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This study examined the relationships among academic, sociometric, and personality variables of 242 children who were selected by their teachers as having behavior problems, learning problems, learning and behavior problems, or no problems. The results were generally supportive of teachers' ability to distinguish between children with problems and children without problems. Children without problems and those with behavior problems only were more similar than different. Children with learning problems and those with learning and behavior problems were also more similar than different, yet differed significantly from children with no problems and those with behavior problems only. The unique characteristics of each group were identified and contrasted.  相似文献   

This study compared how selected mathematics textbooks from Mainland China and the United States at the lower secondary grade level represent various types of problems for classroom teaching and learning. The examination of problems was carried out based on the classifications of problem types established in the study, including routine problems versus non-routine problems, open-ended problems versus close-ended problems, traditional problems versus non-traditional problems, and application problems versus non-application problems, among others. Both the similarities and differences in the representation of problems in the selected textbooks were analyzed. The results were used to explore the possible influences of those textbooks on students’ different performances in mathematics, as revealed in cross-national comparisons. Discussions about how to improve the representation of problems in mathematics textbooks were provided at the end of the study.  相似文献   

解决良构问题与非良构问题的研究综述   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
学校情境下的问题大部分是良构问题,而现实生活中面临的问题大多是非良构问题。解决良构问题的程序是激活图式表征问题,搜寻解决方案和执行解决方案。结构性知识与具体领域的知识是解决良构问题的主要成分。解决非良构问题的过程包括了解问题的陈述,确定问题是否存在,确定问题的本质,澄清问题产生的原因,识别与澄清不同的看法,生成与选择可能的解决方案,评估与实施解决方案。认知的调节、认知观和情感态度等非认知因素均是解决非良构问题的关键因素。总之,在问题本质、问题解决过程和问题解决成分三个方面,良构问题与非良构问题存在看较大的差异。  相似文献   

教育管理学的研究对象及其分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄崴 《教育研究》2005,26(7):25-28,43
教育管理学的研究对象是教育管理问题或成为问题的教育管理现象。根据教育管理问题的性质,可从不同的角度把教育管理研究的问题分为事实问题与价值问题、经验问题与概念问题、常规问题与革命问题。所有这些问题必须是真问题,而不是假问题。  相似文献   

基于极大模糊熵原理的模糊推理三Ⅰ约束算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
给出了FMP,FMT问题的模糊熵三Ⅰ约束原则,讨论了FMP,FMT问题的模糊熵三Ⅰ约束解的存在性条件,分别给出了几个常见蕴涵算子的FMP问题与FMT问题的模糊熵三Ⅰ约束算法的计算公式,进一步将问题一般化;给出了FMP问题与FMT问题的模糊熵α-三Ⅰ约束解的存在性条件,并得到了基于这些蕴涵算子的模糊熵α-三Ⅰ约束算法相应的计算公式。  相似文献   

通过对233名彝族农村小学4~6年级学生进行数学问题解决观念问卷的抽样调查,结果发现:学生数学问题解决观念归为数学问题、常规和非常规数学问题解决、数学问题解决动机和数学问题解决能力五方面的自我认识和看法;凉山彝族农村4~6年级学生数学问题解决观念总体上不理想,在数学教学中应给予充分重视;民族和性别因素在方差分析中主效应明显,可能与彝族学生思维方式、语言习惯等文化背景差异及当地小学数学教学现状有关;数学问题、常规和非常规数学问题解决、数学问题解决动机等观念显著影响数学问题解决观念。  相似文献   

职校学生的问题行为突出,主要归纳为学习问题行为、交往问题行为、生活问题行为三个方面。这些问题的解决要突破以往不关注学生自身需求的解决方法,要求教师在处理学生的问题行为时,应更多的关注理解学生的需求,以真正解决学生的问题。  相似文献   

