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荣获“国家级非物质文化遗产项目:花茶制作技艺(吴裕泰茉莉花茶制作技艺)代表性传承人”认证的孙丹威女士表示:“《茉莉花》的歌已是世界的歌,现在我们要让‘茉莉花茶’走出国门,成为世界的茶!”  相似文献   

Aiming at commending overseas Chinese,foreign friends and public figures of China who have made huge contribution to the dissemination of Chinese culture, the award ceremony of “China Light: Persons of the Year 2013 in Disseminating Chinese Culture”, jointly hosted by the Ministry of Culture, the Information Office of the State Council, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and others, was held in Beijing on December 20, 2013. Senior officials fTom these host departments attended the ceremony and presented the awards to ten individuals and one group.  相似文献   

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival for the Chinese people.
With the increase of Ch'ina's overall strength, more and more people from different countries and with different skin colors are attracted by the joyful atmosphere and unique traditions of the Spring Festival. While experiencing and enjoying the charm of Chinese culture, they can get the cultural conception of the Spring Festival, which is "Happy, Harmony and Sharing".  相似文献   

王唐等到姚芳从公司出来。上我的车吧?王唐指了指停在路边的出租车。王唐模仿着服务生打了一个手势。姚芳马上警觉起来,她有时也打出租,却从没有见过这么古怪的人。姚芳几乎没看王唐,目不斜视就走。走了一程看着那人又跟上来了,姚芳本能地用手臂夹紧了坤包。姚芳,我叫王唐。王唐追上两步做自我介绍。姚芳这次很认真地把王唐看完一遍,看完后说,我不认识你!不认识我?这怎么可能!我是杀人犯,警察局都挂了号的。你真的不认识我?我叫大王的王,唐朝的唐。  相似文献   

在浙中地域千姿百态的彩带编织品中,文字彩带是一种以连缀性的许愿祈福短语为题材的具有实用价值的传统织物,是一种传递妇女家国意识的思想承载物。它起源于南宋,明清时代已广为盛行,20世纪初直至80年代则走向巅峰。其语言简洁含蓄,笔画工细娟秀,寓意吉祥喜庆,图案或花边衬托恰到好处,雅俗共赏,满含意趣。它具有深厚的历史文化底蕴、较高的工艺审美价值,是浙中非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,堪称浙中文化民俗的一朵奇葩。  相似文献   

The January issue published htternational Sinologists Gathered in Beijing, which briefly introduced the academic profiles of the translators and scholars active in the international sinology field today and the synopsis of their speeches delivered at the Symposium on Sinologists and International Cultural Dialogue. This article allows readers to have a basic understanding of international sinologists. From this issue on, we will select some of their brilliant speeches to entertain readers.  相似文献   

"Every time we come here, we learn lots of things beyond textbooks." On December 20, 2013, sixth-graders from Beijing Shijia Primary School once again went to the National Museum of China to learn outside the school. With tours and lessons, the activity included "Explaining and Analyzing Characters", "Food and Utensils", "Dressing Manners" and "Painting, Calligraphy and Operas", sections that were particularly intriguing to the students.  相似文献   

贪杯好酒爱吃酒者,叫酒鬼酒仙,爱吃烟的,叫烟鬼,爱吃茶的,叫茶痴茶迷茶仙。唯有吃茶痴茶迷茶者,被看成雅士。好酒贪杯,喷云吐雾,人都显得俗气,唯有悠悠品一盏清茶,翻两页闲书,显得不俗。除了农家用糯米饭拌上酒曲、放进陶罐里酿的甜白酒,我基本不吃其它酒。我也从来不吃烟。我觉得,用烟锅或者水烟筒吃点旱烟,显得地道和高雅不俗一点。但是长期吃旱烟的人,身上经常散发着臭味,我也不喜欢。唯有吃茶的人,我喜欢。吃茶的人,飘溢出的是清苦高雅味道、飘逸洒脱之气,仙风道骨,令人喜欢。  相似文献   

