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Cognitive activities in complex science text and diagrams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ainsworth’s (2006) DeFT framework posits that different representations may lead learners to use different strategies. We wanted to investigate whether students use different strategies, and more broadly, different cognitive activities in diagrams vs. in running text. In order to do so, we collected think-aloud protocol and other measures from 91 beginning biology majors reading an 8-page passage from their own textbook which included seven complex diagrams. We coded the protocols for a wide range of cognitive activities, including strategy use, inference, background knowledge, vocabulary, and word reading. Comparisons of verbalizations while reading running text vs. reading diagrams showed that high-level cognitive activities—inferences and high-level strategy use—were used a higher proportion of the time when comprehending diagrams compared to when reading text. However, in running text vs. diagrams participants used a wider range of different individual cognitive activities (e.g., more different types of inferences). Our results suggest that instructors might consider teaching students how to draw inferences in both text and diagrams. They also show an interesting paradox that warrants further research—students often skipped over or superficially skimmed diagrams, but when they did read the diagrams they engaged in more high-level cognitive activity.  相似文献   

结合新媒体时代大学生意见领袖的特点,通过分析当前新媒体形势下大学生意见领袖现状和管理缺位状态等问题,新媒体时代大学生意见领袖的培育与管理,可以从发现、引导学生草根意见领袖,培育、提升学生骨干意见领袖,树立品牌官方组织意见领袖,动态管理各类学生意见领袖,来助推高校网络思政工作,掌控舆情,维护高校安定稳定,提升高校思政工作水平。  相似文献   

Simulation environments make it possible for science and engineering students to learn to interact with complex systems. Putting these capabilities to effective use for learning, and assessing learning, requires more than a simulation environment alone. It requires a conceptual framework for the knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking that are meant to be developed, in order to design activities that target these capabilities. The challenges of using simulation environments effectively are especially daunting in dispersed social systems. This article describes how these challenges were addressed in the context of the Cisco Networking Academies with a simulation tool for computer networks called Packet Tracer. The focus is on a conceptual support framework for instructors in over 9,000 institutions around the world for using Packet Tracer in instruction and assessment, by learning to create problem-solving scenarios that are at once tuned to the local needs of their students and consistent with the epistemic frame of “thinking like a network engineer.” We describe a layered framework of tools and interfaces above the network simulator that supports the use of Packet Tracer in the distributed community of instructors and students.  相似文献   

"网络意见领袖"是网络环境下的意见领袖,具有行为的真实性与身份的隐蔽性、思维的主动性与受众的质疑性、关系的平等性与来源的草根性等特征;承担着信息的传递与加工者、内容的监管者和关系的协调者、网络舆论的引导者等多重角色;加强对"网络意见领袖"的管理要做好发现与启用、教育与引导、推崇与宣传等工作。  相似文献   

网络已成为民意表达的重要场所,网络舆情深刻地影响着公共政策的评价机理,其功能正得到前所未有的发挥。其中积极影响的原因包括公共政策评价主体系统的缺陷催热网络问政;网络舆情对公共政策产生强大的舆论压力。消极影响的原因则是政府及其公务人员的角色定位不当;网络舆情的非理性。通过分析提出规范网络舆情发布,加强网民素质教育,增强政策的透明度等对策建议,来充分发挥网络舆情对公共政策评价的积极影响。建立线上快速应急机制以及责任追究制度,以规避网络舆情对公共政策评价的消极影响。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)疫情爆发期间,涌现出了众多的抗疫意见领袖。通过对意见领袖话题传播和演化进行分析研究,可以为网络舆情治理和疫情防控提供理论和知识支撑。采用N-Gram语言模型和Shingling相似度算法相结合的方式进行话题检测,再通过Neo4j图数据库存储与检索意见领袖、话题、事件等多维实体特征,构建以意见领袖为核心的话题图谱。实验结果表明,话题准确率达82.3%,召回率达81.6%,与传统Single-Pass聚类相似度算法相比均有所提高。通过对图谱分析,能够简单直观地展示出不同实体间多维舆情关系。同时,可以提高检索速度和分析效率,符合舆情传播客观规律。  相似文献   

