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论文讨论三个问题:一是回溯素质教育的发展历史。把它划分为酝酿萌发、初步实施、全面实施和内涵发展等四个阶段。二是总结素质教育的主要成就是:揭示了教育真谛,取得了基本共识,形成了五条教育理论,创造了八大教育模式。三是思考素质教育的未来发展。认为采取内涵发展与外观发展匹配、内部动力与全面协调结合、科学精神与人文精神统一、独立自主与借鉴外国并重等手段,可以推进素质教育的积极发展。  相似文献   

艾沃·古德森对教育变革中出现的各种模式进行了理论探讨,指出国家的学校体系是世界变革力量的折射镜,理解这种社会折射过程,才能发展出一套变革的理论,才能对学校教育保持高度的灵敏度。20世纪70年代后期之前,内生变革理论一直是变革理论的关键,这一理论关注那些被教育工作者群体用以发起和促进变革的各种资源,而此后,变革理论的关注点开始转向分析并历史地比较不断变化的变革的各种条件,对外生关联和内生因素之间不断变动的平衡做出解释,从而发展出教育变革的"外生关系"模式。教育变革的两难困境只能在具体的地方情境中被理解。英国的案例表明,教育变革对"老的专业人员"之职业精神的攻击,导致了共同记忆的丧失、导师的流失、教师队伍的稳定等方面的问题。  相似文献   

关于社会教育的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会教育是教育领域内一个不容忽视的课题 ,应该和学校教育一样并存并重。然而长期以来人们却忽视对社会教育的研究与落实 ,以致于在社会实践和教育实践领域内出现了许多问题与矛盾。从社会教育的历史来看 ,办教育不能重学校而轻教化 ,厚人才而薄民心。应重新给社会教育定位 ,发展社会教育的理论与事业。  相似文献   

The essay examines the state of the American Educational Studies Association and Social Foundations of Education through the lenses of auto-ethnography and critical reflection. A discussion of the relevance of the AESA and social foundations in the context of transformative education for scholars from marginalized communities is central to the thesis. AESA is situated in the context of the transnational politics of inclusion/exclusion in the United States. The author supports a transnational hemispheric approach to social foundations for the American Educational Studies Association.  相似文献   

李鹏 《江苏高教》2021,(1):110-115
职业教育管理嵌入在国家治理体系和社会网络结构之中,这种“双重嵌入”决定了职业教育管理的制度演化是从外到内的嵌入式变革。在历史上,中国职业教育管理制度在国家经济形势、社会矛盾和政策文件的推动下经过了四次嵌入式变革。但是,由于路径依赖、意识形态等多种原因,中国职业教育管理在组织架构、主体参与、权责匹配、运行机制和技术工具等方面都存在着严重的现实问题。因此,在新时代,中国职业教育管理需要嵌入在新的制度体系中,根据职业教育的类型特征和时代要求进行深度变革。  相似文献   

Throughout the nineteenth century, determining the best ways of improving popular education was seen by contemporaries as crucial to the future of national societies. From the beginning of the French Revolution, the issue of educational reform played a central role in the debate on public services and on the way in which the state could serve the general interest without abusing its powers. Thus, it offers historians an opportunity to shed light, by comparative means, on the relationship between law and habit, government decision and social demand, popular claims and the interests of the ruling classes. This article successively focuses on three problems arising from the original function played by this issue throughout the nineteenth century. First, attention is drawn to its links with new conceptions of the role played by the state, which monitors education, acts on the educational system and controls the use of the freedom that is a necessary condition of progress, in this field as in others. The commonplace view is that the state thought it preferable for the masses to be inculcated with moral standards rather than knowledge, as morality was seen as a better safeguard against the threat of revolution; however, this view requires critical examination. Eventually, as the ‘imperial societies’ gained in vigour and influence, the Nation was increasingly regarded as a sacred ideal, and the state, which, in theory at least, remained liberal, emerged as a more and more watchful organizer of teaching. From a comparative point of view, the debate in France aimed at little more than a compromise between authority and liberty, owing to the intransigence of the Catholic Church. The state seemed to fear that sharing its authority would weaken its legitimacy, diminish its capacity to maintain law and order, and, after 1870, limit its ability to defend the freedom of conscience. Conversely, in the United Kingdom, religious passions led political authorities to leave educational reform in the hands of private citizens and philanthropic institutions. The same comparative approach highlights the importance of two periods that appear as turning points: the 1830s and the 1870s. During the former decade, many countries, ranging from the United Kingdom to Greece, either created special government offices in charge of monitoring education or passed new legislation that provided a framework for government intervention. In the course of the latter decade, as Prussia's wealth made a deep impression, these and other governments launched reforms based on the Prussian model and sought to generalize school attendance. In the end, however, the autonomy and power of administrative authorities increased less than the share of the state budget devoted to education. It is legitimate to wonder whether these reforms reinforced the state's ascendancy over the individual mind and whether they can account for the passive acceptance by many citizens of various brands of propaganda in the course of the twentieth century. However, this article suggests that historians should not exaggerate the power of the school. Like that of other institutions, its action neither automatically nor comprehensively mirrors the legislator's intentions. Whereas laws and official regulations reflect a unified conception, variations in local dispositions account for a far greater degree of political and cultural diversity. Studying the history of education in nineteenth‐century Europe not only leads one to appreciate the distance between government intention and the manifold modes of popular resistance, but reveals the very diverse means by which the population at large was able to adapt official programmes to contradictory interests and aspirations.  相似文献   

