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随着人工智能时代人才竞争的加剧,K-12阶段计算思维的培养成为重要的抓手。其中,通过测评准确把握现阶段K-12实践开展情况可推动计算思维培养更具针对性。本文先从理论层面建构了包含培养内容、教学方式和测评方法三个维度的K-12计算思维培养框架;然后采用元分析法和内容分析法分析41个测评实践案例,揭示和讨论计算思维培养理论与实践之间的差距,展示未来可行的研究空间。分析结果表明,计算概念、计算实践、计算观念等计算思维培养内容在实践中都有体现,编程教学、跨学科课堂和独立学科三类教学形式也有一定的实践基础,题目测试法、编程测试法、作品分析法、调查法、图文分析法和观察访谈法等六种测评方式得到了使用和发展;但实践中仍存在培养内容不全面、教学形式相对单一以及多元评价意识不足等问题。文章最后提出全面掌握计算思维内容体系,关注空白研究维度,增加对非认知层面的关注,注重指标间的内部关联;尝试计算科学和编程教育范畴外的课程载体,增强个体发展的比重;研究各种测评方法的综合应用,加强对形成性评价的关注,以全面展现计算思维的发展。  相似文献   

<正>问题解决能力是未来从事信息技术学科教学不可或缺的学科素养之一,也是成为创新型人才的必备技能。对问题解决能力的传统测评多以标准化试题为主,评价学生问题解决的结果,却常常忽略了问题解决的过程以及思维变化过程。随着智能技术的发展,基于场景的测评得到越来越多研究者的关注,打开了教育测评的新视角,也使得学生能够在智能场景下获得更为沉浸的测评体验,通过采集过程数据能够更为直观地反映学生的认知变化。本研究以易点慧语音型智能互动课堂为例,对构设智能场景的教育技术师范生问题解决能力进行研究。  相似文献   

K-12表现性评价是美国ESSA法案的关注点之一。美国K-12表现性评价旨在测量学生的认知思维和推理技能,及其应用知识来解决现实和有意义的问题的能力,包括表现性任务评价、嵌入课堂式表现性评价、档案袋表现性评价、综合评价系统四种类型,具有聚焦深度学习和高阶技能、关注社会情感技能、为大学和职业做准备三方面特征。可以说,K-12表现性评价在基于核心素养的课程改革中具有不可替代的地位。  相似文献   

目前工程教育认证关注学生能力的达成,现行的学生能力达成评价方法在实践中存在诸多问题,评价方法仍有待进一步拓展。因此提出一种学生、教师和用人单位共同参与的学生能力达成评价方法,其基本过程包括:分解学生能力,得到能力指标及其权重值;确定多元评价主体的权重值;收集和分析学生能力达成评价数据,计算达成结果。此方法简单可行,有利于拓展学生能力达成评价的思路,也为学校教学评价提供一种思路。  相似文献   

计算思维作为学习者应对未来社会科技快速变革的必备能力,受到各国教育界的高度重视,并纷纷将其纳入国家课程标准,加大了相关教育投入力度。英国作为教育信息化较为发达的国家之一,较早关注到儿童计算思维的培养,并在计算思维教育方面取得不少实践与研究成果。文章梳理了英国在K-12阶段计算思维教育的政策与投入,介绍了英国的计算思维教育评价方式,并从课程标准、教材与跨学科教学等方面分析计算思维的教育实践。在此基础上,我国对K-12阶段的计算思维教育应积极整合校内外资源搭建计算思维教育平台,完善信息科技课程评价,重视教师培训,并在多学科中培养学生的计算思维。  相似文献   

本研究在分析智能教育、人工智能教育、教育人工智能等关键概念发展演进及内在关联的基础上,结合知识、能力与素养之间的内涵与关系,阐述了面向K-12教师的智能教育素养的概念及特征:智能教育素养是以创意为内核,教师基于知识、能力、思维、文化价值协同发展,借助教育人工智能技术促进创意设计、创意应用与创意生成的教学实践过程,体现内生性、关联性、持续性、创价性等特征.文章还以教师角色重塑为核心基点,以学习文化、社会活动文化、技术文化为境脉,构建了包含知识基础层、能力聚合层、思维支撑层、文化价值深化层的K-12教师智能教育素养结构模型,并阐明了各层结构中的核心构成要素,以期为提升教师智能教育素养提供引导,为开发智能教育素养测评工具提供理论依据.  相似文献   

