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In this article the author looks at the image of journey and its archeform, quest, and finds two spiritual concepts: that of movement to the center followed by a return, and the concomitant understanding that all that has arisen and reached maturity must return to renew itself. Four journeys, the shamanic journey of soul, the hero's journey of spirit, the pilgrimage of community, and the allegorical journey of the labyrinth, are viewed from this persepctive. These journeys are formulated into a context of myth, ritual, symbol, and story which places them at the heart of religious education as bearers of religious tradition and meaning.  相似文献   

Three Wechsler scales (the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, and Wechsler-Bellevue II) were administered in a counterbalanced design to 72 randomly selected 17 year-old high school Ss in order to investigate their comparability by testing the equality of ( a ) means, ( b ) variances, ( c ) reliability coefficients, and ( d ) validity coefficients based on scaled scores and IQs. Results indicated that the subtest scores and IQs for the given three scales were not equivalent. The present findings conform with most of the previous results regarding the comparability of Wechsler scales. Although the three scales investigated all evidence high similarity of item content and format, they clearly fail to meet the statistical criteria of equivalence for 17 year-old subjects.  相似文献   

在当今文坛,一些作家受到经济利益驱动,搜奇猎异、虚妄杜撰,甚至以色情渲染为创作手段,丢弃了作家再现生活指导生活崇高的使命。谈歌、何申、关仁山、张平为代表的一批中青年作家,敢于直面社会矛盾,关注民众生活,以时代呼唤为题材选择,弘扬了现实主义创作精神,把现实主义推向新的高度。为时代、为人民创造出更多更好的精神食粮,既是时代的热切呼唤,也是作家崇高的使命  相似文献   

In this essay James Conroy raises the question of how far the state should engage in the rearing of children, looking in particular at homeschooling as a site for contestation. He considers this question by looking specifically at recent developments in the United Kingdom around the elision of child safeguarding issues with concern about the control of home education. In the first part of the essay, Conroy explores some general questions about the relation between politics and populism, and the consequences for the prerogatives of parents. In the second part of the essay, he interrogates constructivist accounts of the family and offers something of a historical corrective to the widely held view (emanating from Philippe Ariès) that the very conceit of the family is a “modern” invention. This analysis leads Conroy to conclude that, while states do have a proper locus in the upbringing of children, they must make certain presumptions in favor of the parent if governmental responses to home education are to be considered political rather than populist and “controlling.”  相似文献   

For many years, the author has been thinking about the problem of how to combine continuing education courses in universities with efforts to promote the dissemination of culture in the broadest sense. He begins his article with two definitions, one of the concept of continuing education itself, the other of the concept of culture. He indicates that increasingly a popular demand is being manifested for courses combining both objectives, particularly on the part of those who had to interrupt their studies prematurely or who completed them some time ago. He cites two seminars currently being offered at the University oE Athens, one an interdisciplinary seminar in philosophy, organized eight years ago, the other, a seminar in the philosophy of art. Both of them have opened their doors to all interested persons. They have been extremely popular, despite the fact that enrol‐lecs earn no credit for attending them. With the aid of the appropriate national authorities, similar programmes could be created in other universities in the countries belonging to Unesco so as to respond to a genuine social need.  相似文献   

The mind is like an eye that sees but cannot see itself (Eck, 1981).  相似文献   

The article is an argument in favour of a type of national science policy in which a National Academy of Sciences is at the same time the highest ranking association of scientists and the capstone of a national organization of research institutes specialized in different fields of the sciences and the humanities. Such was the Soviet Academy of Sciences and is now the Russian Academy of Sciences, the roots of which go back to 1724. The achievements in science of the various Academy institutes are detailed, and while the author recognizes that the universities too perform research, their basic task is teaching. For him, the duality of research in the academy and teaching in the universities has given good results and should continue.  相似文献   

农产品电子商务的快速发展为农产品的销售拓展了新的销售渠道,方便了经营者和消费者之间的信息沟通,然而农产品电子商务市场中的卖家与卖家之间在市场的博弈中容易出现"囚徒困境",同时,农产品电子商务平台中卖家与平台之间由于信息不对称,容易出现互不信任的现象.文章结合博弈论中的"囚徒困境"模型与信号传递博弈模型的相关知识,对农产品电子商务平台中卖家与卖家、 卖家与平台之间的博弈进行了分析,并就如何避免"囚徒困境"、减少市场中的欺诈行为提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

The German medieval universities entered the picture late but abo as a new type. Territorial rulers, city authorities and their boards combined the older types of Bologna and Paris and out of them formed the new “German type”: the Four‐faculties‐University which was forced to tolerate not only the different branches in one and the same “universitas” but moreover the enormous differences relating to the social backgrounds of lawyers, theologians, medical doctors and men of arts. The territorial structure of the Holy Roman Empire finally explains the fast growing number of universities. The rulers, however, were concerned about increasing the prestige and profit of their dynasties and rule rather than about general education and science. University studies and education nevertheless introduced one of the most momentous processes of innovation in Germany. Until the Reformation more than 250000 persons had attended the universities, about 80 percent as men of liberal arts however. This fact has to be kept in mind when dealing with a comparative history of education in Europe.

*This contribution is concieved as an essay, as a state of the art. It is based on a selection of older and recent works mentioned in the select bibliography at the end of the article and on proper reflection. Therefore, I omitted to add notes to the text.  相似文献   

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