cues by good and poor readers in the early stages of their reading development. Sentences incorporating proactive and retroactive syntactic, and proactive and retroactive semantic cues were presented in the form of deletions at three levels of difficulty. Sixty-four subjects, 32 of each sex, were drawn equally from the six to seven and seven to eight year age levels and subdivided into groups of good and poor readers. Results indicated that all groups other than the youngest poor readers found the proactive semantic cues the most useful and made miscues displaying semantic associations across cue types. Implications for an understanding of strategies employed in early reading and approaches for instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

阅读既是语言学习的一种主要手段,也是语言学习的最终目的之一。本文主要从认知语境的三个层面来分析其与阅读行为的密切关系。如果我们能够在阅读中很好地把握它们,就能更深切地理解和体会原文的内涵。  相似文献   

Language use cannot be separated from its context. Any piece of discourse is the product of a certain context. When we read a piece of discourse, we are trying to understand it  相似文献   

阅读理解是一个明示一推理的动态认知过程。本文在探讨关联理论出现之前的阅读模式所存在不足的基础上,阐析了认知语境对句子、篇章解读的影响,对认知语境的研究将有助于提高语言理解的效率。  相似文献   

语言的使用离不开语境,语境制约着语言单位的选择、意义的表达和理解。在英语阅读教学中,训练学生的语境反应和重建能力有助于提高他们的阅读能力。  相似文献   

Sam Winter, formerly an educational psychologist working in Hartlepool, is now lecturer in the Department of Education, Hong Kong University. He is currently conducting an inquire into paired reading as a method of helping children who experience difficulties in learning to read.  相似文献   

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