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借鉴朱迪斯·巴特勒的性别表演理论,从创作背景出发,分析了乔伊斯作品中的新女性,总结了乔伊斯笔下新女性独立、自由、勇于反抗的性别特征,揭示乔伊斯支持和欣赏独立女性的一面,从而加深对乔伊斯女性观和女性创作的理解。  相似文献   

严歌苓小说中的大量女性人物突破了传统意义上的女性性别特征,不仅契合了"双性同体"理论对于跨性别者的论说、更具有深厚的文化内涵。严歌苓通过立足性别而又超越性别的人物塑造方式和人性更先、更大于女性或男性性别划分的创作理念,表达出对"人性"主题的高度关注。  相似文献   

运用性别理论和社会领导分类理论,对中国女大学生的社会性别倾向,社会对于女性领导力的普遍认知,女性成为领导所面临的机遇与挑战以及女性在领导力方面的潜质进行了综合性的分析和研究,以期对女大学生领导力的培养带来启示。  相似文献   

朱迪斯·巴特勒的性别表演理论认为性别是由外在表演而产生的,主体是一系列的霸权话语下的表演性行为的结果,通过反复"重复"社会规范而建构,同时,通过颠覆性的操演,主体的本质和身份也有重新意指和改变的可能性。根据巴特勒的理论,本文分析了在《黑暗来临前的夏天》中性别表演对女主人公的约束和压迫,以及她通过对建立在异性文化话语霸权上的性别表演的抵抗而自我重构的过程。  相似文献   

艾丽丝.沃克在代表作《紫色》中塑造了男性化的女人和女性化的男人,有意模糊了男女性别差异,打破了明确的性别界限。朱迪斯.巴特勒的性别表演理论完美阐释了书中人物性别的建构与解构。人们通过对性别规范进行表演来建构自己的性别,又在不断重复的表演中解构了性别的稳定性而使性别处于开放过程之中,从而为主体提供了多种生存可能性。  相似文献   

莎士比亚的戏剧中常常出现女扮男装的现象。本文以《威尼斯商人》、《皆大欢喜》和《第十二夜》为主要分析对象,运用朱迪斯·巴特勒的性别角色扮演理论和弗吉尼亚·吴尔夫的双性同体思想,阐释了女扮男装显示出性别的表演性质,以及从一定程度上释放了女性潜在的男性气质,使两种性别气质在同一个人身上融合,具有超越单一性别气质的优越性。结语部分阐明女扮男装是一种增强喜剧性的表现手段,但同时也拓展了人们对女性的认识,为性别研究提供了无限可能。  相似文献   

国内选秀节目中一些选手展示出"女性中性化"与"男性女性化"的性别气质引发了公众激烈的讨论。这种争论一方面成为传统性别观念变迁的表征,另一方面也暗示着对非主流人群的性别歧视,而选手们在节目中的表演则成为其性别主要体建构的重要路径,选秀节目成为不同性别意识形态协商的场域。这意味着,性别平等不仅要求男性和女性的平权,更要求男、女之外的性别群体也拥有同等的权力  相似文献   

安吉拉·卡特的代表作《新夏娃的激情》既否定了父权文化下的两性关系,也不推崇母权文化激进派所向往的“安息地”,而是表达作者希望通过变性和变装的方式来说明并没有绝对的男性女性之分,生理性别、社会性别和身体都是社会建构的。本文从朱迪斯·巴特勒的性别表演角度解读《新夏娃的激情》,进一步论证性别构建、性别表演在小说中的体现。  相似文献   

社会性别与性别诗学--女性(主义)文学批评笔记之二   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会性别理论是西方女性主义学者对女性主义文学研究的重要贡献,它标志着西方女性主义学者的理论自觉。作为女性主义的核心概念,它是在20世纪90年代中期以后开始被介绍进中国来的。社会性别理论对于开阔中国女性主义批评先在的理论视野,对于20世纪80年代普遍运用的性别本质论限度的认识与反思,尤其对于中国女性文学批评的健康发展具有启示意义。  相似文献   

