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梁《律》、《令》的修订在南齐立法的基础上完成,实为齐、梁两代的立法成果。梁《律》、《令》以晋《律》、《令》为蓝本制成,但在篇目上有一些改制,有关内容也较晋《律》、《令》完备。梁《律》、《令》对陈、北周、隋、唐《律》、《令》都有重要影响,是隋、唐《律》、《令》的重要渊源,其中梁《令》是隋、唐《令》的主要渊源。梁《律》、《令》是汉、魏、晋《律》、《令》向隋、唐《律》、《令》发展过程中极为重要的环节。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Negativit?t und das Neue in John Deweys Theorie vom Lernen und der Demokratie — Für einen erneuten Blick auf Lernkulturen Die Rolle des Neuen in Lernprozessen bezieht sich auf die grundlegende Frage, wie Lernen überhaupt m?glich ist und wo es beginnt. In diesem Beitrag wird zun?chst John Deweys Lernkonzeption als Basis für die Analyse entwickelt. Dann wird die Beziehung zwischen Negativit?t und dem Neuen erarbeitet. Beim übergang vom Alten zum Neuen und vom Gewussten zum Ungewussten entstehen Verwirrungen und Schwierigkeiten, die in diesem Papier als Negativit?t im Lernprozess untersucht werden. Au?erdem vermittelt der Beitrag Einsichten in praktische p?dagogische Probleme, etwa bezüglich der Frage, wie Lehrer und andere Erzieher Lernprozesse f?rdern und wie Lernkulturen als besondere Lernumwelten Lehr-Lern-Prozesse unterstützen k?nnen.
Negativity and the new in John Dewey’s theory of learning and democracy Toward a renewed look at learning cultures
Summary The role of the New in learning processes relates to basic questions of how learning is possible, and where learning begins. Using John Dewey’s concept of learning as the basis for analysis, this inquiry looks into the relation between Negativity and the New and seeks to uncover the negativity in learning processes associated with the perplexities and difficulties which arise in the transitions from Old to New and Known to Unknown. Furthermore, it offers insight into practical pedagogical issues, such as how teachers and educators can support learning processes and how learning cultures, as particular environments for learning, can assist processes of teaching and learning.

This paper contests the proposal that learner-centred education (LCE) may simply be a western construct, irrelevant to the current educational needs of developing countries, by arguing that its specific forms will be more effective when introduced through small-scale institutional relationships than through large-scale contracts with national governments. LCE initiatives are more likely to impact successfully if their professional language has been ‘culturally translated’, a process which relates features of the surface level of an intervention to its underlying social relations of production as part of a dialogue which respects addressees not merely as listeners but also as active agents.  相似文献   

When a crime is committed and the culprit responsible for the crime is nabbed, the job of the investigators is not over. To convince the judge, they have to prove beyond doubt that it was the accused who committed the crime. Likewise, mathematical statements require proofs for their veracity to be established. Further, to make these statements precise we need to have a set of proper definitions. It was Euclid, who more than two thousand years ago, started this tradition when he bequeathed to the world his book entitled The Elements. This tradition has continued since then. Definitions, proofs besides axioms have become an inalienable part of mathematical lore. We owe all this to Euclid, one of the greatest pioneers of rigour and reasoning. In this article we discuss the work of Euclid.  相似文献   

Louisa May Alcott’s juvenile fiction is often focused on aspects of children’s lives that were also topics of reform in nineteenth century America. In Jack and Jill and Eight Cousins, Alcott presents an idealized picture of child-centered learning, building on three central principals: (1) Good teachers are sympathetic and understanding of children; (2) Every child needs to be healthy in order to learn; and (3) Children should be allowed to explore their world through self-directed, active learning. The ideal educational environment that she describes has much in common with the theories of John Dewey that would emerge some years later; using Dewey’s writings can give further insight into Alcott’s fiction. In this article, I argue that Alcott sees the world from the perspective of her young characters, and describes it in a way that simultaneously connects to her young readers and gives adults insight into the child’s world.  相似文献   

