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This research used poststructural theories to examine a crucial issue of teacher-learning in rural border schools that are under pressure from high-stakes school accountability, fewer resources, and significant numbers of English language learners (ELLs). The methodology was based on a multiple case study of four intern teachers who participated in the research for 16 weeks. The sources of data included classroom observation, interview, reflective essay, and field note. The findings showed that the interns deconstructed teacher-learning and constructed ways of teaching within contradictory and conflicting school policies and practices.  相似文献   

Many of the larger towns and cities within the UK have long experienced a cosmopolitan mix of cultures, resulting in ethnically and linguistically diverse schools. However, the wider expansion of the European Union in 2004 has brought about significant changes and challenges for many schools, particularly for those in more rural areas. This article arises out of a 3-year qualitative study (January 2008–December 2010), which focused on identifying the experiences of stake-holders (children and parents of Eastern European heritage and their teachers), where migrant children enter primary schools which have previously had limited exposure to cultural and linguistic diversity. Although many migrant children settle successfully and progress within the UK education system, much can be done in terms of educational policy and practice to ensure that these learners are appropriately supported. This article examines some of the factors impacting upon migrant children's learning and well-being, and offers guidance to practitioners as how to develop inclusive and individualised learning and social contexts for these learners.  相似文献   

In this introduction we describe the purpose and structure of the Canada–China Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education Partnership Grant Project sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada (SSHRC) in 2013?2020, and describe the project’s practice-based methodology along with a discussion of selected preliminary results. The papers presented in this special issue of Frontiers of Education in China animate our discussion by bringing forward important school-based activities and results. The heart of this work is the collaborative activity and voices of Chinese and Canadian educators. We illustrate our concept of reciprocal learning and how we apply this concept in our Partnership Grant Project. We believe that we have heavily benefited from the productive work and impact that has been made in the field of comparative education and we have put our emphasis on Reciprocal Learning as Collaborative Partnership throughout our project.  相似文献   

This research suggests that learning biology in an outdoor environment has a positive cognitive and affective impact on 13–15-year-old, Swedish high school pupils. Eighty-five pupils in four classes participated in a quasi-experimental design. Half the pupils, taking a biology course in ecology or diversity of life, had several lessons outdoors and the other half were taught indoors. All of the classes, but one, also had mathematics lessons outdoors once a week. Twenty-one pupils were interviewed five months after the course and all were positive towards the new learning environment they had experienced outdoors in biology and/or mathematics. They also valued the higher degree of interaction among the pupils. Other findings from the interviews were that the pupils from the outdoor classes showed a higher degree of long-term knowledge retention. They remembered both activities and contents better than the pupils in the indoor classes. An essay-type question assessing their biological understanding qualitatively according to the Structure of Observed Learning Outcome taxonomy revealed no differences between the groups. The results are discussed in the light of neurocognitive models of long-term memory.  相似文献   

The study reports the results of a questionnaire on the opinions of biology, medical and agricultural students regarding the nature of the contribution of high school biology to their study of biology in the university. It was found that most students value the contribution of high school biology to their learning, understanding and retention of new material. Students who specialized in high school biology and who studied an inquiry-oriented program in high school had definite advantages over the others. High school experiences were found to influence achievement in college biology to the extent to which the university courses were based upon prior knowledge.  相似文献   

Active‐learning labs for two topics in high school biology were developed through the collaboration of high school teachers and university faculty and staff and were administered to 408 high school students in six classrooms. The content of instruction and testing was guided by State of Texas science objectives. Detailed teacher records describing daily classroom activities were used to operationalize two types of instruction: active learning, which used the labs; and traditional, which used the teaching resources ordinarily available to the teacher. Teacher records indicated that they used less independent work and fewer worksheets, and more collaborative and lab‐based activities, with active‐learning labs compared to traditional instruction. In‐class test data show that students gained significantly more content knowledge and knowledge of process skills using the labs compared to traditional instruction. Questionnaire data revealed that students perceived greater learning gains after completing the labs compared to covering the same content through traditional methods. An independent questionnaire administered to a larger sample of teachers who used the lab‐based curriculum indicated that they perceived changing their behaviors as intended by the student‐centered principles of the labs. The major implication of this study is that active‐learning–based laboratory units designed and developed collaboratively by high school teachers and university faculty, and then used by high school teachers in their classrooms, can lead to increased use of student‐centered instructional practices as well as enhanced content knowledge and process learning for students. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 960–979, 2007  相似文献   