谈图书馆服务创新   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着图书馆数字化网络化进程的加快,服务创新已成为图书馆发展的必然要求。图书馆服务创新应从理念更新开始,构建服务创新组织,运用现代化信息技术,为用户提供个性化、深层次的知识信息服务。  相似文献   

高校作为人才培养、知识创新、服务经济发展的高地,更承担着文化传承与创新的使命,随着高等教育大众化的深入发展,高校与地方社会发生的关系越来越多,高校网络舆情关注的话题也日益突破校内范围,因此高校网络舆情无论是舆情信息发布的主体,还是舆情关注的话题,都在不断地扩大。因此,高校网络管理工作越来越引起高校管理者的重视。  相似文献   

随着互联网成为人们获取信息的主要来源,网络意见领袖成为重要的意见群体。探讨网络意见领袖的研究热点对于把握传播理论的发展、推进相关研究具有重要意义。以收录在CSSCI或北大核心目录中的刊物为数据来源,选取28个高频词构建共词矩阵,对相异矩阵进行聚类分析,使用Gephi呈现关键词共现网络图,通过共词分析法发现国内网络意见领袖研究的五大热点,即网络意见领袖的特征和作用机制、网络意见领袖的识别、突发事件中的意见领袖、大学生意见领袖的引导和培养、消费意见领袖和营销传播,并根据研究现状提出未来可继续深入探索的方向。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to profile four university science instructors who utilized action research as a means of learning how to develop and integrate a novel curriculum innovation – engineering design – in their science courses. Data included curriculum maps, lesson plans, notes from group meetings, and instructor reflections. Data analysis included document review and content analysis. Findings from this study suggest that action research effectively enabled the instructors to 1) establish shared ownership of the project goal – to improve preservice teachers’ learning of science through engineering design; 2) continuously test, revise, and recalibrate their shared instructional products; and 3) leverage multiple sources of innovation. Knowledge generated and used by the instructors represented different kinds of knowledge and distributed expertise resulting in products that were more useful and of higher quality than products created by individuals working alone. Consequently, this resulted in increased use of the products and increased instructor commitment to improve them over time. By simultaneously engaging in research and consequently taking specific action to inform their practice, science instructors in this study successfully created shared instructional products that both guided and enhanced their classroom teaching.  相似文献   

群体性事件网络舆论的传播逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国现阶段群体性事件频发,这是当前社会面临的一个棘手问题.网络作为其中一个主要的载体,由于其自身的复杂性,使得群体事件的传播变得更加复杂化.文章以网络群体事件的传播过程为主线,通过阐述其网络舆论滋生的温床、网络舆情的导火索和传播要素,渗透其传播逻辑,阐述社会环境、公众心理以及政府能力相互作用,最终形成公众、媒体、舆论领袖共同作用的信息空间产物的过程.  相似文献   

信息技术的创新促使媒介技术的进步与变革,媒介变革引致媒介化社会的来临。媒介化社会媒介对舆论的引导起着重要作用。从舆论引导的效果来看,需要注意舆论的隐性效果和舆论领袖在舆论引导中的作用。  相似文献   

舆论领袖主要是通过自身的专业知识和频繁的互动获得舆论的高位,而在专业性较强的话题中,舆论领袖更多地依靠自己的专业知识来获得跟随者的赞同,引导意见流向。应通过主动培养,加强沟通和服务,开展网络舆情的分析研究积极引导舆论领袖进而引导网络舆论。  相似文献   

