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This study explores the relationship between state financial aid policies and postsecondary enrollment for high school graduates (or equivalent diploma holders). Utilizing an event history modeling for a nationally representative sample from the National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS:88/2000) in addition to state-level policy variables, this study examined how state aid policies differentially affect students’ postsecondary enrollment choices depending on their family income and race/ethnicity between the years 1992 through 2000. The findings demonstrate that there is a clear and consistent gap in college enrollment for students who are from different income and race/ethnic groups, and that changes in state financial aid policy are significantly related with the type of institutions a student attends across income and racial groups. The study findings have important implications for state aid policy as well as future research on the role of public financial aid policy in college choice of students from different income and racial/ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Using national survey data and discrete-time logit modeling, this research seeks to understand whether student aid mediates the relationship between parental income and student dropout behavior. Our analysis confirms that there is a gap in dropout rates for low-income students compared with their upper income peers, and suggests that some types of aid are associated with lower risks of dropout. Thus, we examine the interaction between financial aid type and parental income to explore whether, and if so how, different types of aid may reduce the dropout gap by income level group. We find that the receipt of a Pell grant is related to narrowing the dropout gap between students from low- and middle-income groups, although overall the interaction between Pell grant and income is not significant. Loans and work-study aid both have similar effects on student dropout across all income groups. Methodologically, our results demonstrate the need to model dropout behavior temporally and to avoid main-effect bias by incorporating interaction effects.
Stephen L. DesJardinsEmail:

This study analyzed the impact of specific types of financial aid on students' college choice, with particular focus on racial differences. For overall student populations, the receipt of grants or a combination of grants with loans had a positive impact on attending first choice institutions. In contrast, having loans only had no significant impact. Going one step further, distinct patterns were found in the effects of financial aid on college choice by racial groups. White students were more likely to attend their first-choice institutions if they received grants or a combination of grants with loans. Asian American students were strongly influenced by having loans or a combination of grants with loans when they decided to attend their first choice of colleges. In contrast, college choices of Latino and African American students were not influenced by financial aid. Implications of the findings for financial aid policy are indicated and future research on the topics recommended.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the college application behaviors of students from various racial/ethnic groups in order to understand differences in access and college choice. Student characteristics, predispositions, academic abilities, and income levels were taken into account in our analyses. We analyzed data from the National Education Longitudinal Study (NELS) and the Beginning Postsecondary Student Longitudinal Study (BPS) and found significant group differences in preparation behaviors, college application behavior (number of colleges to which students applied), and attendance at their first choice of institution. The results of this study call attention to the need for campuses to evaluate the potential effects of policy decisions that may impact student choice for different populations of students.  相似文献   

Research in Higher Education - As tuition becomes a more prominent tool to address financial challenges of colleges and universities, it is critically important to examine the implications of...  相似文献   

完善研究生资助体系是研究生培养机制改革的一个重要议题。依据成本分担理论,对于不同收益属性的教育应当实施不同的成本分担策略,对于公共收益高私人收益低的教育类型应提供更多的公共资助。本文使用北京大学教育学院2008年首都高校学生发展问卷调查数据,对不同专业在研究生资助分配上的差异性进行了实证研究,并从教育收益的角度对资助分配的合理性予以探讨和分析。研究发现,奖助学金等来自政府和学校层次的经费没有倾向于公共收益高私人收益低的专业,助教、助管和助研资助在专业间的分布基本合理但数额有限。有些公共收益较私人收益高的专业,其研究生教育的净价格反而较高。最后,本文提出应改进研究生资助结构,形成专业差异化资助体系。  相似文献   

The process of Latino self-identification, both racially and ethnically, is of limited conversation among educators. The research on Latinos focuses on either their ethnic construction or absence of including a racial identification. This article focuses on the span of research about ethnicity and race for Latino groups.  相似文献   

助学贷款制度与贫困生资助体系研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
高校贫困生不断增加的状况,要求进一步完善助学贷款制度和贫困生资助体系。国家助学贷款作为助学的主渠道,具有自身特点,但在制度上仍存在缺陷,必须完善相关制度设计,使其更符合我国国情。同时,要构建政府、高校、银行、社会资助贫困生的立体体系,发挥助学贷款和高校资助体系的良好效用。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - Policymakers, conceptualized here as principals, disagree as to whether US student performance has changed over the past half century. To inform...  相似文献   