语言性别理论的发展经历了从早期零散的讨论到系统的两元对立论再到后期的多元性别建构论。总结出五种语言性别理论:缺陷论、支配论、差异论、社团实践论和表演论。主要阐述这些理论的主要内容和代表人物,并且试图发现这些理论之间的异同。  相似文献   

How do children reason about academic performance across development? A classic view suggests children’s intuitive theories in this domain undergo qualitative changes. According to this view, older children and adults consider both effort and skill as sources of performance (i.e., a “performance = effort + skill” theory), but younger children can only consider effort (i.e., a “performance = effort” theory). Results from two studies (N = 240 children aged 4–9) contradict the claim of theory change, suggesting instead that children as young as 4 operate with an intuitive theory of academic performance that incorporates both effort and skill as explanatory concepts. This work reveals that children’s understanding of academic performance is more continuous across development than previously assumed.  相似文献   

The world of work is changing and we must adapt how we apply human performance technology (HPT) expertise to address our 21st century challenges. This is a formidable challenge. The scholar‐practitioner model seems ideally suited to this high‐speed world by combining the ability to apply theory and rigorous processes to solve practical problems. The T4 MAP (T4) models a new action research process grounded in human and organizational development (HOD) theory. It incorporates quantitative and qualitative data and so equips scholar‐practitioners and practitioners to address workplace problems and advance theory by enabling a deeper contextual understanding of people in the organization. A T4 pilot demonstrated the ability to generate salient data that helped teams identify performance improvement opportunities and enabled participants to take accountability for implementation. It offered a basis for grounded theory and presented opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new approach to understanding peak performance and dysfunctional performance in sport, correction theory. Correction theory, based within a control theory and dynamical systems perspective, assumes that dynamic balance (a state in which a robust complex system will self-correct in response to imbalance) underwrites individual functioning. The central thesis presented in this article is that an interdependent relationship exists between peak performance and dysfunctional performance in sport. Peak performance is, in part, a (corrective) response to dysfunctional performance and vice versa. An overview of correction theory is presented, based on two propositions relating to balance. Implications of correction theory for understanding sporting performance are briefly considered.  相似文献   

Work avoidance goals have been relatively neglected in the literature with most research focusing on mastery and performance goals. The central aim of this study was to examine the structure, antecedents, and consequences of the work avoidance goal construct. Four studies were conducted. Study 1 investigated the construct validity of work avoidance, while Study 2 focused on its antecedents. Using a longitudinal panel design, Study 3 examined the impact of work avoidance—alongside mastery and performance goals—on engagement and achievement, while Study 4 explored its relationship to broader well-being outcomes. Results showed that work avoidance was distinct from mastery and performance goals. Entity theory of intelligence positively predicted work avoidance goal pursuit, while teacher and peer support buffered against it. Pursuing work avoidance goals was found to be associated with less engagement, lower grades, and greater negative affect. The impact of work avoidance on achievement and well-being outcomes seem to be more salient compared to the oft-examined mastery and performance goals. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

绩效评估研究的现状及其反思   总被引:68,自引:1,他引:68  
绩效评估的研究已有七八十年的历史 ,近十多年来 ,该领域的研究再度成为热点 ,开始出现理论整合的趋势。表现为 :( 1 )在研究方法和研究内容上的分歧已不太明显 ,出现了在现场调查中研究评估过程的新的研究方向 ;( 2 )深入探讨各种影响绩效评估的因素 ,并提出了各种绩效评估的因果模型 ;( 3)重新审视绩效的内涵 ,对绩效本身的结构进行探讨 ;( 4 )对绩效的影响因素进行整合 ,区分出决定因素和前件因素。但这一领域的研究还存在着以下问题 :以可直接观察的行为定义绩效 ,对于有些工作来说并不适合 ;当关系绩效影响个体的报酬及升迁时 ,它将不再是一种关系绩效行为 ;对组织系统及技术环境的作用仍然重视不够 ;在对个人绩效的影响因素上 ,研究还不够深入  相似文献   