人工智能逐步进驻人类生活并改变着人类的思维方式,计算思维因与时代背景高度契合而得到欧美国家的广泛关注,被认为和听、说、读、写、算一样,是每个人都必备的思维能力。通过对国内外计算思维缘起、定义、特征、框架、测评及教育实践应用等相关研究的综合分析,文章探究了目前国际计算思维研究的基本状况,发现计算思维已成为21世纪必备的心智素养,与抽象概括、问题分解、算法、分析建模、系统化(自动化)、数据实践、评估与改进等要素密切相关。此外,文章通过剖析典型的计算思维教育应用案例,发现在不使用计算机的前提下,适当的教学活动也可以有效促进学生对计算思维的理解和掌握。整个研究旨在促进教育研究者对计算思维进行深层次思考,为相关研究提供一些线索。  相似文献   

"科学能力计划"是美国罗格斯大学物理学与天文学教育研究小组在分析物理学科发展史、认知技能分类以及吸收相关科学教育工作者反馈意见的基础上提出学生经过物理课程学习后应具备的科学能力,构建了相应的测评框架用于测评学生的科学能力水平发展状况,采取形成性评价的方式让学生一同参与到评价之中从而提供给学生更多的学习机会,促进了学生科学能力的可持续发展。考察、分析这个计划,可以引发我们深入思考当下学业水平测评机制,对于建构符合我国实际的科学学科能力测评框架具有启迪价值。  相似文献   

计算思维现已成为数字化生存的核心能力之一,针对当前师范生计算思维测评工具匮乏等问题,研究以斯滕伯格成功智力理论、思维教学理论和国际上已开展的若干计算思维教学能力培训项目的经验为依据建构评价模型,以3所免费师范生培养院校的12个师范专业的1223名师范生为样本,借鉴心理学量表编制方法开发了基于教学胜任力的师范生计算思维评价量表.量表包含32个测量题目,涵盖问题界定与分析、问题认知与解决、教学策略与实施、教学兴趣与设计、创造力等5个维度.经复测验证,量表克隆巴赫系数为0.955,各拟合指标理想,表明量表具有良好的适用性和推广性,可作为我国师范生计算思维自我评价工具使用.  相似文献   

王珂  陈刚 《教育技术导刊》2020,19(7):257-261
教育工作者需要开发与计算思维应用场景相适应的评估工具和方法,以有效评判计算思维培养成效。根据已有计算思维评价研究,基于新版信息技术课程标准中的计算思维定义,结合信息技术学科核心素养要求,构建出能够有效指导评价开展的计算思维六维要素框架。结合 Scratch 编程教学介绍具体过程性和总结性评价工具或方法,并就我国 K-12 阶段计算思维评价工作提出注重思维应用多场景性和任务难度层次性、综合运用多种评价手段、与教育体系和培养实践相统一等建议。  相似文献   


This article provides an introduction for the special issue of the Journal of Science Education and Technology focused on computational thinking (CT) from a disciplinary perspective. The special issue connects earlier research on what K-12 students can learn and be able to do using CT with the CT skills and habits of mind needed to productively participate in professional CT-integrated STEM fields. In this context, the phrase “disciplinary perspective” simultaneously holds two meanings: it refers to and aims to make connections between established K-12 STEM subject areas (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and newer CT-integrated disciplines such as computational sciences. The special issue presents a framework for CT integration and includes articles that illuminate what CT looks like from a disciplinary perspective, the challenges inherent in integrating CT into K-12 STEM education, and new ways of measuring CT aligned more closely with disciplinary practices. The aim of this special issue is to offer research-based and practitioner-grounded insights into recent work in CT integration and provoke new ways of thinking about CT integration from researchers, practitioners, and research-practitioner partnerships.


