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"真理的价格":本杰明·富兰克林与美国新闻事业传统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
印刷商本杰明·富兰克林的平步青云,既是个人奋斗的结果,也有权贵荫庇的成分.他在个人利益和社会利益之间保持微妙的平衡并实现了双赢,但是这种经验具有不可复制性.通过对<宾夕法尼亚公报>的细致分析,可以领会富兰克林新闻实践中功利而务实的风格.在20世纪,无论是自由主义还是共和主义,都有美化和剪裁富兰克林新闻思想的倾向.本文试图还原富兰克林的历史复杂性,重新思考作为美国新闻业基因的"真理的价格"理念.  相似文献   

This essay reconstitutes Benjamin Franklin's characteristic political style as a particular inflection of liberal irony, arguing for a way of speaking today that checks arrogance with humility and attempting to unlock the psychosocial economy of political enjoyment implicit in this rhetoric. To do so, the essay traverses four bodies of discourse (including recent political thinking about civic character, Franklin's oratory in 1787 at the constitutional convention, passages from his letters, and an excerpt from his autobiography) in order to extract strategies for managing situations in which democracy becomes prone to the enjoyments of terror and tyranny.  相似文献   

王韬与富兰克林的报刊活动,首先基于谋生获利的需要,因此,他们的报刊实践有其商业逻辑。但由于不同的社会场域,王韬办报有其干预政治的现实考量,富兰克林则力图在商业与政治之间保持微妙的平衡,这也是中美早期新闻业的基本写照。以此为出发点,本文试图从源头上分析,中国的新闻业缘何素来与政治亦步亦趋,而美国的新闻传统虽然诸多反复,但商业化作为一个基本的线索始终存在。  相似文献   

阐述了循证医学的定义、核心思想、实践的基本过程和临床开展循证医学的意义,论述了在医学院校图书馆开展循证医学信息服务的必要性。同时,探讨了医学院校图书馆员应具备的素质,并提出了医学院校图书馆开展循证医学服务的创新举措。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(73):361-372

For academic librarians with faculty status, service to the profession often forms part of the requirements for promotion and tenure. Considering the concept of professional service raises questions as to what specific activities qualify; what is their weight, both within the service requirement and also as compared with other requirements, such as research and publication; and how are service activities best documented. Examination of ARL Standards and selected promotion and tenure documents revealed inconsistencies between institutions and great flexibility in interpretation by most.  相似文献   

Seven clusters of headings on three levels of generalization, listed in Library of Congress Subject Headings, 9th edition, representing types of concepts pertaining to the study of society, society itself, and its various types of social units, are analyzed for their hierarchical relationships. Eighty-three headings in the clusters Sociology and Family are found to be overrelated, while 112 headings are underrelated in Social structure. Community, Social institutions. Age groups and social classes. Suggestions are offered for restructuring some hierarchical relationships, and the need for the development of a comprehensive code for establishing headings is emphasized.  相似文献   

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library was the first of the American Presidential Libraries. Conceived and designed by President Roosevelt, the Library and Museum have provided scholastic support for thousands of researchers, new and innovative educational opportunities for students, and interesting and informative exhibits for hundreds of thousands of visitors. The Library continues to lead the way in historical research with the creation of a chronology of FDR's life in a database format available through Internet. The Chronology will eventually be the backbone of a worldwide index to scholarly materials on the Roosevelt period. As the Library celebrates 60 years in 1999, it will be on the cutting edge of the technology and communication breakthroughs in the field of historical research.  相似文献   


Librarians often are responsible for instructing their patrons in the use of various databases and popular software packages. When this instruction can't be provided through face-to-face contact, Web-based tutorials can be useful tools to bridge the information gap. This article recommends Web-based tutorials for PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, PowerPoint, and FrontPage.  相似文献   

The author has been a free-lance writer for a little more than two years. During that time, she has pursued the profession of writing first on a part-time, then on a full-time basis. Aside from allowing the author to exercise a strong need to be creative, the career of writing also entails a great deal of hard work, frustration, dogged research, revising and rewriting, and waiting to see if what has been created will be accepted or rejected. The dedicated free-lancer must be willing to shake off the negative effects of rejection and keep on writing in order to reach the ultimate goals: acceptance, payment, and publication.  相似文献   

王媛 《图书情报工作》2003,47(5):20-25,58
王重民先生(1903-1975年),著名的目录学家、敦煌学家、图书馆学教育家,他一生笔耕不辍,著作等身。借着整理王先生遗稿的契机,笔者对刘修业先生所编的《王重民教授著述目录》加以补遗,使读者得以窥视王重民先生一生著述的全貌。  相似文献   

高等医学院校图书馆在循证医学实践中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了高等医学院校图书馆在循证医学实践中应起到特有的重要作用,探讨了发挥该作用的途径和方式。  相似文献   

图书馆馆员的职业承诺及职业情感初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对职业承诺和职业情感的阐述,论述了在图书馆工作中职业承诺及职业情感对图书馆产生的工作效能。  相似文献   

Recognizing the utility of a regional medical library system in improving the availability of existing and future medical library resources in the country, the Congress included provisions for the support of such a system in the Medical Library Assistance Act. Grants will be made to major medical libraries which have the potential to provide supportive services to other libraries within a geographic area encompassing a major fraction of the nation's health professional manpower. Approximately ten of these regional libraries will receive these grants. Support for the system and consequently the extension of the services of the system will of necessity by implemented in a stepwise fashion. The central function of a regional medical library is to provide back-stopping interlibrary loan service and also to provide access to MEDLARS services for the region. Additional services for the region will include traditional reference service, training, surveillance of regional needs, announcement services, support for programs of continuing education for the health professions, and certain central technical processing for the region.  相似文献   

This article elaborates on the opportunities and challenges that evidence-based medicine (EBM) has posed to the development of medical libraries and summarizes the research in the field of evidence-based medicine and achievements of EBM practice in Chinese medical libraries. Issues such as building collections of information resources, transformation of information services models, human resources management, and training of medical librarians, clinicians, and EBM users are addressed. In view of problems encountered in EBM research and practice, several suggestions are made about important roles medical libraries can play in the future development of EBM in China.  相似文献   

论美国图书馆学教育对职业的贡献   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘笔耘 《图书与情报》2006,(4):49-52,80
本文从美国图书馆学教育为实践输送人才的状况、教育被实践认可的状况以及教育对图书馆学知识创新的贡献三个方面考察了美国图书馆学教育对图书馆职业的贡献。研究发现,美国图书馆学通过人才输送、知识创新为整个图书馆职业的发展发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

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