曲菲 《寻根》2014,(1):131-133
牟平都姓为蒙古族后裔 牟平(《都氏族谱》中记载必里海是都姓的第一代蒙古先祖。清同治三年(1864年)重修《宁海州志》卷十一日:“必里海,海当元初,以功历迁至都达鲁花赤,兼管宁海州(今山东牟平)诸军奥鲁、劝农事。中统元年(1260年),海死,子孙袭其职,遂占籍牟平。焦志云,至今存姓日都,是其后也。”“抄儿,牟平人,海之子,袭本州达鲁花赤职。”“不老赤,牟平人,海之孙,袭本州达鲁花赤职。  相似文献   

When elegant images of Chinese porcelain and the huge character of "Cha", meaning "tea", were shown in the hi-tech scroll of Chinese ink painting at the opening gala of the Beijing Olympic Games, the global audience seemed overwhelmed by the brilliant history of Chinese ancient civilization as represented by the miraculous Silk Road through which tea and porcelain accounted for major exports of the Central Kingdom. Recognized as a symbol of Chinese culture, the art of tea has been demonstrated at the Olympic opening ceremony and in the Olympic Village for the first time in history.  相似文献   

Chinese tea is not merely a beverage variety but also bears rich cultural traditions. Like pastries associated with Chinese traditional festivals, Chinese tea embodies cultural elements that bring it with lingering charms and added values. The famous modem drama "Teahouse" is a perfect example. Perhaps because I was born and grew up in Beijing, I like reading literature about Beijing, in particular, litera .ry works by Lao She. He is one of the greatest writers in modern China who was born of a poor Manchurian family in Beijing. He worked and lived in UK and USA for nearly ten years and committed suicide in 1966 when the Cultural Revolution broke out.  相似文献   

Zhai Mo, Chinese contemporary artist, stunned the media in the early winter of 2006 when he announced in a press conference that he would embark on his maiden voyage around the world on a no-engine boat, the first of its kind for a Chinese. Zhai Mo's abstract painting exhibition "E000.00.000 N000.00.000" was displayed in Beijing later. And "Road to Civilizations: Global Tour to Explore World Civilizations", a large-scale 260episode TV documentary program, was officially launched w an unprecedented event jointly presented by CCTV, China News Documentary Film Studio, Center of Comparative Studies of World Civilizations under China Academy of Social Sciences and CCTV Media Group. 21 well-selected team members would drive seven SUVs to travel around 50-strong countries across the six continents within 500 days. Meanwhile, a global voyage would take place simultaneously.  相似文献   

樊如霞  王榕平 《寻根》2001,(2):92-96
中华茶化是自然化与人化的联姻,是以茶为核心的物质功能、社会风向、学艺术风韵的有机总汇。茶馆,以其各种特色,特别是以其社会性群众性功能的显目突出,成为中华茶化的纷彩杂花,享誉中外。  相似文献   

宋伯胤 《寻根》2005,(6):42-45
日本学问僧慈觉大师园仁在唐文宗开成三年(838年)随遣唐大使藤原常嗣一行“入唐求法”,历时9年7个月,于大中元年(847年)离开长安踏上归途。回国后,著有日记体裁《入唐求法巡礼行记》四卷,书中对他们一行抵达扬州府后,经淮安、登州、青州、淄州、齐州、德州、冀州、赵州、五台山、忻州、太原、绛州,由龙门渡过黄河,经朝邑到长安的沿途见闻,记述颇详。  相似文献   

茶圣陆羽与信阳茶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王中夷 《寻根》2009,(3):132-136
陆羽(733~804年),字鸿渐,是我国古代杰出的茶文化奠基人,因其著有世界第一部茶学专著——(《茶经》,被尊称为“茶圣”。据民间传说,陆羽在写《茶经》前,曾对申州义阳郡钟山县(今信阳市平桥区、泖河区一带)、光外黄头港(今光山县杏山、独山一带)、固始祁门山(今固始县段集乡齐山一带)等地的茶叶茶事做过考察。  相似文献   

熊海英 《寻根》2008,(5):44-47
饮茶之风在宋代盛行,上自宫廷贵族下到市井细民都喜欢茶饮,文人士大夫们则因之兴起一种高雅的集会方式,称为“茶会”。  相似文献   

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