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This article, based on an interpretive study, examines what happens when a team of teaching fellows and their supervisor attempt to address what they have identified as a “pedagogical crisis” in a social foundations of education course. Student proclivities had resulted in extreme polarization regarding contested social issues. By using a pedagogical trope and electronic discussion boards to invite students to imagine what educating for a democracy might look like in the academy, encouraging yet disturbing engagements among students and teachers ensued. A repertoire of various texts were collected systematically during the semester, which allowed the authors to create a portrayal of the experience of reconceptualizing their pedagogy to reflect principles of deliberative and cultural democracy.  相似文献   

Symbolic violence may not be a desirable theory to apply to public schooling—its structuralist limitations render it deterministic, lacking in human agency, and unpalatable to researchers and educators who see schools as viable and productive sites of social transformation. Perhaps for these reasons, it seems little has been written about symbolic violence in schools, and what has been written tends to focus primarily on the symbolic, institutionalized violence imparted by schools and teachers upon students. In this article, I offer a shift in these perspectives. I present symbolic violence as a productive analytical tool in identifying modes of resistance to specific damaging effects of schooling institutions. I also illustrate how symbolic violence victimizes one particularly caring teacher, rendering her compliant in her own victimization, without voice to accurately name her struggles, and—because of her ethic of care—complicit in reproducing damaging institutionalizing practices. Using ethnographic data, I explore symbolic violence via one teacher's reflective, critical narratives. I draw upon the tenets of dialogicality in language to help make more visible the often intangible elements of symbolic violence. And at various points in the article, I discuss the implications of engaging an analytic that ultimately runs counter to my own epistemology, turning to Maxine Greene for insight in the struggle.  相似文献   

习俗是一种法律外的规则体系.作为人们已经习惯了的几乎熔铸在血液中的生活方式的习俗,在本质上具有刚性的一面,刚性的习俗可能会形成一个相互锁定的体系,对于法律产生重大的影响.立法应当尊重习惯,如果不尊重习俗,在法律和习俗博弈的过程中,习俗因其惯性会阻碍法律的执行,直至修改法律.  相似文献   

隆武帝与郑氏家族是隆武政权的核心。传统的史书多将隆武帝当作郑芝龙的傀儡,实际上,隆武帝是一个颇有谋略的帝王。隆武帝登基后,来自各省的财源与政治支持使他的地位日益巩固。于是他策略地利用文臣与郑芝龙的矛盾,展开了与郑氏家族的权力斗争。隆武帝北征闽北之后,郑芝龙留在福州,而其他郑氏将领被派到前线作战,藉此机会,隆武帝逐渐压倒郑芝龙成为隆武朝真正的掌权者。  相似文献   

目前,中国文学研究中存在本质主义、反本质主义、建构主义等三种不同的文艺学知识建构方式。文艺学知识建构的本质主义体现在文艺学教材、文学批评实践等方面,文艺学知识建构的反本质主义表现在重建非经典化知识、建构文艺学知识的“日常生活审美化”等方面,文艺学知识建构的建构主义指涉文艺学知识“场域”、“关系主义”等。文艺学知识建构中多元思维应该形成一种自由和谐的关系,时刻保持自身清理,凸显当代性和社会使命感,加强文艺学知识建构的批判性反思。  相似文献   

Knowledge is and will be produced in order to be sold; it is and will be consumed in order to be valorised in a new production: in both cases, the goal is exchange.(Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: a report on knowledge. , 1984, p.4)
We live in a social universe in which the formation, circulation, and utilization of knowledge presents a fundamental problem.If the accumulation of capital has been an essential feature of our society, the accumulation of knowledge has not been any less so.Now, the exercise, production, and accumulation of this knowledge cannot be dissociated from the mechanisms of power; complex relations exist which must be analysed.(Michel Foucault, Remarks on Marx: conversations with Duccio Trombadori , 1991, p.165)  相似文献   

美国总统与国会之间的战争权力之争在建国伊始就已拉开序幕,国会在争夺战中鲜有作为,而总统多主动出击,战争权不断扩张.经过两次世界大战,总统战争权急剧膨胀.而国会在一战结束后竭力限制总统战争权扩大,二战结束后却将战争权拱手相让,以至20世纪70年代总统战争权达到登峰造极的地步.  相似文献   

吉伦特派与山岳派的冲突贯穿于整个吉伦特国民公会时期。二者间的冲突起始于建立共和国的道路问题,以后在战争问题、联邦主义问题、如何处置国王以及对待下层群众运动的态度等等问题上愈演愈烈。这场冲突的实质既非阶级斗争,亦非对抗性的原则分歧,而在很大程度上是两个政治派别间的权势之争。它给革命带来了明显的消极影响,成为内耗式党争的肇端。  相似文献   