Educational robotics are increasingly appearing in educational settings, being considered a useful supporting tool for the development of cognitive skills, including Computational Thinking (CT), for students of all ages. Meanwhile, there is an overwhelming argument that CT will be a fundamental skill needed for all individuals by the middle of the twenty-first century and thus, should be cultivated in the early school years, as part of the child’s analytical thinking and as a principal component of Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics (STEM) education. This study reviews published literature at the intersection of CT and educational robotics, particularly focused on the use of educational robotics for advancing students’ CT skills in K-12. The reviewed articles reveal initial evidence suggesting that educational robotics can foster students’ cognitive and social skills. The paper discusses specific areas for further inquiry by learning researchers and learning practitioners. Such inquiry should start from a widely agreed definition of CT and validated measurement instruments for its assessment. A practical framework for the development of CT via robotics is next in demand, so as instructional designers and educators can implement it consistently and at scale.  相似文献   

教育评价制度被列为素质教育的关键,可见其地位十分重要。教师对学生综合素质的评价,是学校管理的基本环节。因此,在中小学教学中,教师要重视对中小学生综合素质的评价,主要针对学生的发展状态与水平进行教育评价活动,这就要求教师需要通过各种渠道对中小学生素质各个方面进行教育认证的评价活动,以促进中小学生综合素质的提升。  相似文献   

The assessment of quality in higher education from the perspective of students has three dimensions: students’ assessment of teaching, students’ satisfaction and students’ learning engagement. These differ in conceptions of quality, evaluation methods, evaluation content, evaluation purposes, traits and priorities. The authors conducted three rounds of empirical investigations to study higher education quality assessment from students’ perspective and concluded that students play multiple roles in higher education evaluation and assessment, all of which can be improved by strengthening students’ objectivity and participation, evaluating the added value of a college education oriented to student development and taking the students’ perspective as an important way to contribute to higher education quality enhancement, assurance and control, and make proper use of higher education evaluations and assessments.  相似文献   

课程嵌入型表现性评定是当前基础教育新课程改革倡导的重要的学生学业评价方式.以335名初中一年级学生为被试,采用为期一学年的追踪实验研究方式,探索课程嵌入型表现性评定对数学自我效能的影响效果.研究结果表明,此方式对学生的数学自我效能的发展具有显著促进作用,主要体现在日常生活中数学任务的效能、数学相关课程的效能与数学学业问题解决效能等三方面,且随实验进程促进作用将不断增加.  相似文献   

As communities respond to challenges, threats and opportunities, organisations are changing in significant ways — new organisational designs, new communities of practice, new skills and new forms of human capital are sought. Yet K-12 school systems appear to be permanently failing organisations, not changing despite being shrouded by the rhetoric of change and entrapped in the competing expectations of different stakeholders. Using the idea of creative design and innovation as the cornerstone for learning and a focus on wicked problems for authentic audiences for the work of students and teachers, this article explores the opportunity of such a change and the barriers to enactment. Case examples are given of problem-based learning with design at the heart of the learning process and an analysis of schools as permanently failing organisations is provided. Since the human capital needs of the 21st century require different skills from those of the last century, this approach is seen as essential. It demands a transformation of our schools, not continuous improvement.  相似文献   

Among the current reform measures undertaken in Chinese K-12 education, to adopt New Curricula and to improve ICT application in teaching are both decisive, however, the lack of qualified trainers is handicapping the professional development of over 10 millions in-service teachers. One of eChina ~ UK projects in collaboration between universities from both sides is designed to develop virtual learning community (VLC) among in-service teachers and explore from pedagogic perspective how to conduct VLC. In accordance with reflective learning and collaborative learning, three online learning modules have been jointly created by Chinese and UK educational specialists, and one unit from each module has been piloted by a group of senior teachers. Through analyzing the processes of course design and pilot, supported by quantitative and qualitative research into the experiences of pilot participants, the paper identifies some core factors influencing the quality of VLC and suggests that more attention should be given to the interactive learning process within VLC rather than to create well-structured learning materials before hand. It has also analyzed VLC as a promising approach to support professional development of in-service teachers from the perspective of continuous improvement process. There is much to be researched into the approach of VLC.  相似文献   

香港高考实验评价改革:实地考察与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高考实验评价的改革是一项重要的课题。近些年来,香港地区在高考实验评价的改革方面取得了一些新的进展。其实验评价的架构基于建构主义学习的观点,强调学生学习的前概念和概念的变化,开发了一系列行之有效的评价工具。实验评价的运作具有一套科学可行的评价标准和系统规范的评估机制,如实行教师评核、将探究作为评价的长远目标以及迈向基于发展的学生评价等,对内地正在进行的学业评价都具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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