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In this essay, Mordechai Gordon interprets Martin Buber's ideas on dialogue, presence, and especially his notion of embracing in an attempt to shed some light on Buber's understanding of listening. Gordon argues that in order to understand Buber's conception of listening, one needs to examine this concept in the context of his philosophy of dialogue. More specifically, his contention is that closely examining Buber's notion of embracing the other is critical to making sense of his conception of listening. Gordon's analysis suggests that, in Buber's model, listening involves a kind of active attentiveness to another's words or actions, engaging them as though they are directed specifically at us. Gordon's discussion of dialogue and listening also indicates that the relation between speaking and listening is one of reciprocity and mutual dependence and that listening plays an essential role in initiating many dialogues by creating a space in which two people can embrace each other as complete individuals.  相似文献   

柏拉图的对话体形式给后世哲学带来深刻影响。首先,关于对话体包含的辩证法给亚里士多德形式逻辑提供了一个最初的模式,并奠定了形式逻辑的基础。其次,对话体这种柏拉图特有的写作方式,也是苏格拉底特有的追求哲学的方式,只有存在于古代雅典时期的生活方式之下才有可能,而对这种特有的苏格拉底喜爱聊天的方式展开哲学辩论,让古希腊哲学成为了后期哲学发展的基础。  相似文献   

技能分化思想和口语先行观念容易导致教学方法的单一化,本文探讨了“忆读“的性质及其与听、说的变换关系,并以精读课教学为例,提出“忆读“作为一种教学方法,在促进听、说、读、写结合的教学中所具有的特点,说明了这种以“忆读“为主、以“听说“为辅的教学法在哲学、语言学、生理学和心理学上的理论依据.  相似文献   

This article reports on the English National Numeracy Strategy (NNS) and, in particular, on the way in which children aged from 8‐ to 11‐years‐old view ‘interactive whole class teaching’. A qualitative, grounded study of both teachers' and children's perceptions of interactive teaching was undertaken, making use of ‘video stimulated reflective dialogue’. The focus here is on children's views about the roles of talking and of listening. Hearing what children have to say in this respect helps to illuminate the norms, expectations and practices of classroom discourse, and its implications for teaching. I argue that there is often a lack of any coherent theoretical basis for teachers' practices in relation to whole class interaction and that this can lead to a tension in which talking and listening become less effective as a vehicle for learning than they might otherwise be.  相似文献   

学习效果受智力因素和非智力因素的共同作用,而非智力因素在一定程度上起着关键作用.过去人们对提高听说教学做了大量的研究和探讨,但大多着眼于智力层面上.本文试从哲学和心理学的角度出发,针对高职高专学生的特点,就如何发展学生的非智力因素提高他们的英语听说能力,提出自己的看法和体会.  相似文献   

The nature of critical thinking remains controversial. Some recent accounts have lost sight of its roots in the history of philosophy. This article discusses critical thinking in its historical and social contexts, and in particular, for its educational and political significance. The writings of Plato and Aristotle are still vital in considering what makes certain kinds of thinking and certain kinds of knowledge distinctive. But neither Plato nor Aristotle theorised critical thinking in its specificity, that is, by differentiating it from other kinds of thinking and by outlining its features. It was only with German Idealism, as part of the European Enlightenment, that philosophy achieved a level of self-reflection and engagement that broadened, deepened and made radical the logos of Socrates and Plato. In the encounter between Modern German and Ancient Greek philosophy we can see that there are different kinds of reason, the most politically and existentially significant of which runs through critical thinking, which we can only ever experience as critical dialogue. The logos of dialectical reason is uncompromising in its pursuit of truth and ‘the good life’, and as such, demands courage from those who pursue it.  相似文献   

我国教育哲学发展初期经历了"听着西方讲""照着西方讲"的历程,带来先进思想的同时造成中国教育哲学自我话语的隐匿。我们只有通过"自己讲"才能确立话语主体地位,实现中国教育哲学自我的觉醒。"自己讲"通过"讲自己"而实现,因此教育哲学中国话语体系的构建需要"自己讲"作为话语前提,还需要"讲自己"以构建话语的"中国范式"。但教育哲学中国话语不能局限于传统,也不能自说自话,要注意古今融通、中西融合,凸显出我国教育哲学研究的时代精神和国际视野,并能够在国际平台上与国际学界进行对话交流,在对话中得到国际的接受和认同。  相似文献   

This article intends to illuminate the educational significance of the rhetorical and humanistic tradition. This tradition exerted a great influence upon Western education in the past, but its significance has been largely overlooked by the current philosophy of education. This is probably owing to the centuries-old prejudice against rhetoric and “pedantry” espoused since Plato. Against such criticism, this article intends to defend the educational value of the rhetorical and humanistic tradition by retrieving three essential features as noted by its major theorists—Protagoras (ca. 490–420 B.C.), Cicero (106–43 B.C.), and Leonardo Bruni (1370–1444). These features include public spiritedness, a broader understanding of language, and multi-perspective knowledge. Protagoras, Cicero, and Bruni (each in their own historical context) criticized the closed attitude of philosophers toward monopolizing truth and stood in favor of the public sphere where important matters could be openly discussed. Second, they criticized the philosophical understanding of language as a mirror that represents truth and presented a wider understanding of language that considers the speaker–listener relationship. Third, they developed their concept of multi-perspective knowledge, which was opposed to the philosophical knowledge directed toward a special object, as seen in the Platonic Ideas. The re-evaluation of these three features is absolutely necessary if we wish to rescue the rhetorical and humanistic tradition from the blame of parochial chauvinism. By retrieving these features, the rhetorical and humanistic tradition can help to make contemporary education more publicly open (less closed to specialists), more sensitive to the power of language, and more appropriate within the multi-cultural and multi-lingual experience of the modern world.  相似文献   