发展经济学作为西方经济学体系中一门综合性、边缘性的分支学科,主要以发展中国家的经济发展问题为研究对象。本阐述了发展理论中最主要的结构主义和新古典主义的基本思想和主要理论,分析了两的看法,政策的不同,并对两的现状发展作了简述。  相似文献   

资本主义主导下的经济全球化的实质决定了社会主义意识形态和资本主义意识形态之间斗争的必然性,经济全球化的新发展同时又决定了两种意识形态之间斗争的复杂性。面对经济全球化的形势,社会主义国家采取相应的策略应对两种意识形态之间斗争的变化。  相似文献   

Accelerating global flows of people and information have formed new communities and networks across social and political borders. Higher education is one such globalised knowledge community in which new patterns of knowledge, accreditation, research alliances, and social and professional relationships are emerging. In this paper I outline the push–pull dynamics of globalisation in higher education: the co-constitutive nature of local and global interests and educational formations; disjunctive flows of capital, information, people, and knowledge; and the new politics of knowledge capital as they affect academic research and the public archive of scholarly publishing and university libraries. I close with reflections on the differential consequences of globalisation on: the role of the nation state in higher education provision and reform; the role of education in nation building and national identity politics; and the governability of a global eduscape.  相似文献   

论中国大学的行政权力与学术权力之争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组织庞大和积极参与社会意识是现代大学较为突出的两大特点,由此带来大学内部和外部权力之间的相互交织和渗透,形成一个错综复杂的权力矩阵。在这一权力网络中,大学学术和行政等诸种权力的相互制衡,是现代大学制度具有普遍意义的特征。学术与行政之间日益紧张的关系使得"去行政化"、"取消行政级别"等成了当代中国大学标志性话语。这些语汇只不过是中国大学对大学官僚化不满的一种学术诉求,是对大学学术资源重新进行优化组合以保持大学持久生命力从而还原大学本真的一种希望表达。建立中国现代大学制度,厘清大学相对于国家、社会和市场的独立自主地位,依法划分大学党委、行政、教授、工会和学生等五大主体的权力边界,实行法人治理,是中国大学走出权力之争永葆创新活力和发展动力的必由之路。  相似文献   

儿童与知识——一个值得反思的幼儿园教学哲学问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
儿童与知识的关系是幼儿园教学需要思考的一个哲学问题。儿童与知识之间本是一种原生态的和谐关系,幼儿园教学的知识应当是有意义的知识、行动性的知识和经验化的知识。知识与儿童的分离只会割断儿童对知识意义的追问,剥夺儿童对知识的情感体验,使儿童丧失思考的能力与探究、质疑的求知精神。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国关于证券虚假陈述的民事责任性质可谓众说纷纭,对于虚假陈述的诉讼救济更是无从下手.要明晰证券虚假陈述的民事责任的性质应当先明晰证券虚假陈述的主要特征、主要类型.通过对证券虚假陈述民事责任性质的学说比较分析,把证券虚假陈述的民事责任性质界定为侵权责任.既然证券虚假陈述民事责任属于侵权责任,其责任构成要件应当包括违法行为、损害事实、因果关系与过错.实体法只规定权利,权利救济是程序法的职能,要实现虚假陈述民事责任的追究有必要对证券虚假陈述的诉讼救济进行探讨.  相似文献   

董迎春的诗歌当中充满着对故乡的爱恋,这是他的梦境;也充满着对世俗的愤懑,这是他的醉境。不过他的诗歌梦境与醉境并没有截然分开,他的情绪总是在梦境与醉境之间挣扎。  相似文献   

维拉是澳大利亚小说家伊丽莎白·乔莉三部曲中的叙述者兼主人公.三部曲包括<父亲的月亮>、<陋屋热>和<乔治家的妻子>.她的故事充满忧伤失去了父亲之后,她陷入了危机,成了悲伤的拥有者,尽管她努力想寻找自己的身分,但最终却是以失败告终.文章通过分析维拉坎坷的生活后指出,在资本主义社会中,贫困者不可能找到自己的身分.  相似文献   

鸦片战争之后 ,西方文化挟船坚炮利而来。在顽固派的诘难下“中体西用”论孕育而生 ,然而随着“西用”范围的扩大 ,冲破“中体”之限全面改造社会的思潮已势不可挡。胡适正是站在这个文化革新的前列 ,他以“重新评估一切价值”的勇气试图“再造文明”。胡适的文化思想内容丰富 ,集中体现在文明———文化的整体观、文化的进化观与文化的惰性论、文化心态与文化改造的途径等方面  相似文献   

论图书馆隐性知识和显性知识的互动关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阐述了隐性知识和显性知识的涵义,探讨了隐性知识和显性知识互动模式及知识流程。互动模式为:从隐性知识到隐性知识;从隐性知识到显性知识;从显性知识到显性知识;从显性知识到隐性知识。  相似文献   

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