语言交际是一个表达与理解的过程,在听、说、读、写四项语言基本技能中,听的技能是交流的基础。探讨了英语听力学习中存在的问题:语音、词汇、语法,以及文化背景等方面的问题,并就这些问题提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

在我国存在着这样一个弱势群体——农村留守儿童。农村留守儿童问题已成为亟待解决的社会问题。通过对农村留守儿童存在的背景、现状分析,研究解决农村留守儿童问题,具有非常重要的现实意义。农村留守儿童存在心理问题、品行问题、安全问题、学习问题和生活问题等诸多问题。这些问题产生的原因包括社会因素、政府因素、家庭因素和学校因素等,从家庭、学校、政府、社会4个层面提出解决农村留守儿童问题的对策和建议,以期对农村留守儿童问题的解决提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

本文涉及了变分不等式以及各项应用,给出了其一些性质的讨论,还有用变分法解决一些最小值问题的思想,比如火箭最优控制问题。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the knowledge exhibited by 30 elementary school in-service and pre-service teachers in solving non-routine mathematical problems and on their beliefs regarding these kinds of problems. Interviews were used to reveal teachers' knowledge and beliefs. The findings indicated that these teachers had difficulty in solving non-routine problems and that their ability to solve these problems was influenced by their professional backgrounds. Most of the teachers, although failing to solve the given problems, expressed their willingness to give such problems to their students in class, explaining that such problems are important for students to learn how to solve as they help develop mathematical thinking and the skill of solving problems in everyday life. However, the teachers were unwilling to include such problems in examinations.  相似文献   

对我国教师在职培训现存问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国教师在职培训存在的问题:一是由原有一元双轨的体制带来的,有显现于外的诸如与职前教育办学层次水平的倒挂等问题,更有不易于外显和引起人们重视的,职前思维定势的问题;二是在改革及体制转换中出现的,即由于职前思维定势的影响,以及历史原因造成的职后培训理论及实践模式的空白,使之教师教育调整中出现职后教育的被弱化状况。这两大方面的问题,是我国教师教育改革必须要走出的误区之所在。  相似文献   

Recently, the importance of an everyday context in physics learning, teaching, and problem‐solving has been emphasized. However, do students or physics educators really want to learn or teach physics problem‐solving in an everyday context? Are there not any obstructive factors to be considered in solving the everyday context physics problems? To obtain the answer to these questions, 93 high school students, 36 physics teachers, and nine university physics educators participated in this study. Using two types of physics problems—everyday contextual problems (E‐problems) and decontextualized problems (D‐problems)—it was found that even though there was no difference in the actual performance between E‐problems and D‐problems, subjects predicted that E‐problems were more difficult to solve. Subjects preferred E‐problems on a school physics test because they thought E‐problems were better problems. Based on the observations of students' problem‐solving processes and interviews with them, six factors were identified that could impede the successful solution of E‐problems. We also found that many physics teachers agreed that students should be able to cope with those factors; however, teachers' perceptions regarding the need for teaching those factors were low. Therefore, we suggested teacher reform through in‐service training courses to enhance skills for teaching problem‐solving in an everyday context.  相似文献   

This study examines the relative role of parent-child relationships, family stress, and disease factors in predicting behavior problems in children with epilepsy. It extends existing literature on parent-child relationships and behavior problems by examining children with biological risk. Child-mother interaction was observed for 51 children with epilepsy ages 7–13 years and related to teacher- and parent-reported behavior problems. Child's self-reliance correlated with parent-reported problems; expression of affect related to teacher-reported externalizing problems. A child self-reliance factor accounted for behavior problems after partialing age, gender, IQ, epilepsy variables, and family stress. The term child gender × quality of mother-child interaction predicted teacher-reported externalizing problems, with mother-child interaction correlated with behavior problems for boys. Child-parent relationships predict the development of behavior problems over and above the influence of disease-related factors, even for children at considerable biological risk.  相似文献   