In this study, we used qualitative methods to help us better understand the experiences of instructors as they are persuaded to adopt a course management system and integrate it into their teaching. We discuss several patterns explaining how instructors implemented Blackboard, a CMS, by experimenting with individual features, facing both technical and integration challenges, and attempting to adapt Blackboard features to match their goals and practices. We also give explanations for why instructors either (a) embraced the tool and grew more dependent on it, (b) reduced their use of the tool to only some features, or (c) discontinued the tool and actively sought replacement options. In this paper we explain why instructors fell into any one of these three areas and what implications this may have for training and support needs.  相似文献   

随着网络新媒体的应用及普及,网络新媒体已成为高校师生获取信息主要渠道。新媒介环境下高校校园舆论主体、舆论引导、舆论传播媒体等方面面临严峻的挑战。基于此,理清高校舆论环境建设的基本原则,构建健康向上的舆论环境,应着力于从"一体两翼"的媒体发布和交流平台、培养不同舆论主体舆论领袖、培养舆论环境建设队伍等方面予以建设。  相似文献   

网络意见领袖具有广泛的关注度和影响力,其对网络热点事件的见解常能影响网民的看法,进而引领网络舆情走向。辅导员是大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,网络时代下拓展辅导员的意见领袖角色,有利于扩大思想政治教育的时空场域、把握网络舆情、增强思想政治教育的有效性。辅导员的网络意见领袖角色塑造应从提高知识能力、转变叙事语言、关爱学生注重身教几方面着手。  相似文献   

互联网成为公众舆情表达最为重要的传播途径,其影响已超出传统主流媒体的影响,而开放的信息平台,增加了新闻信息监管的难度。各种文化、情绪和倾向并存于网络,极易滋生极端的言行,其传播影响深远。本文揭示了网民的媒体选择习惯,网络技术能力、参与社交网络的类型等加剧网络社会人群的演化,网络舆情形成的内在规律,提出了网络舆情评价标准和原则。  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the transition from philosophical and theological manifestos to their practical and educational implementation as we analyze the official American Reform-Judaism discourse as curricular text. This analysis provides a tool for a discussion of the relationships between vision and its implementation particularly for educators and leaders. We highlight the possibilities of dialogue among educators, rabbis-in-training, and leaders to aid in the formation of new visionary documents and, in doing so, affect the dynamics of paving new directions. We demonstrate a model that may be used to investigate such translations from vision to a lived experience and back to reconstruction of a vision.  相似文献   

The Mathematics education community has long recognized the importance of diagrams in the solution of mathematical problems. Particularly, it is stated that diagrams facilitate the solution of mathematical problems because they represent problems’ structure and information (Novick & Hurley, 2001; Diezmann, 2005). Novick and Hurley were the first to introduce three well-defined types of diagrams, that is, network, hierarchy, and matrix, which represent different problematic situations. In the present study, we investigated the effects of these types of diagrams in non-routine mathematical problem solving by contrasting students’ abilities to solve problems with and without the presence of diagrams. Structural equation modeling affirmed the existence of two first-order factors indicating the differential effects of the problems’ representation, i.e., text with diagrams and without diagrams, and a second-order factor representing general non-routine problem solving ability in mathematics. Implicative analysis showed the influence of the presence of diagrams in the problems’ hierarchical ordering. Furthermore, results provided support for other studies (e.g. Diezman & English, 2001) which documented some students’ difficulties to use diagrams efficiently for the solution of problems. We discuss the findings and provide suggestions for the efficient use of diagrams in the problem solving situation.  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,借力中央高层惩治打击腐败的决心,网络涉腐舆情的应对和处置日益发挥重要的作用。通过分析信息化背景下网络涉腐舆情的发展现状及其特点,探究信息化背景下网络涉腐舆情应对与处置存在的问题。面对当前网络涉腐舆情存在的诸多问题,纪检监察机关要进一步加强和改进对网络舆情的应对处置工作,健全网络涉腐舆情法律规制、构建网络涉腐舆情预警机制、强化网络涉腐舆情应对机制、完善网络涉腐舆情保障机制,不断提高反腐倡廉的战斗力。  相似文献   

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