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Boys and girls,Attention,please! I have something important to tell you. Our class will go to the People’s Park for an outing on June 1,Saturday. In the morning,we will visit the East  相似文献   

下面是 Li Lei一天的时间安排,你能根据这些信息完成对话吗? 6:20a.m getup 6:40a.m ,7:00a.m have breakfast,go to school 12:00 a.m have lunch 4:00 a.m play basketball 5:00 p.m ,6:00p.m go hom e,have supper 6:30p.m w atch TV 7:00 p.m do his hom ework 10:00 p.m go to bedB : 1 A :W hat tim e does he getup? B : 2 A : 3 B :H e goes to schoolat7:00. A :W hat tim e does he have lunch? B : 4 A : 5 at6:00in the evening? B :N o,he watches TV at 6:30in the evening. A :W here does he do his hom ework? B …  相似文献   

同学们,你们假期是不是打算出去旅游呢?如果在旅途中遇到西方游客,你们知道如何交流吗?快从下面的句子中找找灵感吧!绝对熟记:1.Do you like to go for anouting?2.I like traveling for pleasurewhen I!m on holiday.3.What sort of holiday did you have in mind?4.Where have you been in the summer holiday?5.What are you going to do this weekend?6.Would you like to go skating with us on Saturday morning?7.I!m going to take more exercises this Saturday.8.What interesting places are there in this old city.口语会…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 根据首字母或者汉语完成单词。( 每题 3 分, 共 15 分) 1. There are many r______ in my home. 2. Don’t ______ (看) TV after school. 3. Practice your ______ (吉他) every day. 4. My sister h______ to get up at 5:30 every morning. 5. On ______ (周末) I have to clean my room and wash my clothes. Ⅱ. 单项选择( 每题 2 分, 共 20 分) 6. I never have ______ A. some funs B. any funs C. any fun 7. Later I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn ______. A. piano B. the piano C. pianos 8. She h…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 英汉互译( 每题 3 分, 共 30 分) 1. 不得不______ 2. 在七点钟______ 3. 起床 ______ 4. 做家庭作业______ 5. 在周末 ______ 6. help ... with / do / to do______ 7. the Children’s Palace ______ 8. loudly ______ 9. no talking ______ 10. later ______ Ⅱ. 单项选择( 每题 2 分, 共 20 分) 11. —Do you have to go to bed by 10:00? —______. A. Yes, I am B. Yes, I do C. No, I’m not 12. Zhao Pei ______ learn the piano. A. has to B. have to C. haves to 13. She ofen helps her mother ______ the housewor…  相似文献   

Unit11What time do you go to school?Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及句中划线部分所示时间,从右栏的A,B,C,D,E五个选项中选择正确答语。1.—What3s the time?—It3s7:50.A.six thirty2.—What time is it?—It3s6:30.B.nine o3clock3.—What time do you play volleyball?—We play volleyball at4:15.C.four fifteen4.It3s9:00now.Let3s go to bed.D.eleven forty5.It3s11:40.It3s time for lunch.E.seven fiftyB.根据句意,从括号中选出合适的单词填空。6.We begin our classes(at,on)8:00.7.What time does she get(up,to)school?8.Her…  相似文献   

1.Last Saturday afternoon Mr.Chen Left home early to go fishing.2.Very soon he got to the river. He sat on the riverside and began to fish.3.The sun was shining brightly over his head,but he was unlucky because he caughtnothing.4.W hen the sun went down,h…  相似文献   

本试卷满分为120分I.基础知识(本大题共10分,每小题1分)A.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.She usually spends2hours(play)the piano everyday.2.Do you knowhow(make)a fruit salad?3.Mr.Li lives on the(twelve)floor.4.Jim will go hiking with his friends if it(not rain)to  相似文献   

Ⅰ. 听力。(20 分) A. 听对话, 选出与图画内容相符的选项。 (共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分) B. 听句子, 选择正确的答语。(共 5 小题, 每 小题 1 分) 6. A. I have to go to the doctor. B. No, it’s far from here. C. It’s near here, too. D. It takes me ten minutes. 7. A. It’s too late. B. It’s seven thirty. C. It’s from 5:00 to 8:00. D. It’s Monday. 8. A. It’s about a doctor for animals. B. It’s very exciting. C. I saw it last Saturday. A B C D E 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.D. It will be shown tomorrow. 9.…  相似文献   

