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As part of the general ‘greening’ of prisons in the last decade of neoliberalization and the formation of institutionalized programs to provide science and environmental education opportunities for the incarcerated, the Sustainability in Prisons Project (SPP), a partnership between Evergreen State College and the Washington State Department of Corrections, has become the most vibrant partnership in the US to mesh the cultures and institutions of environmental science and corrections. Drawing attention to the SPP’s anchoring mission, which is ‘to bring science and nature into prisons,’ this article looks at environmental science education in the contemporary prison in light of recent discussions of neoliberal science and ecobiopolitical theory, with the final aim of developing what amounts to a carceral political ecology of environmental education amid an ever expanding neoliberal penal State.  相似文献   

教学本体论研究是教学论学科发展新的生长点,其实质是以教学实践为中介的人与社会关系的本体追寻,只有准确地把握教学本体论研究的范畴与取向,才能有的放矢地推动教学理论和实践的前进。  相似文献   

In response to Richardson Bruna’s “Mexican immigrant transnational social capital and class transformation: examining the role of peer mediation in insurgent science”, this paper draws on the author’s research on organizing, mobilization and knowledge production among adult im/migrant workers in Canada. While appreciative of the content and concerns of Richardson Bruna’s argument, the paper argues for a clearer position on tensions between agency and structure, and class and capitalist social relations in which to contextualize the schooling of immigrant children in today’s US classrooms. In addition, it explores some implications of Mignolo’s (2000) work on the geohistory of knowledge, notably his concept of ‘border thinking’ for teachers, teacher education, and curricula. Finally, the article suggests the potential of methodological frameworks and approaches of institutional ethnography (Smith 1987), political activist ethnography (Frampton et al. 2006) and global ethnography (Burawoy 2000) to inform research into this field.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, Latin American universities have experienced intense pressure to abandon the main principles established in the 1918 Córdoba Reform (i.e., autonomy and autarchy). While funding for public higher education has declined, they are pressured to relinquish a large portion of institutional autonomy in order to accommodate to market demands and to a new set of control strategies emanating from the state.We argue that current changes in Latin American higher education cannot be examined in isolation from larger political and economic changes in the region, which in turn are related to the dynamics of globalization. After the decline of socialist and welfare-state models, neoliberal regimes have become hegemonic in many parts of the world. In most countries, changes in financial arrangements, coupled with accountability mechanisms, have forced universities to reconsider their social missions, academic priorities and organizational structures. Concerns about equity, accessibility, autonomy or the contribution of higher education to social transformation, which were prevalent during previous decades, have been overshadowed by concerns about excellence, efficiency, expenditures and rates of return. The notion that higher education is primarily a citizens right and a social investment – which has been taken for granted for many decades – is being seriously challenged by a neoliberal agenda that places extreme faith in the market.Though we focus on the international dimension of university change, it is important to note that global trends are promoted, resisted and negotiated differently in each national context and in each individual institution. In the emerging knowledge-based society, the polarization between North and South is expected to increase even further if the scientific and technological gaps are not narrowed. Latin American universities have a crucial role to play in this regard. The paper is organized in two parts. The first describes the context of university change, focusing on issues of globalization and neoliberalism. The second examines the main features of university restructuring in comparative perspective, with a particular focus on Latin America.  相似文献   

随着新课改的推进,英语已然成为学生在义务教育阶段学习的重要学科,传统的方法时代的英语教学法将逐渐被后方法时代下的主流教学法所取代。  相似文献   

In this study the possibility that variations in the nature and extent to which individual students interact with the teacher may, in fact, produce unintentional consequences is examined. A battery of tests measuring pupil cognitive, motivational, and personality characteristics was administered to 150 students in four classes prior to instruction. The nature and frequency of each student's interaction in a sample of five lessons was then determined. Canonical analysis was used to determine how these antecedent pupil characteristics and communication pattern variables were related to science achievement, attitudes towards science and socio-metric measures. Four independent relationships were found and appear to represent “syndromes” some of which lead to undesirable consequences if allowed to run their full course.  相似文献   

Experiments in science and science teaching   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):305-323

The paper debates the challenges of university teaching in the era of managerialism. It teases out current institutional reconfigurations, and argues that challenges of teaching and learning are integral to the university as a complex institution in the era of supercomplexity. It argues that the university should shed its ‘ivory tower’ mentality, acknowledge that its future legitimacy depends on its willingness to negotiate processes and procedures with its community, of which it is itself a constitutive part. The paper questions the relevance of the lecture as a pedagogical practice in this era of supercomplexity; it argues that the lecture is dead and should be replaced. It advocates Socratic questioning to create epistemological and ontological disturbance in the students. Socratic questioning is characterised by a relentless self-examination and critique, an endless quest for intellectual integrity and moral consistency, manifest in fearless speech that unsettles, unnerves, and unhouses people from their uncritical sleepwalking.  相似文献   

近年来我国高校不断扩大招生规模,越来越多的学生能够有机会进入大学进行新一轮的学习,大量学生的涌入给高校教学管理带来了新的挑战,笔者对存在于当前高校教学管理中的问题进行分析解读,并对高校在新一时期的教学改革与发展趋势进行了研究,希望能为高校教学提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

Summary Definitions, I have suggested, have both a function and a form. The function pursued and the form used should depend on the situation and on the term being defined. In the situation described at the outset, Mr. Beta should probably have seen to it that a stipulation of some sort was given-just in order to get on with the task at hand. The stipulation might have been based upon a true reported definition-or it might not-depending on political considerations and the linguistic flexibility of the people concerned. Since no one involved could plausibly have been trying to embody a program in a definition of dough, a programmatic definition was not appropriate in that situation.Several different forms for a definition of dough might reasonably have been used, but in this case the old reliable classification form was probably best, because of its completeness, neatness, and brevity. Two reasonable alternatives are the equivalent-expression form and the range form. The synonym, example-nonexample, and operational forms were probably not appropriate.My main point is that there is not just one way to define. I hope that my delineation of some major possibilities and variations will help those who read this article to be flexible in handling problems of definition when they arise; and they arise more often than most people realize.An ealier draft of this article was presented at a colloquium at the University of Illinois in honor of Professor B. Othanel Smith at his retirement.  相似文献   


In an attempt to provide school science students with an appreciation and understanding of the work of scientists and the nature of scientific discovery, a project called ‘The Scientists’ was set up. The project is concerned with the development of curriculum materials which include biographies of scientists, instruction manuals and materials for carrying out experiments. The scope and nature of this project are briefly described.  相似文献   

通过对数字化时代的特征的阐述,以及对当前中学数学教育现状的分析,指出现行教学方式的利弊,结合2l世纪教宰化时代特征及教育学、心理学理论,初步探讨了21世纪数字化时代中学数学教育的几种方式。  相似文献   

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