全球问题是20世纪具有全球普遍性和危害深刻性并且决定人类共同命运而又只有经过全人类的共同努力才能解决的问题,全球问题分为3大类:自然环境问题、社会问题、人自身的问题。其形成的思想根源包括3个方面,与自然环境问题形成有关的是人类中心主义、科学主义、经济主义;与社会问题形成有关的是个人主义、国家主义、民族主义;与人自身问题有关的是享乐主义。每一种思想都与全球问题的每一方面有关联。这些思想都可以在主体性哲学中得到说明,在主体性哲学的指导下,这些思想形成一个相互联系、相互作用的有机整体。  相似文献   

This study explored whether early elementary school aged children’s externalizing problems impede academic functioning and foster negative social experiences such as peer victimization, thereby making these children vulnerable for developing internalizing problems and possibly increasing their externalizing problems. It also explored whether early internalizing problems contributed to an increase in externalizing problems. The study examined 1,558 Canadian children from ages 6 to 8 years. Externalizing and internalizing problems, peer victimization, and school achievement were assessed annually. Externalizing problems lead to academic underachievement and experiences of peer victimization. Academic underachievement and peer victimization, in turn, predicted increases in internalizing problems and in externalizing problems. These pathways applied equally to boys and girls. No links from internalizing to externalizing problems were found.  相似文献   

Emotional/behavioral problems of 238 deaf Dutch children ages 4-18 years were studied. Parental reports indicated that 41% had emotional/behavioral problems, a rate nearly 2.6 times higher than the 16% reported by parents of a Dutch normative sample. Mental health problems seemed most prevalent in families with poor parent-child communication. Deaf children ages 12-18 showed more problems with anxiety and depression and more social problems than those ages 4-11. Deaf children with relatively low intelligence showed more social problems, thought problems, and attention problems than those with relatively high intelligence. The authors stress the need to get information on deaf children's mental health functioning not just from parents but from other informants such as teachers and the children themselves. An expansion assessment of deaf children, and of special services and treatments for deaf children and adolescents with emotional/behavioral problems, is recommended.  相似文献   

经过30余年的发展,我国高等职业教育取得了长足进步。然而,高职院校发展仍面临结构问题、招考问题以及投入问题等体制性问题和涉及课程设置、教学方法等方面的操作性问题,这些问题导致学校与地方经济发展契合度不高,影响了学校的可持续发展。高职院校应紧密关注所在地区的实际需求,从专业结构、课程设置、服务方式、校际合作等方面进行改革,从而转型为密切联系社会的社区学院。  相似文献   

A meta‐analysis examined the relations between children’s adjustment and children’s cognitive, affective, behavioral, and physiological responses to interparental conflict. Studies included children between 5 and 19 years of age. Moderate effect sizes were found for the associations between cognitions and internalizing and externalizing behavior problems and self‐esteem problems, negative affect and behavioral responses and internalizing behavior problems, and behavioral responses and self‐esteem problems. Small to moderate effect sizes were found for the associations between cognitions and relational problems, negative affect and behavioral responses and externalizing behavior problems, and physiological reactions and internalizing and externalizing behavior problems. Effect sizes were, with 1 exception, larger for internalizing than for externalizing behavior problems. Age significantly moderated the majority of effect sizes.  相似文献   

Two questions were investigated. First, are children with reading problems in first grade more likely to experience behavior problems in third grade? Second, are children with behavior problems in first grade more likely to experience reading problems in third grade? The authors explored both questions by using multilevel logistic regression modeling to analyze data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Kindergarten Class (ECLS-K). After statistically controlling for a wide range of potential confounds, they found that children with reading problems in first grade were significantly more likely to display poor task engagement, poor self-control, externalizing behavior problems, and internalizing behavior problems in third grade. They also found that children displaying poor task engagement in first grade were more likely to experience reading problems in third grade. Collectively, these findings suggest that the most effective types of interventions are likely to be those that target problems with reading and task-focused behaviors simultaneously.  相似文献   

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