听力不只是一种接受行为,它也包括心理和认知过程。听力理解过程是听者和说话人互动的过程。听力理解的最终目的是要获得话语的隐含意义。而Sperber和Wilson提出的关联理论将认知和语用结合起来,解释了话语的理解过程,显示出较强的解释力。本文试图在关联理论框架下探讨听力过程中如何获得话语的正确理解。  相似文献   

In an earlier article I drew a distinction between two general types of listening. In one the listener brings pre-determined categories to bear in extracting useful information from the speaker’s utterance. In the other the listener suspends such categories to hear as much as possible in the utterance. This distinction has been challenged by Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon. This article responds to her critique.
Leonard WaksEmail:

英语口语的作用与教学设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英语口语在提高语音、听力、单词记忆、表达能力、综合素质方面起着非常重要的作用。本文提出了英语课堂教学的几个设计方案,如:单词连缀、解释,以学生为中心的情景对话,课堂讨论,以及复述课文、口头作文、背诵等,以改变传统的“一言堂”教学模式和学生的“哑巴英语”。  相似文献   

辩证的原始意义即对话。实际教学过程中,教师、学生与实际生活间存在着教师与学生之间的“讲授-辩证(对话)”、学生与生活之间的“实践-辩证(对话)”、教师讲授的内容与生活之间的理论-实践-辩证(对话)这三种辩证即对话关系。此外,真正的“对话”还必须使基于倾听的对话双方处于一种对等的地位。在不断地“放出——收回”中,辩证法始终与现实生活保持着紧密的联系。  相似文献   

听力教学是一种技能的培养,在听、说、读、写四种技能中,听力是基础技能,它不仅是获取语言信息的主要途径,还是提高其他技能的基础。本文从多方面分析了影响大学英语听力教学的因素,有针对性地提出了一些关于改进英语听力教学的策略。  相似文献   

本文讨论了与师生言说有关的条件、倾听和权威三个问题。就条件来说,1、要讲究真实性,表现为维持着科学语言和生活语言之间的平衡;2、要讲究适当性,以课堂中不出现偶发事件为最宽原则;3、要具有真诚性,以教师视学生为“他人”作为原则;4、要具有可领会性,以可认知客体为言说中心。就倾听来说,教育现场中有“不倾听”、“不健全倾听”、“虚假倾听”、“拒绝倾听”、“批发式倾听”和“同情式倾听”等,这些都不是真正的倾听,而真正的倾听又是师生言说所必须的。就权威而言,主要是证明真正的权威不可回避。  相似文献   

有效的教师课堂反馈是对话教学顺利实施的重要保障。从根本而言,对话教学视域下的教师课堂反馈是一种新的提问,这是由对话教学的问题优先性与循环性所决定的。对话教学视域下的教师课堂反馈具有平等性、循环性、开放性以及情境性等特征。并从课堂反馈的目的、课堂话语环境、教师的倾听、教师的提问以及课堂反馈形式等五个方面提出了促进对话的教师课堂反馈策略。  相似文献   

从学习理论入手,着重阐述了电影听力教学的优点,并探讨了电影听力教学的实施。  相似文献   

“对话”是谈及柏拉图文论时永远避不开的一个重要话题,柏拉图把它提出来作为一种独立的文学形式,灵活地运用于学术讨论。柏拉图文艺对话的成因与柏拉图本人在“对话”中缺席的原因是多重的,既有浅层,又有深层,并且这种形式对后世产生了十分重要的影响,在当今社会具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article discusses two well‐known texts that respectively describe learning and teaching, drawn from the work of Freud and Plato. These texts are considered in psychoanalytic terms using a methodology drawn from the philosophy of Luce Irigaray. In particular the article addresses Irigaray's approach to the analysis of speech and utterance as a ‘cohesion between the source of the utterance and the utterance itself’ (Hass, 2000). I apply this approach to ask whether educational tradition has fractured the relationship between pedagogy and the body of the teacher/pupil. Teaching and learning are re‐addressed in ways that challenge the gender‐neutral representation of pedagogy as a systematic technique.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the relationship between information seeking and epistemic beliefs – beliefs about the source, structure, complexity and stability of knowledge – in the context of collaborative information-seeking discourses. They further suggest that both information seeking, and epistemic cognition research agendas, have suffered from a lack of attention to how information seeking as a collaborative activity is mediated by talk between partners – an area they seek to address in this article. A small-scale observational study using sociocultural discourse analysis was conducted with eight 11-year-old pupils who carried out search engine tasks in small groups. Qualitative and quantitative analysis were performed on their discussions using sociocultural discourse analytic techniques. Extracts of the dialogue are reported, informed by concordance analysis and quantitative coding of dialogue duration. The authors find that: (1) discourse which could be characterised as ‘epistemic’ is identifiable in student talk; (2) it is possible to identify talk which is more or less productive; and (3) epistemic talk is associated with positive learning outcomes.  相似文献   

试论教育思想表述的话语困境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从教育“是什么”到教育“该如何”的追问过程,也就是人类求真、求善、求美的过程。从这个意义上来说,在教育思想的表达过程中,一直就存在着呐喊与回应,交织着诉说与倾听。但是,在教育成为“公共话题”的今天,关于教育思想的话语却陷入了困境。明确话语主体(谁在言说)、言语的对象(向谁言说)和话语方式的选择(如何言说),是教育思想走向表达自觉的有效途径。  相似文献   

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