在传统的生物教学中,教师和学生处于被动孤立的局面,对教师的教学质量和学生的学习效果影响很大,特别是对处于成长期中学生的思维品质和科学素养的形成极为不利。而探究性学习方式则坚持“以人为本”的思想,从学生发展需要的实际出发,通过最大限度地激发学生的主观能动性,以达到全面提升教师的教学质量和提升学生的各种思维能力、探究能力之目的。本文将以探究性实验为例来论述探究性学习方式在中学生物教学中的运用及对中学生物教学的重要影响。  相似文献   

大学与中小学的文化互动及共生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学与中小学(U-S)文化互动的理想追求是共创共生。大学与中小学之间的关系经历了十分曲折的演变,终因有着共同的事业而走向共生。大学与中小学之间的文化共性在于:以育人为根本价值取向,在变革时代都有敢为人先之精神。从差异看,大学更类似共同体,而中小学更像社会组织。大学文化以知识创新和思想批判为基调,中小学文化则以实践为基调,大学与中小学的文化互动及共生,从本质上看就是文化的共同创造。  相似文献   

A variety of researchers in the last fifteen years have described how people learn and use mathematics in out-of-school situations. These researchers have found that mathematics learning and practice in and out of school differ in a number of ways. In this paper we examine and discuss these differences while maintaining the position that while some differences may be inherent, many differences can be narrowed so that mathematics learning and practice in school and out of school can build on each other and be connected. Before discussing a framework that we think sheds some light on connecting these experiences, we present some research from several of our studies that illustrates some of the differences between in-school and out-of-school mathematics practice and lays the groundwork for the discussion of the framework.We then discuss Saxe's (1991) research framework for gaining insight into the interplay between sociocultural and cognitive development processes through the analysis of practice participation (p. 13). Although Saxe's framework is a method for studying the interplay between sociocultural and cognitive development processes, we propose that it may be helpful in working towards connecting in-school and out-of-school mathematics learning and practice. Thus, we discuss the framework with illustrations from our own research, and then elaborate on ways to make this interplay between in-school and out-of-school contexts more deliberate.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel interactive ubiquitous learning system (IULS) for authentically teaching a cultural heritage course and imparting relevant concepts to students. Experimental results demonstrated that learning performance was significantly improved after students used the IULS. This study also demonstrated that students using the IULS achieved superior results to those achieved using conventional teaching models. No gender bias affecting the performance of students in the experimental group was observed because each student consistently performed to a higher standard on the learning tasks compared with students in the control group, particularly in learning comprehension-related content. The IULS was more effective in enhancing the overall learning performance of students exhibiting different cognitive styles in liberal arts education courses. Furthermore, the results of a survey on Instructional Materials Motivation Survey revealed that Relevance was the most highly rated motivational factor among students who used the IULS, suggesting that students were motivated to use the IULS. Thus, we believe that a liberal arts education supplemented with the IULS yields a significant learning advantage for students by improving overall learning performance and motivation.  相似文献   


The aim of education is to ensure a holistic development towards knowledge and well-being. Despite exhaustive effort on embedding twenty-first century skills in science teaching, students show lack of interest to learn and pursue their science careers. This present study has attempted to develop an instrument for measuring attitude towards science learning. The purpose was to ensure valid items were identified to measure all aspects of attitude namely affect, behaviour and cognitive. The study of attitude in science will determine the direction on how teaching strategies can be successful in promoting interest in learning. The study has been underpinned from the theories related to Theory of Reasoned Action, Constructivist learning and Connectivism. Samples from three secondary schools were selected based on proportionate stratified random sampling. 350 samples were targeted to respond to self-constructed questionnaires. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was employed to prove the hypothesised 5-factor measurement model. The results have supported a model fit with positive interactions between the factors are evident. The study has proven the theoretical contributions which embark on holistic development of an individual to ensure attitude is moulded. The emotional and spiritual aspects of learning are needed to ensure positive contribution to the social dynamic. In this paper, the discussions are elaborated from the standpoints of theories and practical importance. The results have contributed to a theoretical model of science teaching method.  相似文献   