Unit9一、单项填空(15分)1.The boy is too to go to school.A.old B.clever C.young D.bright2.Y ou'd better stop TV.It's tim e to go to bed.A.watching B.watch C.to w atch D.to look3.H e started to ride a bicycle when he was three years old.A.to learn B.learn C.learned D.learns4.D o you know the girl M ary-A.call B.calls C.called D.to call5.This town is fam ous its beautiful buildings.A.as B.with C.on D.for6.Ioften see the boys basketballafter class.A.were playing B.playsC.played D.play7…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。(A)根据英文解释和例句,完成下列单词的拼写。(首字母已给出)1.f____(go down)例:In autumn,the leaves____from the tree.2.k____(put to death)例:Did the car____the dog?3.a____(by oneself)例:I can do the work____.4.d____(have clothes on)例:The boy is too  相似文献   

第一部分:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1.—What do you think of the girls who have just come?—They were all attractive,but Lily from the others.A.stood out B.picked outC.made out D.kept out2.Since she fell in love with a boy,she canKt her studies and jobnow.A.look on B.concentrate onC.concern on D.take on3.Recently more and more farmers have the government rather thannature for help.A.appealed to B.centered onC.attend to D.live up to4.Before you go abroad,usually you should a pas…  相似文献   

吉启涛 《中学生英语》2006,(1):28-29,39,47
Ⅰ. 根据首字母及句子的意思填写单词。(10 分)1. I like to watch football (比赛).2. — (多大) are you9—Twelve.3. The black jacket is very (短的).4. In the (傍晚), we have dinner athome.5. What’s your email (地址)?6. The blue socks are seven (美元).7. My backpack is (绿色的).8. My birthday is in (十二月).9. I think Beijing Opera is very(有趣的).10. We go to the shops on (周末).Ⅱ. 单项选择。 (10 分)1. What club do you want 9A. join B. to joinC. joining D. joins2. They’re going to play foo…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.根据句意和首字母写出单词, 使句子意思完整(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) 1. Did you get anything in the l____? 2. I'll go to the doctor to have a m____ examination. 3. Don't take away her things without p____. 4. Carlos is pretty c____. He isn't afraid to sing i  相似文献   

用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. The two sisters ______ (not see) each other since the elder sister went to London in 1948. 2. I ______ (do) my homework when Mike came last night. 3. I will return the book to him as soon as he ______ (come) back tomorrow. 4. She usually ______ (wash) her clothes on Sunday. 5. I won’t go to see the film tonight because I ______ (see) it twice. 6. My little sister ______ (finish) middle school half a year ago. 7. My parents will go out with me if they ______ (be) free next Sunday. 8. I do...  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇 A)根据句意及汉语提示, 填写句中所缺的单词 1. Some friends have opposite views and ____ (兴趣). 2. Beijing is in the ____ (北部的) part of China. 3. I can’t find the last page of the ____ (日历). 4. Mr and Mrs Wang go shopping by ____ (地铁) every day. 5. They stay here the ____(整个的) afternoon. B)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1. My uncle often ____ (walk) to the library. 2. It’s six o’clock. The students ____ (play) football on the playground. 3. ____ your mother ____ (cook) C…  相似文献   

(follow through with a stated intention)A:You've been promising to take us to Disneyland for the past two years. Since the kids arefree, how about putting your money where your mouth is?B:You don't have to remind me. I have every intention of doing exactly what I said I'd do.But you yourself know that in the past we have been unable to go because of other financialobligations. Things have eased up and it looks like we'll be able to go this year.兑现诺言(英文)@杨飞…  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(选择题, 共 115 分) 第一部分: 听力(满分 30 分)(略) 第二部分: 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45 分) 第一节: 语法与词汇知识(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分。满分 15 分) 21.We happen to be of age, and we all go in for sports. A. the same; the B. ×; × C. an; × D. an; the22. With two months , we-ll have to say good-bye for our high school life will be ending. A. going B. to go C. goes D. gone 23. I divided our class into two parts. Some will do some cleaning, and will attend the lecture. A. other B…  相似文献   

1.选择坟空。(巧分))1._teaeher on the blaek bike 15_English teacher·A.A,an B.The,a C.A,the D.rl、le an)2.玩t,s即andA.playing the football B play the foothallC,to pl叮football D.play football)3 .There a lot of water in the bottle.A.15 B.are C.has D.have)4.仆e girl_the red skirt 15 Mary·A .in B.on C.with D.h朋)5 .Tom often_us衍th our English.A.help B.helping C.helpg D.to help)6.does Mike like China and does he like about China?A.How,how B.习犷hat,how C.What,what D.H洲,what)7 .Do y…  相似文献   

Atop aide to Iraqi President Saddam Husseinsurrendered to coalition forces on Saturday(April 12)while some Iraqi opposition leaders seemedpoised to seek their role in an interim Iraqi governmentand in the larger play of rebuilding the country.  相似文献   

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