绩效理论在我国教育研究中的应用日益广泛。文章利用内容分析法对1980—2007年间我国教育领域中应用绩效理论的文献进行元分析,从论文数量、绩效理论与教育研究的契合点、运用绩效理论的各理论类目、绩效理论的研究对象及其应用的组织机构等角度进行分析,以此考察绩效理论在我国教育研究中的应用情况,并在一定程度上预测其发展趋势。  相似文献   

Because the rewards of academic performance in college are often delayed, the delay-discounting model of impulsiveness (Ainslie (1975) [Ainslie, G. Specious reward: A behavioral theory of impulsiveness and impulse control. Psychological Bulletin, 82 (4), 463–496] predicts that academic performance should tend to decrease as people place less weight on future outcomes. To test this hypothesis, we estimated (hyperbolic) discount rates for real delayed monetary rewards (US$10 to US$20) using second-price auction procedures with 247 undergraduates at two liberal arts colleges. College GPA was reliably correlated with discount rates, r=−.19 (p=.003), and remained reliable after partialling out SAT scores. The results add to the external validity of the discounting model of impulsiveness, and point to a possible contributor to academic performance of interest in the study of higher education.  相似文献   

Academic underachievement is a problem for both our education system and general society. Setting personal goals has the potential to impact academic performance, as many students realize through reflection that studying is a path towards realizing important life goals. Consequently, the potential impact of a brief (4–6 h), written, and staged personal goal-setting intervention on undergraduate academic performance (earned European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System credits) was investigated. Using a time-lagged quasi-experimental design, our model was tested with two first-year university goal-setting cohorts and two control cohorts (total n = 2928). The goal-setting cohorts (n = 698 and 711) showed a 22% increase in academic performance versus the control cohorts (n = 810 and 707). This increase depended on (1) the extent of participation in the 3-stage goal-setting intervention, (2) number of words written in the exercise, and (3) the specificity of students’ goal-achievement plans (GAP). Contrary to goal-setting theory, which necessitates goal-task specificity, the results revealed that it did not matter whether the students wrote about academic or non-academic goals, or a combination of both. Rather, it appeared to be the overall process of writing about their personal goals, the specificity of their strategies for goal attainment, and the extent of their participation in the intervention that led to an increase in their academic performance. This study suggests an important modification to goal-setting theory, namely a potential contagion effect of setting life goals, an academic goal primed in the subconscious, and subsequent academic performance.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on research that aimed to provide a theoretical–practical framework to link literacy assessment practice with learning theory. An experimental study was designed with reference to three theoretical axes: ‘metacognitive awareness’ theory, ‘schema’ theory and the Vygotskian ‘zone of proximal fevelopment’. The study tested the effect of using written metacognitive awareness guidance (MCAG) as a tool for activating and engaging learners’Habits of Mind while processing authentic reading assessment tasks taken from Israeli kits of assessment tasks (Guterman, 2000). The study on 300 Grade–4 pupils used three modalities: a control group, which received no treatment; a placebo group, which received content instructions (CI); and a treatment group, which was given written MCAG. The findings confirmed that applying metacognitive awareness guidance to reading assessment tasks makes a difference in the learners’ level of performance and achievement on those tasks, and also increases learners’ chances of internalising the guidance components.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,知识型员工成为企业发展的核心要素,其需求特征表现在对薪酬福利、职业成长规划、社会尊重和自我实现、满足幸福感及企业人文关怀的需求上。基于马斯洛需要层次理论、舒尔茨人力资本理论、麦格雷戈Y理论3种激励理论,可以从物质激励、工作激励、成长激励、社会心理激励4个方面,建立适用于知识型员工的激励模式。  相似文献   

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