大学历史教育是对青年一代开展爱国主义教育和道德教育的主阵地。通过历史教育,培养大学生正确的历史观和价值观,进而凝练、升华为更高层次的历史意识和宽容品质,在更深的层面上思索个人与社会的关系,理性地看待和理解人类的过去,加深对现实的审视和洞察,丰富对未来的企望和憧憬,从而增进对社会和民族的责任感和使命感。这不仅是当前历史教育的主旨,更是促进大学生全面健康发展的基本要求。  相似文献   

第八届教育技术国际论坛于2009年8月在徐州师范大学举行.本届论坛的主题是"信息化时代教育技术应用与创新".与会学者重点回顾我国教育技术学科发展30年的成就,总结我国基础教育信息化的经验.国外学者从新的视角审视教育信息化建设和开设教育发展面临的挑战.与会学者深入探讨了我国教育技术学科发展的规范化和多样化问题.  相似文献   

基于时代发展和课程改革大背景的中学历史学科育人价值及其实践,有必要从"立足基础定位看育人价值""立足时代发展看育人内容""立足人格养成看育人境界"三方面再作反思。应架构起课程目标与学科育人目标之间的关联,从而抬升"过程与方法""情感态度与价值观"两维目标的基础地位;必须立足于对历史本体的认识、立足于中学历史课程终极目标的认识,丰富、完善历史知识育人的内涵,从基于唯物史观的史学思想与方法层面,培养学生基于"求真"的证据意识、逻辑意识、批判意识和包容意识,以及建立在这些意识之上的国家意识、全球意识、人格意识和责任意识;应倡导以历史教师的人格魅力、身体力行,以及教学相长,作为提升中学历史学科育人境界的重要途径。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,民族高等教育先后经历"求同、完全否定、求同存异、求异求同、求异存同"5个时期,并逐渐走上了特色发展之路。民族高等教育特色发展存在系列障碍:受到一定社会历史环境的制约和影响;囿于传统文化教育模式而过于封闭;水平与层次相对较低等。为此,在未来特色发展的空间拓展上,民族高等教育实践主体需仔细斟酌民族高等教育特色发展的阶段性、层次性、开放性和整体性。  相似文献   

关于口述史的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪40年代,具有现代意义的口述史学在美国产生,六七十年代在欧洲和其他许多国家得到广泛利用。近年来,口述史越来越被中国大陆史学界所重视。口述史首先是一种研究方法,口述史学能否作为历史学一个分支学科尚待实践和研究。本文还探讨了口述史学在运用中应重视和关注的问题,并且总结了对口述史研究的初步体验。  相似文献   

大学生社会公德教育之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加强大学生社会公德教育既是提高大学生道德素质的迫切需要,也是发展先进.化的必要条件。加强大学生社会公德教育不仅要了解和掌握大学生社会公德的现状和原因,而且要努力探索大学生社会公德教育的有效途径和方法。  相似文献   

历史教育关系到一个民族的"综合国力"和"公民意识"。在激烈的经济竞争和综合国力竞争的时代,仍应重视历史教育的社会价值和教育价值的研究、美国、日本等发达国家中学历史教育的特点是:课程设置稳定、教学时间长、重视本国史和科技文化史的学习、注重历史教育同国情教育的有机结合。我们应从中得到启示,借鉴之所长。本文在历史教育研究和国情教育的教学方面提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

介绍四种现代教育评价理论,分析这些理论产生背后的社会动因。  相似文献   

外国教育史具有认识、借鉴与教育三大功能,它是教师教育课程的重要组成部分,对指导教育实践和教育改革具有重要价值。  相似文献   

关于建立高等职业教育社会评价制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等职业教育是直接面向社会办学的.为有效促进高等职业教育的长远发展及其办学水平的不断提升.必须建立以社会评价制度为主导的质量保障体系。特色质量观是建立高职社会评价制度的内在根据.社会评价在质量保障中的特殊作用是其客观要求。国外质量保障的经验是其重要参照。  相似文献   

本文主要总结了当前民族教育史研究取得的成就,分析了研究中存在的主要问题,对民族教育史研究的价值取向和可能路径进行了探讨,并提出了一些重要的民族教育史研究问题,以期对民族教育史的研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

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