This article examines China's senior high ‘Thought and Politics’ (sixiang zhengzhi) texts, analyzing how these seek to legitimize the regime's developmental strategy. It is argued that their overriding emphasis on the strengthening of the state is premised upon the imperative of securing China's position within global order conceived in Darwinian terms. While the school curriculum cannot be seen simply as an instrument with which the party-state shapes and moulds popular consciousness at will, it is assumed here that it does play a significant role in the political socialisation of young people. ‘Thought and Politics’ serves as a benchmark of ideological correctness within what remains a highly centralised system of curriculum development. The article begins by briefly analyzing the shifts and continuities in China's developmental strategy, and of the roles assigned to education within that strategy. The importance traditionally attached to schooling's moralizing function is noted, as is the relatively elitist character of the audience for the ‘Thought and Politics’ course – senior high school students. After considering how and why a discourse of state-centred patriotism has become central to the Communist Party's efforts to legitimise its authority, the implications of the ‘Patriotic Education Campaign’ for the broader school curriculum are reviewed. The main discussion then focuses on the way in which the current texts for ‘Thought and Politics’ justify the national developmental strategy in terms derived from this patriotic discourse. Some potential implications of this combination of patriotic political socialisation with a highly labour-repressive developmental model, setting the case of China in comparative and historical context.  相似文献   

The two primary objectives of the present study were to (a) investigate mothers’ and fathers’ reports of their own as well as their partner's parenting styles, and (b) assess how mothers’ and fathers’ parenting styles uniquely and jointly predicted toddlers’ externalizing, internalizing, and adaptive behaviors. Fifty-nine mothers and fathers independently completed the Parenting Styles and Dimension Questionnaire (PDSQ; Robinson, Mandleco, Olsen, & Hart, 2001) and the Behavior Assessment Scale for Children-2 (BASC-2; Reynolds & Kamphaus, 2004). Parents’ self-reports of their parenting styles were positively correlated with each other for all three parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive). Comparisons between parents’ reports of their partner's styles with that of the partner's self-reports were positively and moderately correlated for all three parenting styles. Findings revealed mothers’ and fathers’ self-reported parenting styles explained 44% of the variance in youngsters’ externalizing behaviors. In particular, permissive parenting by mothers and authoritarian parenting by fathers uniquely and significantly predicted toddlers’ externalizing behaviors, while authoritative paternal parenting was predictive of adaptive behaviors.  相似文献   

我国最古老的情感表达是单纯直接的,即所谓的"显"。原始的情感没有完整的传承,只有形式被传承下去,从而使"兴象"系统的表达由"显"变成了一种"隐"。在对《春秋》情感表达上特别使用"晦"字。"隐"与"晦"的区别在于"隐"需要"本体",后发展为比喻。  相似文献   

This article presents parallel and collaborative research and teaching practices that expand approaches to encountering site through the lenses of observation and performative drawing. These drawing practices record phenomena, whilst in their presence, through a designed temporal framework. This asks the drawer to observe over a duration of time and to record the world in motion. By spending an extended period of time in the presence of the phenomenon of our study, with active receptivity, our capacity to see shifts. Rather than the drawn outcomes of this observation recording a past time, the notion of experiential time – and an expanded present – is embedded in the act of drawing. These processes of observation and performative drawing allude to Edmund Husserl’s expression of a ‘thickened present’. The outcomes of this drawing practice demonstrate that observational techniques are embodied, relational, temporal and generative and so offer an alternative approach to site analysis. How this approach sits within the larger domain of spatial temporal relationships and forms of drawing are also considered.  相似文献   

This paper will report on the findings from classroom observations and focus group discussions conducted on the topic of popularity and fitting in at school with girls and boys from four government secondary schools in Antigua. The findings show that whilst boys did experience difficulties negotiating academic success and acceptable masculinities, the consensus was that popularity was associated with low achievement for both girls and boys. However, there was evidence that some girls were able to work hard and maintain better peer relations than other high achieving students, but that this ‘balancing’ required conformity to hetero‐feminine norms as well as the espousal of rigid views about what girls can and can't do. This suggests that real equality is far from being reached.  相似文献   

本文从"新历史主义"理论的视角出发,分析英国十六世纪亨利八世统治时期广为流传的一首童谣《胡巴德大妈与小狗》中影射的历史事件与相关人物,通过对比相关史料和传记,找出文学创作和历史叙述之间的联系与差异,从中发现看似荒诞不经的童谣,其中隐含的信息比历史记载更能真实的反映现实,是对都铎时期政治斗争的曲折而真实的折射,体现了无权无势的大众话语对权力话语的颠覆和解构。  相似文献   

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