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I/Wethink和doyouthink是英语中的常用重要句型,其后多跟宾从句。eg.Ithinkyouhavedoneitquitewell.我以为你己做的很好了。Doyouthinkhecanfinishitbyhimself?你认为他能独立完成那项工作吗?注意:若I/Wethink后的宾语从句要表达否定意义时,通常将否定转移至主句谓语动词上。eg.Idon'tthinkyouareright.我认为你不对。Wedon'tthinkchickenscanswim.我们认为小鸡不会游泳。但是I/Wethink,doyouthink也可用作插入语。特别是当doyouthink作插入语已经采用了疑问语序,所以其后的句式要采用正常语序。这种结构称“双重疑问句”结构。eg.It's…  相似文献   

李福寿  任爱武 《初中生》2003,(26):38-38
thinkof和thinkabout译为“想起”“想到”“考虑”时,一般情况下两者可以互换。thinkof还可译作“提出”“认为”“记起”(相当于remember)。如:①Heoftenthinksof(=thinksabout)hisfamily.他常常想家。②I'mthinkingabout(=thinkingof)amathsproblem.我在思考一道数学题。③Justthinkofthedangerbeforeyougodiving.潜水前先想想可能出现的危险。④Whatdoyouthinkofyournewteacher?你认为新老师怎么样?⑤Whothoughtoftheidea?是谁出的那个主意?⑥Ican'tthinkof(=remember)yourfather'sname.我记不起你爸爸的名字了。thinkover表示“认真…  相似文献   

I think I Can     
如果你认为你败了,那你就一败涂地;如果你认为你不敢,那你就会退缩畏惧;如果你想赢但是认为你不能,那么毫无疑问你就会失利。如果你认  相似文献   

<正>think是在英语中使用频率比较高的一个词,如果不能准确地掌握,很容易出错。下面将该词的主要用法进行归纳,希望能够引起同学们的注意。一、表示推测,后面可接宾语从句。若宾语从句为否定式时,其否定部分要移到主句的谓语动词上去。在译成汉语时,要把主句的否定式译成肯定意义,把宾语从句的肯定式译成否定意义,这在英语中叫做否定转移。例如:  相似文献   

问:“你对我意味着一切”英文应该怎样翻译?是"you means every-thing to me"还是"youmean everything to me"呢?虽然说“你”后应该跟复数,但这句话的主语其实是“你这个人”,是你整个人作为一个物体对我意味着一切。对吗?答:引句中的主语,"you"是第二人称,动词是"mean"。即使是暗指“你这个人”,重点还是"you",所以应该用"mean"。如,Youthis person, you mean ev-erything to me.mean还是means?…  相似文献   

动词think在英语中是个很常见的词.本文探讨了"I don't think.……"和"I think.……not……"这两个句式的异同,以及类似的词类.  相似文献   

Recent research on metacognition points out the crucial role of on-line methods when endeavouring to conduct valid assessments of metacognitive skills. Presently, different on-line methods are used, however, it is still a question of research whether and how they affect students’ learning behaviour and learning outcome. Thus, the aim of this study is to quasi-experimentally analyse the effects of two on-line verbalisation methods on learning performance. By means of the thinking-aloud method, students in one experimental group (n = 24) were instructed to read and think aloud during learning. With the reflection when prompted method, students of another experimental group (n = 24) were prompted at each navigational step to reflect on the reasons why they chose specific information. Students in the control group (n = 22) learned without being instructed to verbalise. All three groups were treated identically except for the different use of verbalisation assessment methods. The students’ task was to learn the concepts and principles of operant conditioning presented in a hypermedium within 30 min. The students’ learning sessions were videotaped and learning performance was obtained immediately afterwards. Based on Ericsson and Simon’s (Protocol analysis: Verbal reports as data, MIT, Cambridge, 1993) model, no performance differences between the thinking aloud and the control group were hypothesised. However, prompting students for metacognitive reflection should affect learning performance positively, which is confirmed by the results only in tendency for transfer performance. Implications for on-line assessment methods of metacognitive skill will be discussed.  相似文献   

For many people in the U.K. owning a car is as essential as owning a house. Indeed many households now have at least two cars. Add to this the fact that most haulage in the U.K. is carried on the roads and you can begin to imagine the volume of traffic and the problems which this causes, not only in the big cities but  相似文献   

动词think是高中英语课本中出现频率较高而且用法较为活跃的一词,同时也是高考英语考查的热点词汇,许多学生对其用法总是容易混淆弄错,现将有关think的一些特殊用法归纳如下:  相似文献   

英语中,常用means,method和way这三个词来表示“方法”或“方式”,但严格说来,它们在意义及具体的用法上都有一定的区别。现简述如下:1.确切地说,means是指一种中介手段,人们借助它来取得所需要的结果。例如:Manyelderlypeopledonthavethemeanstotravel.Hisjobishisonlymeansoflivelihood.特别要指出的是,means表示的方法可以是具体的。例如:Videoisanexcellentmeansofbringingalivinglanguageintotheclassroom.Chequeshavelargelyreplacedmoneyasameansofexchange,fortheyarewidelyaccepted.此时的means不可用method或way来代替。2.metho…  相似文献   

一、关于think to do sth 关于think之后是否接不定式的问题,有以下几点值得注意:  相似文献   

Do you think(你认为……)常用作插入语,很多同学对它的用法不是很了解,下面我们就谈一谈Do you think作插入语的几种情况:  相似文献   

Can you make sense of the black and white dots in these two pictures?Before you look, just be aware that once you have found the hidden images, you will not be able to 'unsee' them.(If you can't see them, try looking from a distance.)  相似文献   

大眼蜗牛:这次我给大家找了一幅很有趣的图。首先,请你猜想图中的鲨鱼在想什么;接着,将你的猜想内容填写在小对话框中;然后你可以剪下或复印这幅图及你写好的内容;最后让邮差先生把你的信转交给我们。我们会在第11期公布最有想像力的几位同学的姓名和作品,还有精美礼物噢?赶快行动吧!  相似文献   


Dissatisfied with the Western tradition of political philosophy, Arendt maintained a tension between the political, which she associates primarily with the freedom to act, and the philosophical, which she associates principally with the activity of thinking, throughout her works. Whilst Arendt's work is underpinned by a focus on political action, her work on the thinking/non-thinking dichotomy is of significant educational value. Taking a broadly phenomenological approach, and reading Arendt through an educational lens, this paper seeks to demonstrate how the thinking/non-thinking dichotomy and the perils of ‘non-thinking’ reveal the wider dangers of instrumentalism and the performative models of education that accompanies it. It is suggested here that Arendt's work exposes ‘non-thinking’ as a form of instrumental thinking, which is not only a threat to the development of the capacity for critical thought but also to the development autonomy and the capacity for moral judgement.  相似文献   

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