In contrast to a burgeoning literature examining the experience and management of children's start to school, much less is known about school readiness in rural Ireland. On this premise, a questionnaire survey was designed to explore the views of parents (n=145) on their child's preschool experiences and readiness for school. Due to a paucity of preschool provision in rural areas, attendance was mainly on a sessional basis with a small number having full weekly attendance and others no preschool experience. In consequence, a considerable number of children start school at four years of age, two years below the compulsory starting age. On reflection, almost one-third of the parents in this study believe their child was too young for school. An important feature of this research is the inclusion of young children (n=22) between four and six years of age in their first year at school. Although the children anticipated differences between preschool and school, the majority found it difficult to adapt to having fewer toys and play opportunities and to the formal curriculum which characterises teaching and learning in infant classes. Zeitgeist and global and national economic factors inform the interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined on the sociocultural environment and personal experiences of children from a rural Mexican escuela unitaria (one-room, one-teacher school), because many of our immigrant children come to the US from rural Mexican communities. We present a portrait of everyday school life in which students assume responsibility: (a) for oneself, (b) to classmates, (c) for making decisions related to curriculum, and (d) to family and community. The findings have implications for challenging teacher beliefs about culturally diverse students and for supporting educational professionals in developing more culturally responsive teaching.  相似文献   


Teacher professional learning is shaped by multiple contexts in a complex way. Previous studies mainly focused on teacher learning in school-based contexts, and rarely explored how teachers learn across schools and in other situations. Adopting the framework of boundary crossing learning, this study examined the processes of teachers’ professional learning when they participated in Master Teacher Studios in mainland China. Through the qualitative case study approach, this study summarised four learning mechanisms: seeking common ground and reserving differences, growing through formal and informal coordination, exposing the gap and reflecting one’s limits, and transforming practices that incorporate one’s teaching ‘soul’. Further, intrapersonal, interpersonal and institutional factors that contribute to teacher learning as boundary crossing are discussed.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - Science education can be alienating for students, as it is apart from the mundane world with which they are familiar. Science education research has...  相似文献   


School–university partnerships also known as professional development school (PDS) partnerships provide potential for universities and schools to establish partnerships that can benefit university faculty, school teachers, university students, and school students. This study examines the impact of a PDS partnership in which the author served as a school-based mathematics coach for two years in a high-need elementary school. Data sources included interviews, surveys, and field notes from classroom observations. Inductive qualitative analyses which were situated in a multi-level framework for researching professional development found that teachers posed more cognitively demanding mathematical tasks and high-level questions in year two compared to year one of this project. Further, student achievement was noted on both state-wide and district-created assessments. Also teachers reported that the school-based approach to professional development led to some teachers taking on more informal leadership roles to support their colleagues’ mathematics instruction. Implications for school-based learning opportunities across the world include the need to establish specific university–school partnerships, and carefully designing research studies to examine the impact of these learning opportunities.  相似文献   

This first article of the special issue presents theoretical and methodological considerations about longitudinally investigating curricular effects on the teaching and learning of mathematics in a cultural context. In particular, in this article, we discuss seven issues related to the investigation of curricular effects on the teaching and learning of mathematics: (1) the need to investigate longitudinally the effects of curriculum, (2) the nature of the reform and non-reform curricula, (3) multiple representations of curriculum use, (4) assessment of classroom instruction, (5) student diversity and achievement gaps, (6) multiple measures of student mathematics achievement, and (7) multi-level analysis of student achievement data. This article not only serves as an introduction to the special issue, but most importantly, also provides a theoretical and methodological context for the two longitudinal projects.  相似文献   

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