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20世纪60年代末70年代初,由高等教育扩张带来的教育成本增加的资助问题和公私立院校之间的竞争问题,引发了美国社会各界关于高等教育财政问题的一场大辩论.这场辩论围绕学费问题和政府的资助方式展开,以效率和公平为尺,以高等教育的成本和收益分配为论争基石,形成了激进改革派、温和改革派和维护低学费传统派三方主张.辩论过程中提出的一些新的资助理念,不仅挑战了当时的高等教育财政模式,而且在20世纪80年代以来逐渐彰显,发展为一种趋势.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,美国高等教育正值发展的黄金时期,但大学校园里却孕育着反叛的情绪,在越南战争和种族问题的激发下,大学生们用各种各样的反抗形式表达对美国社会政治、文化和教育体制的不满,学生运动推动了高等教育体制的改革,促进了校园里多元文化浪潮的兴起,也促使大学思考其自身与政府和社会的关系。  相似文献   

"60年代"在西方是一个特殊的词汇,它代表了一个特殊的时代.60年代在西方发生的包括学生运动在内的许多社会运动,都体现着60年代精神.因此要深刻理解这场学生运动,给它一个准确的历史定位,必须首先解读60年代.60年代,西方各国正处于从工业社会向发达工业社会,或称后工业社会推进的转折点.战后西方资本主义经济的高速增长,使资本主义社会单向度发展矛盾和问题更加突出.摆脱与资本主义经济发展不同步的社会的和文化的束缚,实现进一步的社会调整和文化变革,是整个社会完成转型的关键."60年代"举起个人主义和文化自由主义的旗帜,对以理性为基础的社会规范和社会权威进行批判.这些批判不仅引发了以青年学生为主体的文化变革运动,促进了社会的变革和文化的变迁,也催生了某些新的时代精神,70年代以降的一些社会思潮和社会运动在延伸和扩展着60年代.  相似文献   

美国哥伦比亚大学对中国近现代文化教育的发展产生了重大影响,而东南大学构成了哥大与中国教育文化交流的精彩一章.哥伦比亚大学不仅培养了东南大学的骨干教师,而且深刻影响了该校的办学理念和办学模武,从而使东南大学在中国近现代高等教育发展史上占有独特的地位.  相似文献   

从跨学科的文化研究这个角度论述了权力议题在年代西方文化研究领域的地位和作用,以及权力作为文化研究中心议题的逻辑和转向,并以消费主义、文学研究、民族身份、国际间的文化权力等作为研究案例,讨论了文化研究中的权力议题。权力议题是文化研究结合现实、批判现实的一个节点,理当发挥人文研究经世致用的功能。  相似文献   

从建国之日起,周恩来以决策人、指挥者、实践家三位一体的身份,同毛泽东一起,制定了新中国独立自主的和平外交政策,开创了一代外交新风。50年代初,我国外交战略是“一边倒”,在中苏结盟的基础上形成反美统一战线。周恩来处理同美苏两个大国关系的外交战略思想经历一个不断调整、变化和发展的过程。60年代未70年代初,中苏外交陷入僵局。晚年的周恩来致力于推动中美缓和,外交战略思想的提高是基于国际局势的变化和中国国家安全的选择。  相似文献   

20世纪六七十年代美国福利危机探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国公共福利制度成为公众与政界争议热点,始自20世纪六七十年代福利爆炸所引发的危机。1965-1975年间,美国公共福利支出和福利人口均出现大幅增长;其中,在增长速度和规模上,以女性单亲家庭为主要救济对象的对有未成年子女的家庭援助项目最为突出。黑人经济处境的恶化与政治影响力的扩大,是理解这次福利危机的关键。联邦政府、最高法院与民间福利团体在不同层面合力破除之前广泛存在的地方福利限制行为,刺激了公共福利的兴盛,是促成这一时期美国福利扩张的重要动力。  相似文献   

Few historical studies of government’s interest in student achievement exist and, of those that do, most concern themselves with relatively short periods of time, a decade or two in general. This discussion takes a longer view of measurement practices in one jurisdiction, British Columbia. Based on archival records, it examines testing and assessment developments in Canada’s westernmost province from the establishment of public education in 1872, to 1999, when narrow test‐based approaches to measuring achievement gave way to broader assessment practices based on formative, anecdotal, and portfolio reporting strategies. The study illustrates that government’s interest in measuring student achievement – and thereby demonstrating public accountability for educational expenditures – is anything but new and may be traced in an unbroken line of concern that stretches back to the Victorian Era and to the earliest days of public schooling in the province.  相似文献   

冷战以来中美之间长期存在的敌视和猜忌使美国政府认定,中国拥有核武器会对其国家安全和全球战略利益构成巨大威胁。对美国政府解密外交档案的研究表明,尽管美国对中国发展核能力的对策制定一直受冷战格局和意识形态等诸多因素的羁绊,但最终仍完成了从敌视到承认的政策转变,体现出随着国际形势的变化美国在核政策上不得不转而采取较为现实和灵活的态度。  相似文献   

This paper attempts an account and evaluation of the historical development of psychology of education in the 1960s in the UK. It contributes to both the history of the academic discipline of educational studies and to the history of higher education. Progress of the subject is introduced in the general context of university developments and the research environment of educational studies and then examines the growth of research and scholarship in psychology of education through an assessment of the contributions of individual psychologists, including the inheritance from pre‐1960s scholars, an analysis of the authorship of papers in the British Journal of Educational Psychology, and case studies of selected university centres of research excellence. A brief discussion of external research funding is followed by a consideration of advanced course development and the provision of suitable textbooks. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

This paper considers African-American student protests in secondary schools during the 1960s and early 1970s. Taking a national perspective, it charts a growing sense of independence and militancy among black students as they made the schools a focal point of activism. Activist students challenged established civil rights organisations on a variety of questions. They also engaged in an escalating series of protest activities to make schools change. Much of this focused on curricular change, particularly adding black history courses and hiring African-American teachers and principals. Generally, these protests proved quite successful. Black students also protested against conditions encountered in integrated schools, where they often met hostility from whites. Distinct regional patterns characterised such activities, with more protest over school issues in the North and greater conflict regarding desegregation in the South. By the mid-1970s the era of black secondary student protest concluded, although its legacy continues to live.  相似文献   

This article documents the decline of 1960s-style student protest, but argues that activism is far from dead on American campuses in the 1970s. The authors find that there is a new mood in America that is reflected in current student political activity and from which have emerged new forms of student activism. The analysis suggests that as student character and mood change, so do the forms of activism students employ. The implications of this conclusion are significant in terms of evaluating past research and setting a future agenda for research on student activism.  相似文献   

随着高等教育评估理论和实践的深入发展,学生就读经验成为高校内部教学质量保障中的研究热点。美国加州大学"研究型大学学生就读经验"项目的内容和形式、管理和发展、效用和特点为对我国开展研究型大学学生就读经验评估具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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