高校学生资助法治化是依法治教和依法治校的基本要求,而完备的法律规范是高校学生资助法治化的前提。相对于高校学生资助实践,高校学生资助理论研究和法律制度供给明显滞后,其中,资助法律属性有待厘清,资助管理机构、资助资金管理、资助信息管理、资助评审机制、资助程序和监管责任亟需依法规范。在厘清高校学生资助的行政给付性质基础上,应当确立教育公平、隐私保护和资助育人的法治化理念,构建高校学生资助的实体规范和程序规范,建立高校学生资助监督和纠纷解决机制,推进依法资助,进而实现资助资源合理配置和教育公平的目标。  相似文献   

英国高校改革:学生资助与教育参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国工党上台后,奉行第三条道路的政治纲领.在高等教育领域,政府一方面延续了新自由主义的市场化政策,对大学生资助方式进行改革,进一步革除福利社会的弊端;另一方面又通过政府的管制,化解市场化造成的不良后果,扩大社会各界对高等教育的参与.本文从学生资助方式的改革和高等教育参与面的扩大两个方面介绍了英国高等教育改革的最新动向和措施.  相似文献   

德国高等教育学生资助工作体系是助推其高等教育高质量发展的重要基石。德国政府为确保教育公平,形成了具有资助环境法制化、资助体系多元化和资助督查规范化等鲜明特色的高校学生资助工作体系,为实现高等教育公平提供多维支持。我国高等教育学生资助工作也有其特定产生的根源和突出特点,通过对中德高等教育学生资助工作体系进行客观的比较分析,并在"国际理解"的基础上提出了合理性建议,即从健全法制与细化职责建立长效机制、扩大投入与多方共助提升帮扶实效、科学认定与严格监督推动教育公平、工具理性与价值理性相统一完善育人功能等方面,优化我国高等教育学生资助体系,提升学生资助工作成效。  相似文献   

美国大学生资助需求公式及对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国大学生资助需求公式是上世纪中期发展起来的,用于判断一个大学生是否需要资助,需要资助的金额是多少。其理论基础是高等教育成本需要家庭和社会共同分担,维护高等教育公平。其基本结构是学生入学成本减去家庭预期贡献。公式的核心内容是计算大学生家庭可以用于高等教育的资金。美国大学生资助需求公式可以为建立中国大学生资助需求公式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高等教育入学和大学生学业成功是当今美国高等教育面临的两个富有挑战性的问题,具有重要的政策意义。大学生财政资助是美国促进高等教育入学和大学学业成功的主要机制之一。本文旨在对美国当今高等教育的大学生财政资助政策及其对高等教育入学和大学学业成功的影响进行综述, 并简要探讨相关内容对中国的高等教育财政资助政策及研究的启示。  相似文献   

学生资助和高等教育机会均等--对中日美3国的比较分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界各国的高等教育规模在不断扩大,但是低收入阶层的教育机会未必在同步增长,他们需要政府的资助。另一方面,教育规模的扩大又严重压迫着财政支出。各国都处在解决机会均等和财政负担的困境中。本文将讨论学生资助的相关理论,比较多样的资助制度,从中获得启示。  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to evaluate the effect of crime and discipline on graduation rates in higher education. Using national data on more than 1250 public and private non-profit institutions that were drawn from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, the results reveal that more violence on and around campus is associated with lower 4-year graduation rates, whereas higher rates of disciplinary actions regarding alcohol, drugs, and weapons are associated with higher graduation rates. Furthermore, the findings suggest that utilizing the student conduct system rather than the criminal justice system to address minor offenses is more likely to lead to student success. This study contributes to the growing literature on college effectiveness and the influence of institutional structures and organizational policies on student achievement. The results of this study suggest that violent crime, institutional conduct systems, and campus police departments warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

利用北京大学教育学院“首都高校学生发展监测项目——研究生组”2010年的问卷调查数据,在构建研究生资助对学生学业成就影响机制理论框架的基础上,引入结构方程模型,对研究生资助与学业成就的关系进行了定量实证研究,研究结果表明:研究生培养机制改革后,仍有近40%的研究生表示所获资助不充足,对资助政策不满意,且研究生资助对学生学业成就产生直接和间接影响,间接影响主要通过影响院校满意度和学习科研时间投入实现的.这表明研究生资助可以激发学生的学业科研积极性,最终提高学业成就.  相似文献   

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